Page Six
Wednesday, April 15, 1970
Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, April 15, 1970
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World ame{pus Afloat
is a college tha oes more
than broaden horizons.
It sails to them and beyond.
Daily Wildlife Editor
Second of a two-part series
There are twelve deep-water
ports on the East Coast of the
United States capable of hand-
ling large tankers, and all
twelve are in Maine. If indeed
oil import quotas are loosened,
as it now appears they will be,
the increase in volume of im-
ported crude oil will create a
demand for expanded port fa-
cilities to handle the oil, and
the thrust of this demand will
inevitably be focused on Maine.
The port that has aroused the
most interest, both f r o m oil
companies and conservationists,
is t h e village of Machias in
Washington County. When oil
companies a n d speculators.
started buying up land and op-
tions in the area around Ma-
chias, a storm of controversy
was set off that, would shame a
Nor'easter, and the scenic and
serene coast became a sea of
uncerta i n t y. Conservationists
squared off against the oil in-
dustry and fisherman against
the poor of Washington- Coun-
ty who se the coming of a
large oil port and the possible
construction of refineries as the
windfall that can relieve their
The oil dilemma of Washing-
ton County is symptomatic of
the problems this nation is just
beginning to realize; where
should the line be drawn? Are
the threats of oil spillage and
the possibility of a tanker
cracking up on the foggy and
rocky Maine coast great enough
to justify the exclusion of an
oil port? Would the presence of
oil pose a threat to the fishing
industry? Would the indepen-
dent Yankee life-style of the
Maine coast be threatened by
the presence of a large indus-
try? and is this w a y of life
worth preserving at the price of
excluding prosperity? Washing-
ton County is faced with the
same bind with which the na-
tion is faced. What price are
we willing to pay to insure a
clean environment?
not what you would call a de-
pressed area, but it is far from
prosperous. There are no big in-
dustries and Washington Coun-
ty leads all Maine counties in
percentage of incomes under
$3,000 (28.8 per cent). Much of
the labor in the county is sea-
sonal, with fishing and agri-
culture being most important.
The "Maine Mental Health
Plan" describes t h e people of
Washington County as being.
"almost entirely of Yankee
stock, strongly independent, and
inclined to take change slow-
Although county residents are
conscious of the fact 'that there
are others more prosperous than
they, this fact is to many of
them unimportant. They"'are
proud people; proud of the
county's low amount"of welfare
aid, proud of their schools,
proud of their crime rate. As
one resident put it, "This is an
approach to life t h e nation
would do well to emulate."
Yankee independence n o t
withstanding, W ashington
County residents realize t h a t
their backsliding economy can
only be cured by some sort of
industry,, but they are wary of
anything being shoved down
their throats by outsiders. The
oil industry is viewed by many
county residents as an outsider.
Jaspar Cates, Jr., a Washing-
ton County lobsterman, express-
ed this sentiment in a state-
ment delivered at a town meet-
ing at Machias.
"Certain individuals in Au-
gusta (the state capital) and
elsewhere are trying to cram
oil refineries down our throats
with no consideration for our
wishes on the matter. I always
thought that in a democracy
we were supposed to have the
right to vote on something that
strongly affected our destiny,
after which we would abide by
the wisdom of the majority. It
seems that in this case we are
being denied that right."
Mr. Cates feels that oil spills
would be inevitable and that
these spills would be a threat to
the fishing industry and his liv-
lihood. The oil port and refin-
ery would offer him even less
security than he has now, and
he does not believe that the
kind of jobs made available by
such installations would be of
any benefit to those who now
make their homes in the county.
But not all Washington Coun-
ty residents agree with Jaspar
Cates. Dustin Pease, director of
the Washington County Com-
munity Action Program, feels
that the county's low-income
residents both want and need
the economic benefits he sees if
the port a n d refinery are-
brought to Machias.
"They look for the refinery
and its so-called satellites to fi-
nally introduce a living hourly
wage year 'round to an area in
which the piece-rate method of
compensation a n d seasonal
work still predominate. The
low-income people h a v e also
found it difficult to subsist on
'scenery sandwiches.' Most of
them could care less about pres-
ervation of the environment .
for such a concept means con-
tinued privation and struggle."
Cates and Pease represent the
two opposing sides in the intra-
county struggle that appears to
almost equally divide the peo-
ple of Washington County.
Opinion polls and referendums
held on the question of whether
the residents would like oil to
come make it hard to tell which
group is in the majority..
The picture is further com-
plicated by Robert Monks, a
New York City financier and
oil man, who has bought or tak-
en leases on many pieces of'
property in and around Mach-
las. He has pledged to Wash-
ington County that he will not
use the land he owns for an oil
refinery unless he feels that the
overwhelming majority of the
people in the county want it. He
recently stated that he had not
sensed any such outpouring of
sentiment in favor of bringing
oil to Machias.
But Monks' vows are nothing
but words. He is in no w a y
bound to keep his promise, and
not even a referendum by coun-
ty voters, or, for that matter,
state voters, can keep oil out.
Simply stated, the means can-
not be used to justify the ends.
The county and the state can
only exercise controls over how
Monks, or any other investor,
uses his property. They cannot
forbid him from using it for
purposes within the law. Uni-
versity of Maine L a w. School
Professor Orlando Delogu sum-
med up this reality in an ar-
ticle in 'The Maine Times':
There is a significant differ-
ence, a constitutional difference,
between lengthy moratoriums,
total prohibitions, etc., and
reasonable b u t nonetheless
stringent restrictions. The form-
er deprive the oil industry of
their constitutional rights, de-
prive them of the use of their
property without due process of
law and thus are impermiss-
As yet there is no firm com-
mitment, or, for that matter,
any strong indication that any
oil company is considering lo-
cating a large port and refiner'y
facility at Machias. But the pos-
sibility of oil at Machias, or
anywhere else in Maine, h a s
conservation groups up in arms. r
Not only are they frightened by
the spectre of oil slicks tarring
up the pricelessly beautiful
Maine coast, but they feel that
the intrusion of the oil indus-
try would lead to an influx of
other industries that would scar
the coastline beyond recogni-
These possible consequences
of oil in Machias, however, are
in many ways the concern of
the world beyond the confines
of Washington County. County
residents a r e more concerned
with their own problems and
their own lives. When their sen-
timents parallel those of conser-
vationists or the oil industry, it
is mostly because that partic-
ular stance serves their ends.
This is not to disparage the peo-
ple of Washington County.
They are no less noble than we,
and perhaps they are more so. i
Theirs is a dilemma that we all
must face, and it would be folly
to presume that we would be
motivated any differently. And
we would do well to remember
that old adage: As Maine goes,
so goes the nation.
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If history does indeed repeat it-
self, the. Michigan football team
would seem tdi be in fairly good
shape next season. Three years
ago, gi-aduation wiped out the
Wolverine defensive backfield of
Mike Bass, Rick Sygar, John Row-
ser, and Rick Volk. Three of these
Stickmen at home
Michigan's lacrosse team will
take on Michigan State's var-
sity today at 4 p.m. for the
lacrosse championship of the
state. After the gane, the win-
ner will be presented with an
award signifying them as the
best in Michigan.
In the first meeting between
thse two old rivals, the Wol-
verines put on a late quarter
scoring splurge to down the
Spartans 14-8.
There is no charge for ad-
are now in the pros, and their loss
figured to leave the team helpless
against the forward pass.
But along came such standouts
as Brian Healy, Barry Pierson, and
Tom Curtis, and the picture did
not look so grim. All three lettered
.three times, and made major con-
tributions to Michigan's impressive
aerial defense in the past two sea-
Now, graduation has taken away
these players, and again, replace-
ments will have to be found if the
Wolverines are to maintain their
recent level of success. From last
year's team, only onestr Tom
Darden, returns in the defensive
backfield, and he will be playing
a new spot. Head coach "B o"
Schembechler characterizes t h e
findings of the replacements as
one of his major problems.
Again, however, the situation
may not be as grim as it seems.
Enough proven players and prom-
ising freshmen are available t h a t
the quality of play in the back-
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field may not be disastrously re-
One of the major experiments of
this year's spring practice is the
conversion of reserve quarterback
Jim Betts to safety. For Betts, a
standout behind ,Don Moorhead
last fall, it will be the third posi-
tion he has played in as m an y
years on the Michigan varsity, as
he saw prior duty at flanker as a
Schembechler feels that B e t t s
can do the.job, and seems to be
pleased with the progress he has
made. In last Saturday's scrim- 4
mage, he intercepted a pass to
provide one of the high points in
the performance of the first team
In another experiement, Wolf-
man Darden has been shifted to
one of the vacant cornerback posi-
tions. Darden, who started every
game as a sophomore, brings much
of the actual game experience the
backfield possesses to the n e w
To'replace Darden at Wolf,
Schembecrler had originally
counted on Mike Keller. Keller
was a starting defensive end last.*
fall, as he replaced'the injured
Phil Seymour. Seymour's return
paved the way for shifting Keller,
but- an injury to the sophomore
may force an end to that move.
The other opening in the back-
field is presently being handled by-,
Bruce Elliott. Having played on
obvious passing downs last fall, El-
liott does have experience, giving
him an edge on, the newcomers.
Four freshmen presently figure
in the backfield situation. J o h n
Daniels, a converted quarterback,
has size and speed and impressed
observers in the freshman contest
with Michigan State. Dave Rather
has been impressive, and c o u 1d
nail down a starting spot if he
continues to develop.
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7-9 p.m.-Residential College Rooms 124-126
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9-11 p.m.-Residential College Rooms 124-126
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The last edition for the
winter term will be Sat-
urday, April 18.
P u b I i c a t i o n for the
Spring' - Summer h a If-
until T
i' f
{r. k, Y.'i'.
Lf :;:
}:g {
v "ti
' }'....
hursday, anyways.
terms will begin
nesday, May 6.
iJIuirn iaih~. chool ouitU i m