she irrigun Bail Seventy-mine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan An open letter to the faculty... 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Stop the reprisals now. FOR TWO weeks in March students and faculty at the University shut the place down to emphasize the seriousness of their support for the BAM demands. At one point in the strike it became clear that many sympathetic students were afraid to strike for fear of missing mater- ial covered in continuing classes. It be- came necessary, at that point, to "break them out" of their dilemina by forcing faculty to close down the classes com- pletely. This was accomplished through disruptions. There is very little doubt in our minds that whatever gains were made in the final settlement were won only because of the effectiveness of the strike. It follows again that these gains were won largely because of the disruptive actions taken which maximized the strike's effective- ness. NOW THE administration and faculty boards are moving against the dis- rupters - against those who controbuted materially to the strike's success. More, they are doing so selectively, picking off a handful of the many disrupters to make the job of disciplining them "I e s s messy." This is all reminiscent of the Parsons case. Once again University officials are attempting to attack a movement by pick- ing off isolated members of it. Once again they are obscuring the process from the campus - this time by holding hearings during finals. And once again it is im- perative that the campus deliver a re- sounding "No!" to the whole operation. T[HE TACTICS of divide and conquer must not be permitted to succeed. There are complicity statements going around - on the diag, in classes, in the fishbowl; sign them. And when public hearings ate held, we must be prepared to act against them en masse. By MICHAEL DAVIS Daily Guest Writer 1 WANT TO give you faculty some advice. I'm a student, and these days a student giving advice to the faculty is a little like a Zulu giving advice to the Afrikaaners. That is it's suspect. Nevertheless, I'd like to speak across the forming battle lines, as one human being to his fellows. You want to bring students before your administrative boards and punish them. You've been outraged by disruption of your classes during the BAM strike, and you want revenge. You don't see that what you want is both unjust and selfdefeating. YOU AREN'T interested in justice. If you were, you'd take your charges to the city court. The state has laws to protect order. The city court can impose harsh penalties on those guilty of breaking the law. And the court also has extensive procedures to protect the rights of the accused. You refuse to go before the city court, and you refuse to explain why. You have also refused to go before the University's own student judiciary. The student body provided rules for your pro- tection. The student judiciary has heard cases under those rules, convicted some of those charged, and imposed penalties. You refuse to go before the student judiciary because you don't believe students will treat you fairly. Your own procedures have often ignored thedrights of students. I don't believe the student judiciary has ever ignored the rights of any faculty member. Of course, you'll argue that you have a vital interest in punishing those who dis- rupted your classes. No one can deny that you do. You'll argue that therefore you have a right to sit in judgment in dis- ruption cases. But no one should agree with that. YOU FORGET that a judge isn't sup- posed to represent interests. He's supposed to be disinterested in everything but jus- tice. If you honestly believe that every faculty member has a vital interest in putting an end to disruption, and if you want students to have a fair hearing. then you ought to be against a faculty body hearing disruption cases. IF YOU BELIEVE students can't be less interested than you, then you ought to avoid the student judiciary as well and take your case directly to the city court. To say that you should sit in judgment of students because you're interested, is like saying that it was proper for Joan of Arc to be tried by the English because the English had an interest in getting rid of her. But, to be frank, I don't expect you to charge your mind because of what I've said so far. You, like other people. aren't much worried by what harms others un less it's likely to harm you, too. You know that no matter how badly your proce- dures are biased against the accused, you stand to lose nothing by those procedures- since you can never stand accused before the same body. Indeed, you know deep down that those procedures will always work in your favor when they work against the accused. I'VE DISCUSSED justice only because I wanted to cool your self-righteousness. That done, I can address myself to your common sense. What you're doing is self-defeating. You're trying to prevent future disrup- tion of your classes by punishing today's disrupters through a process which neither they nor the rest of the student body con- siders legitimate. You're sowing the drag- on's teeth. The ground's already beginning to swell and quake. And it's only the be- ginning. Consider: Suppose you suspend or expel this year's disrupters. What will that teach next year's disrupters?. One thing it will teach them is not to be identified. So, next year's dis- rupters will wear masks. And, masked and therefore probably unidentifiable, they'll feel freer to do what's necessary to disrupt your classes. This year not one disrupter used a firecracker, egg, or brick to disrupt a class. Maybe next year's disrupters will. "OKAY," YOU SAY, "then we'll call in the police, the National Guard, and even the U.S. Army if necessary." Fine. Now you have police on campus, something you hoped to avoid by using your own boards instead of the city court. But, even so, do you think you will have'settled anything by bringing armed men into your class- rooms to keep order? These armed men will, as you know fr6m experience, provoke and do more violence than they were brought in to prevent. And you'll be less safe besides. For those armed men will make the would-be disrupter more bitter and make more extreme tactics seem justified (even to neutral students). AFTER MANY days of violence. your armed men will, I admit, bring quiet back to campus (briefly, anyway). But, you may regret your victory. Many of your students may be in jail or hospitalized. Students don't have the power to run the University yet. You've fought well to keep that from them (though it's the ad- ministration's battle you've fought). Never- theless, students-simply because they cut- number you ten to one-have the power to wreck the University. And if you make them- hate it enough, you can bet they will. You have no monopoly on vindictiveness. I ASK YOU, therefore, to consider whether, for your own sake, you might want to give up trying to get revenge on the disrupters. If you still believe that punishing disrupters is a question of jus- tice, then file charges before the city court or before the student judiciary. That's your right. But, if you're concerned to do more than obtain justice, if what you really want is to preserve (and even cultivate) what little community there is among students and faculty here, then perhaps you might try to reduce the ill-feeling between us by set- ting an example of patient reason. You might condemn by name those you believe to have acted wrongly, make public the evidence you have for accusing them of the acts, explain your reasons for thinking what they did wrong, and then forgive them-saying you want the University to remain a community and you know that persuasion makes community and punish- ment does not. YOU SAY you're against disruption be- cause you want to teach. I believe you. And, because I believe you, I'm calling your at- tention to this chance the disruptions have given you to teach-by example-some- thing both important and good. -9' at -BRUCE LEVINE Editorial Page Editor Downtown Detroit: Contemplating the wreck By HANNAH MORRISON Hill-Onandaga: Call for good faith MEMBERS OF THE Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity are keeping their curtains drawn these days - and rightly so. It seems that everybody that drives by their two-acre House on Hill and Onandaga slows down and scans the property. In- deed, some people have been observed to stop entirely and walk around the grounds. The brothers inside know, how- ever, that this attention is incidental to themselves. The attention is being di- rected solely to the land. Late last month, about 16 neighborhood residents bought the fraternity property for $85,000 dollars. The purchase occurred at a time when the land was being con- sidered by the city for low-cost housing units. In fact, three days prior to the pur- chase the City Housing Commission made an offer for the same property which was tentatively unacceptable due to legal dif- ficulties. An alternative settlement was being considered by t h e City Attorney when t h e consortium of neighborhood residents closed their own deal. All this sounds confusing and perhaps unimpor- tant but the implications are overpower- ing. A sentence or two of background on low-cost housing will add perspective. DECENT LOW-COST housing is hard to come by in Ann Arbor; in an effort to rectify this problem the Housing Com- mission was created in 1965. Soon after- wards, the commission set about the task of locating sights. It was agreed to adopt the concept of "scattered sights" where- by no more than 30 low cost housing units would be built on any one site. The ad- vantage of the "scattered site" concept should be obvious. If you mass 250 fam- ilies into a single development and send all the kids to the same school etc., you are merely creating another ghetto. Whereas genuine socio-economic com- munity integration has a better chance of success if low-cost housing is scattered strategically throughout a city. At present 151 low cost units are under construction on nine separate sites throughout Ann Arbor. This is an average of 17 units per site. Low cost housing will still be greatly needed, however, e v e n when these units are completed; hence, the Commission has launched a second program which aims at 200 family units and a 100 unit high-rise for elderly citi- zens., IN CONJUNCTION with this second pro- gram, the Hill-Onandaga site was be- ing investigated as one of many scattered sites. It should be evident that under the arrangement of scattered sites, e v e r y site is important in that it further reduc- es the overall site density of low-cost housing in the city. The Hill-Onandaga site is particularly valuable because it is located in the second ward where sites are extremely scarce. Of course, the s i t e is not without shortcomings. $85,000 for a two-acre site is exorbitant by any standards. It would appear that a density of at least 20 units would have been needed to stay below federal cost ceilings if the land had been bought by the Housing Commission for that rnriip vealed little potential for public housing they did not have to purchase it. This is the standard procedure that the Housing Commission has successfully followed in buying other sites. Also, it has been cus- tomary for those opposing site purchases to petition or picket or lobby or partici- pate in public hearings to h a v e their views heard. However, the consortium which pur- chased the Hill-Onandaga property pull- ed a power move. In turning their backs on local government processes and the city administrators, they have in effect said: "We don't trust you." ALTHOUGH such a move may s e e m fashionable in a time when politicians are regarded as villians and the Federal Government is dubbed a monster; it is wholly unwarranted in view of Ann Ar- bor's handling of low-cost housing. The Housing Commission has gone to all ex- tremes in spraying - instead of congest- ing - the city with low cost housing. Public hearings have been held on all dis- puted sites. Compromises have been ef- fected. Yet, the consortium does not seem to realize that their problem and concern over the housing issue is identical to the rest of the community. Every citizen in Ann Arbor is living with scattered sites closeby. Where unhappiness over this ar- rangement has arisen, the rest of Ann Arbor has acted within a set order of public process. The consortium has abort- ed this set order. At present the controversy is simmer- ing behind closed doors, T h e Housing Commission has opted to assume a "wait and see" posture. The consortium is frag- mented and has not as yet issued a decla- ration of intent. PRODUCTIVE action may be forthcom- ing, however. Mr. Harvey Brazer, one of the purchasers recently said: " I view the Hill-Onandaga site as an opportunity for demonstrating t h a t public housing can be well planned, that it need not be unattractive or ugly and that citizen par- ticipation of a productive sort c a n be conducive to the attainment of essential public goals." If Mr. Brazer is sincere in this interpretation of his act - that is, if he joined the consortium to insure that the very best was attained in public hous- ing (an act of questionable merit to be- gin with since the Housing Commission had given him-no reason to doubt their efficiency in dispatching their w o r k) then constructive action in the public in- terest should become apparent shortly. However, there is fear that Mr. Brazer represents one voice and not the consen- sus of the consortium with which he has become involved. If this is not true Mr. Brazer and his cohorts should act as a unit in manifesting their concern. In clearer terms,, if the consortium views their purchase as legitimate "citizen par- ticipation of a productive sort" for the good of the community, then - by golly - let's have the fruits of this participa- tion. Let's hear their plans for develop- ing the site "in such a way as to provide a model for what public housing can and should be." If a feasible plan is not forth- EVEN DOWNTOWN Detroit could be a welcome change from the routine of classes, tests, papers-which characterize University life. However, while the city limits effectively, protected me from classroom drudgery, they offered little relief from manifestations of an issue recently broadcast on campus-pollution. Its presence was oppressive. The pale April sunshine made futile attempts to penetrate the tall buildings and industrial fumes which clog downtown. Blasts of wind coming from the direction of the filthy Detroit River rushed between the skyscrapers blowing dust into my eyes. It was hellish-especially for contact lens wearers. A few secretaries, anticipating tans and hot days, discussed sunning on the roof during coffee breaks and lunch hour. "No," said the realist among them, "it's so sooty up there." Innumerable buses, trucks and cars contributed much unpleasant. exhaust to the already smoky atmosphere. These same vehicles also created horrendous traffic snarls. A patrol car's siren added to the din of irate horns. Oh, for the era of mounted police .. MY GRANDFATHER, a native Detroiter, could recall those days. The city of his yputh sounded small and intimate, characterized by a few blocks of low-slung buildings, clustered along the river's edge. This was in the pre-Ford epoch. Horse manure, cobbled streets and spitoons were commonplace rather than smog and expressways. The only motorized form of transportation was the train; so the rail- road station and tracks were other prominent features of the business section. CONTEMPLATING THE WRECK of a city, I could not help but feel pessimistic. Maybe the tall buildings are necessary to house thou- sands of businesses. But there is no reason for the many vehicles crowding the streets or the industrial wastes in the air and river. It is necessary that city, state and national government move quickly to preserve the few resources left. The river shouldn't have to be a lost cause. But municipal transportation can be made modern and ef- ficient so cars will no longer be essential for the businessman. Pollution must be eliminated through strict regulation of industry. Unless this is done-and quickly-there may soon be no Detroit or other cities left to save. * 4,, 4 Downtown Detroit as it never was N Letters: Waiting for Benm Dak To the Editor: AN ARTICLE, "Are Palestinian c o m m a n d o s a revolutionary fropt?" authored by Meir Ben- Yitzhak and Joseph D. Ben-Dak, appeared in the April 9 Daily. Mr. Ben-Yitzhak is stated to be as- sociated with the journal New Outlook. The article indeed re- flected the line of New Outlook. I was unaware that Mr. Ben-Dak had previously embraced that line. New Outlook is the child of the Mapam party and serves as a left- wing facade. Mapam is a fully in- tegrated part of the Zionist scene, Serves in the Israeli government,. and has long since lost any spe- cial identity that would meaning- fully set it apart from the main- stream of Israeli politics. As a "socialist-Zionist" party, it is no more socialist than the right wing of the British Labor Party, and no less Zionist than David Ben Gur- ion. If the Daily would invite me, I would be pleased to respond to the points in the article seriatim. For now, let me deal with one bit of nonsense : "Israel came into existence as the result of a pro- .onged struggle against British imperialism." TO CHARACTERIZE an 0o'- ganic process by the brief final stage of that process is unworthy. Zionist colonization of Palestine was a decision of the British gov- ernment, the mandatory power in Palestine after World War I. The indigenous population of Palestine 1 . 1 1 _. _1 _ _2 _ _. _ .._ habitants, it was forced by an imperial power. upon them That is the essence of Zionist growth. That essence is not negated by the political struggle; by the Zionists against the British White Paper from 1939-1940, nor by the political-terrorist- (ah!- 'good" terrorism, not the barbaric Arab kind) struggle from 1946 to 1948 which culminated in the put- ting of the frosting on an already accomplished political reality. SEVERAL WEEKS ago Mr. Ben- Dak - the conflict-resolver - dis- tributed a scurrilous and defama- tory pamphlet ,against the speak- ers at a Palestine symposium. I invited him up to the microphone and, in front of some 300 people, he agreed to arrange a debate be- tween the two of us. I told him I would debate him before any forum of his choosing, even before the Israeli Student Organization. He said an "agent" of his would get in touch with me. I still await word from his "agent." -Larry Hochman April 9 Juggling act To the Editor: RECENTLY, the office of Uni- versity housing announced plans to reimburse students for meals missed on 27 March when BAM strikers shut down food service at several dormitories. The amount to be reimbursed for three meals a cost differential resulting from a complete shut down of food service as opposed to a selective and voluntary forfeiture of meals, but would this amount be so large as $1.70? It seems only fair chat the hous- ing office be .made to itemize ex- actly how they arrived at the two figures. It also seems strange in- ded that meals for those who fast for peace could cost so much less than the same meals when missed by indignant quaddies. -Rose Sue Bernstein April 13 Army ROTC To the Editor: IN A RECENT article appearing in the Daily several points were mentioned about the Army ROTC program. I am in no position to dispute these claims, not being an Army cadet myself. However as an Air ForcemROTC cadet I would like to mention a few points about the Air Force pro- gram, so that it will not be im- plied that the points mentioned in the Daily article apply to the Air Force program as well. When an Air Force cadet signs his contract (which his parents must sign as well) he is clearly in- formed of his obligations and the options open to him. At the same time the cadet is placed in a gen- eral category of officer utilization, which cannot be changed without a new contract. Before graduation however I don't feel that it is fair to apply this title to the A i r Force courses nor to LS&A cours- es in general, as I'm sure that some of the most difficult and in- volved courses that most engineers "elect" are the science and math courses taught by ,LS&A). The Air Force courses have been undergoining a continuous modification and reanalysis. At the present the courses are con- ducted on a seminar basis by the students. Discussions are conduct- ed by the students on such topics as the Viet Nam war and other political questions, and I feel that even the Daily would be surprised by some of the opinions presented. At present a large portion of the material is not even taught by the ROTC instructors. Cadets m a y choose (most do) to substitute other courses for parts of the Air Force program (some of them even from the "hard" Engineering Col- lege). FINALLY, discipline and s h o e- shining are being reanalyzed (by the cadets as are virtually all areas of the program) and chang- ed, as there are virtually no events which cadets are required or in- timidated into attending. I fe e l that I can speak for most of the Air Force cadets when I say that our program is both valid and pro- gressive. All we request is that the Air Force program be treated as a separate program, and that an y blanket action (dropping LS&A credit, etc.) be witheld, so that our pogram can be judged on its own merits ,and not the Army's. -Simon P. Worden, LS&A '71 Cadet Captain, Air Force ROTC April 10 -U' 0* - . .4