Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, Apri 110 1 S70 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, April 10, ~97O VS. COMMISSIONERS: Group threatens suitj to bring Harvey aid Supporters of Sheriff Douglas Harvey are threatening lawsuits against each member of the county Board of Commissioners unless the board provides Harv- ey with legal aid in a $200,000 lawsuit against him. One effect of a suit against each commissioner would be to force the board to decide if its members could be defended by the prosecu- tor's office. In refusing" to h e lp Harvey, the board had maintain- ed the county has no obligation to defend personal lawsuits, noting that the suit against Harvey has been brought against him person- ally as well as against the office of sheriff. Eight men are suing Harvey for haircuts they received last Febru- ary in jail which, they claimed were excessively short. Besides the $200,000 they are suing the sheriff for, .the men are asking the U.S. Congress approves pay hikes (ContirtUed from Page 1) struck and now we have a pay bill before us that makes no pro- vision to pay for it. We're being badgered." Complained Rep. H. R. Gross (R-Iowa), to his colleagues: "They fashioned a hoop one week ago down on the other end of Penn- sylvania Avenue and you are jumping through it." Rep. Charles H.' Wilson (D- Calif), said the across-the-board 6 per cent for all employes would amount to a $300-to-450 raise for the postal employes whose plight it is supposed to ease while boost- ing pay for some House employes $1,000 to $1,500. "It just isn't right," Wilson said. But while oponents on one side complained Congress was ap- proving a pay raise it may not pay for, Rep. Wiliam D. 'ord, (D- Mich), said Congress was "walk- ing Into a trap" that might com- mit it to a further 8 per cent raise for postal employes in July and approval of revenue-raising meas- ues "on a script written by the President." "I'm serving notice right now," Ford said, "that I'm willing to listen to the proposals that come up but this is the last time ;'in going to accept legislation written someplace else outside of Con- gress." GET YOUR MA I :Want Adi District Court in Detroit to bar Harvey from cutting any more hair at the jail. Cmsr. 0. Herbert Ellis, chair- man of the board, told the repre- sentatives from a group of Harv- ey supporters to make a formal presentation before the board dur- ing the public participation por- tion of Wednesday's meeting. Al- though the commissioners say the men remained at the meeting, no presentation was made. The subject of providing de- fense for Harvey came up twice during Wednesday's board meet- ing. The first time, the matter was dropped when none of the com- missioners who voted against giv- ing Harvey help was willing to move to reconsider the matter in light of Harvey's report of the haircutting incident. The second time, the b o a r d defeated a motion, 6-5, to have a letter addressed to Ellis,. t h e chairman of the Board of Com- missioners, discussed by the entire board. The letter, from the De- troit law firm Prebenda; Preben da, and Prebenda, informed t h e board that the firm intended to provide Harvey with legal held, Columbia University's newly ap- pointed next president, William J. Supporters of Sheriff Harvey are not about to drop the subject. Beverly Couch, chairman of the recently created "Buck Up Your Sheriff Committee," has announcr ed a mass rally will be held at Pioneer High School at 7:30 p.m. April 28, with Harvey one of the speakers. 'Somebody' characters cast well (Continued from Page 2) with drug-inducing daydreams of being a jazz drummer. The Shanty Mulligan subplot is most interesting. Johnny won't let Shanty forget that he has taken him in "when none of the honkies around here would." Neither will he let him be - be black, that is, and have more soul than Johnny. Cora, a black practical nurse ("rbody's maid"),' with matriarchal incli- nations, tenders Shanty, loves him enough to take care of him and to see to it that he gets a set of drums. Johnny's sardonic response 'is, "This bitch is go- ing to turn .you white." The're are t o o many other threads in No Place to be Some- body to pick them all up in one review, but it is noteworthy that none is irrelevant. The thing is also c a s t remarkably well, f o r everyone looks absolutely right, and style in this play is five-eights of the matter. Ron- nie Thompson is fine in the part of Shanty, keeping a constant rhythmic motion and a vacant- eyed look. Nick Lewis gives a good hard-nosed performance as Mike Maffucci, a Maffioso ringleader, and Marge Eliot as Cora manages to convey a per- fect type without ever becoming dull on th6 stage. The dark sa- foon set, which makes you feel that there you do sit in a Vil- lage bar, is by Michael David- son. WEDDING RING 75 MAN'S RING 100 VENTURA $300 ALSO $180 TO 1975 WEDDING RING 50 A diamond ring to treasure forever Each Keepsake engagement ring is a master- piece of styling and design, reflecting the full brilliance and beauty of the perfect center diamond. REGISTERED DIAMOND RINGS Main at Washington ingenelarged to thew detwiL. 'Fade4Lwart . I i I i E I I I FRIDAY, APRIL 10 7:00-12:00 ADMISSION 50c " Amusement Rides e Game Booths e CABARET Shows SATURDAY, APRIL 1 1 12 NOON-5:30, 7:00-12:00 ADM. 50c e Michigras Fire Engine 12 noon-6:00 Regular Trips from The Hill to Yost Field House (See Rout Map) ~ o 12 noon-5:00. Special Kiddie and Student Rates on Amusement Rides K Jg * CABARET-Magic Shows FOUR AFTERNOON SHOWS Toss Contest 1:30, s Egg Outside Field House 7 - - - I * Frisbee Match (immediately after Egg Toss Contest) ON FIELD SOUTH OF FIELD HOUSE * Pizza Eating Contest 3:30 and 9:00, Yost Field House " Yo-Yo Contest (directly after pizza eating contest bring your own yo-yo) YOST FIELD HOUSE * Footsize Contest (Continuous from beginning of carnival on Saturday) I IU / -Yost Field House TONIGHT and TOMORROW! ,fi 'U 4 4' * CABARET SHOWS (See Center Foldout) 7:30, 8:30, and 10:00 Shop Monday and Friday 'til 8:25 p.m. * Drawing for Door Prize 11:00 .S '.... ,....:"....:... .. "c' a:: V One week trip for two to Los Angeles or San Francisco Travel Arranged by United Air Lines United Air Lines 12-21cub. United. " Announcements of Contest Winners and Door Prize p Winner 11:15 * FIREWORKS 11:30 Miss J goes country style in a prairie skirt and peasant blouse by Cracker Jax. The / / long cotton skirt is just plain pretty in colorful prints with a wide smocked waist and rope belt. Sizes S-M-L. $15 The blouse of white polyester/cotton with an eyelet border. 5-13 sizes. $8 > #{' y o.' : L SUNDAY, APRIL 12 12 NOON-6:00 * Amusement Rides only--No Admission OVER BASEBALL FIELD e . 1. 4 CARNIVAL ON THE DIAG LIVE ENTERTAINMENT I