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January 08, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-08

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Page Six


Ihursduyf January S, 191

Page Six THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January 8, 19

f 7


spurs arms race

thor of the following article is
a former research director of
the Arms Control and Disarma-
ment Agency.)
last summer the Pentagon told
Congressional critics that MIRV-
the multiple warhead missile -
would not heat up the arms race.
Said John S. Foster Jr., the De-
fense Department's research chief,
"The U.S. MIRV must be consid-
ered a stabilizing influence, since
it preserves our deterrent while
not threatening theirs."
Despite these statements, how-
ever, the Air Force and the Navy
now have programs underway
which will convert the MIRV into
an immediate threat to the So-
viets, forcing them to further ex-
pand their missile force to pro-
tect their deterrent capacity.
In the MIRV project, the one
large warhead on e a c h of our
ICBM's is being replaced by three
to ten smaller warheads, e a c h
capable of being directed at a sep-
arate target.
The Pentagon says our missiles
are not accurate enough for a suc-
cessful attack on Russian missile
sites with these smaller warheads,
but it is hard at work on several
programs which will make such
a successful attack possible.
The Defense Department this
year requested an additional $12.4
nillion to improve the accuracy of
the Poseidon, the Navy's MIRV-
carrying missile. According to
Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird
this will "enhance its effective-
ness against hard targets," that is,
to attack underground sites.
This program will lead to the

situation forecast two years ago
in a Pentagon press release,
which said "each MIRV warhead
.. will be far better suited for
destruction of hardened enemy
missile sites t h a n any existing
missile warheads."
The Air Force is carrying on an;
extensive program to provide
MIRV with a substantially greater
accuracy to home in directly on
Russian missile sites. This effort
is carried on under the Advanced
Ballistic Re-entry Systems (ABR-
ES) program.
The Pentagon says ABRES is
needed to penetrate any ABM sys-
tems the Russians might deploy.
However, the new techniques will
be especially well suited to attack
missile sites.
Programs to improve the accur-
acy of existing guidance systems
are also continuing and are heav-
ily funded. An important com-
ponent of the Air Force's advanc-
ed ICBM program involves the de-
velopment of new, high-accuracy
guidance systems. The SABRE
system, originally developed by
the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology for maneuverable re-
entry vehicles, is being upgraded
in the $5 million SABRE-2 pro-
MIT Prof. C. Stark Draper, who
heads this program, believes that
accuracies in the neighborhood of
50-100 feet can eventually be ach-
ieved, and such high accuracies
would render silo-based missiles
totally vulnerable to destruction.
Defense officials have admitted
in public testimony that the orig-
inal reason for developing MIRV
was to increase the number of
targets which a single missile
could attack.
When former Secretary of De-

fense McNamara cut b a c k the
Minuteman force, from 1700 mis-
siles recommended by the A i r
Force to the eventual 1000, the Air
Force found itself with more sites
on its target list than could be
attacked with the available mis-
siles. A natural response was to
increase the number of targets
each missile could hit.
Since that time the Air Force
has never wavered in its inten-
tion to use the multiple-warhead
missile to achieve its long-sought

first-strike capability against the
Navy officials privately admit
that the Poseiden missile is a
first-strike weapon.
A year ago the Air Force class-
ified all information on these
programs. Information on Navy
programs is equally hard to come
by. Like the original MIRV pro-
gram, this next stage in missile
development will be well under-
way before the public and Con-
gress are fully aware of it.

B Zen Yoga, Tarot
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This new store carries more trade (non-text) books
than any other in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area.
Unusual 1970 calendars, thousands of paperbacks,
lots of them used, some hardbacks.
Mon.-Thurs.-9-9; Fri.--9-6; Sat.-12:5:30
We think we're interesting-
We hope you will.

TA ?2 ivJJ ~uO Yu8 JUJ
3SVDTa a NAa



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication" of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRXTTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A Bldg., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Peneral
Notices may be published 'a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices a r e
not accepted for publication. F o r
more information, phone 764-9270.
JANUARY 8 1970
Day Calendar'
College of Engineering Faraday Lec-
ture: Three part lecture demonstration
on water, air, and noise pollution and
their control: Chrysler Center Aud., 8
Cinema Guild: Marlon Brando and
Anthony Quinn in viva Zapata: Arch.
Aud., 7 and 9:05 p.m. \

General Notices
The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-
land. Exchange scholarship for a U-M
grad. Fees, boardand lodging for the
academic year 1970-71. Grad School to
partially defray travel cost. Study may
be carried on in any academic disci-
pline offered at Queen's. Further in-
formation and application forms avail-
able at 1014 Rackham Bldg. Deadline,
January 15, 1970.
Usher Sign Up for Play of the
Month Series Jan. 8 and 9 at Hill
Aud., 3-5 p.m.
Computing Center short course on
Projectaccount, the program w h i c h
permits instructors and projectdirectors
to distribute money, file space, etc. to
the., individual signon ID's for their
class or project. Introductory know-
ledge of MTS assumed. Course held
4:10 to 5 p.m., Jan. 9, 1970, 1011 (Sem-
inar Room) of Computing Center. Con-
tact F. Engle, 116 N. University Bldg.,
Reps. from Univ. of Connecticut Law
(Continued on Page 7)




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Dear Landi
Things have been pretty quiet so for this year. Although
we see you regularly in court, you probably haven't had the
chance to learn about our other activities. Here are some of
the things we've been up to and some things you can expect
in the future.
Our initial success not only surprised you, but attracted
the attention of journalists, businessmen, and students across
f the country. These students used us and our experience to
begin their own organizations. Besides correspondence with
over fifty student groups, we have consulted personally with
people from Madison, Berkeley, Cambridge, and Boulder, all
of whom are carrying out their own plans now.'
Students are a captive market in many towns and ten-
ants unions are becoming a commonplace response to land-
lord exploitation. Students' problems are temporary; poor
people, however, cannot escape. We recently joined the Na-
tional Tenants Organization (NTO), which represents more
than seventy organizations of poor tenants. Ann Arbor will
be the site of a conference, February 20-22, to discuss student
housing problems and the possibility of organizing a student
wing/in NTO.
Last spring, you became so frightened that you initiated
a suit charging us with conspiracy. You demanded that we
stop organizing and asked for large damages (though you
claimed elsewhere that you weren't affected by. the strike).
We felt that the suit was important as a test case. Our victory
will allow other tenants' organizations in Michigan to be free
of the threat of such 'conspiracy' suits.


the time a complaint is registered with the city and the time
court action is taken on it is 609 days. This really brought
home to us the fact that complaints of tenants are generally
ignored. We deserve better service than that. The new code
provisions will make it a CRIMINAL act for a landlord to
neglect repairs that endanger the health and safety of the
tenants. That makes many of you criminals.
Given the numbers of strikers in the union presently
and our potential for a much increased membership, we feel
the need for a strong internal structure. Our constitution pro-
vides for an elected representative body, which was formed
in the Fall of 1969, to determine the direction and goals of
the union. The body now consists of fifty representatives and
alternates. In the coming year, they will be organizing col-
lective action by tenants as well as recruiting new members.
Your tenants will be making renewed appeals for recognition
of the union, and watching for your response.
Remember that not only the strikers, but the whole com-
munity is watching you. We have been endorsed by such
diverse groups as the UAW, Ann Arbor Democratic Party,
Student Government Council, Radical Caucus, and the Busi-
ness Administration Student Council, and Panhel.
In spite of our accomplishments, we haven't by any
means reached our goal. It seems that many tenants have
hd trouble striking this year because they are improssed with
your friendly style and your improved maintenance. (In fact,
the maintenance business has been so good this year that the
owner of the largest maintenance company in this area sug-
gested to us that we start a rent strike in Ypsilanti so he could
open a branch office of his company there.) Last year you
were gruff and aggressive in dealing with tenants; this year
you've become for more sophisticated.
In spite of your improved maintenance and services in

ten court cases, tried by juries of Ann Arbor citizens, have
resulted in reductions.
Many of ytU have not been struck yet (since we have
had to focus our organizing efforts to some extent). The
University-Ann Arbor's largest landlord-is now experi-
encing discontent among its tenants. (Dormitory students are
increasingly disturbed about the high rents they already pay,
and are even more upset over the projected increases.) There
is a growing conviction among University-housed students
that their rooms are not worth the money they pay. In Baits,
450 students signed a petition of protest, and West Quad is
taking a similar action. Even Fraternities are beginning to
have second thoughts about their living conditions; It is clear
that rents charged by the U are comparative but NOT COM-
PETITIVE with the private rents.
Beyond the University, large numbers of tenants in the
big housing developments, like Maiden Lane, are profoundly
dissatisfied with their conditions, but they are so for too
frightened and disorganized to do anything about it. (Typical
provisions in the four-page Maiden Lane lease state that "A
minimum fee of $50.00 shall be deducted from security
deposit for cleaning and re-renting apartment, upon vacating
of premises." This applies to all tenants, even if they do no
damage at all.)
It's clear that any improvements that you have made are
due to the Union efforts, and that the only guarantee against
future exploitation lies in the power of a Union which can
negotiate binding contracts.
Happy New Year


We have initiated a counter-suit against you charging
you with price-fixing and collusion. We have brought this suit
as a class action, on behalf of all tenants who have been af-
fected by these violations of anti-trust laws. Thus far, the
case has never reached trial because, as soon as you were
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