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April 17, 1970 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-17

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Friday, April 17, 1970



Page Siev

...............By P hitli Hrtz~ ::e:s;::..
Confesion of . . .
. .a Yankee hater
S THE OTHER NIGHT I was playing cards and watching Al
Ackerman spew forth with the afternoon baseball scores
when an odd thought developed within the crevices of my
cranium - I no longer hate the New York Yankees. I repeat
when Ackerman informed my fellow card players and me that
the Yankees had lost another game, it did not prompt me to
jump for glee, but only to shake my head and snicker.
To understand the impact of this statement, one must
comprehend the fact that during my formative years in New
Jersey I was a member of the elite corps of the rather verbally
violent Yankee haters. I spent much of my spare time down-
grading Mickey Mantle, rooting against Roger Maris, snickering
at Yogi Berra, and making snide comments about Whitey Ford's
ability to complete games-.
I lived and died not on victor-y, but defeat--any defeat of
the Yankees. Painful indeed were the days of September when
the Yankees would come from out of the middle of the American
League to capture their annual pennant at the expense of the
Tigers, Indians, Orioles or White Sox.-
THEN THE METS came Into existence, and I began to root
more for somethingr than against, but those of you who recall
the Mets' abilities in those days, can see why my hate continued.
Finally the bottom fell out on the Bronx Bombers-something
which ml'ght have prompeted sympathy if my friendly Yankee
fans had not continuously Insisted on their team's superiority
over my Metsies.
In 1967, my hate of thei Yankees began to diminish. Until
August of that year I had been a Tiger fan, partly because of
their futile peninant drive in 1961, but mostly because Rocky
Colavito, who had been ani idol of mine of sorts, had played for
the Tigers fairly recenstly.
1967 was the year, you will remember, that the Tigers blew
the American League Championship on the last day of the sea-
son. Nearly every resident of my dorm in the Residential College
was a fanatical Bengal rooter, and I soon becamte tired of learn-
ing how much better Jim Northrup was than Roberto Clemente
or Henry Aaron. In any case, any love remaining for the Tigers
was soon gone, and I began to look forward to Tiger failures
against anybody, including the Yankees.
MEANWHILE the familiar names on the Yankees gradual-
ly disappeared from sight. (Only Mel Stottlemyre remains from
the last Yankee pennant winner.) The new faces were to say
the least rather pathetic, and as they sunk further and further
irlto the depths of the American League and as the losses-became
daily instead of simply frequent, my despisal of the team began
to disappear.
Last year's super season for the Mets removed the last
reason for hating the Bronx Bombers, but this fact failed to
dawn on me until the other evening.
4 The Yankees' pathetic nature and their nondescriptiveness
has led me into a sympathy of sorts. I ask you how can anyone
root against a team featuring such stirling figures as Bobby
Murcer, Danny Cater, Thurman Munson, Horace Clark, Curt
Blefary, Roy White, Jerry Kenney, and Stan Bahnson. I repeat
it is just Impossible sto root against such a conglomerate.
SOME RANDOM THOCJGHTS: If rumors are correct about
the Cleveland Indians moving to Dallas, that means Dallas will
have both the Cowboys and Indians . . . . For those who have
missed it the incomparable Hammering Hank Aaron Is off and
thundering again this year. The Brave star at this writing is
batting over .400 and leads the Majors in homers and runs
batted in. He may yet be able to give Ruth's career homer record
Aside to Met fans, Mary Throneberry Is making a comeback
-he's the broadcaster for the Mets' Memphis farm club . . . the
introduction of Astro turf to a large number of fields in the
majors may prove to be an asset. Averages mpay go up a trifle
and there are bound to be few more base hits. Also the prepara-.
- tion of the field should be accomplished much more easily,
especially after rain . . . at least three National League castoffs
are off to fast starts in the American League. Two former Reds,
Alex Johnson and Vada Pinson are hitting with authority for
the Angels aind Indians respectively while former Padre hurler
Joe Niekro has already won two games with the Tigers.

NEW YORK iA'-Boston's sensational Bobby Orr scored
two goals and carried the Bruins to a 4-1 victory over NewU
York last night, finishing off the Rangers four games to two
in the quarter-finals of the National Hockey League's Stanley
Cup playoffs.I
The Bruins now move into the East Division final series
against the Chicago Black Hawks, with the best-of-7 set




- - - - - - -

opening Sunday afternoon in ~
Orr, who scored 120 points
become the first defenseman
ever to win an NHL scoring1
goal were studies i hotr
--one from, in close, the other
a 50-foot slap shOt.
Trhe Rngers struck first with
only score of the first period.

L nationally-televised game at
during the regular season, to

Today's sports pages will be
the last of the winter term, as
there will be none in tomorrow's
issue of The Daily. The sports
staff will resume publication
Then Orr started Boston's come-
The Bruins were on a power
play when Orr stationed himself
in front of goalie Ed Giacomin
and deflected a shot past the
Ranger netminder, tying it at 1-1
early in the second period. Just
over two minutes later the Br'uins
had the lead when the Rangers
had trouble clearing the puck from
their own end and Wayne Cash-
man intercepted a pass and beat
Giacomin from the left side.
Orr struck again three minutes
into the third period when he
wound up from Just inside the
blue line and beat Giacomin for
his seventh goal of the series.
Then Derek Sanderson, whose
More Sports, Page 9

passes from McDonald and Bar-
clay Plager. Ironically, Minne-
sota's penalty killers, Charlie
Burns and Billy Collins, both were
off the ice on each goal.
Ray Cullen pulled the North
Stars to within one goal at 3-2 in
the second period, hammering
home a 19-foot shot from be-
tween the faceoff circles at 14:54.

By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Dick McAuliffe hit
a solo homer and singled In an-
other run as the Detroit Tigers
departed the Cleveland Indians
EarlWilon survived a shaky
fourth inning in which the In-
dians scored two runs, and settled
down to pitch a complete game
while bringing his record at 1-2.
second inning against Cleveland
starter Dean Chance, now 1-1.
Willie Horton singled, Jim North-
rup doubled him home, then Bill
Freehan followed with a run-scor-
ing single..
Then after the Indians tied it
up in the fourth, McAauliffe sin-
gled home Don Wert in the fifth.
McAuliffe led off the seventh
with his first homer of the year,
knocking Chance from the mound.
Yankees ripped
BOSTON -Mike Andrews' pop
fly single just beyond the reach of
second baseman Horace Clarke in
shallow right field opened the
gates to a four-run seventh in-
ning yesterday as the Boston Red
Sox rallied for an 8-5 victory over
the New York Yankees and a

sweep of the three-game series.
Rico Petrocelli drove In four
Boston runs with his first homer
and a sacrifice fly which capped
the wild seventh.
lined a pinch single to cente an
relief pitcher Jack Aker replaced
Stan Bahnsen on 'the mound. An-
drews then got his hit as his pop
down the right field line fell
Senators win
BALTIMORE - Pitcher Joe
Coleman's bloop double and a
homer by Frank Howard-Wash-
ington's only hits until the eighth
inning-accounted two runs apiece
as the Senators beat the Balti-
more Orioles 4-2 last night.
Coleman's hit to shallow right,
just inside the foul line, came on
a 3-2 pitch with two out In the
second after -Jim Palmer had
issued two walks on 3-2 counts.
Coleman allowed seven hits
while evening his record at 1-1.
He allowed both Baltimore .runs
in the third on, an error by first
baseman Mike Epstein and con-.
secutive singles by Frank Robin-
son, Boog Powell and Paul Blair.

-AssocIated Press
ST. LOUIS'S BARCLAY PLAGER (8) checks Dennis O'Shea (7)
of the Minnesota North Stars in last night's National Hockey
League playoff game. The Blues won 4-2, to capture the series,.

Chicago beats P hly43

By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Randy Hundley's
10th inning single with the bases
loaded gave the Chicago Cubs a
6-5 victory yesterday and sent the
Philadelphia Phillies down to their
fifth straight defeat.
Ron Santo's double opened the
walked intentionally After Cleo
James beat out an infield single,
loading the bases, Johnny Calli-
son struck out. Hundley followed
with his single to left field.
The Phillies, trailing 5-4, had
tied the score in the ninth on a
single by Tim McCarver, a double

by Ron Stone and Larry Bowa's
third single off Don Kessinger's
NEW YORK - Jose Pagan and
Roberto Clemente rifled run-scor-
ingt sige in the seventh inning
victory over the- New York Mets
The two-run rally broke a 4-4
tie as New York had fought back
from early miistakes that gave the
Pirates three unearned runs in
the first six innings.

rambunctious play had led to sev-
eral brawls in the early games of
the series, beat Giacomin for Bos-
ton's wrapup goal.
nin e minor ptenalties incarkedon
contrast to the wild brawls that
took place in the early games. The
18 mInutes Increased to 375 the
Stanley Cup record fo enalt
The St. Louis Blues, powered by
Red Berenson and Ab McDonald,
shot into the semifinals of the
Stanley Cup playoffs with a 4-2
victory over the Minnesota North
Stars last night.
McDonald scored two goals and'
assisted on a third, while Beren-
son added a goal and two assists
as the Blues reached the National
Hockey League's West Division fi-
nials against Pittsburgh.
nMc onald and Berenson swatted
second period with two North
stars in the penalty box on each I
goal to give the Blues a 3-1 lead.
First, McDonald tallied his sec-
,nd goal of the game and fifth of
S1 a y o f f when he intercepted
Danny O'Shea's attempted clear-
ng pass and scored unassisted
Berenso quikly cadded a t7hird I
goal at 11:04 from the slot after

A walk to Jerry May, and an
infield error set the stage for
pinch-hitter Pagan, who stroked
a Tug McGraw pitch to left for
the first run.
Braves scalped
ATLANTA-Ivan Mrel sam-
run, enabling the San Diego Pa-
dres to overcome the_ Atlanta
Braves 54 yesterday,
Miturrells g a e winning blow,
Ross, was a one-out shot and sent
Phil Nekro reeling to his third
consecutive loss.
Nate Colbert's fifth home run
of the season-a three-run shot-
after Van Kelly and Clarence Gas-
ton had rapped two-out singles off
Spring football practice comes
to an gnd tomorrow with a
scrimmage to be held in Mich-
igan Stadium. The scrimmage,
which begins at 2 p.m., will be
open to the public.


Ma jor League Standings

With examination time near and at the
end of another school year, we would
lijke to wish you well and thank you for
you r bus iness this past yea r. Good Luck!

East Division
Baltimore 5 2 .714
DetroIt 5 3 .625
washington 4 3.57
New York 2 6 .250
Cleveland 2 6 .250
West Division
Minnesota 4 0 1.000
california 5 2 .714
Oaland 3 4 .2
Mulwaukee 3 6 .333
Kansas City 2 4 .333
Yesterday's Results
KaIss City , Milwaukee 6
Boston 8, New York 5
Washington 4, Baltimore 2
Minesag at aCalifornia, Inc.
Today's Games
Minnesota at Oakland, night
nasCit at Coalfornia, night
New York at Baltimore, night


East Division
st. uWsL2 Pct 4
Pit tsburgh 5 2 .714
Ne York 3 4 .429
Philadelphia 3 5 .375
Montreal 1 6 .143
west Division-
Cincinnati 9 3 .750
San Francisco 6 5 .545
Sa iego 5 5 .500
Houston 4 6 .400
Los Angeies 3 7 .300
Yitbugesterday's Rsults
Chicago 4, Philadelphia 3
San Diego 5, Atlanta 4
Cincinnati 12, Los Angeles .2
Montreal at Chicago
st. Louis at Pittsburgh, night
Los Angles at Atlanta nght
~San Diego at Houston, night


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