-the unreformed source Ely l~ir ergn DMIMg Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by s+udents of the University of Michigan Yes, Mr. Fleming, we have no candidates i y by jini uieasba&.Ier........ 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1970, NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN i On Carswell's defeat THE SENATE'S refusal yesterday to ap- point Judge Harrold Carswell to the Supreme Court represents a significant defeat for President Nixon in his bid to sacrifice the integrity and high stand- ards of the high court- to satisfy his own political aims. In the nominations of both Clement .Haynsworth and of Carswell, the Presi- dent has clearly indicated his political Doo-dah -- doo-dah MR. TYDINGS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. GRIFFIN. I yield. Mr. TYDINGS. Since the Senator brought up the Florida State University School of Law- Mr. GRIFFIN. Does the Senator have a question to ask?t Mr. TYDINGS. Yes, I do. Does the Sen- ator from Michigan realize that a major- ity of the members of the faculty of the Florida State Law School opposed the nomination of G. Harrold Carswell and were willing to say so publicly? Does the Senator realize that? Mr. GRIFFIN. The Senator from Michi- gan also realizes that this group-- Mr. TYDINGS. The Senator just fin- ished telling us what a fine school. it is. Mr.'GRIFFIN. It is a fine school. Mr. TYDINGS. And he extolled the vir- tues of it. The fact that a majority of the faculty of this law school in the judge's own area, which is. dependent upon the State legislature for financial support, would oppose the nomination of G. ,Har- rold Carswell is perhaps the most damn- ing type of evidence that could be pre- sented in opposition to his nomination. --CONGRESSIONAL RECORD strategy of trying to court and capture the Southern vote in an effort to strengthen the Republican party's na- tional position. As the St. Petersburg Times, a news- paper from Carswell's home state pointed out in an editorial recently, Nixon's nom- ination of Carswell "may be clever poli- tics, but it is a poor way to select life- time appointees to the nation's highest court." THE SENATE also seems to have taken heed of the growing controversy over Carswell's racial views as well as concern among law school deans and lawyers throughout the nation that Carswell is urfit to sit on the high court. WHILE POLITICS and geography should have no bearing on the qualifications of a mn to sit on th high court, it must be emnhasized that Carswell simply lack- ed hP indicial credentials necessary for making a worthwhile addition to the (,Hrt. It is gratifying to see that the Senate stood up against Nixon and his threats of political reprisals against those who voted agaisnt the Carswell nomination. The Senate's refusal to be Nixon's hand- maiden is especially significant in light of the fact that many of those who voted against Carswell have been under severe pressure to follow ;the party line rather than the dictates of their own conscience. The fact that a person is a conservative and a Southerner (which Carswell was) or a strict constructionalist (which Cars- well was not) should have no bearing on the merits of future nominees. -However, it is hoped that the next man the Presi- dent nominates will be a man of higher prestige and judicial qualifications than Haynsworth or Carswell. -JUDY KAHN STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council and Senate Assembly have agreed on a revised version of the new Office of Stu- dent Services (to replace the c u r r e n t Office of Student Affairs). Now the plan, substantially toned down from the version rejected by the Regents two months ago, will be submitted to the Regents at their meeting later this month. If the plan is approved, President Flem- ing can get back to the business of ap- pointing someone to be Vice President for Student Services from the list of five candidates endorsed 1 a s t January by a student faculty search committee which Fleming himself appointed. Fleming knows that at least one of the candidates, Peter Steinberger, a recent graduate from the University's Law School, won't get the job. Fleming has said pub- licly he will refuse to appoint Steinberger. But what Fleming, (who hasn't talked or attempted to talk to any of the candidates for the last two months,) doesn't know is more important,-all of the other four candidates are no longer available, or will refuse to become a part of the Fleming administration. . Alan Guskin, a 33-year-old instructor in psychology in the Residential College, and project director in the Institute for Social Research. Guskin was never sure he wanted the job. Between his teaching in the lively RC and his project at ISR, Guskin found himself in the midst of a pretty exciting and stimulating career. But ,as he said recently, the opportunity to be Vice President for Student Services meant a chance to have a hand in shap- ing the policies of the administration, and making changes in the University as an institution. For this reason, he likely would have accepted the job had Fleming of- fered it to him in January. But watching the tumultous events of the past two months at the University, which included trashing, recruiter lock- ins, the Parsons suspension and the BAM strike, Guskin has been consistently dis- mayed with the manner in which the Uni- versity administration has handled stu- dent concerns. Now, he feels he could not accept the job and work as a part of that administration in good conscience. f Carole Leland, 35, an employe of the College Entrance Examination Board in Washington, D.C. Miss Leland and Fleming did not get along well during their first interview in January, it is reported, and she is bitter about the way the whole selection process has been handled. "The whole thing is being handled very poorly," she said last week. "Anybody with any integrity would be very annoyed." She believes that the administration regards the OSS vice presidency as a relatively un- important post, and says the slow and sloppy way in which a vice president has been sought is indicative of this attitude. "I was ready to be convinced that it was an important post." she says. "But now, Fleming would have to say some pretty ex- citing, convincing things to get me inter- ested." , " Hubert Locke, 35, is the director of the Office of Religious Affairs at W ay n e State University, and an influential man in the black establishment of Detroit. Locke was rumored to be the leading contender for the job in January. and was the most ready of all the candidates to accept it. - But after his views on the job and on the role of students in the OSS were made public in an interview in The Daily, a storm of opposition was rais- ed to his candidacy by both search con- mittee members who felt they had been misled in the original interviews, and by black 'students, who issued; a statement saying Locke's candidacy was an "insult to the integrity of the black community." Locke remained in the running at that point, and was also being considered for the job of director of religious affairs here. But now, he is a little more reluctant to move. First, he has become enmeshed in a busy spring quarter at Wayne, and se- cond, a number of important community activities in Detroit have become pressing, and, for Hubert Locke, Detroit is where the heart is. Finally, Locke is wary of the delay. It has been, for all of the candidates, more than a year since he was first contacted by the search committee. And while there is no telling how much he is worried by the recent tension over the BAM demands, Locke says he would want to reassess the situation completely before considering taking the job at this time. "It would be a very unusual turn of events that would allow me to take that job now." he says. 0 Walter Shervington is a 32 year old clinical psychiatrist at University Hospital, and a lecturer in the Law School. Shervington, even more so than the other candidates, is involved deeply in a de- manding professional career in which he is beginning to gain some national promi- nence. Yet, like Guskin, he strongly con- cidered taking the job as OSS vice presi- dent because of a profound conviction that he could do things to make the Uni- versity serve students better. The delay in the selection process both- ered him. He said in February he would only wait until April 1 for Fleming to de- cide. In the interim came the BAM strike, and Shervington, a black, found himself on the picket lines, facing the administration from the other side. Thus, when tempers were strained and feelings were running high, he had a brief but unmistakeably angry confrontation with Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pier- pont. Shervington feels that the confronta- tion eliminated him in the eyes of the ad- ministration. In any event, April 1 has come and gone, with nary a word from the Presi- dent's Office, and now the only decision Shervington has to make is how to inform the President politely that he is officialy withdrawing from consideration for the job. f *. Letters to ti ne Editor 44 "4 Pi' IbEK.. Ye Nixon and Mitchell's Laugh-In Daily interviews To the Editor: A FUNNY' THING usually hap- pens to me when I am interview- ed by a Daily reporter. I answer his questions, or most of them, and then I say that I would like to make one or two additional points which seem important to an understanding of the issues at hand. At this juncture the reporter invariably gives me a vague look' and mumbles something to the effect that space is scarce and that even if he should write up my points, theheditors would prob- ably drop them off. Invariably this turns out to be accurate. The editors are entitled to their own views of news value, but the Daily's concept of a, news inter- view is so unilateral and self- centered that it raises the ques- tion whether there is any point in conversing with a Daily report- er. In my opinion, a confronta- tion between interviewer and in- terviewee should serve the legiti- mate interests, of b o t h parties. The reporter flushes out some in- formation which, he believes, the readers have a right to know. In return, the interviewee gets a chance to present his own version of the matter. THIS ELEMENT of reciprocity is well understood by the national press corps in Washington, by TV interview shows such as "Issues and Answers," afd by other pro- fessional journalists. T h e rela- tionship is one of "antagonistic cooperation," as the sociologists would say. but with the Daily it is all antagonism and no coop- eration. This brings me to Robert Kraft- owitz' April 5 story regarding the prospective tuition increase. Mr. Kraftowitz has had two or three conversations with me on the sub- ject of tuition, and I think I an- swered all of his questions. I also volunteered several points which contribute to an understanding of the problem: - The University was one of the few universities in the country not to raise tuition last year. -To balance the budget with- out a tuition increase, it was nec- essary to reduce the established budgets of all operating units by 2 per cent, and to squeeze the teaching, equipment, and related accounts very severely. - The University's tuition rates are substantially below those of comparable institutions. Our $480 fee for resident undergraduates, for example, compares with $585 at Michigan State, $600 at Ohio S t a t e, $700 at Purdue, $620 at Iowa, and $650 at Indiana. The University of California has es- tablished a tuition schedule which will go up to $600 for resident un- dergraduates next year. - The recently announced pro- gram with respect to the funding of black student enrollment does not have any substantial effect upon tuition plans for 1970-71. The reason is that the additional costs of this program will not be very great until 1971-72. -Arthur M. Ross April 6 Wines Field To the Editor- THE ERECTION of a left field fence for baseball which encroach- es' on the safety zones and play- ing area of the rugby field on South Ferry Field, four days be- fore an important game seems particularly ill-timed. It also seems ill-advised as I would have thought the home run achieve- ment of the University would be enhanced by moving the left field boundary in an inward direction rather than in an outward direc- tion. Such action makes one wonder who makes these decisions, and what is the role of the Advisory Committee on Recreation; Intra- murals and Club Sports in advis- ing its members on the implica- tions of such decisions. Club Sports facilities at t h e University have been, and contin- ue to be disgraceful. The history of the last three years records the sight of several hundred to u c h football players, Lacrosse and Rugby teams and the inevitable Frisbee throwers competing f o r space, night after night, on Wines Field with its covering of broken glass, beer cans and garbage. The "blacktopping" incident and the numerous confrontations between the Marching Band and the Club Sports could shave led to serious disturbances. Fortunately these were avoided at the last minute by the inter- vention of President Fleming and the promise of additional a n d improved facilities. The availabil- ity of the Football and Tartan Turf practice fields is very wel- come and we have a real appre- ciation of the efforts of the Di- rector of Athletics to provide better facilities for club sports. However, this latest interference on South Ferry Field has brought us back to the situation which prevailed'two years ago when no field of adequate size was avail- able for rugby. Presumably the decision to erect the fence is ir- revocable and the rugby club is now faced with commitments ro play competitive rugby against other clubs and to tutor students' in Physical Education 196 in the Fall Term without a field of ;reg- ulation size. (Has anyone thought of the problems of playing foot- ball on a basketball size court?)' I do not think the requests of the club sports are unreasonable. They s e e k adequate playing; shower a n d changing facilities. These should be made available in a university of this size and pres- tige. The Rugby Club commitments are made 6-9 months ahead of time. T h i s latest encroachment was entirely unforseen or we .M " "Domino theories are no damned good!" 4 'I would not have accepted games with other clubs. We have a good reputation, which would be spoil- ed by cancelling our home games. We provide leadership in the ex- pansion program and we bring credit to the University. We spend comparatively large sums of mon- ey from our own pockets ($13,000 on travel alone in the 1968 and 1969 season). We do not take is- sue with the revelations of the subsidies provided by1 the Univer- sity to the Athletic Department perhaps we should. WE SEEK a permanent playing area, 160 yards by 75 yards with no surrounding poles, fences, ditches or other hazards and with a good turf surface.. During the past year, the Stadium turf has been donated to churches. in the city. If this was possible other sources should be available to University clubs. Palmer Field is now virtually unused, Fuller Road is undeveloped and the North Campus resembles a Na- tional Park. All that we need -ap- pears to be available so that sure- ly an opportunity now exists for negotiating some reasonable set- tlement. Can the Advisory Committee on Recreation, Intrarnurals and Club Sports take a lead in this? Is it able to advise the administration of the needs of its members or is it merely a "rubber stamp" com- mittee. I hope it can stimulate discussion and be permitted to have some real influence on the decision makiing process ,or I can forsee further disenchantment and even real dissension and un- rest among club sports members. Some reasonable, responsible dis- cussion and decision making is re- quired now. -John Robson M.R.F.C. March 20 #i Are Palestinian commandos a revolutionary front? (EDITOR'S NOTE: Meir Ben Titchak contributes to New outlook, a leftist journal devoted to peace between Israel and the Arab world and to Israel's integration into the M i d d l e East. Joseph Ben-Dak has been a noted leader in the National Union ofaIsraeli Students, and currently is research soc- iologist, center for research on conflict resolution.) By MEIR BEN-YITCHAK and JOSEPH D. BEN-DAK A RE THE Palestinian Commandos a Revolutionary Force? The spokesmen of the Palestinian guerilla organization (of which Al Fatah is the most important) and their sym- .pathizers in this 'country have re- peatedly attempted to link Arab guer- rilla warfare against the State of Israel with the fight of the Vietnam- ese people against U.S. aggression 'as two aspects of a world-wide struggle against imperialism. Is this a correct interpretation of current events in the Middle East? In evaluating slogans like "From Palestine to Vietnam: one enemy, one fight," the following facts should be borne in mind: SUnnlike nuth Vietnam. Israel which include nationalization of 91 per cent of the land and all sources of energy, a highly developed system of national insurance, a yery high proportion of trade unionists (70 per cent) with an advanced system of mutual and medical insurance and, last but not least, the predominant role of the socialist Kibbutzim in the political life of Israel.,; People in- volved in issues in this country like women's ipferior status, black, and poverty dilemmas, etc., ought to study the Israeli experience. THE SUCCESSES of Israel's peo- ple's army are due to the advanced and egalitarian structure of Israeli society, just as the failure of the South Vietnamese army is due to re- actionary social policy of the puppet government in Saigon and its Amer- ican backers. Unlike South Vietnam, Israel is not an American base: the U.S. has no need of Israel as its agent, since it is present and very effectively in- volved in the Arab world, maintains military bases in Arab countries (the against Israel with the alleged fight against Western imperialism. Admittedly the American Jewish community has given a great deal of assistance to Israel, mainly in the form of financial gifts; but it has never tried to involve Israel in the disastrous policies of the U.S. gov- ernment. Prominent Zionist leaders in America, such as Abba Hillel Silver and Nahum Goldmann, have urged Israel to adopt a neutralist policy; . what is more, the overwhelming ma- jority of American Jewry-whether Zionist, non-Zionist or anti-Zionist- are actively opposed to the Vietnam war.\ Voting record of Israel in the United Nations (e.g. on China's ad- mittance, on South Africa, etc.) is indicative of this trend, and this philosophy of going about world af- fairs. 0 Unlike the Vietnam war, the con- flict in the Middle East is not a clash between "progressives" and "re- actionaries"; it is a clash between Arabs and Jews, with progressives and reactionaries on both sides. This explains the fact that whereas the tion of the State of Israel and the extinction of Israeli society, not be- cause it is reactionary, but simply because it is Jewish and not Arab. GIVEN THESE BASIC differences between Vietnam and the Middle' East, it is hardly surprising that the military activities of Al Fatah should bear so little resemblance to those of the Vietnamese NLF. No amount of propaganda can hide the fact that there is so "Palestine people in arms" and no "people's war" in Palestine, only sporadic acts of violence (main- ly directed against civilians, Arabs as well as Jewish) which do not even deserve the name of guerrilla war- fare. While the success of the na- tional liberation war in Vietnam is due to massive popular support, the. greatest failure of Al Fatah has been its inability to establish bases in any part of Palestine and stir up a genuine civil resistance movement. Again, while the Vietcong is bat- tling against the U.S. with the sup- port of the anti-Western camp, Al Fatah's campaign against Israel is Egypt" and "the blood-stained Baath regime of Iraq"). Radical phrase- ology, however, cannot alter the fact of Al Fatah's dependence on the Arab states and their foreign backers, with, particular reference to the American oil companies. The test of every anti- imperialist liberation movement is a clear programme for economic and social development. Al Fatah, how- ever, has no social policy at all. DOES AL FATAH have some new, revolutionary conception of Arab- Jewish relations? Its main arguments against "Zionism"-that the Jews are "aliens' in a purely Arab country and that Palestine is an integral part of the "Arab homeland"-are identical with those employed by the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's agent during World War II, whom Al Fatah spokesmen now denounce as a "traitor to the Palestinian cause." There is, however, a change of slo- gans: whereas the earlier Palestinian leaders identified Zionism with "Bol- shevism" and social revolution, Al Fatah propagandists identify it with in Revolution-The Liberation of Conquered Countries and the Strug- gle against Imperialism" pp 14-15) , explains how the "bi-national state" is to be brought about: "The liberation action is not only the wiping out of an imperialist base, but, what is more important, the ex- tinction of a society. Therefore arm- ed violence will necessarily assume diverse forms in addition to the liqui- dation of the armed forces of the,. . occupying state, namely, it should turn to the destruction of the factors like industrial, agricultural, and fi- - nancial. The armed violence neces- sarily should also aim at the destruc- tion of the various military, political, economic, financial and intellectual institutions, of the . . occupying state, to prevent any possibility of a re-emergence of a new Zionist so- ciety. Military defeat is not the sole goal in the Palestinian Liberation War, but it is the blotting out of they Zionist character of the occupied land, be it human or social . . . The Jewish state is an aberrant mistaken 'phenomenon in our nation's history as a people.) Whether Al Fatah spokesmen realize it or not, whether they admit it or not,' their objectives can only be achieved by genocide on top of "politicide." This may explain the fact that even revolutionary so- cialists have implicity rejected Al Fatah's aims. Fidel Castro, has expressed shock at a certain kind of Arab hate pro- paganda against Israel. "Revolution- aries," he said in an interview with K. S. Karol, "should never threaten an entire country with extermiria- tion." He added that the Jewish state had a right to exist and that he had therefore refused to break off reja- tions with Israel (Quaderni del Me- dio Oriente, no. 3). The representa- tive of North Vietnam in Paris, Tram Ding Dung, has been no less ex- plicit. Talking to Mr. Michael Levi, Chairman of the. Israel Committee for Peace in Vietnam, he declared: "The Government of North Vietnam acknowledges the right of the exist- ence of the State of Israel and the necessity of peace in the Middle East, based on the right to self-determina- *1 4