"ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST !" -NEAL GABLER, Michigan Daily co I s ynmie Nixon plans to defer only med students 'Dazzling... Devastating..; Brilliant! Must be seen by anyone who cares about "the development of modern movies!" -Newsweek "Staggerin g!.. lluminating... Magnificent! It is the stuffaf now! Young people... should be required to see 'Medium Coo'!" -Holiday "Stunning! One of the best pictures . of 1969!"-Cosmopolitan As impassioned and impressive a film as any released so far this year! Signals' perhaps a new bold- ness in American cinema! Extraordinary!" -Time WASHINGTON (IP) - Only medical students will be eligible for college defer- ments under the Nixon administration proposals to eliminate draft inequities. After a specified date, no other student entering college can claim deferment on the basis of education. However, a sophomore, junior or senior with an existing draft deferment when the new rules go into effect will be per- mitted to complete his undergraduate schooling. This is the thinking of Pentagon of- ficials who have been shaping the ad- page three' ministration's proposals to do away with draft deferments in the student, occu- pational, and parental categories. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird said last weekend President Nixon "wants to move in the direction so that all young people are treated equally and fairly." Proposed measures to carry out this ob- ject will be reviewed by the National Security Council and laid before the Sen- ate Armed " Services Committee next month with indications the administra- tion will put them into effect as soon as possible. Just when this will be is still uncertain,. Pentagon officials said they understood action by Congress would be needed to change the college deferment provisions, but other proposed changes could be made by executive order. Officials said young men having occu- pational and parental deferments at the time the more stringent rules take hold will be allowed to retain them. But, as in the case of student defer- ments, no new ones will be granted. Unlike the student deferment, which officials say will permit exceptions for pre-medical students, there appears to be no prospect of any further deferments for job or family reasons, except where hard- ship might be involved. Job deferments have been heavy in the field of teaching, police, and fire depart- ment work. Authorities expect community needs can be filled adequately by former serv- icemen and no special deferments will be required in these areas. The same reasoning applies to hard skill jobs in the mechanical and technical fields they said. "Powerful IThe first entirely serious, commercially spon- sored, basically Fictional film to be born out of the time of political and social troubles Paramount v., ...through which this Pictures nation has been presents d coo' passing!"-Life prodced by writte and dircted by tully Friedman & has