Page Eight THE MICHIGAN -DAILY Tuesdov. Argil 7. 19701 Pa e E gtH;I HI A A L '''y',F-' rrI : i NO VIOLENCE: LSZA faculty passes mt g- ;n r'n rlb State board calls for halt on Dearborn expansion (Continued from Page 1) tem arose during discussion of a motion which said it is "improper for this or any other faculty body to act as a judical organ for al- leged students violations of :ed- eral, state, or University Ptatutes and regulations, excepting of1y cases which are unambiguously academic." In addition the motion,. which was defeated, said the existing procedures may be used for the "unambiguously academic" cases. Several members of the group expressed confusion over the in- tention of the motion, particuarly the definition of "non-ambiguous- ly. academic" cases. Some said they believed the motion indicated that the faculty should not have an in- terest or responsibility for cases such as class disruptions. As a result, the group replaced the motion with a resolution stat- ing that "The free exchange of ideas on campus, freedom of movement, security from intimida- tion, and the maintenance of or- derly class-rooms are matters of grave concern to the entire Uni- versity community, students and faculty alike, and both have a responsibility to_ preserve those essential qualities of academic life." "This resolution is talking in broad terms about a principle. We are signifying support of a prin- ciple-not saying we are not in- terested in judicial machinery," said classics Prof. Gerald Else. "It is understood' that the sub- stitution resolution will lead to the formation of some kind of stu- dent-faculty judiciary group," said Sidney Fine, acting chairman of the history department. History Prof. Arthur Mendel, one of the sponsors of the initial motion, said last night the faculty did not understand the intent of his motion. "The motion, if passed, would have said that the faculty will not take unilateral action on non-academic cases. dt "I' agree that a student-faculty body should be formed to deal with -such issues," he added. Mendel ' called the resolution passed by the group "precisely the kind of statement as the one sign- ed by 500 professors, which sim- ilarly stressed something we all agree with - in a panicked man- ner which made it work as a law and order demand." Mendel was referring to a re- cently published advertisement which called for an end to the use of violence in campus protests. The LSA faculty yesterday did not indicate what kind of action, if any, \vill be taken to re-organ- ize the school's judicial proce- dures. At the present time, Dean Hays, the Administrative Board and Central Student Judiciary all have judicial powers, but there is con- siderable dispute over who should exercise which powers. The judicial procedures h a v e come under fire from all direc- tions, m o s t criticisms centering around. disagreement over who should act on cases of a "non- academic" nature and what the definition, of a 'non-academic" case is. The definition and juris- diction of "academic" cases also+ is disputed. Under current regental bylaws, the literary college has the power to handle non-academic discipline cases. However, students have con- tinually argued that only all-stu- dent judiciaries should hear cases of a non-academic nature. The present system is supposed-; ly a temporary one, developed from old bylaws and pending, change by the proposed bylaws presently under discussion. The LSA faculty yesterday also approved a motion to ask Senate Assembly to recall a tabled motion which would set up a commission to look into the University's budget and help re-evaluate pri- orities. Linguistics Prof. George Lakoff presented a similar motion to the group, and Hays said it is likely that a special meeting will be' called this month in which the motion can be acted on.- LSA student government mem- ber Rusty Kallenberg asked, the group to allow students tospeak at the faculty meetings, "especial- ly as you are making decisions about issues which involve us." (Continued from Page 1) control might be more desirable, he added that both Flint a n d Dearborn had been gifts to the University "and there is strong feeling in both communities that both wish to remain in the Uni- versity." Fleming also pointed to a simi- lar situation in 1965 when the Flint campus was expanding to a four-year school and the Legisla- ture made the necessary appro- priations despite the education board's objections. Ross said the board had re- fused to grant funds unless Dear- born was split off. "What they want is a deal where they m i x educational needs with their own political predilections," he said. However, Oppewall said auto- nomy "is out of the question now. For at least five years it would need the support of the University for help. The possibility of event- ual autonomy is a question which should be faced now." The state board says it will wait for the report of the citi- zens' committee before proceed- ing on expansion for Dearborn. "It would look primarily at the Dearborn branch, but in order to see where Dearborn would fit in I suppose they would have to look at the overall needs of the area,'' Oppewall said. Dearborn was established in 1956 on a grant from the Ford Motor Company. One of the few seniors- and-juniors-only schools in t h e country, it has historically h a d difficulty finding students inter- ested in such a program. The low growth rate has made it difficult to secure funds for upgrading pre- sent programs, hiring more faculty and adding post-graduate pro- grams. At the Flint campus, the op- posite problem exists. Also estab- lished in 1956, enrollment there has skyrocketed to the point where almost all existing space is being used, and expansion has become necessary to keep up with the de- mand. Last November, the Regents en- dorsed a general plan for the ex- pansion of both Dearborn and Flint campuses. Stephen Spurr, dean of the graduate school, w 'a s appointed vice president with the special job of overseeing expansion at both campuses. Even bathing every day can't stop it. Feminine odor starts inter- nally, and no amount of bath- ing can remove it. Soap and water simply can't reach the area where the odor starts. That's the reason you need Norforms*... the second deodor- ant:- These tiny internal sup- positories kil'germs-stop odor effectively yet safely. 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