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April 16, 1970 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-16

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See Editorial Page


Sitr lia"

471 ii

Cloudy, mild,
chance of rain

Thursday, April 16, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 16, 1970 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages




ired Fleming




to correct

SPACE CENTER, HoustonU (1)
Three harried American as-
tronauts fired a 15-second
rocket burst late last night in
an attempt to zero in on earth
and correct a course t h a t
would leave them stranded in


Abandoning a student-faculty agreement on University
judicial procedures, President Robben Fleming yesterday said
he would appoint a special tri-partite University committee
to recommend a new University judicial system.
Fleming cited as his reasons objections to the judiciary
section of the bylaw draft approved last summer by Senate
Assembly' and Student Governnient Council. He also said,
"Recent events have shown there are obviously problems
with the present system."
The Assembly-SGC draft would have given students the
option at some point in the legal process of having their case
heard before an all-student judiciary, such as Central Stu-
d:ea firi i rv f QT I-1

Thrust looks good," said Mission
Control. But they could n o t say
immediatelyawhether the course
correction was a succass or not.
As of 2 a.m. this morning there
was no good measure of the new
flight path. The Flight Dynam-
ics Officer, expecting some vent-
ing of helium gas from the space-
craft, said if the venting changes
the course more time would be
needed to radio track the space-
craft's path.
For precision's sake, veteran
James A. Lovell Jr. who holds the
world record for hours in space,
was at the controls during the
rocket burn. His crewmates, both
rookies, Fred W. Haise Jr. and
Jack L. Swigert Jr., monitored the
The- astronauts held the earth
in the window and used it as a
benchmark to guide by.
"You're looking good," said Mis-
ksionControl after the burn. "Nice

THIS DIAGRAM shows what will happen if the Apollo 13 astro-
nauts make a successful midcourse correction in their flight to
earth or if the correction is insufficient. If the correction is not
successful, the spaceship will miss the earth by 104 miles and be
lost in space.

IIEETING TOMORROW The rocket- firing came with
Apollo 13 so badly off course that
#1without correction it would miss
Tuition hike, y-lawsthe earth by 104 miles, its three
1110 11 0 -RS pilots los forever.
The burst of power had a brak-
ing effect on the Apollo 13, aimed
omnake its angle to earth more
The burn came at 11:32 p.m.
By LINDSAY CHANEY the 'general fund in order to de- EST, 11 minutes earlier than
The Regents at a public meetings cide how much revenue will be planned.
tomorrow will discuss both the needed from tuitions in order to At that point Apollo 13 was still
amount of a tuition increase and meet the budget for 1970-71. some 175,000 miles from earth.
the proposed regental bylaws con- However, the Legislature does
Aerning the creation of the Office not give final approval to the The hours before the rocket fir-
of Student Services (OSS). Higher Education Appropriation's ing were punctuated with trouble.
President Robben Fleming said act until summer, and a passage First there was a flashing battery
last night that the amount of tui- in 1 a s t year's appropriation's alarm indicating that one of six
tion increase recommendation by act requires that all state colleges batteries in the lunar lander was
the administration to the Regents and universities set their tuition overheating. It turned out to be
is contingent upon the University levels in April. a false alarm.{
receiving its requested appropri- "The act requires a definite Then the other coverall-clad as-'
'*ttion from the Legislature. . statement on tuition levels," said tronauts complained as Lovell had
Fleming explained that the Uni- Fleming. "but all the universities earlier about the cold. In the
versity needs to know how much are making approximations con- power-off command ship which
the Legislature will appropriate to tingent on appropriations from serves as little more than a bed-
the Legislature." room at present, it was getting
bH The University asked the state very cold.
H louse b aeCks .o allocate $84 million for the gen- t "I don't know if we'll be ablej
eral fund. Gov. William Milliken. to sleep up there tonight," Swigert
* however, recommended only $75.7 reported. "It must be 35 or 40 de-t
vo e 1million. There is a further possi- grees."1
bility that the Legislature may Mission Control said it was get-7
appropriate even less than the ting much the same temperaturer
LANSING (P) - The S t a t e governor's recommendation. reading by telemetry in the lunarl
House of Representatives approv- There will not be a Regents open lander. That might be so, Lovelll
ed '83 to 10 a proposal to put the hearing this month because the agreed, "but there are usually two
administration, Student Govern- men in there and it doesn't seeml
question of the eighteen-year-old }ment Council, and Senate Assem- so cold."
vote on the general election ballot bly Committee on University Af- ---- --- ---
in November. fairs (SACUA ) have agreed to
The reslutio, hich rquied- discuss disputed sections of the 4
resoltion, w equired a proposed regental by-laws at the.110u sin
two-thirds majority, was approv- public meeting tomorrow.
ed with surprisingly little debate Two drafts of the by-law section#


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
DetroitT housands of protesters march down Woodward Ave. yesterday
in the city's first massive anti-war demonstration in several years.
antli-var action The parade was generally peaceful with only minor confron-
tations with police.


withdraws OSS


VP post candidacy

aentii JudiciarU y (CSJ).
Fleming's a c t i o n 'yesterday
would postpone regental consid-
eration of the judiciary sections
until Oct. 1, the deadline given
the committee. Referring to the
Assembly-SGC draft, Fleming said
last night. "I don't see that kind
of judiciary emerging."
SGC members said last night
they had already made their pro-
posals for a judiciary system, re-
ferring to the student-faculty by-
law draft, and they saw no needa
for further study.
Dave Brand, president of LSA
student government, said last
night, "I think what Fleming did#
was to undermine the work thatl
a lot of people, did in formulating
the bylaws. Any further commit-
tee on the bylaws should be to ex-
plain the proposed draft to the
administration, not to reformulate
The Assembly-SGC draft was
drawn up by an ad hoc student-
faculty committee and submitted
for approval in June 1969. T h a t
committee was implementing the
report of the so-called "Hatcher
Commission," which spent three
years studying and making recom-
mendations on the role of the stu-
dent in University decision-mak-
Fleming's reference to "recentI
events" concerned charges of dis-
ruption being brought against
students involved in the Black
Action Movement (BAM) strike.
Although students were given the
option of appearing before their
college's administrative board or
a hearing officer appointed by
Fleming, all students charged so
far have refused to do so, main-
taining that only student courts
have jurisdiction.
Faculty members who are press-
ing charges have, in turn, refused
to appear before CSJ, which has
been assuming jurisdiction in the
See FLEMING, Page 8
CSJ orders
IHA reform
Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)
decided early yesterday morning
not to order the withdrawal of
recognition from Inter-House As-
sembly (IHA), the governing body
of students in the residence halls,
in a case brought against it by
members of the Chicago House
Council of West Quad.
The court ruled, however, that
certain parts of the IHA constitu-
tion were in violation of the Stu-
dent Government Council consti-
tution and voting rights resolution
of April, 1969. The, court gave IHA
See REFORMS, Page 8



SGC pck
for UC'
Student Government Council
last night appointed student rep-
resentatives to the recently formed
University Council (UC) and Com-~
mittee on Communications.
SGC felt that they wanted the
two groups to begin work over the
summer because there are a num-
ber of issues which should be con-
sidered as soon as possible.
SGC had previously refused to
appoint any members to UC, say-
ing they would wait until the by-
law sections on the proposed Of-
fice of Student Services were ap-
A tri-partite body of adminis-
trators, faculty members and stu-
dents, UC was approved by the
Regents at their February meet-
ing to make general rules for the
entire University community.
SGC also reconsidered their en-
dorsement of the SACUA-SGC rec-
ommendations to the Regents for
sections 7.03-7.05 of the bylaws.
(A motion to re-vote on the draft
was tabled indefinitely.)
"It is obviously a much weaker
version than the original draft.
It'll only stand in the way of
future negotiations and hinder the
policy board. There is no gain'in
keeping them on the books," said
SGC member Bob Nelson.
SGC member Bruce Wilson re-
ported for the bookstore policy
board saying that although it is
their. "goal," the bookstore will
probably not be open for business
until the beginning of the winter
term. It cannot be opened sooner
due to the difficulty in finding a
manager and in obtaining and re-
structuring the physical site of the
store in the Union.
Ip other action, SGC:
-Strongly endorsed the strike
at Eastern Michigan University
and condemned the "repressive
measures" of its administration,
-Appointed Henry Clay to fill
the vacancy on Council created
by the resignation of Dave Brand,
the new president of LSA Student
In yesterday's edition of The
Daily, SGC Executive Vice Presi-
dent Jerry De Grieck was( incor-
rectly quoted as saying 'that at
today's Diag rally, students will
be asked to "demonstrate support
for the granting of amnesty" to
the participants in the BAM strike.
He did not make this statement.

News Editor

The complete text of Mr.
Guskin's letter appears on to-
day's editorial page.
Alan Guskin a psychology yec-
turer in the Residential Col-
lege and project director at the
Institute for Social Research,
met yesterday with President
Robben Fleming and told h i m
he was withdrawing from con-
sideration for the post of v i c e
president for student services.
Guskin's withdrawal means

there are no remaining candidates Fleming, to transfer both Fin-
from the list of five persons en- ancial Aids and Admissions of-
dorsed by a student-faculty search I fices to the jurisdiction of t h e
committee and submitted to Flem- office of Vice President Stephen
ing last January. Spurr, whose major functions are
In a formal letter to Fleming supervision of the Graduate
and to the co-chairmen of t h e School and the expansion of the
search committee, Luskin said Flint and Dearborn campuses.
his decision to withdraw w as Guskin said he believed the "only
based on a number of factors. reason for such a move seems to

-Disagreement with Fleming,
over the structure of the propos-
ed Office of Student Services
(OSS). Guskin backed a strong
student-faculty policy board,
while Fleming has disagreed with
-Opposition to the decision, by

official jailed after
reveal information

be to make sure that the V i c e
President for the Office of Stu-
dent Services does not supervise
these offices."
-Dissatisfaction with F Ie m -
ing's position on the discipline is-
sue. Guskin said he believed that
double jeopardy, in any form,
should never occur, and that stu-
dents should have a major voice in
judging students accused of non-
academic violations. Fleming has
argued against both of these
positions in the past.
Guskin also told Fleming that
he could not take the office if it
meant he would be put in the posi-
tion of trying to repress student
Guskin criticised Fleming for
the delay in appointing a vice
president. "The lack of communi-
cation from you over the last few
months has made me wonder
about- your commitment to the po-
See Guskin, Page 8

within 25 minutes of the time it
came up for consideration.
Rep. Jackie Vaughn, (D-De-
troit), the main sponsor of the
proposal said simply, "I would
personally 'appreciate your sup-
port for this resolution."

concerning creation of the OSS
will be considered by the Regents
at that time.
One version was proposed by the
Regents in January. The other was
released two weeks ago by a joint
committee of SGC and SACUA.
. The administration is not ex-I
pected to recommend either draft.

r elusng to

- Before going on the fall ballot, The two versions differ primar-
the bill must be passed by the ily in the area of student decision
making within the OSS. Both
state Senate where it is now under vrin ol raeaSuet
versions would ,create a Student
discussion as part of an election Services Policy Board composed of
reform package, students and faculty which would
The 18-year-old vote issue was play a role in making general
put before the Michigan electorate policy decisions of OSS. However,
y.four years ago when it suffered an differences arise concerning how
overwhelming defeat. large this role is to be.


News Editor
Shawn Tarrant, assistant direc-
tor of University housing in charge
of special projects, was jailed for
civil contempt yesterday by Dis-
trict Court Judge Sanford J. Elden
when he refused to identify in
court a student who came to him
for confidential counseling.
Tarrant was freed last night,
however, on the orders of Wash-
tenaw Circuit Judge Ross Camp-
bell pending a hearing on the in-


cident at 1:30 Friday in Campbell's teachers, guidance officers or
court. other persons with access to ree-
Taking the witness stand yester- ords or confidential communica-
day afternoon as a subpoenaed tions from students or other
prosecution witness in the case of juveniles shall not be allowed "in
three University students charged any proceedings, civil or criminal,
with felonious assault in the al- in any court of this state, to dis-
leged beating of another student, close any information obtained by
Tarrant declined to answer the him from such records or such
prosecution request to identify the communications."
student on the grounds that a According to John Feldkamp,
state statute forbids him to do so. Director of University Housing,
The statute in question, Section the primary function of Tarrant
27A.2165 of Michigan Statutes in the housing office is to counsel
Anotated, states that counselors, and advise black and other minor-
ity students.
However, Elden ordered Tarrant,
to answer the questions. Tarrant
says he refused, and asked for a
lawyer three times. Each time,
Elden said no. Tarrant was again
p o xy ordered to answer the question,
and when he again refused, he was
cited for contempt and led off to
-the role of the corporation the lock-up in City Hall.
in modern society; There, Tarrant says police of-
-how to achieve a proper ficers tried to fingerprint him.
balance between the rights and Both Tarrant and an attorney
interests of shareholders, "em- who was on the scene say that
ployes, consumers and the gen- poliec officers then roughed Tar-
eral public; rant up, put him spread-eagle on
-GM's efforts to produce a the floor.
car which is non-polluting, and When he was released for the
safer; and hearing on a writ of habeas cor-
- the manner in which GM pus. Tarrant's suit was dirty and
has used its vast economic pow- crumpled in the left shoulder, arm
er to contribute to the social and elbow, and along the side of

UU Vetnamese foundead#
in Cambodia's Mekong River
: .r:..., :". wBy The Associated Press

Regents to consider GVJ

The Regents will be asked at
their meeting today to consid-
er whether to instruct their
agents to vote against the posi-
tion the management of Gen-
eral Motors Corporation h a s
taken on the issue of stockhold-
er participation in company
In the past, the University
has never voted against t h e
management of a company but

charge that GM has undertak-
en such inconsistent activities
in the past by manufacturing
"products which are u n s a f e,
unhealthy, and unreliable." The
group owns 12 of GM's 285
million outstanding shares of
"We came to the conclusion
that one of the main causes of
social problems is private cor-
porations. We decided to explore
traditional methods of corpor-

holders' Committee on Corporate
Responsibility, which GM
would finance and co-operate
with, and which would be chos-
en by representatives from
the GM Board of Directors, the
United Auto Workers, and
Campaign GM.
The second proposal on the
proxies calls for the enlarge-
ment of the Board of Directors
to 27 members to include three
"representatives of the puic."i

The bodies of hundreds of Viet-
namese, possibly - killed by Cam-
bodians, floated down the Mekong
River yesterday. Meanwhile, 65
miles to the southeast, Cambodian
and South Vietnamese troops join-
ed in a battle against the North
Vietnamese inside Cambodia.
A police official at Neak Luong,
on the Mekong River, said he had
counted 400 bodies in the morning
and still more could be seen.
Although there was no direct
evidence that Cambodian soldiers
had killed the Vietnamese, it is
known that the Cambodian gov-
ernnt-f has ben ,rrvina on a,



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