Tuesday, April 14, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tusa' Api14 97IH IHIA AL -to- 1F! IKnicks defeat Bucks, Cazzie clinches win- LITTLER FALTERS Casper wins Masters NEW YORK UP- While Willis Reed and Lew Alcindor battled to a standoff, reserves Cazzie Russell and Mike Rior- dan scored the decisive points and the New York Knicks edged the Milwaukee Bucks 112-111 last night for a 2-0 lead in their Eastern Division final series of the National Basketball Asso- ciation playoffs.I The best-of-7 series now moves to Milwaukee for the third and fourth games Friday night and Sunday afternoon. Riordan, who had entered the game only seconds earlier, scored a reverse, driving lay up for a 110-107 Knick lead, and then Russell capped the stir- ring victory with two decisive' free throws that made it 112 d lv 109 with 34 seconds left. , Cazzie Russell SOccermen dump United The Wolverine s o c c e r team, playing one of their best games of the season, blanked the United soccer club 4-0 in a game last Sunday. In this, the first game of the Toledo league, Mendez Flores led the Wolverine attack, scoring the to goals that gave Michigan 1 2-0 halftime lead. Michigan continued to dominate play in the second half. Their third goal came on a free kick which bounced over several play- ers and the heel of United goal tender, John Knox. Carlos Masias, though injured, kicked in the final Michigan tally. aily Official Bulletin (Continued from Page 2) SPRING COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Crisler Arena, May 2, 1970 10:30 a.m. TICKETS: Maximum of. four to each prospective e adi'o4e, oisfrih*iwed Anr 13, to 5:00 p.m. May 1 at diploma of- fice, 1518 LS&A B'ldg. Remaining tickets will be distributed from the Crisier Arena ticket office after 9:15 a.m., May 2. Aleindor, who scored 38 points but missed two clutch free throwsl with 50 seconds to go and the score 110-109, hit a final basket with 22 seconds remaining. Butl Bucks never got another chancel as New York ran out the clock. Reed, who had outplayed Al- cindor in the Saturday's much- easier, 110-102 triumph, pumped in 36 points, and the final two put New York ahead to stay, 106-105. Russell thenrmissed a dunk fshot but came right back with a jumper wtih just less than three minutes remaining before Jon Mc- Glocklin scored Milwaukee's next two points.' Russell finished with 12 points, eight of them in the final quar- ter, and Riordan had seven. Reed's final basket produced 1 the 27tp lead change in the see- saw gane that also had 11 ties and kept a capacity 19,500 crowd in Madison Square Garden roar- ing to the end. Dick Barnett added 19 points for New York, and McGlocklin, Bob Dandridge and Greg Smith had 14 each for the Bucks. Both teams came out firing, each shooting better than 55 per cent in the first half that ended with Milwaukee ahead 66-63 al- though'' Reed overshadowed Al- cindor, outscoring him 21-15. But the Bucks turned almost exclusive- ly to Alcindor in the final half and he responded by taking almost complete control of their offense. sports' NIGHT EDITOR: BILL ALTERMAN DODGERS WIN! Padres hang on to nip Reds -Associated Press Casper on way to victory AUGUSTA, Ga. ( )-Billy Cas- per stormed out to a whopping, seven stroke lead, then coasted in for a 69-74 victory over Gene Litt- ler yesterday in their 18-hole play- off for the title in the Masters, the first of the world's major golf championships in this decade. With the victory went the win- ners check of $25,000 and the famed green jacket that some pros1 say may be worth as much as $11 "i million in endorsements exhibit- ions and so on. Casper, generally acknowledged; as one of the game's finest put- ters, used his beautiful play on the greens to its utmost advantage, one-putting seven times over the first 11 holes as he moved out to the almost insurmountable lead. Littler, a 39-year-old veteran who has been a golfing companion of Casper's since their boyhood days in San Diego, made one mild Srally before the huge gallery of about 10,000 that surged and stampeded over the storied Aug- usta National course. The layoff was forced when the two bland, soft-spoken veterans tied after the regulation 72: oles of play at 279. Casper. the third round leader, had a 71 Sunday and Littler a 70. It was the 45th career victory for the allergy-prone Casper, who once went on an exotic diet to shed some excess poundage, then came back'and gained his sec- )nd U.S. Open championship in a playoff against Arnold Palmer. Casper, one of golf's three $1 /g million winners, put the pressure on Littler from the first shot on the warm, sunny day. Using a new set of clubs for only the second week-they're an /x ounce lighter than his old clubs and Casper said he gets more distance off the tee with them- he out drove Littler by about 50 yards on the first tee. This Week in Sports TODAY BASEBALL-Notre Dame at Ferry Field, 3:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY LACROSSE-Michigan State at East Lansing FRIDAY TENNIS-Wisconsin at Madison SATURDAY GOLF-Illinois Invitational at Champaign TRACK-Ohio State Relays at Columbus TENNIS-Northwestern at Evanston LACROSSE-Ohio University at Ferry Field, 2 p.m. RUGBY-London St. Georges at Ferry Field Guerin fined for threat; Miami penalized for switch By The Associated Press *,ATLANTA - Coach Richie Guerin of the Atlanta Hawks was fined $1,000 last night by the National Basketball Association after he threatened at a news conference that if officiating follows the pattern set Sunday, "there'll be a lot of blood spilt on that floor." Commissioner Walter Kennedy announced the fine in New York saying it is "inconceivable" that any coach would make such a threat. * NEW YORK - Baltimore will get Miami's first round choice in 1971 National Football League draft because the Dolphins have been found guilty of tampering with head coach Don Shula, who moved from Baltimore to Miami Feb. 18. 0 NEW YORK - Red Holzman was named Coach of the Year in the National Basketball Association yesterday in the eighth annual poll of sports writers. By The Associated Press CINCINNATI - Clutch relief pitching by Dave Roberts and Ron Herbel bailed San Diego ,out of two late-inning jams and the Padres held on to defeat Cincin- nati 3-1 last night. Starter Al Santorini limited the Reds to one hit until the seventh inning but Cincinnati loaded the bases on twosingles and a hit batsman. Then, with two out, Roberts came on to get pinch hit- ter Hal McRae, ending the threat. Astros of fed HOUSTON - Don Sutton stop- ped Houston on two hits last night and Andy Kosco's sixth inning home rit n paced the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 2-0 victory over the Astros. It was the second successive shutout victory for the Dodgers after a season-opening string of five straight losses. Major League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Baltimore Detroit Washington Boston New York I Cleveland E California Minnesota Milwaukee Kansas City Oakland Chicago East Division W L 51 3 3 2 3 2 3 23 2 4 Pet., .833 .500 .500 .400 .400 .333 GB 2 2' 215 3 2% 3% 3% 41/2 New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh St. Louis Chicago Montreal Cincinnati San Diego Atlanta San Francisco Houston Los Angeles W L Pct. 3 2 .600 3 2 .600 3 2 ,0 3 2 .600 1 3 .250 1 4 .200 GB -1 2 1 1 2 3 West Division 5 0 .1.000 3 0 1.000 3 3 .500 2 4 .333 1 3 .250 1 5 .167 est Division 6 3 4 3 4 3 .667 .571 .571 .570 .428 .285 r, 4 3 4 4 5 Yesterday's Results Kansas City at Minnesota, cancelled Milwaukee at Oakland, incomplete Only games scheduled Today's Games Seattle at Oakland, night Chicago at California, night Kansas City at Minnesota Cleveland at Detroit, Washington at Baltimore, night New York at Boston Yesterday's Results Atlanta 9, San Francisco 3 San Diego 3, Cincinnati 1 Los Angeles 2, Houston 0 Only games scheduled Today's Games Pittsburgh at New York Philadelphia at Chicago Montreal at St. Louis, night San Francisco at Atlanta, night San Diego at Cincinnati, night Los Angeles at Houston, night SEE EUROPE BY CAR! Rent, Lease or Buy at low prices ALL MAKES & MODELS SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT CAR-TOURS IN EUROPE CALL: Local Representative, Rob Kaplow-764-9045 between 6-7 p.m. OR WRITE: Rob Kaplow, Lawyers Club, 551 S. State, Ann Arbor 48104 HAPPY BIRTHDAY For Direct Classified Ad service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:00-2:00 R.B.Y. P&G II t ACADEMIC COSTUME: Rent at Moe Sport Shop, 711. N, University. Orders . (Continued from Page 5) should be placed before April 15. PERSONAL SPECTATORS: All spectators should be seated in the building by 10:30 a.m.h GRADUATION announcements, invi- tation~s, etc.: Inquire at desk in first TREfoo ob.o SA lg floor lobby of LS&A Bldg. . COMMENCEMENT programs: Distri- FOR MOTORCYCLES bted at exercisesACROSS FROM SA S STORE DISTRIBUTION of diplomas: Diplo- 3F82 mas conferred as of May 2, 1970, call for at Rm. 514, LS&A, May 26 - June _ 3. Medical School diplomas distribut- BLOOD DONORS ed Class Night, June 1I2; Flint College diplomas at convocation June 9; Dear- URGENTLY NEEDED born Campus diplomas at Dearborn i $7.50 Ah positive, $10 & $12 Eh %egl Campus graduation, June 14; Law a$7v.50 hMo. sii bue.,$1 & 12Rbt 9-4 school diplomas, call for after June26 , a Tus . 9-4. Rm. 1518 LS&A. Dental School diplo- We'd. 1 18-21 years old need par- mas distributed at Dental School exer- ents permission cises, Class Day, May 9. Michigan Community Blond (,enter 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti . ' Doctoral degree candidates, who qual- 483-1894 ifv for the Ph.D. or a similar degree ' Ftc from the Graduate School and who at- . ____ ________ tend the commencement exercises will COUPLE NEEDS 1-bdrm. apt. for fall- be given a hood by the_ University as will "take sublet with fall option. part of the ceremony. Under $135. 763-0832or 662-2650. FB 130 YEAR OLD WOMAN GRAD-attrac- Placerment Serevifel tive. feminine, emotionally stable, ra- PERSONAL SUMMER EMPLOYMENT GIRLS. Easy counting and pkg. job in NW Detroit, starting bet. May 1- 10. Kux Mfg. Co. 14575 Meyers. Call Mrs. V. at 491-4406, 27F82 SAVE $75-500 the day you .buy diamond. AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. Univers;ty-663-7151 her WEDDING candids a spec;alty. For the best quality at the cheapest rates for any aspect of photography,, call RICHARD LEE, 761-9452 before noon. F82 FREE U. CRAFT FAIR: no registration fees. Open to everyone. All profits are yours. On the Diag, April 18. Call 763-2130 or drop by UAC office. 24F80 LEARN WHILE your earn. (up to $10) -Help a grad complete his thesis. You will be paid for completing pro- grammed instruction exercises. Call 764-0508 (ask for Christy) dur;ng the day. 761-2028 evenings (ask for Gene). 33F78 WE'LL PAY you five dollars cash for each available rental house that you bring us. We need them for now, the summer, and the fall-just bring us the address and landlord's phone number, we'll qualify it. then pay you - Student Living Quarters. 1217 S University, 662-6591. 29Ftc PERSONAL HEY RALPH, have you read the Hop- wood Award Winner "Across the Great Divide" in this issue of Gen- eration? 48Ftc STUDENTS Summer Employment op- portunities with leading British Ho- tels. Charter flights from $170.60. New York-London-New York. Bassette In- ternational, 60 Pyle Street, Newport, I W., Hants, England. 37Ftc ATTENTION FRESHMEN AND SOPHO- MORES interested in U of M Dear- born Campus opportunites! You may now get information in Rm. 1223 Angell Hall-,each THURSDAY, 9:30- 4 p.m. Call Mrs. Bennett at 764-0312 or :drop by the office for an appoint- ment. JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEVELS ment. JUTIOR AND SENIOR LEVEL PROGRAMS in Business Administra- t;on, LS&A, Engineering. 18F80 IF YOU HAVE found something and want to find its owner--Call us and we 'will run an ad for you free for three days. Ftc WHYBUY a mass produced wedding ring? Have a unique ring personally designed. White or yellow gold. Satisfactign guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Call Jhan, 769-7550. 34Ftc STOP! Being hassled! Let us battle the ele- ments for you . . . weather or what- ever . . We'll find you a place tor live. Student Living Quarters, 1217 S. University. 662-6591. 4Ftc PERSONAL STEVE SETO desires a Scabbard for his Blade. 761-6220. 1OF81 RETURN FLIGHT - London to Detroit. Aug. 6, $115. 769-1489. 49F82 WEEKLY ENCOUNTER GROUP -feel- ing oriented interpersonal growth ex- perience. Call 663-7616. 43F82 TIRED OF LOOKING for a place to live? Student Living Quarters can probably help you . . . stop in for a cup of coffee and we'll tell you what's' available, for what rent and what our deal is-1217 S. Univ. 2Ftc TVs FOR RENT 19" Zenith portables, free service and delivery, no deposit required. Call Nejac TV Rentals, 662-5671. 26Ftc DO YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS, OR HAVE TICKETS YOU WANT TO SELL OR TRADE? READ AND USE THE NEW DAILY CATEGORY. TICKETS FOR QUICK RESULTS. F STUDENT DESITiES PAINTING, all types. Four years experience. Call 662-4736 FD NEED SOME TLC? Join The Michigan Daily now and avoid the fall rush. For individual attention, call Judy, 764-0552, afternoons. FF WOW! A three-piece Treasure Chest chicken dinner, plus french fries, for only 79! Larger take-home orders also. Try a box soon!! s J @ INOPEEO YERVICE West of Arborland why cart all those clothes home'? ! Call Greenes Cleaners today! We'll deliver a storage box- - Fill it with your winter garments- We'll pick it up-clean yourgarments- Mothproof them and Store them in our air conditioped vault. Next fall-give us a call. We'll deliver- fresh and clean-beautifully pressed. ! Its ocoveint-and cv4,aenr of, . 3 ..V Y iKw i U US- .*W * Vti'WNCr than shipping. Still only $4.95plus regular cleaning charges. Call and reserve your box today. 662-3231 reene's Cleaners ANN ARBOR'S ONLY REFRIGERATED VAULT Gr ANNOUNCEMENT: Interview for Mgt. intern, part of FSEE, held in Ann Arbor week of April 27; if eligible and have not rec'd notice from Wash. D.C., call Miss Webber, 764- 7460. Current Openings in A.A. area, others available nationwide, come browse: H. E. Lennon Inc., Farmington and metro Detroit areas, Industrial Sales. no specific bekrd., sales exposure help- tionally liberal,' interested in the cre- ative arts specifically and life in gen- eral-wants to meet .a mature, STA- BLE, active man, preferably in law, medicine, architecture, social or na- tural sciences.. No freaks or radicals of any persuasioI4 please. Reply ,to Michigan Daily, Box 18. 45F7 PEACE-REVOLUTION SEMINAR Spring Half-3-4 Hrs. Credit j Call Rich if interested-764-0737 12F7 U Hillel Passover Se and Meals APRIL 20-28, 1970 f- xu goa raiigpo.- MOTHERS with babies 6-12 months. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE Will pay $2.00 to have both partici- 212 SAB, Lower Level pate in a study of normal infant de- Texas Instruments, Attelboro, Mass., veiopment for my doctoral thesis in Sr., plus in ME, EE, IE, materials E, developmental psychology. Mrs. Mere- Metallurgy E. and computer sci. devel- dith Kimball, 764-6573 or 971-5588. opment program. 9F82 WHERE THE BOYS ARE (AND GIRLS) FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. 100 DAYS OF SUMMER-AS LOW AS $159 (MEMORIAL DAY-LABOR DAY) 1 B.R. Apt. (sleeps 4-5)--$795 Efficiencies (sleeps 3-4)-$695 Motel Rooms (sleeps 2-3)-$495 ATETONFEH MEN. and SOPHOMORES Interested in U of M's Dearborn Campus opportunities? You may now get information in Room 1223 Angell Hall, each Thursday9:30- 4:00 P.M. For appointments call 764- 0312, Mrs. Bennett, or drop by the off ice. JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEVEL PRO- GRAMS AND BUSINESS ADMINIS- TRATION, LSA AND ENGINEERINGI Each Lunch Each Dinner Special Rate for all 16 meals Each Seder 7 p.m. 12:15 6 p.m. Members $35.00 $ 6.00 $ 1.75 $ 3.00 $40.00 $ 6.50 $ 2.25 $ 3.50 Non-Members All facilities within one block of beach with pool and air condi- tioninq. WATCH THIS SPOT FOR SIGNS OF ROT APRIL 17, 1970 idiscount records 1235 S. University 300 S. State . . ,I ADVANCED RESERVATIONS ONLY=-LIMITED TO 175 For Reservation forms drop by the House, 1429 Hill, or Phone 663-4129 DEADLINE-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 ,v I i 25% deposit confirms reservation ;'m CORAL SEAS, INC.-c/o RETREAT APARTMENTS 2916 Bayshore Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33304 PH. (305) -524-4202 WANT A NEW LIVING r ;;i ;Jq Strike 4nalysis-Black Perspectives Sponsored by BAM AFRO-AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM kAIkA"VMTW' Lf% ilC A CF RI AlrV lrArCtntU INhEC GOING TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER? EX PERiENCE? Why not try a Sorority Hlouse? I I _