y, April 18, 9/U THE MICHIGAN DAILY tegents set new conduct rules Page Fivi t . NF I versity "member or guest" and fil- ed with the dean of the student's school or college. The charges are then passed along to the Uni- versity Attorney, who acts as a sort of prosecuting attorney, and an outside hearing officer is chos- en. The hearing officer is empower- ed to limit the number of wit- nesses "to avoid dilatory tac- ties," to limit the size of the +audience and to eject anyone, in- cluding the defendant, if he con- ducts himself "in a manner dis- ruptive of the hearing." The defendant is given the right to counsel of his choice, to examination of adverse wit- esses and to the introduction of evidence and. witnesses in h i s own behalf. If the defendant fails to appear after being duly noti- fied, the hearing proceeds with- out him. Sanctions, to be imposed by the warning to expulsion, and may hearing officer, range from a warning to expulsion, and may include fines for property dam- age. Central Student Judiciary mem- ber Michael Davis, one of the prime authors of the proposed Re- gents bylaws, was highly critical! hof .the way the hearing officer procedure "takes the whole thing right out of the University." "With all deference to Fleming," Davis said, "I'm not sure that officers appointed by him are the fairest way to try a case." Davis later expressed concern that a lhearinig officer from outside the University might not fully under- action to this in the University explained his own advocacy of community," Mrs. Newell said. "sitting down, talking, making "I'm not going to apologize for compromises." these," Lindemer reported. "I'm "But after this I'm fed up. I'm proud of these rules. They're not I-mjttina" Farelvsidil rin- to the SACUA members, he add- ed. "If you don't take a stand, the Regents will take your sil- ence as assent." "Td' t hin kfhaaonflft ,41U1 r alC1al 11 113i 1QonL tn n tt eents lent regressive rules, but progressive ping up his copy of the disciplinary the meeting today thinking we ones." rules. Farrell then left the room. supported their action," Payne Yesterday's afternoon's session Rising half out of his seat, Re- said. was marked by sharp exchanges gent Robert Brown (R-Kalama- Before the meeting with SGC, between Regents and students. "I zoo) shouted after Farrell, "y o u some SACUA members met and don't want to talk very long be- were involved in the bookstore talked with Fleming. SACUA cause I might become uncivil and trouble last fall. I'm glad you're members were reportedly highly I don't want to do that," SGC leaving." critical of the Regents' action. President Marty Scott said. "You can blame the, Regents LSA student government last "We have been trying to move if you like and I think that might night issued a statement saying to open up communications and be well-placed," said Regent Paul we "reject and condemn" the Re- show good faith by appointing Goebel (R-Grand Rapids,. "We've gents action. They blasted Flem- members to University Council done everything we can in this ing and the Regents for taking and the Committee on Communi- paper to keep law and order on "this unwarranted and unjustified cations," Scott said. SOC had pre- the campus. action" without consulting stu- viously refused to make those ap- Payne replied, "It's not as sim- dents or faculty. pointments to the new University ple as passing rules and penalties. "No student will be granted any bodies until the Regents passed You should do things in such a semblence of due process by the the bylaw sections dealing with way that you don't bring three or procedures set forth in their re- the proposed office of Student four thousand students into a solution," the statement said. Services,.. small disruption., And this is de- "We urge both the students and "In the context of this is the pendent on the good will of the the faculty to raise their voices action which you took this morn- community." ' against this latest action taken ing which we view as a slap in the After several people had voiced by the Regents, in order to es- face," Scott said. their disappointment with the tablish a reasonable judicial sys- Prof. Joseph Payne, chairman Regents' action, Lindemer said, tem within the University." of SACUA, also expressed dismay "Perhaps we're going to have to Last night Fleming indicated a over the absence of student-fac- make some amendments in May. deadline for the interim rules was ulty input. If you expect a cor- So look at these. Make some con- a possibility, if the mechanism to munity to function by a set of structive suggestions and I'm sure find a new judiciary system could rules, it behooves you to involve every member of this board will be put in operation. the people governed by those react favorably." The Regents action was the rules," he said. Scott replied that in view of latest event in a long struggle to sion from or d i rsh what the Regents had already come up with a judiciary system sin froms your discussions that done in bypassing faculty and for the University. Taking the two these rules weren't as temporary students "What indication do we year study of the so-called "Hat- as they might appear," Payne said. have that you will react favor- cher Commission" report on the what the Regents intended in ably to any constructive sugges- role of students in University de- making the rules tions?" cision-making, an ad hoc student- "hir i n ct ;IAfter their meeting with the faculty group drew up a bylaw i i t I I 1 S . " l h _ 1' F : ', r .. r -4 .J 1. t< t-t 11wriI1nature is clear in stand the' implications of imposing the document," Fleming said Regents, SGC and SACUA mem- a certain punishment. SGC finally ended its part in hers met together and discussed "Expulsion might not seem too' the meeting by suddenly storming thin severe to him and he would just out after failing to convince the "Once the Regents set the pre- let the student go, not fully real- Regents that they had made a cedent of pagen motions with- izing what he was doing," he said. serious error in circumventing out faculty or student consent. At the morning session, acting student and faculty opinion. The t wil o i t Comem- Vice President for Student Affairs meeting continued for about 20 they will do again," SGC mem- Barbara Newell expressed concern minutes more, as the Regents and -- b s wand k that there had been no student Payne talked before finally ad- n rtici siin in the de tiin itnl d ~ri draft. They submittpd it last summer., including in it a section on stu- dent judiciaries. Under that draft CSJ would have jurisdiction over all cases of student violations of University Council tUC) rules, set by the tri-partite body for the en- tire University community. m pat reAwnriue aclsron anG said it was important to explain the temporary nature of the rules to students. A "I'm concerned about the re-I DAILY OFFICIAL UI- I LETIN Kigde .°:":.' V:Nii '?,r 'itE> f ,r i: /? : SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Day Calendar r Michigan Art Education Association CgnL.: "Visual Environment", Gerald Crane, Keynote: Address, North Cam- us Commons, 9:30 a.m. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: "Pi- rates of Penzance," Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. Baseball: U-M vs. Notre Dame: Ferry Field, 3:30 p.m. Accepting Applications for RESIDENT DIRECTOR We're Looking for Man with Organizational ability, creativity, and interest in dormitory life. Wenley House -1 WEST QUAD CALL 764-2799 Student air fares to Europe start at '120 Icelsndic has the greatest . travel bgrgain ever for stu- dents . . . our brand new $120* one-way fare to Luxembourg in the heart'of Europe. If you're travelling to or from your studies at a fully accredited college or university, and are 31 years old or under, you qualify for this outstanding rate, It's an individual tare, not a charter or group; you fly whbnever you want, and can stay up to a year. Inter. ested? Qualified? Also, if you are thinking of Europe but not for study, we've got the lowest air fares, Call your travel agent or write for Student Fare Folder CN. Icelandic Airlines, 630 Fifth Ave. (Rockefeller Center) New York, N.Y. 10020. *sllihtly higher in peak journing. At one point in the meeting, SGC member Mike Farrell told the Regents they had created a "crisis in communications" and MONDAY, APRIL 20 Senate Assembly Meeting: Rackham Amphitheater, 3:15 p.m. FOREIGN VISITORS Dr. A. R. khatri, Council on Sci. & Industrial Research, New Delhi, India, can be reached, April 18-25, thru Foreign Visitor Div., Rms. 22-24, Mich. Union, phone. 764-2I48. Alice's Restaurant presents BOBBY SOX AND U-TROU 9 P.M. Tonight 50c Alice Lloyd Hall i i Jilll 4 C _, .r....... .w. CUT AND SAVE FOR EARTH DAY i 3 i i I 4 j jib I j ; WEAR AS A TAG' I Set your sights on this: The computer industry is only fifteen years old and already there is 15 billion dollars worth of computer equip- ment in use. By 1975, that will double, creating more than 500,000 new computer-related jobs. Honeywell can prepare you for this bright Director of Admissions - Pastgraduate studies Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences 120 S. Riverside Plaza, Chicago, Iii. 60506 1 would like additional information on your I would like to arrange an interview o (date)____ _ at (time).; ~ Honeywell will call you to confirm this i