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April 14, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-14

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See Editorial Page



Partly cloudy,


Vol. LXXX, No. 159

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 14, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages




HOUSTON {I)-The Apollo 13 moon landing was cancelled at 1
a.m.+ this morning after two of the craft's three electrical supply
sys1ems failed to function. Two of the astronauts moved into the lunar
landing module, where the remaining functional fuel cell is located,
with the third man to follow after shutting down operations in the
now-dead command module.
Should all go well, the trio will splash down in the Pacific Ocean at
12:12 p.m. EST, Friday. Since the lunar module would burn up upon
descent in the earth's atmosphere, the astronauts will be forced to
depend on the meager oxygen and power supplies in the command
vehicle for the final desrent.



WaIter Shervington

*Hair cut
Detroit Federal Judge Lawrenc
Gubow yesterday refused to gran
an injunction enjoining Wash
tenaw County Sheriff Dougla
Harvey from cutting the hair o
any prisoners in his custody.
The injunction had been sough
by four University students an
four ex-students whose head
were "shaved to the scalp" follow
ing their arrests Feb. 18. They
were charged with misdemeanor
stemT~iig from a protest against
General Electric recruiters or
Judge Gubow said yesterday th
matter of haircuts "posed grav
constitutional questions which ca:
for a complete hearing." He add
ed, however, that he believed in
junctions should be used sparing
ly and refused to use one in thi
instance because "there are n
persons in imminent fear or in
jury at the Washtenaw Count
The judge indicated that h
would consider ruling on an in
junction if a similar case come
up in the future.
Detroit civil liberties lawyer Er-
nest Goodman, attorney for thr
eight plaintiffs said yesterds3
"The sheriff is going to have tc
decide whether or not to continue
the practice of cutting hair. If li
doesn't (discontinue his policy),
we'll be back in court."

News Editor
The search for a vice presi-
dent for the proposed Office
of Student Services (OSS) suf-
fered another setback over the
weekend as Dr. Walter Sherv-
ington, one of only three re-
maining candidates for the
post, met Sunday with Presi-
dent Robben Fleming and told
him he was withdrawing from
The action marked the second
withdrawal by a candidate in the
last week. Hubert Locke, director
of the Office of Religious Affairs
at Wayne State University. in-
formed Fleming last Tuesday he
could not accept the post.
Only two candidates officially
remain from the list of five en-
dorsed by a student-faculty search{
committee and sent to Fleming 1
last January.
However, both of these candi-
dates. Carole Leland. of Washing-
ton. D.C.. and Alan Guskin, an in-
structor in the Residential Col-
lege and project director at the
Institute for Social Research, have
indicated they will also decline to
take the vice presidency.
Shervington explained his rea-
sons for withdrawal in a letter to
Fleming and to the co-chairmen
of the search committee, Law
Prof. Frank Kennedy and Steve
Nissen, 70.
e He stressed that the vice presi-j
t dency, when filled, should be a
- strong and important post which-
s could provide a legitimate avenue
f for student expression. He said it
must be filled by a person who can
irelate well with students.
However, he said he believed
d that the University administration
s did not share this view of the of-
fice, and that he could not, there-
'y fore, accept the most..
T "It is imperative that the Vice
President for Student Services be
'a vital, potent and significantj
force within the University in!
e terms of both stud ents and
e the administration. Otherwise, the
Li VPSS will be a facade and every-
- body's 'whipping boy.' That I will
- not be and so am requesting that
- my candidacy be withdrawn."
s Shervington told Fleming he1
o feared that there was a growing
- attitude on the part of the ad-
y ministration "that the office of
Student Services is unnecessary."1
e He said that the unwillingness of ,
- the administration, to put finan-j

- -Associated Press
Los Angeles teachers onj strike
Students at Los Angeles' Belmont High School squeeze past a line of picketing teachers on their way
to class yesterday as the United Teachers of Los Angeles began a strike against the city's school
system. Supt. Robert Kelly said all possible classes would be kept open by using nonstrikers, 2,000 sub-
stitutes and supervisors.



n1 disclosed

Vice President Spiro T.
Agnew last night criticized the
University for what he termed
a "surrender" to the Black
Action Movement (BAM).
The statement met with critical
response last night from Presi-
dent Robben Fleming, Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken, several Regents and
BAM leaders.
In a speech prepared for a Re-
publican fund-raising dinner in
Des Moines, Iowa, A g n e w said
'unqualified students are being
swept into college on the wave of
the new socialism." in a fashion
which can devalue education and
create campus disorder.
Referring specifically to the
University. the Vice President lik-
ened the commitment to a 10 per
cent black enrollment by 1973-74
to the open admissions policies
accepted Oy Italian universities
two years ago at the demand of
rebellious students.
The result in Italy. Agnew said,
was "bargain basement diplomas."
"In a few years time, perhaps-
thanks to the University of Mich-
igan's callow retreat from reality
-America will give the diplomas
from Michigan the same fish-eye
that Italians now give diplomas
I from the University of Rome," he
"I feel as much as anyone that
there should be expanded educa-
tion oportunities for deprived.
but able, y o u n g people in our
society." Agnew continued.
"The difference is that I favor
better preparing them-with ad-
ditionalreovernment assistance-
in some form of prep school rather
than tossing them into a four-year
college or university curriculum
they are not equipped to handle,"
the Vice President said.
"And I do not feel that our
traditional four - year institutions
should lower their sights or their
standards for the sole purpose of
opening their doors wider," he
Fleming responded last night to
Agnew's chargN.
"The Vice President apparently
is badly misinformed about the
commitment the University's Re-
gents, faculty and administration
have made to provide educa-
tional opportunity to disadvant-
aged young people, particularly
blacks." said Fleming.
"We intend to provide reason-
able assurance of a successful ed-
ucational experience for these stu-
dents." he continued.
In a statement issued last night
Milliken said. "By admitting more
black students, the University will
not be lowering its standards. but
meeting its constitutional obliga-
tion to provide equal access to
education opportunities."
Agnew referred to a report in
the Ann Arbor News of a speech
by economics Prof. Gardner Ack-
ley. He quoted Ackley as saying
the University "is being destroyed
by its own faculty and adminis-
Last night. Ackley said, "I very
much regret that Mr. Agnew has
chosen my words to make a bad
situation here more difficult."
See AGNEW, Page 3



Ilk I -Av-1


The Regents have agreed to a1
secret contract with Detroit Edison
Co. under which the University
will receive cash payments in ex-
change for maintaining a profes-
sorihip in a field directly related
to the functioning of the Edison'
Co.. it has been learned.'
The contract was approved by,
the Regents at their June meeting
last year, on the request of Vice'
President for Academic Affairs
Allan F. Smith.
Under the terms of the agree-'

ment, Edison was to pay the Uni-'
versity $110.000 over a seven-year
In turn, the University agreed to
"employ a person for the profes-I
sorial staff of the Department of
Electrical Engineering ... to pro-I
vide instructional support for the
department, with special qualifi-
cations in systems analysis of pow-
er distribution . .
Under the contract, the Univer-
sity agreed to use the $110,000 to
support the new professor, who
received the title of "Harvey A.
Wagner Professor" and to support'

Early registration for fall term
starts today in W atermanCGym

"the educational program he de-
e o' s."
The contract also stipulated,
that Edison would consider re-
quests for up to $6.000 in student
support for students selected by
the electrical engineering depart-
In addition, the University
agreed to use the scholarship
money provided by the agree-
ment "to attract outstanding stu-
dents to enter the program." These
students would be called "Detroit
Edison Scholars."
A further stipulation of the con-
tract stated that Edison would be
free to offer jobs to the Harvey
A. Wagner Professor and the De-
troit Edison Scholars for the sum-
Although the contract was ap-
proved by the Regents in"June
1969, the document does not ap-
pear in the minutes of the meet-
ing. Instead, the approval of a
contract is mentioned, with the
contract listed as an "exhibit" of
the meeting. Such exhibits aie not
available to the public.
In his recommendation to the
Regents on the contract, Vice
President Smith wrote that, if it
was approved, "we would antici-
pate the possibility of receiving
additional research support from
the institute which is jointly spon-
sored by the power companies"
He also said tnat the professor-
ship was in an area not presently
covered in the ,istructional pro-
gram of the deoatmnent. "It is al-
so an area of instruction that is
badly needed," he wrote.

the plaintiffs also are suing

Harvey and two unnamed deputies By SHARON WEINER
for $200,000 damages for the hair-
cuts. Although the case has been dents wo dadaced clasif ed stuor
placed on the Federal Court's I "et wo be cayi W r
docket it is not expected to be fall, 70 will begin today in Water-
heard in' the near future, man Gymnasium and continue'
Duarin heaingon the nruu through April 24, excluding Sat-
During hearing on the injunc- fd dSna
tion motion. Harvey defended his urday an y.
haircutting policy asserting, "It's Registration will take -place dur-
natural for a woman to have long ing this time from 8:10 to 11:40
hair and not a man. Basically the p m.
main reason for cutting hair is All literary college and educa-
sanitation," the sheriff added. tion students can pick up their
"There is no other reason." registration materials in room 119

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
President Fleming addresses University Senate
Fem--ing warns, of
ignoring1U' isorders
President Robben Fleming yesterday warned the Univer-
sity- Senate- it would be a mistake to ignore or minimize the
disruptions and destruction which occurred during the class
strike in support of the Black Action Movement (BAM) de-
Fleming emphasized that those responsible for the dis-
ruptions must be punished. His speech, recapping the BAM
strike, was the keynote at the bienniel meeting of the Senate
which is composed of all University faculty plus some re-
search and library staff.
Speaking about how such punishment might be meted
out, Fleming said he does not believe "that the traditional

of the LSA Bldg. Materials for
other units are in the unit offices.
"If a student who has advanced
,lassified doesn't early registerj
during this time, he will lose his
class reservations" says Associate
Registrar Douglas R. Woolley.
All such students will have to
register Sept. 1 and 2, he adds.
"We expect 14.000 of the 14.600
students who advanced classified
to early-register," says Woolley,
"but there is no reason students

should wait in lines, if they don't
wait until the last day, and reg-
ister either early in the morning or
later in the afternoon during the
early registration period."
Drops and Adds will not be per-
mitted during early registration,j
Woolley adds, but will be handled
in September.
Students will be able to reserve
their football tickets during early-
registration, says Woolley.
"The football accounts will be,
handled like tuition and put on!
the students' accounts, so they can
defer payment," he says.
All students will also be askedR
this year to take part in a racialI
su-vey when they register.
The surveys forms will be inI
the envelopes with the other reg-
istration materials.
All colleges and universities arej
beinm required this year to submit!
a "Compliance Report" on their
racial percentages as provided for
under the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
explains Assistant to the President
for Human Relation Affairs Wil-
liam Cash,
"But our major concern." he
addds. "is not the compliance re-,
port. but our own information -
wo've made the Black Action
Movement (BAM) commitment, i
and we need accurate information
to assess our progress."
The filling out of the survey is
vo'untary," Cash continues; "but
we need a high return and accur-.
at- report in order to estimate the
minority group percentages. This,
is the only way we have of find-j
inq out this information."
The forms are confidential,

judicial systems are very well
suited to h a n d 1 e disruption
He also said that it is a "delu-
sion" for a student to make a dis-
tinction between "academic and
non-academic cases." F 1 e m i n g
based this claim on the assump-
tion that anything occurs in the
classroom can be labeled "aca-
demic" and that the "faculty has
a definite interest in what hap-
pens in the classroom." Because
of this, Fleming said the all-stu-
dent judiciaries are not a proper
means for handling disruption
Fleming suggested that the Uni-3
versity needs a new "mechanism
to enforce the rules of the Univer-
sity." He noted that right now anl
"outside and impartial hearing;
officer." who hears the case and
then forwards his recommenda-
tions to the faculty of the specifica
college, is available to the colleges,
within the University who wish to
make use of the officer.
"Despite all the differences thatI
See ISSUES, Page 3

Ad board

The LSA Administrative board
yesterday reasserted its juris-
diction over cases involving stu-
dents charged with offenses con-
nected with the recent B l a c k
Action Movement (BAM) strike.
In a motion passed unanimous-
ly, the board also provided that
students charged with such of-
fenses would have the option of
being tried by the board itself or
by a jury composed of three fa-
culty and three students from
the literary college to be select-
ed at random.
If students choose to be tried
by the student-faculty jury, the
Administrative board will p r e -
scribe the penalty, should a ver-
dict of guilty be returned, the
motion states.
A member of the board said
last night the motion states that
a defendant could be convict-
ed and penalized for an offense
even if he refused to appear at
his hearing.
Last Friday Central Student
Judiciary (CSJ) enjoined t w o
students, Marc Van Der Hout,
'71, and Peter Denton, Grad, who
have been .charged with disrupt-
ing classes during the BAM strike,
from appearing before hearing
boards that were other than all-
student judiciaries.
In a related action, Student
Government Council passed a re-
solution two weeks ago urging
that all students c h a r g e d with
such offenses refuse to appear
beforp faculty or administrative
hnnrrise C bsrm-,he een ofiled1


Speakers address 'U' Senate
on setting, clianoin1*1g priorities

University priorities, how they
are set and how they should bei
changed, was the topic four mem-
bers of the University community1
spoke before the University Senate
The speakers were Dean Gordon
Van Wylen of the engineering
school, natural resources Prof.
John Bardach, Martin Hirschman,
editor of The Daily and Vice Pres-
ident for Academic Affairs Allan1
Smith. They addressed about 120t
members of the body which in-.
cludes all University faculty plus1
some research and library staff.
Bardach advocated the estab-

Bardach emphasized that "speed' Hirschman charged that "the
is of the essence" in the formation University has prostituted itself
of the committee since budgetary into serving the interests of the
proposals are presented by the de- military-industrial complex and
partments in August. we must do something to stop
Smith said he "woud like to this."

find ways to increase the effec-
tiveness of our resources," but
added that priority decisions were
made so many different ways that
often control by the administra-
tion was difficult and in other
cases might not be desirable.
He cited the example of rate
hikes by utility companies which!
force the University to budget.

He said the University served'
these interests because it has "be-
come dependent on tose institu-
tions which provide funds; insti-
tutions such as Congress, the state
legislature, foundations, alumni'
and corporations."
Hirschman suggested the Uni-
versity reorder its oriorities in or-
d&r that it is "unfettered by bias;
ani in ninatinn h y nno1te


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