STOP THE REPRISALS NOW See Editorial Page LWt Y 74Iaii4y QUESTIONABLE High-62 Low--38 Mostly fair, chance of rain ;, ,., .. .. Vol LXXX, No. 160 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 15, 1970 Ten Cents Eiaht Races Ten Cents &-'i is IPwne a MINNESOTA JUDGE: President nominates Astronauts endangered Blackm un for court WASHINGTON (M'-- Fed- eral Judge Harry A. Blackmun > of Minnesota yesterday be- came President's Nixon's third f choice to fill the m u c h- ' fought-over Supreme C our t: 4 vacancy.I The appointment was announc- ed by Ronald Ziegler, the Presi- dent's press secretary, after it had been disclosed by several inform- ,: ed sources. : Nixon's two earlier nominations,' Clement Haynsworth of S o u t h Caroline, and G. Harrold Cars-E well of Florida, were denied con- firmation by the Senate. After his second rebuff last * ~week, Nixon said he would no t name another Southerner in h i s quest for a nominee who is a "strict constructionist" because he beliefves the present Senate w i 11 not accept a Southerner. Several senators have denied this. The 61 year-old Blackmun is aj member of the 8th circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which sits in St. Louis, Mo. -Associated Press Ziegler said yesterday that he Judge Harry A. Blackmun was selected by President Nixon because of the judge's "personal DISSOLUTIASKEDqualities." SNHe was highly impressed when he studied the judicial record," Ziegler added. "He considers Judge deh er tes nBlackmun to be a strict construe- The press secretary said t h at " Blackmun was chosen from a e l eSR nstIH ~goup of si candidates. clia ges goupof sx cndiate. 1A IAccording to Ziegler, C h i e f Justice Warren Burger, a longtime, By HARVARD VALLANCE close personal friend of Black- Smun, was consulted on the ap- Central Student Judiciary continued deliberating early pointee's judicial record. However, this morning on a motion by residents of West Quad's Chi- Burger made no recommendation cago House calling for dissolution of Inter-House Assembly, on the appointment, Ziegler said. by dioxide SPACE CENTER, Houston ID' - As three American astro- nauts began their troubled journey home last night, a build- up of carbon dioxide created another complication in their crippled spaceship. Mission Control ordered the Apollo 13 crewmen to con- struct a makeshift cleansing device to cope with the potential hazard to breathing. Spokesmen for the space center said the buildup had been expected and flight controllers Were not alarmed about the development. The carbon dioxide problem arose after the astronauts completed a burn of the main engine of the Lunar Module. The burn, which took place as the spacecraft swung around the moon will speed their return to earth by ten hours. The astronauts are racing against - the depletion of vital supplies of water, exygen and electric-Srally ity. -Daily-Jim Judkis Presicent Fleming addresses newsmen Fleming blasts Agnew on U ; RAM the representative body or students living in the residence halls. The deliberations began last night after the counsel for ' IHA delivered its testimony. The plaintiffs gave their testi- mony at two previous hearings. Residents of Chicago House have charged that IHA has "consistently violated" b o t h] us the Student Government ousanm s Council Constitution and an SGC voting rights resolution hol o April, 1969. hold national The Chicago House residents are seeking to form a "Residence Halls Union" which would replace War Protest IHA. On March 12. the Chicago House residents obtained an in- Thousands of people are expect- junction from CSJ barring IHA ed to march in the streets of from spending funds, electing its American cities today to protest officers and choosing representa- U.S. involvement in Vietnam tives to the Board of Governors of' U.S.invovemnt i Vienam Residence Halls. The demonstrations, which will Residents of Chicago House have occur 'in all major cities, are part asserted that representation in of a nationwide protest siionsored IHA is malaportioned because * by various groups including the house presidents with varying Student Mobilization Committee to r populations in their constituencies End the War in Vietnam (SMC) have equal voting power. and Students for a Democratic dMel Fcfe'man, counsel for the Society. defense, contended last night that IHA is not the sole legally con- In Detroit, an afternoon march stituted body acting as the exclus- from Wayne State University to ive representative organization for Kennedy Square will culminate in students living in the residence a rally addressed by the president halls. Therefore, Feferman said, of the Detroit chapter of the AFL- IHA- is not subject to criteria set CIO and Betty Friedan, author of by SGC as strictly as are other "The Femine Mystique." student organizations. The SMC slogan of "Bring all Feferman maintained that there the . Troops home Now!" will be are numerous other bodies on' the theme of the march and rally, which students living in the resi- which the group hopes will re- dence halls are represented such awaken anti-war sentiment. as the Student Advisory Commit- tee on Housing. Meanwhile, over 30 people from He said that IHA was primarily Ann Arbor, marched to Inkster a lobbying organization, rather last night, where they spent the than a governing organization. and night in a church. The group will that the equal voting power continue its march tomorrow, shared by each house was the best stopping at major high schools in method in which the divergent in- an attempt to pick up support. terests of the houses could be rep- See THOUSANDS, Page 3 resented. The Senate Judiciary Committee plans to start public hearings a week after the nomination is sub- mitted formally to the ente By RICK PERLOFF If no major opposition develops, University President R o b b e n it is likely that committee and Fleming yesterday reiterated h i s floor votes will come quickly snd disagreement with Vice President that the court can be restored to Spiro Agnew's charges that the I its normal complement of nine jus- University is lowering its aca- tices. demic standards by attempting to Its present eight-man makeup aise its black enrollment to 10 reportedly has prevented decis-I per cent by Fall, 1973 ions on some major pending cases Fleming, who said Monday night because the court is evenly divid- that the vice president is "badly ed, four and four. informed" on the issue, added at a The Blackmun nomination w a s press conference yesterday that he widely predicted and widely her- "re(-rets" Agnew's statement. alded ahead of time, even by some "I do not wish to apologize for Democrats such as former V i c e myself nor for the program we are President Hubert Humphrey, who undertaking," he said "Indeed we warmly endorsed him. are very proud of it." In his speech, which w at a Republican fund-rai ner in Des Moines, Iowa, Agnew accused the Univ "surrender" to the Black Movement and called th ment to 10 per cent enrol callous retreat from realii Agnew compared the U to Italian universities w cession to student dent openiadmissions hadl claimed, to the awarding gain basement diplomas." Agnew charged that " years time perhaps . . . A will give diplomas from the same fish-eye that set vas given sing din- Monday, versity of ,k Action ie agree- lment "a ty." Jniversity 'hose ac-l .ands for led, he of "bar- in a few unericans Michigan Italians Itlemeni now give diplomas from the Uni- versity of Roine." Disputing Agnew's charges, Fleming said that the black stu- dents, would be able to compete and succeed at the University. He added that those students w h o found the academic programs overbearing would be aided by special "supportive services." lMost of the new black students will be admitted under the Uni- versity's Opportunity Awards Pro- gram, Fleming said, which has a somewhat "different admissions procedure." "We give less attention to test scores and high school academic records, but a great deal of atten- tion to the remarks of high school counselors who know. these young peoule and believe they can suc- ceed at the University -of Mich- igan." Fleming added. Contending that the University has in fact. been successful in at- tractinq "qualifi-d" blacks. Flenm- ing said he did not agree with Ag- new's prediction of "lower aca- demic standards." Further, the piesident said that "if we mean that we're interested in eauality of education, then we should open up opportunities for 'black students who have been dis- advantaged over the years." Fleming said there had been no communication between his office and the vice president on the black 1 enrollment issue. "Why he chose to make the speech or chose this occasion I don't know," F le m - ing said, adding that he had made See FLEMING, Page 3 The complications arose Mon- day night when two of the three electrical supply systems in Apollo 13 failed to function, forcing t h e cancellation of the scheduled moon landings. For the first time, the astro- nauts, James A. Lovell Jr., Fred W. Haise Jr. and Jack L.. Swigert Jr., showed some signs of wear and. tear. Lovell suggested during one conversation that he thought it was time he got something to eat, Then he said twice, "We've gone a helluva long time without a n y sleep." Mission Control announced that the electrical supply had a suffi- cient quantity to last until the end. of the mission. There were 215 pounds of water available for cool- ing which would allow for re-entry with full electrical power. T h e r e were also 120 hours worth of oxy- gen left in the little craft at cur- rent usage, a five day supply with only three days of flight ahead. To erase the carbon dioxide., Mission Control ordered the as- tronauts to, rig up a lithium hy- droxide canisters to the air system with plastic tape and cloth, or an old sock. Both the command module and the lunar module, which are join- ed nose to nose, have lithium hy- droxide canisters for removing carbon dioxide. But those in the command ship are not operating since that ship's systems are shut down for conservation of the al-. ready ' low supplies of water, oxygen and electricity.- SVote bill introduced LANSING () -An election re- form package aimed at giving "change a chance through poli- ties" was introduced yesterday in the state Senate. Offered by former Minority Leader Sander Levin (D-Berkely), the bills embodied many of the recommendations of a s p e c i a 1 Democratic political reform com- mission for which Levin acted as assistant chairman. Included in Levin's package were proposals to: -Lower the voting age to 18; -Provide credits against the state income tax for political con- tributions; w I tomorrow on trials By DAN SCHREIBER Representatives of several stu- dent groups at the University will hold a rally on the diag at noon tomorrow in an attempt to con- vince students to attend the hear- ings of people facing charges stemming from the recent Black Action Movement (BAM) c la aa strike. According to Jerry De Grieck, executive vice president of Stu- dent Government Council, students will be asked to "demonstrate sup- port for the granting of amnesty" to the participants in the class strike. "The purpose of the rally is to let the students know where and when the proceedings will t a k e place," DeGrieck said, Speakers at the rally will include representatives of SGC and BAM, De~rieck added. 13 students have been charged with disruption of classes during the class strike. Their classes a r e currently pending before disciplin- ary boards in the various schools and colleges. Meanwhile, over 500 people have signed a petition which states they "engaged in the very same acts as those commited during the BAM strike by the 13 students who have been charged by the University." "The singling out of just a few for reprisals is a clear act of re- pression, the petition continues. "If any are to be tried, then we must all be tried." In related action last night, Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) made permanent a restraining or- der issued last Friday calling on two students and five, faculty members accused of disrupting classes.during the strike to refrain from appearing before the literary college administrative board. CSJ contends that it has s o1 e Jurisdiction over the cases, because they involve "non-academic" of- fenses. The Regents have never re- cognized CSJ's claim to sole juris- diction in these cases. CSJ also assumed jurisdiction over two additional disruption cases. In these cases, Greek Profs. Roger Pack and William Horwatt have charged Randall Clarke, '72, and Andrai Joseph, '71 with dis- rupting their classes. " ! DismissedEM teachier denies charge of irresp9Isi ble conduct By PAT MEARS Miss Goldfeather says that her According to the statement, Miss An English i n s t r u c t o r at dismissal followed charges by Mil- I Goldfeather received a cable from Eastern Michigan University has ten Foster, chairman of the Eng- Foster on April 14 demanding that charged that she was unfairly dis- lish 'department, that she had ex- she "return immediately." missed by the English depart- tended a vacation from the uni- When she returned on April 19, ',._ . ....4.- ..........a _ V~~ if withri 7Q ild 5111cP a d hp eta t.P a t nn i "F n tr. t i I t . i I {, i ments executive committee dispute over teaching condu In a statement to thef of the EMU English langua literature department, Miss ilyn Goldfeather said her di: was based on allegations o viant behavior" and "irre bility" The statement was relea Monday, two days after fou: EMU instructors, who wer recently dismissed, accuse university's administration fling dissent and infringi academic freedom. Three instructors were also in the lish department. e in a versty witout va cause, an tn e sLa emenL continues, os er ct. had committed several acts of un- sent for me, revoked my 1969-70 faculty professional conduct while teach- 1 e t t e r of employment (which ge and ing. praised my excellent department Mar- In her statement, Miss Gold- service) and told me I was fired, smissal feather said that the difficulties effective that June, for 'irrespon- f "de- began when she flew to the Virgin sibility-failure to make arrange-! sponsi- Islands on April 4, 1969, to settle ments satisfactory to the depart- the estate of her stepfather. The ment.' sed on trip was during the mid-term va- According to the statement, r other cation at EMU. Foster also charged that: re also A few days later, Miss Gold- -Miss Goldfeather had offered d the feather said, legal difficulties arose I "to write student term papers for of sti- concerning the estate, and she f money;" ng on wrote Foster "telling him I could -"The word 'fuck' occurred" in of the I not yet return, and I sent assign- Miss Goldfeather's class; e Eng- ments to cover my classes for -Miss Goldfeather's stepfather April 14." was really "just a friend of the family," and she had used the death to "prolong an enjoyable vacation." On May 21, Miss Goldfeather, Foster and Dean Donald Drum- mond of the Literary School of u e Arts and Scien~ce ntet to discuss the charges, the statemntt said. "Drummond read from a long, confidential letter" to Miss Gold- feather which listed 10 charges, "only two or three of which di- rectly involved my absence," ac- cording to her statement. The letter charged Miss Gold- 50 SCHOLARSHIPS Indian enrollment a d By MARION SELZ As the University begins to implement demands for increased enrollment of black and Chicano (Mexican-American) stu- dents, the Anerican Indians are b.ginning to press for similar recognition. John Winchester, a member of the state Commission on Indian Affairs, has sub- mitted to the University administration a list of recommendations for raising the en- rollment of American Indians as well as th dian Studies Institute at the University, which would be organized and supported by the social work school, education school and the anthropology department of +he lite:ary college; and -The recognition by the University of an 1817 treaty in which three Indian tribes granted permission for the use of 640 acres of land by the University, which was about to be chantered. According to the treaty. :e 'and was granted by the tribes becat i feather "shared an apartment with a student;" was "unprofes- sional" antd "did not think highlya of the PhD degree;" and it charged that "students from her 8:00 class were allowed to sit in" on her later class. _'_ _ _____,..;U. -