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April 09, 1970 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-09

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Thursday, April 9, 1970


Page 5even.

Thursday, April 9, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Paa Sve

1-45 VOTE:
Senate defeats nomination
of Carsweli to high court

21 low-income women admitted
to new educational program

(Continued from Page 1)
cused with all segments of ,public
opinion, inclTuding the Senate.
Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind), leader
of the opposition to Carswell, said
the rejection would not have been
possible without the votes of Re-
publicans with '"the courage to
say 'no' to their President."
He said, however, Nixon should
"not consider this a personal de-
feat. None of us really felt this
. Sen. Gordon Allott (R-bolo).
chairman of the Senate Repub-
lican Policy Committee, greeted
the vote With angry words and
a prediction President Nixon would
not compromise with "Senate
hatchet men" in selecting his third
nominee for the seat.
Allott charged -that a well or-
ganized, liberally financed nation-
a1l.campagin was formned. ,by "labor
leaders and ultra-liberals to defeat
"They mounted a vicious smear
campaign," he said. "I can't find
kindervwords than-: those."
Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R-Vt),
said he voted against Carswell be-
cause of "doubts as to Judge Cars-
well's temperament" and fear that
confirmation "would diminish the
prestige of the nation's highest
Carswell said after the vote that
he is riot- "bitter .or remorseful"
*and.' will continue in his job in
Court order
brs eviction
(Continued-from Page 1)
have the power to determine the
amount of rent owed. Thomassen
agreed with the landlords and is-
sued the writ of restitution, or
' Rose then took the position
that if the court was not going to
determine ithe -amount of rent
paid as redemption, the tenant
would do so.
In two cases so far, tenants have
paid $1,500 in' redemption where
the original rent claimed w a s $1,-
800, and $1 in redemption for a
$1,680 claim.
Since Thomassen has denied the
legality of such a tactic, Rose says
he will ask him on Tuesday to
"rule whether or not he has the
authority to determine the amount
of rent to be paid."
"If the judge has the authority
then the tenant is entitled to a
trial to determine the amount of
renmoney;- owing, based on .the
condition of the apartment," Rose
"If he doesn't have the atthor-
ity to determine the amount "of
rent due, then he doesn't h a v e
the authority to overrule the ten-
ant's determination of that
amount." Rose added.
"We expect him to agree to one
motion or the other," he said. "If
we lose both motions we will ap-
peal it as high as we need to'."

the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Senate leaders that Carswell had'
Appeals. never owned a share of stock and'
"There are many personal com- had an apparently clean slate in
pensations about today's action," all other departments.
he said at a news conference fol- But soon newspaper reportersI
lowing the rejection of his nom- discovered in the files of a de-
ination. funct Georgia weekly newspaper
"On a purely personal basis. we that Carswell had declared sup-
have no intention of becoming port 'of white supremacy during
bitter or remorseful for there is an unsuccessful 1948 campaign for
nn riC fn it"th yngAlg attr

n1o Pass sor L.
The 50-year-old judge said Nix-
on urged him to stay at his cur-
rent assignment on the New Or-!
leans court.
"I intend to do so. After a little
rest, we'll be back on the job,'
said Carswell, who read a 90-sec-
ond statement and declined to an-.
swer newsmen's questions.
Nixon became the first 'Presi-
dent in this century-and only the'
fourth in the nation's history-to'
have more than one Supreme
Court nominee voted down by the
Carswell watched reports of the
.voting on two television sets at his
large, lakeside home eight miles
north of Tallahassee. He was join-
ed by more than 10b friends and'
With the defeat, Carswell be-'
comes the 25th Supreme Court
nominee in history to fall to reach
the bench through outright re-I
jection, by declining the appoint-
ment, having his name withdrawn
or by action being postponed.'
The Tallahassee, Fla., resident
who has spent 12 years on the fed-
eral district or appeals bench in
the South, was the 11th nominee
to be rejected outright.
A one-time Democrat who turn-
ed Republican, Carswell was nam-
ed by President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower to be U.S. attorney for the
Northern District of Florida in
1953. Four years later he w a s
named a federal district judge for
the same area.
In 1968 Nixon named him to the
Fifth Court of Appeals, and for
the third straight time he was
confirmed unanimously by a Sen-'
ate that was later to vote against
Much of Haynsworth's opposi-
tion traced to his wealth,, and ad-
ministration officials reported to

L~l I.C~gl lguiure.
Apparently this s p e e c h was
overlooked in the administration's
pre-nomination investigation.
Carswell promptly disavowed the
speech saying the views expressed
then are now repugnant and ab-
horrent to him.
Other charges followed-that he
took part while U.S. attorney in a
scheme to avoid desegregation of
a Tallahassee golf club; that he
entered into a real estate contract
that had a restrictive clause; that'
he misled the Judiciary Committee
by not answering fully or evading
some questions; and that he had'
showed open hostility to black and
white civil rights lawyers who ap-
peared before him in his district'
Despite the controversy, the
Judiciary Committee approved the
nomination 13-4 late in February
and when debate began early in
March opponents conceded they
had little chance of defeating him.

Twenty-one low-income Detroit
women have been admitted to an
experimental University program
which gives them the opportunity
to earn a bachelor's degree in ed-
ucation and an elementary teach-
ing certificate.
While studying for the degree,
the women, who range in age from
19 to 53, will also work several
hours a week as teaching assis-
tants in the Detroit public schools.
The project, known as "New
Careers," is a -joint effort of the
education school and literary col-
lege. The students will take most
of their courses during the first
two years in the liberal arts and
unit and complete their work in
the School of Education. They will
begin their work on the Ann Arbor
campus in the fall.
Admission of the students was
jointly announced by Education
School Dean Wilbur J. Cohen and
literary college Dean William L.
"This is an important new step
in the University's program of
providing opportunities for per-
sons who might not otherwise be
able to enter the University," Co-
hen said. The School of Education
places high priority on the field
of urban education and on efforts
to improve opportunities for per-
sons who have not been'able to
acquire the training to work in
this field."

Hays added that the literary
college is "pleased to cooperateI
with the School of Education in
the joint experimental program.
Students in the program are ad-
mitted as candidates for a degree
in education and an elementary
teaching certificate, rather than a
degree in LS&A," he explained.
"However, much of their work
for the first two years will be in
LS&A," Hays said.
"The courses in LS&A will be
specially funded from the grant
supporting the entire project. The
final two years will be spent in
work toward the degree in the
School of Education."
The University's Urban Pro-
gram in Education, funded by a
U.S. Office of Education grant
under provisions of the Educa-
tional Professional Development
Act, will financially support the
project. Education Prof. Tony C.
Milazzo is director of the Urban
Program in Education.
New Careers is one of several
experiments in new concepts of
teacher training for city schools

being developed by the Urban
Dr. Milazzo explained that the
New Careers program is designed
to provide both academic and
practical training. At the same
time participants 'are working to-
ward a University degree, they will
also be moving up what the pro-
gram calls a "career ladder."
Beginning as teacher aides, they
will become assistant teachers and
later associate teachers. By the
time they have fulfilled the aca-
demic requirements for certifica-
tion as teachers, they will have
had considerable experience in
actual teaching and work with
The Urban Program in Educa-
tion will provide both academic
support and financial stipends for
the women. Personal counseling.
seminars, and tutorials are plan-
ned, Milazzo said.
Admission to the experimental
program was based on personal
criteria and experience of the can-
didates, rather than on the tradi-
tional University undergraduate
requirements, Milazzo added.

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