gage Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, January 15, 19' Pa e E g t H I HI A A L SE ARCH COMMITTEE REQUEST: Fleming to postpone decision on new VP " Tenants Union plans new strategies tContinued from Page 1) Although it is unclear whether for repairing defective parts of these new strategies will prove (Continued from Page 1) 3andidates nominated by our com- nittee with the understanding ;hat they would support the con- :ept of a policy board with a stu- lent majority having final au- hority over the office. "Our continued support of these andidates depends upon our as- urance that a student-dominated policy board would be put in op- ration should they accept the )osition " The major focus of complaints if "misunderstanding" was Hu- )ert Locke, the 35-year-old direc- tor of the office of religious affairs :t Wayne State University, Locke vas one of five persons on a slate :ubmitted to Fleming by the . search committee last month. . In his interview, Locke had said ie was unfamiliar with the policy doard idea. Search committee members ex- ressed dismay at this, insisting !ocke had discussed the policy oard concept at length with the earch committee in his interviev ast year. Norm Wilson, a search commit- . e e member, met with Locke yes- erday in his Detroit office in an ttempt to clarify the matter vilson said last night he was re- _uctant to talk about the meeting ldicating he wanted to discuss he matter with the entire search. ommittee at a meeting, today. "There appeared to be a mis- mnderstanding of terms between he search committee and Locke evolving the idea of a policy .oard," he said.. The focus of criticism on posi- i , ' 5 51 BI a ' J' I a f J tions taken by Locke took on add- ed significance yesterday amid speculation that he was the front- runner for the post. At a meeting between Senate Assembly's S t u d e n t Relations Committee and Fleming yesterday, history Prof. Arthur Mendel, an SRC member, said Locke "seemed close to the top as I sensed the vibrations" at recent meetings on the appointment. At that meeting, SRC members discussed the candidates with Fleming, relating to him informa- tion they themselves had gattiered and attempting to evaluate, in an informal manner, how the can- didates would relate to students and other members of the admin- istration. Much of this discussion cen- tered on speculation that Locke would assume a middle position between students and the admin- istration if he were appointed vice president. Prior to the meeting, SRC chairman architecture Prof. Jos- eph Wehrer said it would be open, Part way through the meeting, however, Fleming raised objections to the presence of two reporters from The Daily. After a 10-minute discussion, the meeting was closed, and the reporters were asked to leave. Student Government Council Pres- ident Marty McLaughlin, an SRC member, left the meeting with the reporters in protest against clos- ing the meeting. Locke said last night he felt his discussion with Wilson had been frank, honest, and open. "Mr. Wilson showed a sincere concern for clarifying my position," he said. Locke attributed the confusion to his lack of familiarity with the issues and the praseology in Ann Arbor. "The problem as I see it at this point is that I was simply1 unaware of the nature of the pro- posed policy committee." Iri another related meeting yes- terday, search committee members Nissen and Borenstein met with Fleming to inform him of a unani- mous resalutian by the committee wihthe apartment.,uesust omte requesting Fleming to meet withh t .members believe they are, at least. candidate Peter Steinberger. This, Miss Hallen says, con- a fresh change from the status Fleming had refused to inter- siderably weakens the union's quo. view Steinberger after Steinberger court strategy as TU lawyers have Miss Hallen says the inclusion insisted the interview be held with maintained that landlords are re- of more confrontation-oriented a reporter present. ~ sponsible for making these repairs. tactics move. the union away from "He refused to reconsider and I the courtroom where the landlords meet with Steinberger, despite the Miss Hallen believes it likely have demonstrated power. unanimous resolution," B o r en- that other landlords will adopt stein said yesterday. "He said he this clause--whose legality rests "And you don't win a war by will not conduct his interviews in on an interpretation of a state fighting on the enemy's territory." that manner." law. she concludes. ..__ _ _ .__ - _ _ _ _ _ . ._ . _ __ ._ _ _ , At the urging of the student members of the search commit- GRADUATING SENIORS Scoop up Savings in Every Department Coats, dresses, shifts, pant suits, night- wear, slips, panties, scarves, purses and :many other wonderful buys. ., tee, Fleming arranged an interviewj for Saturday with Carole Leland, another of the candidates recom- mended by the committee. Miss Leland said yesterday she has withdrawn her name from consideration for the position. She said last night, however, she has agreed to meet Fleming in Wash- ington Saturday. majoring in ACCOUNTING ARCHITECTURE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CHEMISTRY ENGINEERING MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY NURSING RECREATION SCIENCE ' URBAN PLANNING are invited to meet with our representative on campus MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1970 (Engineering ) TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1970 Contact your Placement Office for an appointment CITY OF DETROIT-Civil Service Commission, DT'V DLL,.... a * 500 E. LIBEL Ri .._. _ . --4---- I A nnouncesOpen Petitioning Grads and Undergrads for THREE SEATS Signup for interviews at SGC offices, 1st floor, 1548 SAB Petitions due Monday, January 19, 5:00 P.M. We're looking for people who like to write. And even people who don't (but like to know what's going on). 'fAS MEETING Thursd y Night for all future MICHIGAN DAILY reporters See you on the15th in the Daily library, 420 Maynard St. at 1:30I Daily Classifieds Get Result" UNIVERSITY TOWERS irn SPACES ARE STILL AVAILABLE FOR M E N OR WOMEN STUDENTS FOR WINTER SEMESTER (4 MONTH LEASE) We invite you to check and compare our facilities and services and to live where YOUR EXPECTA- TIONS ARE MANAGEMENT GOALS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR MODEL APARTMENT ,Ji J G ------------. Open e' vr n every Monday night ur Pnone: Ib 1-6Z1 s ', nti 9 P.M. '; Nothing To Do in Ann Arbor on Saturday Night Ask What at Paraphernalia '4 At 536 S. Forest. or CALL 761-2680 i _