Friday, Aprif 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Friday, April 10, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae - W*2% iYMt Room 3528 L. S. A B 1 d g ., before and M'odern Studies Panel Discussion-' for Advanced Study, Princeton Univer- shall pay all accounts due the Uni- 2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- "The Making of Poetry, Oral and Lit- sity, "The Ptolemies and Their Por- versity not later than the last day of DAILY OF ICIAL cation and y 2 p.m. Friday for erate": Multi-purpose Room, U n d e r- traits": Auditorium C. Angell Hall, 4:10 classes of each semestero. summerPP1> i Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- graduate Library,9:00a.m. and 1:30- p.m. asession. Student loans which are notd pear once only. Student organiza- p.m. ivUniversity Players (Department of paid or renewed are subjeect to h)err publication. F o r more informa- sen, "Multiple Frequency Radio Obser- Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. yet due are exempt. Any unpaid sc- le , 6,.,f~ s Yt":? o . ,y yy",'?zM tion,phone 764-4270. vatons of BL Lac", P&A Colloq. Sm.,e. counts at the close of business on the FRIDAY, APRIL 10 4:00 p.m. Generalt clast day of classes will be reported The Daily Official Bulletin is an - - American Institute of Classical Arch- to the Cashier of the University and official publication of the Univer- . 'Day C le ( aeology, Kelsey Museum and Depart- Student Accounts: Your attention is "(a) All academic credits will be WASHINGTON (} -"I have sity of Michigan.' Notices should be ment of Classical Studies Joint Leo- called to the following rules passed by withheld, the grades for the semesterWAT)- h sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to Center for Coordination of Ancient ture: Dorothy Burr Thompson, Institute the Regents, Feb. 28, 1936: "Students or summer session just completed w1l1 F tg aDe had much to do over here," s ____- - - -- ----- -- ---*-.v- not be released, and no transcript of inEf former draft director Lewis credits will be issued.- Hershey, now an adviser tot (b) All students owing such ac-Hrsynw nadsrto (u) Aill snts aowing t sch ac- Another student Was arrested President. "but then I haven't h counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or summer ses- yesterday on charges stemming many people to help me." sion until payment has been made." from disruptions involving a Gen- For 29 years Hershey direc LATEINTERVIEW ANNOUNCEMENT: eral Electric Co. recruiter Feb. 18- 'thousands of workers whose ac Atomic Energy 'Commission, MPA, Stephen Sporn '72, was arrested ities affteted the lives of tens MBA, and MA poll. sci. for admin. at Ann Arbor City Hall by De-. millions of Americans. Today trainee positions nn Fed' Career Pro tective Sgt. Anderson on charges domain is two rooms in a1 6Further Info, at Career Planning, 3200 of felonious assault. Bond was set federal office building: his sta m , .'''' "y SAB, call 764-6338. at $250. Anderson claims -that one secretary. College Teacher Programs directory of Sporn-the seventeenth person to "I can show you aroundr Natio0n Sci."unatnresearcpa- Ibe arrested in connection with the whole place here in 35 second 50C 54Cticipatfin summer institutes and short 5c courses. GE incident-threw a brick at him he told an interviewer. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR Teachers College, Columbia Univ., during the February demonstra- The tone conveyed not bitt programs for preparing major admin- tion. Sporn denies the charge. ness but the self-mocking hun ' ~istrative officers for colleges and uni-, famnWosy i om versities, joint prog. w/teach. coll. and Sporn will be arraigned today of a man who says his form sch of Business. before District Court Judge Pieter for happiness includes "an ou inein r,FenmNorwr& TdbsoueeteSity of worry - but only if somebo on any medium or large pizzaS dnelse furnishes the adrenalin. Sporn said he had been at city Despite growing criticism 1 Cp LITTLE CAESAR97Flac MERnube ster to kthe seri year, Hershey had stuck to 7SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE A er f hwanted to buy. guns as draft director until Pre 15 0 35 212 SAB, Lower Level After paying the inspection fee, dent Nixon finally "reassigne ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sporn said he was approached by. him effective last Feb. 16. wNASA, Greebelt Md., Soph. or mor Anderson who informed him he "It was inevitable," Hersh ply~t10tih Rd Epubliclr admin. was under arrest. said in the ipterview. "And ther P o Rdy Insurance of Wausau. Wis., wa . always a question whether y intern prog. for students interested in "I don't understand why they wait the way I did too long. Bu e e ins, career. PTexas Instruments, Attelboro, Mass., waited until now to come up with would have felt I was runni Phone. F 6565c 61 Jr. or better in ME, EE, IE, Materials this charge." Sporn said. "I really away. E, and Metall. E, and Computer Scd. "I haven't allowed myself to1 THIS COUPON GOOD FOR Johnson and Johnson, Chicago, Fresh- question whether they arrested gret it," he said of his reassig men-Grad., areas of engrg., computer me 'for those charges or because ment. "I enjoyed the damn t sci. design dev., plant operation, sum- mer devei prog. 'I'm a member of SDS" moil. I went through over the We on the p'urchase of ' S eNany Sportsman (18") or $tSpecializePartytime (20") Pizza at LITTLE CAESARS s only Coupon Expires April 22, 1970 65c 6 P sso r S d rim and Meas. Delivery Charge 50c APRIL 20-28, 1970 Members Non-Members 1 4 en't aid B. the had ted iv- of his big aff, my is," er- nor ula nce dy ast his si- ed" hey e's ou t I ing re- n- ur- re- ests in niie 'adviser' i S L # I t But I don't think I ever wake up at night and miss it." And yet. after an Army career spanning 59 years, he said on his last day that he would miss having a command. At Selective Service he tried to know every headquart- ers employe by name, and was re- paid with unswerving loyalty. Since leaving Selective Service for the presidential advisory post, Hershey admitted. "I haven't worked a great deal. I've been out on the hustings a bit m a k i n g speeches. I've got more traveling ahead of me. "I do some reading," he said, pointing to a copy of the report by the President's commission on an all-volunteer Army. To read, Hershey must perch his thick glasses on his forehead and hold the page, about four inches from his left eye. A 1927 polo accident blinded his right eye. "I write a memorandum or so," he continued, "but I don't think they're a matter of public discus- sion. I don't know if anybody reads them or not. I don't think you sit around and wait until somebody asks your advice. "I attend a meeting now a n d then. I have seen some of the White House people, but I have rather religiously' stayed away from the Selective Service." The phone rang and, after a brief conversation, Hershey re- called how as draft director he was deluged with calls from draft re- gistrants and their families a n d friends. Congressmen would call too, about defense matters a n d legislation. Now the phone doesn't ring as of ten. "Oh, the Boy Scouts still re- member me," he said. Hershey has been active in scouting since the mid-1930s. Another phone call was from an officer at the Pentagon-it had to do with providing Hershey a chauffeured car. : 5' ,"'":":';:M1?: 's'ti+' .. r: ':},^ j "'r ',"'f ' P L: .:'' .v?"{:::"i"::" s'^y.,.":: Special Rate for all 16 meals Each Seder. Before finals, while you still cn. LMIWTME DeLongs Pit Barbecue FEATURES THESE DINNERS: J \\ s Each Lunch Each Dinner 7 p.m. 12:15 6 p.m. $35.00 $ 6.00 $ 1.75 $ 3.00 JUMBO'.' I F Bar-B-Q Ribs Bar-B-Q Chicken Bar-B-Q Beef Bar-B-Q Pork. $40.00 $ 6. 50 $ 2.25 $ 3.50 Shrimp Scallops Fried Chicken Fried Fish M-M-m-m-m, yummie! A giant hamburger of lb. U.S. Govt. pure beef topped with let- tuce, tomato, mayonnaise, onions. oickles and ketchup.. I MILING PEEDY @ERV/CE West of Arborland ADVANCED RESERVATIONS ONLY-LIMITED TO, 175 For Reservation forms drop by the House, 1429 Hill, or Phone 663-4129 DEADLINE--WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 1. Fried Oysters All Dnners Include Fries, Slow, and Bread i the ski nny dip CARRY OUT FREE DELIVERY OPEN: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Sun.-l 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. Fri., Sat.-1 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. 314 Detroit St. 665-2266 Old9 eidelber 21 1-2 13 IN. ain t1. 06- - .5 Specializing in German and American Food BANQUET FACILITIES DANCING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY Friday and Saturdov starting 9 P.M. Serving Complete Dinners 11 A.M.-2 A.M. City Parking Lot in rear of Restaurant Closed Mondays For Fine ITALIAN & AMERICAN COCKTAIL LOUNGE SPAGHETTI PIZZA LASAGNA Featuring: Giant Italian Sandwiches & Aged Steaks CARRY-OUT SERVICE ON ENTIRE MENU .. ....... . fn i?}:. ...r ::KwY." : .. . :r v . . ....: . . . . ..'::vv:::.. . ?. ; THE ,P-BELL, IsS . BACK! Come .and enjoy .. enjoy.. .enjoy . . E. Liberty at Fourth Patzel aril{ 761-1470 *Located in Scenic Northern Ann Arbor Area (Dixboro) BEST SELECTION OF SEAFOOD IN ANN ARBOR AREA by ELI Z S EAQUX Yet, his pace is slower now, Hershey 'says, "but I see a lot of retired people who have less to hang on to than I have. I'm 76 and some people think, that's old, but I'm still active. "I got a promotion out of it, whether I deserved it or not," he said with a chuckle, referring to his new rank as full general. A few years ago Hershey said the one thing that scared him was "having nothing to do." So he is glad he's still got a job as Nixon's advisor on man- power mobilization. "I don't know how to be an advisor or not," he mused, 'but I think an advisor should give his boss the best he's Igot. You don't just tell the boss the best things. You've got a re- sponsibility to tell him things you don't think he ought to do." That role may well place him at odds with his successor, Curtis. W. Tarr, who says he wants to see draft regulations applied more uniformly throughout the nation. Hershey always has been and still is against centralizing author- ity. "I still feel it's best," he said, "if you give people responsibility and let them do it. You have to be careful that administration does not turn into meddling." Hershey said he offers no opin- ions on such subjects as the vol- unteer Army, student deferments, and the forthcoming Senate hear- ing on revision of the draft law. "You have two questions," he said. "What are you going to do, and how are you going to do it? On 'how'; I haven't gone into de- tail. On 'what', I have some opin- ions." Hershey talks on in his famil- iar, folksy, rambling way, clearly in no great hurry. As tgetinterview ended, Her- shey's lunch - in a brown paper bag-and another visitor were both waiting in the outer office. Hershey chose the visitor, escort- ing him inside. "Have you seen my new club? If you can spare 35 seconds I can show you around my whole lay- out," hehwas saying as the door swung shut. ".::;;: ;r: . : " t 'j' ' ' \ 1 lf . ,t;r. * t r , fr , h ; "",,, t , .,... a aG . w ". _y , ti ' ' ~M Y y x ii ' :i ABETH ARDEN n 0 to ° 9a d° Ov bu'er' I From Elizabeth Arden's MAINE CHANCE comes this new series of unique bath preparations that work to slenderize (skinny-fy) when used along with a special Seaqua underwater exercise plan. Together they help bathe beauty in and inches off. Stop by today and sample Seaqua--and receive the Seaqua MAINE CHANCE Exercise Chart with your purchase of lotions, powders, smoothers, whatever. I 1 I