p p IL Robert Williams, vanguard of- the black revolution, is back from Red China Return 4 T IV' -.9 from By DANIEL 'ZWERDLING Robert Franklin Williams, the black na- tionalist from Monroe, North Carolina, has re- turned from exile in Communist China, Cuba, North Vietnam and Tanzania where he became the only American to talk with Mao Tse-tung, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and Ho Chi Minh. Living now in a quiet integrated neighbor- hood of tidy bungalows on the northwest side of Detroit, Williams has come a long way since. the days in the late fifties and early sixties when he created a national furor by organizing armed black self-defense units to protect the black neighborhoods in Monroe from the Ku Klux Klan's shooting forays. That was during the golden era of non-violence in civil rights, when liberal whites thanked God for Martin Luther King, and blacks sat-in at Woolworth's counters for the right to buy a sandwich-and turned a cheek as police and the local gentry clubbed them, firehosed them, and beat them with chains. Williams placed first priorities on self-sur- vival, and declared that blacks should meet "vio- lence with violence" and "lynching with lynch- ing." H armed himself and his neighbors to prove he meant it. That catapulted Williams to the ideological leadership of the black revolutionary movement, but soured his relationship with civil rights groups forever. During a racial disorder in 1961, The Monroe police, who used their offices as a Klan re- cruiting headquarters, trumped akidnap charge against Williams and so he fled with his wife Mabel and two sons to Cuba, where he began a now world-famous eight years of exile which came to a climax when Communist China hailed him as a hero of the black revolution. Williams popped into view in occasional stories in the New York Times reporting his speeches in Pe- king May Day parades, and the time he appeared in Tanzania and announced his election as president of the Republic of New Africa, a sep- aratist black nation suposedly forming in five southern American states. At some point Williams decided he wanted to return to America because he was lonesome for it and wanted to fight for his rights to live here. Last September he made a spectacular re- entry at Detroit's Metropolitan Airport, where FBI agents had been waiting for weeks, and now he is waiting out an appeal to block an ex- tradition warrant that would pack him off to Monroe to face trial for a crime almost no one thinks he committed. Meanwhile, Williams has been roaming around Michigan college campuses and business- men's luncheons, talking about China and read- ing. He says he just wants to settle down and catch up on what has happened to his country since he left eight years ago. He's dropped from active fighting, and seems a lot mellower than his public reputation, much tamer than the hard- line militancy of his writings. He wears Mao suits from China, but he talks softly, so gently that it is difficult to believe he is the man the FBI feared so much. A Shooter's Bible lies con- spicuously on his television table, but that's be- cause hunting is his hobby. He talks about re- volution, but stresses a revolution in men's at- titudes and morals, more than cold revolution of guns and power. "I'm doing nothing in politics at all," says Williams. "I want to give myself time to study the situation here, to see exactly what is going on, because I don't want to be active unless I can be effective-and I don't think a person can be effective unless he knows what he's doing, just what the conditions are. "I've been away for some time," Williams adds softly, "and I find my concept of struggle is different from most people here because my experiences are different. . Robert Williams was born 46 years ago in Monroe, North Carolina, a small agricultural town about 35 miles from Charlotte. After a fling at West Virginia State College in Charles- ton, and Johnson C. Smith college in Charlotte, where he flunked out in his third year, Williams moved to Detroit and worked as a machinist in the Ford Motor Co. under the National Y o u t h Administration. When he returned to Monroe, Williams couldn't find any work because he had most black people had the philosophy of turning the other cheek," recalls Williams. "B 1 a c k people were c~lbbed by police, they were beaten with chains, young girls were molested. The fact was I just thought it was a simple matter of survival. "I had just gotten out of the Marine Corps, during the Korean War, where I had been taught to fight. I didn't think it made much sense to be taught to fight in a war for someone else and then not even be able to protect yourself at home," says William, The real trouble started in 1961, when 17 young freedom riders on their way back from the Jackson Bus Terminal sit-ins, stopped off in Monroe to give Williams some help in local protests. Forming a Monroe Non-Violent Action Committee, they picketed the county c o u r t- house and distributed leaflets protesting "1) Unfair protection under law for Afro-Americans and their property; 2) The policy of the tax- supported Industrial development, which invites industries to Union County and imposes discrim- ination on labor practices; 3) Arbitrary and cruel discrimination by the Welfare Department that has deprived destitute Afro-Americans of relief; 4) Separate and unequal recreational facilities." That was in 1961. Local whites didn't appreciate Williams' foresight of civil rights issues, and so about 1000 of them gathered one Sunday around the picket- tion of rootless young people after the disturb- ances on South University last summer. A mayor's ad hoc committee found that "with- out purpose and without direction large numbers of Ann Arbor's youth gathered on South University. The immediate result of this spon- taneous action was the closing of South Univer- sity and an evening of .. . merrymaking," which the police dispersed with clubs and tear gas. "Unmet needs of the young community exist in Ann Arbor," concluded the report- notably job opportunities, evening leisure activi- ties, and places where the young can just sit and talk. Apart from the f a c t that kids are hang- ing around the streets with no place to go, it is difficult to define who they are. "These kids have one thing and only one thing in common," says Councilman Robert Faber, who wrote the South U. report. "General alienation." Dave Bowman, coordinator of the Ozone House pro- ject, says "It's strange. Nobody seems to know these kids. "The group transcends class lines-middle class, poor, black, white. On the Diag and South University you see people who look like freaks; they have long hair and different clothes. I would say about half of them are high school and junior high school students. "They're getting different values from what their parents had," says Bowman. "Their par- ents don't like the way they look, and especially don't like five or six of them hanging around." No one likes them hanging around. After the South University incident, the kids crowded into Mark's and PJ's, spending little money a n d occupying space that might have been more pro- fitably utilized by more affluent customers. Every restaurant turned them away: the Vir- ginian, PJ's, and finally even Mark's which, in financial straits, needed the paying customers who left when the kids came. Swarms gravitated to Canterbury House which, although it depends less on paying cus- tomers, still could not absorb the influx of teen- agers. "They came in, 30 or 40 of them, to drink Cokes and listen to records," recalls Rev. Craig Hammond. "It's natural of course, but they made so much noise that it was impossible for other people to do anything else, sit quietly and talk, for' example. You get tired of that after six months," he says The Congregational Church on William and State tried opening as a stopgap center-R e v. Ronald Phillips, the assistant pastor, wanted to use the church as a youth center "to prove it could be done without burning the place down." But the church's heavy calendar meant the center would not remain open for long. Finally, Canterbury told the kids they had to go. "It's obvious you have a crisis," Hammond told them, "Why don't you go to the Crisis Clinic?" So they went to the Crisis Clinic, which promptly called Faber and reported the dilemma succinctly-"There's a bunch of kids here with no place-to go." Faber's report had originally suggested t h e possibility of using vacated polling places on Forest and Mary St. to create "neighborhood drop-in centers each boasting a pool table, ping- pong table, soft drinks and a warm atmosphere." He remembered the Mary property had recently come up for sale by the city, and thought it would be a simple matter to give it to the kids instead. The Mary St. polling house does not represent a large city investment-it is about the size of a small recreation room-but it could turn into a giant political hot potato. Faber notes that should anything controversial happen on a piece of city property that has been turned over to a radical- looking "fringe group" by a liberal city admin- istration, the conservatives in the community could be expected to make political capital of the issue. . Faber notes that when he tried to sell the ideas in his report to citizen's groups, he "dis- covered antagonism and fear toward the un- structured youth of the community. It is the feeling of very many people that these long- haired, barefoot children are a threat." City officials d posals, either. Two "Why this group of circumvent the pro pilot project which ful, to serve all spe Faber is still u tously. "Little thi someone making n and this is going 1 he says. "I would future big projects That is why we're much concern." In the meanti finding any funds center would nee estimates on a $2,C provide it. Neither ' ing with the Ann A: the (anti-conspirat were broken," Fab ceptive as you can Even if Faber of center, the kid probably wouldn't 'It is the many pe long-hoi children sponsored youth c piciously like any country-a pool t luke-warm Pepsi's hanging around tU "We're not pr: ourselves to the one young spoke finding ourselves." The answer r project, organized of Canterbury Ho Ann Arbor Argus tions. Ozone Hous "would be a place to the established together with thei members of the yc to sleep, where pe a day at least, a could go for help, free time." Organizers hc the old Canterbur they aren't sure t tors will be able t they come up wit able to fund the c the house. So far, Ozone stage. Its supporte in an open town It has taken two differences betwe style commune, a probably get-a some kind of pro: Now, Ozone spread throughot financial support will pay for rent, service, bedding a: The city won' there is no sure s merchants :in the supporters are ba at some point, soc have a place to gi -without paying in the Universil doesn't even thin lem. "The kids in he says. "The pro .............s...........9 59.."...cks.sdm..e..... ..... . ... S. . ' :.:. ... ::":":':":.. . . . . Williams declared in 1959 that blacks should meet "violence with violence" and "'lynching with lynching." He armed himself and his neighbors to prove it. ..*.... ... * .. :.:----i-- --.......'.."...........' ...e ........1. 4'i.....a: Kids in Ann' Arbor have no place to g o By MARY RADTKE 9 If a coalition of local radical youth organi- zations can find $22,000 in the next few months, they'll open a center called Ozone House where estranged teenagers can go and be themselves this summer, without pressures from parents or police. But if no one provides the money, amor- phous groups of teenagers will again face a summer with nothing to do, no place to go- except the sidewalks and the streets. Some of them will panhandle, but mostly they will just stand around PJ's and Mark's and Canterbury House looking conspicuously young, and out of place. Ann Arbor first realized it had a sub-popula- already earned a reputation for organizing the black community. .o he devoted his time to civil rights, and publishing a one-man revolu- tionary newsletter called The Crusader. Newsweek Magazine has called Williams "the ideological leader of the Black Panther Party"-there is no doubt his activities in Monroe forshadowed the black power movement of the late 1960's. Williams' fame started spreading when he became president of the local sagging NAACP (its membership, including Williams, was two), and, after two white men were acquitted in 1959 for assaulting a black woman, he furiously issued his famous meet "violence with violence" edict. He had already organized self-defense units in the black neighborhood as early as 1957. Bu-t his public edict was too much, and M'a r t i n Luther King and the national NAACP suspend- ed him as chapter president for it. Williams says he developed his black vio- lence philosophy out of simple necessity. "I saw ers and attacked. That started a minor race war, and Williams knew he was in trouble. "Black people were digging in (their neigh- borhoods) and passing out arms, because the country was bringing in Minutemen, Klansmen, and rightwingers from all over the state. They had amassed thousands in the town, and they were going to come shooting in. "Eve'ryone knew they were after me," recalls Williams. He had narrowly escaped being mur- dered four times before, when giant cement mixer trucks tried to run him Qff the road (as the Highway Patrol looked on), when carloads of Klansmen pumped bullets into his house, or in one instance, when a mob of whites armed with baseball bats surrounded his car. Williams and his friends were well armed, which saved him then-and prevented his being arrested. When a policeman working with the mob approached his car and began drawing his gun, Willliams Cont;nued on Page 23 THE DAILY MAGAZINE Sunday, April 12, 1970 Sunday, April 12, 1970 THE DAILY MAGAZINE