OSS: STRIKE FIVE See Editorial Page Y gut ~!adj46 'POGAMOGANISI' Hligh-63 Low-37 Sunny anid pleasant; no precipitation Vol. LXXX, No. 162 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 17, 1970 Ten Cents Student files: The politics of pri" By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN of Anderson's office said at the Nissen admits that he surveyed students are registered and in Although the Administrative ulty member see the file directly. they di Editor time that if any of those arrested the records of The Daily senior god standing." Board was workiig on a draft of Graf, however, says that his of- require While civil libertarians have wished to drop a course they editors, but says he does not think "I think if I had found some- policies governing student records fice allows professors to see a stu- The long pressed for the establishment would have to make a special ex- there was anything wrong with it. one who wasn't enrolled, I would a year ago, Nissen says that work dent's file if the faculty member transfe ssict policies governing student panation of why they were over- have brought that to the board's was dropped. says he wants to write the student counsel records, counselingm offices in the workeds"Ies Ianly curousays. attention and asked for their di- Under a draft of policies current a recommendation. The office does Perso litrare colegyreainunafeced.*ewoaaysaftrnhawafarctewasfrakl cuiou tosee recion,"eissnbsyswinAprla169,Nisen aysonl thrntnaklte sudetifrucearnce veret And it is beginning to show rested i the clash between dem-rections,Nissensays April 1969, Nissen says only the not ask the student for clearance versity Andiniseginnritgt t owo r estedranth ashobetweerhe- where theeditors were from and Although Nissen says this was student's counselor or a repre- before the, file is released, Graf formati Arguing for tighter control over onstrators and police after the how they were doing in school." the first time he has looked up a sentative of the Administrative says. but Nis the privacy and content of stu- March Regents meeting, T. R. Nissen says .he ran a check on student group's records, he in- Board would be allowed to see a A student's academic record in- always dent records, Oiable sources re- Harrison's academic record was the number of hours being car- dicates that it may not be the last. student's file. Nissen admits he was cludes his transcript, application Nisse port a number~ of incidents they summoned and inspected by Hon- ried by each: senior editor. He "I may well do it again for my not acting as a representative of to the college, high school recoi- year, hi feel constitute misuse of the aca- ors Director Otto Graf. Graf also says he was especially interested I pal sati factas w heloed up the menatgn, test scoren m- onerea demic files: recently inspected the record of b e c a u s e some of the previous own personal satisfaction," he the board when he looked up the mendations, test scores, and tem- one Pea demi iles r , reedtly inspecte te recltodgh senciaurs eome ofd te evious says. records of The Daily senior porary file cards with notations one Fei 0 In Sptember 1968, LSA As- the editor of The Daily, although senior editors had been in aca- Graf denies the charge that he' editors, made by the counselor for each tion ag sus ant Dean George Anderson there was no ,apparent reason for demic trouble and he wanted to looked at the records of the two Nitsen says the draft of proposed appointment the student makes. Both w placed on file a newspaper clip- him to do so see if there was a trend. students. "No, I think /there must guidelines also barred faculty . Nissen says the counselor's no- Graf ping with the names of the 240 0 On the day of the appoint- Nissen says he had mentioned be some mistake," he says. "I members from direct access to a tations are helpful to the student contact persons arrested in the massive ment of the 11 iresent senior edi- that he would make the check at would have no occasion to look at students' file. Instead, a member because they frequently help sub- contact welfare sit-in in the Washtenaw tors of The Daily, Eugene Nissen, an Administrative Board meeting their records." of the Administrative Board will stantiate student claims that they given County Bldg. The list was marked secretary to the LSA Administra- and had met with no objection. Assistant Dean Anderson is in sit down with the professor and were told by the counselor that that. tl to indicate which of those arrest- tive Board, summoned and in- Later, he says, he reported to the the hospital and unavailable for answer general questions about their course selections were suf- under w ed were LSA students. Members spected their academic records. Administrative Board that "the comment. the record without letting the fac- ficient to obtain a degree although Twelve Pages acy d not actually meet college ments. notations also help in rring a student from ont or to another, Nissen says. ns from outside the Uni- occasionally request in- on from the academic files, sen and Graf say they are turned down. n says that over the past e has had requests from ce Corps representative and deral Bureau of Investiga- ent to see students files. ere turned down he says. says he has also been ed by Peavce Corps re- ed by Peace Corps re- no information. He says ere are no circumstances which he would divulge the See LSA, Page 6 PROPOSES OSS COMPROMISE: SGC blasts Fleming ' officials on disciplinary issue By ROB BIER Student Government Coun- c i 1 yesterday condemned President Robben Fleming for rejecting Wednesday a stu- dent-faculty agreement on University judicial procedures and for requesting a special tri-partite University commit- tee to recommend a new Uni- versity judicial system. Calling Fleming's action "a re- pudiation of the years of work put in by students and faculty" on the bylaw draft containing the proposed procedures; SGC asked Fleming to "stop stalling" and immediately bring the judiciary proposals before the'Regents. Earlier in the 'day,, SGC met with Fleming and discussed the bylaw dispute over the proposed Office of Student Services (OSS). SGC Vice President Jerry De- Grieck said that at an open meet- ing with the Regents at 2 p.m. today, SGC would propose "in- terim bylaws" for OSS. The pro- posal would state the existence of an OSS vice president and a student policy board, leaving the details to be worked -out sometime next year, after the new OSS has been inioperation for a while. In its statement criticizing Fleming on his judiciary action, SGC accused him of ignoring "what is essentially a community decision, because he does not like the result." The statement w a s referring to the bylaw draft ap- proved last summer by SGC and Senate Assembly, the faculty's decision-making body. That draft proposed giving Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) the authority to try all students accused of violating rules set up by the new University Council, a tri-partite body empowered to make general rules for the en- tire University community. Fleming voiced objections to the bylaw draft on the general grounds that he opposes granting all-student judiciaries sole juris- diction over matters which affect persons other than students. On this basis, Fleming maintains the disciplinary system should include judicial bodies consisting primar- ily of faculty members as well as bodies composed entirely of stu- dents. Each judiciary would have juris- diction over different offenses, See SGC, Page 6 recognize Baits:Union By BRUCE DAY The University housing office yesterday recognized the Baits Tenants Union (BTU) as ,the official spokesman of all Baits residents and agreed to meet with the union to discuss its demands. The decision to recognize the union will probably be subject to regental review, according to Director of University housing John Feldkamp. The decision was made at a meeting' yesterday between Feldkamp, Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell and several members of the BTU and its parent or- ganization, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union. However, despite yesterday's agreement, the union has only-been recognized as -aspokesman-and .not the officiaL. -Associated Press Artist's conception of Apollo 13 Daily-Thomas R. Copi BAM strike analysis Visiting history Prof. - , [ speaks to a group of students last night about the recent BAM strike, and the implications of that strike for the future of the black movement at the University. The panel discussion in which he took part was the conclusion to a week of strike analysis presented by BAM. RECRUITER BARRED: Law School accusel''m is Roges' firm ofbias Apollo 13 aims bargaining agent - for Baits tenants. As a spokesman the group can only discuss its de- mands and its decisions are not binding on Baits residents. In order to gain the status of "bargaining agent," the BTU is circulating petitions among Baits residents asking them to support the union as such an agent. The BTU hopes that this will enable it to be recognized by the housing office as "the sole bar- gaining agent" for Baits tenants and thus enter into binding ne- gotiations. The Baits union has sponsored a rent strike since January in an effort to force the University both toy recognize it and meet the fol- lowing demands: -Create a rates committee composed of students and housing office representatives, which would oversee all the financial aspects of Baits housing; -Institute a regular audit sys- tem to eliminate unnecessary costs, especially concerning desk service, the snack bar and main- tenance service. -Improve maintenance and the dormitory facilities; -Accommodate a fourth man in a triple suite for no more than a week at the beginning. of the term to guarantee full occupancy of Baits and provide temporary, housing for those who lack a room. Establish different rates for single and double rooms in a triple suite. The BTU is critical of what it believes to be a general lack of See 'U', Page 6 IMarch stagyed By MICHAEL SCHNECK YPSILANTI - O v e r 1,000 students marched around the Eastern Michigan University campus here last night in sup- port 'of a student strike called to emphasize five student de- mands. The strike, which was only partially successful yesterday, en- ters its second day today. How- ever, the;strikers received a huge boost last night when Dean of Students Thomas Aceto-an- nounced he was resigning to show his support for the student de- mands. The students are demand- ing: -The rehiring of a number of professors recently denied tenure for what students say are political reasons; -Increased student voice in de- cision-making; -Installation of a non-voting student member on the Board of Regents; See CLASS, Page 6 for, splashdown SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON UP - The Apollo 13 astro- nauts recharged a weak battery yesterday and prepared their crippled command ship for today's return to earth as con- fident specialists on the ground worked to perfect the crit- fA ical, unique re-entry procedures. Mission Control radioed the complex instructions on how and when to jettison the lunar module which has kept them alive since their command ship became ineffective following an oxygen tank rupture Monday night. Mission Control also directed the astronauts to give the ship a small thruster jolt at 7:53 a.m. this morning to aim, the ship precisely at the splashdown target. The small course co: rectioln scheduled for 7:53 a.m. is intend- ed only to refine the ship's aim. It is already on a path that would land it in the Pacific without fur- ther adjustment. The cripp'ed Apollo 13 can precisely 5:13 p.m. yesterday. The new course will bring them By RICK PERLOFF to a landing in the Pacific at 1:07 Daily News Analysis p.m. today, 580 miles southeast; The Ann Arbor Tenants Unit of Samoa. vating patience, nurturing opti looking toward the future as i r s o flight lan (-2 accomplish its primary goal: d for splashdown Monday 200 niles into a perman~ent organizationv south of Christmas Island, 1800 tenants control of apartment p miles north of the Friday site. insures the protection Of "tenan The helicopter carrier Iwo Jima After experiencing few dra sailed yesterday for the planned ccsses. this year the union seer Aollo 13 recovery area. vw te- came to the realization that rec p orted clear of a possib'y threat- -- By TAMMY JACOBS The former law firm of Secre- tary of State William Rogers has been barred from using job re- cruiting facilities at the Law School because of charges that it discriminates against women. In a unanimous vote Tuesday, the law faculty barred the New York firm of Royall, Koegel and Wells from using recruiting facil- ities during the 1970-71 academic year. The decision was announced yesterday. The action resulted from an in- vestigation of charges that a re- cruiter for the firm made state- ments on campus Oct. 27 that indicated the firm has a hiring policy discriminatory to women. The charges were made by mem- bers of the local chapter of Kappa Beta Pi Legal Sorority. In a statement, the law faculty said several male students had confirmed that the alleged state- ments were made, and that those statements "would lead a reason- able man to believe it is more dif- ficult for a female law graduate BUILDING A UNION to obtain employment with the firm in question than it is for a male law graduate." The faculty said the law firm would be denied use of recruiting facilities next year unless; it can provide "convincing evidence" that the alleged statements were not made, or did not indicate a dis- criminatory hiring policy. In January; the Law School questioned Royall, Koegel and Wells about the charges. The firm replied that it "does not discrimi- nate on the basis of race, color, sex, creed or national origin. ." William Koegel yesterday said that he had been informed of the faculty's action by Law School Dean Francis Allen. "We don't discriminate in any way," Koegel said, reiterating the firm's stated policy. In a . statement released yester- day, a Kappa Beta Pi spokesman said that the recruiter had indi- cated that fewer women would be hired than men, and that those who were hired would need higher qualifications. The statement also said that the recruiter had indicated that it was a waste of time to invest in women lawyers because they only stay a while, get pregnant and leave. Because of the Law School's ac- tion. Kappa Beta Pi announced it "irds for long strugglre Statements list 1000 supporting''BAM 1.3 on is culti- mism and t strives to evelopment which gives policies and nts' rights." matic suc- ms to have ognition by it is a result of a number of problems the union has encountered this year - problems of transition, it contends - which have forced it to reevaluate itself. The sizeable decline in fall rent strik- ers from last spring caused new organiz- ing techniques to materialize. And ultimately the major tactic, the rent strike, was and is being sharply de-empha- sized in favor of more publicity-oriented projects such that the strike may con- stitute only a threat or perhaps a last effect, the medium became the message. And as union leaders take pains to point out, lower rents do not constitute the organization's major goal. It is, to be sure, something it sorely wants to oc- complish to improve tenants' living con- ditions, but, they argue, significant re- ductions of rent would come only as a result of the realization of the union as a power in itself. For only if the union evolved into an organization which could command pow- By DAVE CHUDWIN Over 1,000 people have signed complicity statements admitting they took part in actions during the Black A c ti o n Movement (BAM) strike similar to those for which 13 students face charges. Peter Denton, Grad, announced at a, noon Diag rally yesterday. The statements claim the 13 students were3singled out and ask that, if the 13 are tried, everyone signing the statement receive the pointed by Fleming and infor- mally agreed upon by BAM.. Students in the literary college would normally appear before the Administrative Board, which has no voting student members, and graduate students would come be- fore the Rackham Executive Board. A number of student groups have insisted that students should only be tried before all-student