Tllr sirlinn Bailly Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and students of the University of Michigan balancing teacups Once upon a Madison Avenue mattress nadkn c Rds -0 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ A 'new age of labor revolt THE AMERICAN working class is in re- volt. To be sure, the revolt is not yet expressly political (much less socialist); nevertheless, a revolt it remains. 'And the reasons for it are not difficult to find. Largely under the whip of te Vietna- mese war, inflation has bitten off large 'hunks of workers' wages. During the last four years, the wages of the average fac- tory employe rose by $22, but he still wound up nearly a dollar poorer in pur- enasing power. This, in a period of high corporate profits and high interest rates, "has been a prime mover in the workers' revolt. But not this alone. For an even longer period, various see- tors of the American working class have been escalating their resistance to the backbreaking, unsafe, and authoritarian conditions in which they spend t h e i r working days or night (or both!). And for refusing to fight around this kind of grievance, union bureaucrats have for the past six or seven years been falling like bowling pins. This is the period which a business magazine heralded with the ex- clamation: "These days we see less of the old familiar (union) faces. All of a sud- den we are confronting the 'faceless' rank-and-file." Sunday, the New York Times' labor editor, A. H. Raskin, made a similar point: 'T SUCH ECON40MIC factors (as infla- tion) is added the restlessness that pervades all institutions in these days of paticipatory democracy. Th authority of theunion .leaders no longer overawes the rank and file. One contract in every gight recommended by union negotiators is thrown back in their faces by dissident members." FIRST CAME the postal workers strike. Beginning as a wildcat in one local in New York, this strike spread quickly across the country. Radicals in New York who tried to ally with the strikers met hostility at first. When Nixon called out the National Guard, the strikers' attitude toward the government (and its oppon- ents) changed significantly, and radicals found it much easier going from then on. The strike was eventually broken and a settlement was reached. But dissatisfac- tion among the postal employes has far from disappeared. Earlier, a threatened shutdown of the railroad system was "solved" by a com- pulsory back-to-work law passed by the Congress last month. The law expires Ap- ril 11, and the possibility of an explosion then is real. The Teamsters have formally reached agreement with the trucking employers including wage increases of comparative- ly sizeable dimensions. Nevertheless, the Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles and New- ark teamsters have gone out on strike despite the admonitions of the union up- per-crust: MOST RECENTLY, of course, the a i r traffic controllers (PATCO) have been conducting their "sick-out," object- ing to antiquated and inadequate safety measures (which burden the worker and endanger the public) and the blatant at- tempts by the government to inhibit PATC) organizers in their unionization drives among the air controllers. The federal government has responded to the "sick-out" by ordering the employ- es back to work, threatening huge fines against those who refuse, and compelling each employe claiming illness to be ex- amined by a federally-appointed physic- ian. If the physician determines that ill- ness is not apparent, the patient is forc- ed to go back to work - on pain of being held in contempt of court. This is the closest approximation of slavery we have seen recently. Next, no doubt, employes will h a v e television cameras placed in their bedrooms a la 1984. In San Francisco recently, a general strike was only narrowly averted by the adroit machinetions of c i t y politicians and labor bureaucrats. AND, THE OUTLOOK is for more of the same. Rubber workers, meat packers, Detroit municipal employes, construction workers all have their contracts up for renegotiation this spring. And in a few months, the United Auto Workers will square off against an automobile indus- try which is this year presenting its em- ployes with a solid front of resistance., In most 'of these cases, the response of the government h a s been similar: be- moan the damage to "the public" and "the public interest," point to the "fla- grant disregard of the law" by striking public employes, and then bring out the big stick - injunctions, National Guard, etc. The reaction of the ranks? Back to Raskin: "The mood was one of reliance on economic force, heedless of no-strike laws, court injunctions and admonitions from union leaders." WHAT SHOULD be the reaction,of stu- dents to all this? One possibility is solidarize with the workers, understand the absolutely legitimate roots of their struggles, recognize the radical potential of those struggles, and 1 e n d whatever moral and material support they possi- bly can. The most obvious example of such support that comes to mind is joining the strikers' picket lines. This was successful- ly done by University students during the 1967 campus employes' strike, the 1969 wildcat strike at the Chrysler plant in Sterling, and the strike of employes at Fruehauf in Detroit just a month or so ago. IN ADDITION, the largely student-based radical movement must begin seriously to orient its work to the workers, to raise demands which reveal the fundamental community of interests of workers and radical students. The best that c o u 1d come of this would be the ultimate ach- ievement of the kind of worker-student solidarity which developed in France in May, 1968. But the failure to orient to workers in a positive fashion, the total disregard of' workers' needs in drawing up demands - the result o' this kind of oversight (es- pecially in a period of working-class un- rest and corporate-government attack on their real wages) can be glimpsed in 'A letter reprinted elsewp ere on this page. -BRUCE LEVINE Editorial Page Editor AMERICAN MAGAZINES are more than the sum of their articles. They are the sum of their articles and ads, many of which I have 'decided are educational, or if not all that, at least helpful. Why just the other day, for ex- ample, I couldn't decide what to wear and such, but I found the answer, I thought, in Life Magazine. The centerfold of the April 3 issue held the key to the situation. There, on two full pages; was actress Senta Berger carefully strewn on one portion of a brand new Beauty-Rest-by-Simmons mattress, star- ing open-mouthedly into my face. SHE WASN'T wearing very much, only a pink, sleeveless nightgown with white lace and low neckline - a little unsubtle, I thought, until I noticed a tiny rose plant- ed in her cleavage to obscure a clear vis- ion of what might lie underneath. "THAT'S subtle," I murmured to my- self. "So this is what it is to be a woman," I then surmised. "Why t h a t shouldnt be hard to do at all. I'll just do it by the mag- azine, as they say." (I chuckled to myself at my tiny pun.) Jacobson's, I deduced, would be my best bet for finding the right kind of night- gown. I went directly to the Lingerie De- partment and explained to the saleslady just what was needed. EVERYTHING BUT PINK was in stock -"lime green," "mellow yellow," "perfect- ly peach," "tantalizing turquoise," but no pink. "I guess it will have to be "lime green," I sighed, already concerned that things ,were not going well. To make matters worse I noticed there wasn't any flower in the cleavage of my new "lime green." "Pardon me, ma'am," I said as calmly as I could, "but there doesn't seem to be any flower or bow or ornament to hide - I mean to make me subtle when I wear this, and Senta Ber- ger's had one and she's the one who does it all right." WHAT COULD the saleslady say? I had her on that one, but she came up with a good suggestion. She told me to go to Kresge's and buy a plastic rose and glue it in. "It'll only cost a dime," she said. Sounded like a good idea, so I took her. advice. Twenty minutes and one tulip la- ter (the roses were gone) I arrived back in my apartment to become a woman. "Oh, my God," I exclaimed. "I haven't got a Simmons Beauty-Rest." Before I despaired, however, I thought maybe my w used Sealy Posturpedic would do. I thought about calling Senta or Henry L u c e to check on this, but I decided to be gutsy and make my own decision. A USED SEALY it would be. I took off my clothes, unpiled my hair from the top of my head and swished it into my eyes and mouth as I supposed' Senta did, put on my new nightgown, ap- plied the tulip and ambled onto my mat- tress. . "Now," I applauded, "I'm a woman!" Or that seems to be what Life, Simmons, Hugh Hefner, Madison Avenue and bunch- es of others would have us think. But without slipping into the much-used "Right on, Women!" rhetoric, I must pro- test the claim that Senta Berger's night- gown portrayal and others of that ilk are the epitori e of it all. Phooey, I say, I'm going back to the li- brary in my potato sack and do better than Senta would, anyway. Keeping the By CHARLES LADD (EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer is a student in the Law School.) IF YOU WERE the attorney for a major tobacco company faced with dozen of lawsuits for lung cancer, would you want your strategies exposed? Your tech- niques of isolating your opponent's lawyer from all outside help? Your evasive answers which prove that you are fighting your case alone, and not as part of a united fund with the Tobacco Institute? No! You would want to preserve the days of trial by surprise even though that technique was out- lawed over thirty years ago. Liggett & Myers feels that way, too. Monday it went to the Circuit Court of Appeals to get an order to stop Judge Fox, of .the Western District of Michigan from detail- ing its tactics. JUDGE FOX watched the to- bacco interests in action as he tried the case of Thayer v. L&M. Mrs. Thayer came to court with two attorneys and enough money for a reasonable court battle. She asked damages of $30,000 for the death of her husband from lung cancer. L&M prolonged the procedings at every stage to maximize its gi- gantic size advantage. By claiming that trade secrets would be pre- sented in the case, it obtained an order prohibiting the widow's at- torney's from discussing the case with anyone beyond her handful, of expert witnesses. Then the to- bacco company brought in its big guns-over a dozen lawyers plus a battery of experts provided by the Tobacco Institute. Judge Fox says no trade secrets were ever pre- sented. L&M TOLD the court that it was not associated with the To-; baccotInstitute in order to sup- port its plea f or special trade secret treatment as a loner. After the order for secrecy was obtained. it admitted that it was a member of the Institute, and that Institute answered questions from public health officials as the company's agent. - Judge Fox says the secrecy order stuf imposed on Mrs. Thayer's lawyers has another, more important, ef- feet: In addition, the order prevents discovery, in future cases, of documents which would nor- mally be public records. This, too,, serves defendant well. It makes future discovery for other individual plaintiffs more dif- ficult, more time consuming; and more expensive. It insulates data that could be used for im- peachment or other evidentiary purposes. In over-all effect, it magnifies the burden any plain- tiff will face in the trial of a similar lawsuit. It is calculated to do so. It has already been used for this purpose. (Opinion of Judge Fox, p. 10) How was L&M able to flaunt courtroom rules which insure fair- nsJudge Fox says: Finally, there one more ob- vious advantage which accrued to defendant by virtue of its overwhelming superiority in re- sources. It :knew that plaintiff could not afford the luxury of under wraps a mistrial. With such knowledge defendant.could confidnetly risk tactics that would normally be deterred by this sanction. Plain- tiff, on the ;other hand, knew both that she had to be cautious herself and that, as a practical matter, she would be unable to effectively police defendant's conduct. Defendant thus sought the best of two worlds - a mis- trial or a verdict of no cause of action. (Opinion of Judge Fox, p. 10) WHEN JUDGE FOX expressed his wish to keep the parties on even footing, L&M claimed he was biased against them and demand- ed a mistrial. The demand was denied. The jury found that L&M had not caused Mr. Thayer's death. Judge Fox wrote an opinion summarizing the case and exopain- ing his denial of the motion for mistrial. Such opinions have been The opinion ,involved the novel legal question of equalizing the rights of relatively poor plaintiff against the strength and tactics of a large corporate defendant, and would normally be widely read and cited. But L&M seeks to prevent that. It seeks an order prohibiting the publication of the descriptive por- tion of Judge Fox's opinion. on the grounds that - since the jury verdict closed the case - the opinion is irrelevant. L&M wants no publicity for, its' involvement with the Tobacco Institute in de- fending this type of suit. It waits no notice for its tactics of sup- pressing information' which could be used in later trials, and of pre- venting assistance to the plain- tiff's laywers by reference to il- lusive trade secrets. AND AT the hearing on such an order only one party presents arguments. L&M will have another chance to illustrate its ethics - but the hearing will also be un- reported. 4' used vide and for hundreds of years to pro-, information to other judges lawyers with similar cases. Letters to the Editor I " ' "' i r + 5 }di t y_ i 3 : : ' ,% U i li M ~rr ......7 :-;,'c- ... . R .., w;r.,: v+ . l... <. ........FR:i.h. .:... i:: 'w vv'« .;t.'e.^ xv ...t .. . gtyi - ._ . v...4,. 4. r. . v y - ... . 1 3 1 l z t i r C 1 t!! L f c 1 v a Absolutely resentful To the Editor: LET ME first say that I, as a white man, have always tried to defend the position of the black in America and believe he should have equal treatment and oppor- tunity. I am, however, absolutely re- sentful of the Black Action Move- ment activity at the University of Michigan. As a white working- class man, I'm unable to send my children to college because of the cost of living and the enormous tax burden. Part of my taxes go to U-M and I resent being forced to s e n d someone else to college when I can't sendmy own. President Fleming and the Re- gents were wishy-washy in their action. Instead of apologizing why didn't he suspend t h o s e people who stayed away from school? If they don't want an education ,let them go home. It's about time students were given an ultimatum. I believe the legislators should review the mat- ter of funds to U-M. -J. Webb Taylor, Michigan (This letter originally appeared in the Detroit Free Press on April 7). Procedures To the Editor: The following is a copy of a letter sent to President Fleming. ONE OF THE many disquieting revelations of the past days has been the confirmation of what many of us have long suspected: the procedures by which decisions are made and implemented with- in the University are woefully in- adequate, chiefly because they are insufficiently representative of the University community as a whole. The very fact that the Black Action Movement (BAM) con- fronted the Regents with their demands is the most graphic il- lustration of this weakness. It was precisely that confrontation, and the Regents' response. which and thought toIthe original pro- posals. Since they did not, many in the academic community are being asked, without sufficient in- formation and in an atmosphere of increasing tension, to take sides on an immensely complicated issue. I deeply resent being inform- ed, as faculty and staff were in- formed in the preamble of a re- cent statement by Vice President Ross, that the Regents' response was "a very substantial, bonafide response"; I resent it because I prefer to come to my own con- clusions on the basis of evidence, not exhomtation. But neither do I know why BAM and its support- ers selected their original figure of 10 per cent black 'enrollment by 1973-74 (perhaps the percentage ought to have been still higher); and I submit that the black de- mands would have carried even greater weight with many of us if we had been certain that much, hard thinking - black and white thinking, faculty, administrative. and student thinking, financial and educational thinking - had contributed to them from. the start. THOSE ARE NOW past events, and the future is before us. If the University of Michigan means to address herself to current educa- tional. and social issues in such a way as to inspire trust and con- fidence among her various con- stituencies, it is imperative truly representative sectors within the the University be asked to assume a substantial share of the respon- sibility - and of the power - to make these decisions. For such power and responsibility the fer- vent but impotent resolutions of support voiced by individuals, col- leges, and faculties are simply no substitute. Now that the Univer- sity appears to be on the verge of full-fledged commitment to 10 per cent black enrollment by 1973-74, there is a crucial need for a care- ful, just, and realistic reassess- ment of budgetary priorities. A constructive first step towards see- ing that decisions become more widely representative ought, I think, to be the swift appoint- m-ent ofan .nsni 1 nn , enn nn Appeal To the Editor: T H E BLACK FACULTY, stu- dents and staff of this University have come from the black com- munities across America. They know the need for well educated and highly sensitive leadership. They listen to the majority American Community who say "I made it, why can't they?" They understandathe hypocrisy of this statement and the state- ments of the faculty who a s k "Where can you get the 104aer cent?" They understand the racism of recent Americans from European heritage who threaten to bring suit if preference is shown black Americans. People who by virtue of being white have advantages over those who are non-white. They know the lack ofsufc ient, well trained leadership in black communities. They know that only by edu- cating the poor, t h e- powerless, and the alienated can these groups achieve independence, eco- nomic security, and full develop- ment of their latent talents. They are astounded that so few of the University faculty under- stand about local control of s c h o o 1 s, decentralization of schools, block club development, urban renewal, relocation of black citizens affected by urban re-de- velopment and highway construc- tion, the effects of white racism, the many attempts of cities, states, and t h e federal govern- ment to combat poverty, the white exo'dus from our cities, w h it e back-lash, inner-city attempts to solve its own problems and ir- relevance of school curriculum to black children. THE FEW OF our faculty who do understand these things can be found in only a half dozen of our seventeen colleges. T h is is tragic - for it makes it clear why people talk of reprisal. Why people do not understand the context of BAM's actions. They are grieved at rumored threats of reprisals. Faculty mem- hers ad nartnomantchaveonenn- jd I just LOVE politics, don't you,.?". 4 with the tenure rank of Associate Professor. In 1962, the Regents promoted me to full Professor -' the first black to achieve this rank in the history of this University (a fact, I am sure, in which the University does not take pride'. My two black colleagues of 1956, both distinguished men in their fields, still have not achieved the rank of full Professor. They are both in the same school of the University. If this represents the climate 4 of The University of Michigan, then it is easy to un- derstand the reactions to BAM demands and threatened repris- als. The black faculty feels than if one person is guilty, then all are guilty. NONE OF THE DEMANDS of the students will 'benefit them. They are aimed at the thousands of potential black students back in their neighborhoods. The anx- ieties, energy, and yes, tears that these students have experienced - have no selfish motives. This is probably difficult for some " to believe. One has to be black to really comprehend this phenom- DN APRIL 2 an advertisement appeared in The Daily purporting to express the sentiments of the Executive Board of the College Republican Club in regard to President Fleming's role during the recent BAM strike. We would like it to be known that as of March 31 the legitimacy of that "Executive Board" was declared null'and void by the Central Stu- dent Judiciary because of consti- tutional violations at our club election meeting on March 11. There are many in the club who are not/ in agreement with the opinigns expressed in that 'adver- A And to those of you who do care, could you use your influence with your deaf and other Univer- sity administrators to continue to negotiate in good faith that we may get on with the work of this fine institution. --Prof. Alvin D. Loving Education School March 36 Republicans To the Editor: ! R r ': t b _ . 1 t '4 I (1 I Il11 '= . I