For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deadline 12:30 p.m. 557 2-BEDROOM APT. Close to campus for spring-summer or fall or all three. Very sharp and reasonable. Cali Rick. 665-4358.. 43063 Summer Sublets and Fall Openings Phone 662-2952 31Ctc FOR RENT ARTIST'S STUDIOS FOR RENT at 915, Oakland. Call after 7 p.m., 769-2353 48Ctc THOMAS PLAZA Attractive modern apt., accented with walnut paneling and study nooks. Spacious 3 and 4 man furnished apts. Balconies ideal for BBQ, air cond., laundry facilities and location add to make it a must for the U of M student. CALL 769-4759 OR 761-8055 FOR FALL RESERVATION Ctr 406 PACKARD-mod., furn, apt. Air- cond., dishwasher. 2 bdrm, $240, 769- 1394. 34067 ON CAMPUS apartments and rooms. Student Living Quarters, 1217 S. Uni- versity, 662-6591. 47Ctc KING'S INN APTS., 939 Dewey. 2-bdrm. furn. units avail. $65/man. Inc. all modern appliances; 2 balconies per apt. Call 665-9866 or 761-3466. 11077- LINES I day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1 55 6 ' 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2 40 10 2.60 49 .51.5 1.0 18 INCHES 1 2.60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 >0.70 2 days 1 60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4.55 4.95 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6 10 6.65 . 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 25.55 31.40 4 days 3 00 4.05 4.05 4 65 6.35 7.20 7 90 S8.70 9.30 9.30 17.85 25 50 33.45 41.40 5 days 3.65 4.85 5.40 &90 7.85 8.85 4.75 10.65 1 1.35 11.35 21.75 31.15 40.95 51.15 6 days 4.20 5.65 6.40 8.05 9.25 10.40 11.45 12.60 13.60 13.30 25.40 36 65 48.30 60.50 add. .60 .80 .95 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.30 LIGHT MOVING and HAULING - 24 hr. service. 769-0381. 26J81 THESES, PAPERS (incl. technical) typ- ed. Experienced, professional; IBM Selectric. Quick service. 663-6291. 42Jtc SAM and DAVE TRUCKING - fast, cheap, efficient moving. 769-3544. 34Jtc RM. FOR 2 PEOPLE tn mod. 5-man. Right on campus, 663-9462. 43t10 761-7600 14Ctc Additional costs per day after six days. Ads that are 1/,, 21, 31/, etc. inch size will be billed at the average of the lower and higher inch rate. JOINING THE PEACE CORPS I! Wish to sublet our excellent base- ment apt. In older building near, hospital. Rent about $90 with ga- rage. Option on 1956 Plymouth named Ferdinand I 1 , Call the other Drew at 663-1217. CF ]XCELLENT I bedroom avail. 'May- ]Aug. $100. 663-0283. 16073 AVAILABLE IMMED.-Mod., turn., spa- ciods oeff.units,one or two-man, air "conditioned, two blks. from campus. $140/mo. Call 769-1041- days, 761-6218 eves. 37C76 MAY-MAY LEASE - medical center area, lg., 2-bdrm., bi-level apt., air- cood., garbage disposal, laundry fa-, 'jeil;ties, parking. Call 761-8055. 35CtcI 3-MAN, 1 BDRMS. Large, modern units, directly on the campus. $65/mo. Call 668-6906. 33Ctc GRADUATE STUDENTS: turn, 3 bed- room house on campus for 4 men. Avail. Aug. 20th $3.00/no. Call 663- 5930. 32075 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE near campus, May-June. $165. 662-8594. 15U76 ANNARBOR TRUST CO NOW RENTING FOR FALL CHOICE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE ALBERT TERRACE Leasing Office 1700 Geddes open 1-5 p.m. daily 815 S. State Beautifully decorative, large, Apartment 1 2 bedrOom, bi-level apartments. Phon 7692025Stop in 1:30-5:30 Daily; Phone 769-2025 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday or ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. phone 761-1717. 100 S. Main 769-2800 CHARTER REALTY-665-8825 21Ctc SUBLET May-Auguset Modern Bilevel 2 bedroom 112 baths completely fur- nished. Carpeted, dishwasher, dis- posal. a j cond., balcony, off-street parking. 665-2840 or stop by any- time. 1700 Geddes Ave. B-4. 19U82 BEST location on campus. 608 Monroe, No. 3, Summer half term. Kosher kitchen opt. Negotiate rent. Call Doris at 769-5415. 44U76 2Ctc MOD. FURN. efficiency avail. May 15- A/C paid; dishwasher, disposal. Near campus. Desperate. Call 769-0149. 36U74 SUMMER SUBLET HALF A HOUSE-Furn. Close to cam- pus. $100/mo. 769-0522. . 50U75 SUBLET 2-MAN or sing. $105. Apt. 4,1 811 East Ann. 665-7549. 35070 LARGE, deluxe 2 bdrm., air cond., quiet - unit, close to campus, parking, ForestI Glen Apt., 927 5. Forest Ave. After 5 p.m., 662-6156. l9ttc SUBLET SERVICE Avoid the hassle. We will rent your- place for you. 1217 S. Univ. 662-6591. 7Utc CHEAP! for Summer-3-bdrm., bi-level w/air cond.; corner Church & South U. Will negotiate. 761-6547. 29U66j SUMMIT ASSOCIATES are waiting tol help you find an apt. for the sum- mer. Excellentlocations and FALL OPTIONS are available. AIR CONDI-f TIONING is just one of the standard; features in our 1, 2 and 3 bdrm. mod. apt. ALL RENTS ARE NEGO- TIABLE. Stop in at 737 Packard and see what we have to offer. 40Ctc BRING SEWING also hem and altera- tions. Free pick up. Ph. 429-2187. 25Jtc EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires work in her home. Thesis, technical typing, stuffing,. etc. IBM selectric Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jto UNIVERSITY TAX SERVICE Fees: $5-20. Call 662--8747 and 665-6050 or stop in at World Wide Charter. (211 South State). 21Jtc STORE SPACE AVAILABLE TOP CAMPUS LOCATION OPPORTUNITY TO GO INTO BUSINESS PH. NO 2-0035 44Jtc YOUNG WOMAN, literature M.A. plus Ph.D. credits, six years university teaching and editing experience, de- sires writing and editorial work. Ex- cellent references. Call 662-0348 after 5 p.m. Jc NOW ON CAMPUS Campus MultiService TYPING PRINTING THESIS SERVICE 214 Nickels Arcade 662-4222 Fast, Dependable, Low-Priced 7Jtu TASK Does It All! Typing, Printing, Transcribing Conferences and Mailings Call The Professionals 761 -4146 or 47 30J50 NEW SUPER-8 Camera. Perfect condi-I tion. Call 665-6496 anytime--espec;ally. 5:30 or very late. 19D74 TRANSPORTATION INDIA Overland. $204, regular trips. 39 Landsdowne Gardens, London.; S.W., U.K. 5G NEEDED-Someone to rent van w/me. Going to New York City around May 1st. Preferably over 21. Call Bruce, 769-7185. 32073 OVERLAND EXPEDITION TO INDIA- Leaves London late June. $545. De- tails: Encounter Overland, 23 Manor House Drive, London NW6. G STILL NO PLANS for this summer? Why not make this your summer for Europe? Fly UAC Chaiter flight. Windsor to London May 3. Brussels to Windsor June 1. Air Canada Jet. Sign up at Travel Desk now! 27085 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Dk. blue shoulder strap leather purse. If found, please call 663-4079. 37A77 LOST: 6 mo. fem., brn & blk curly tail shepherd near Arb. Dog needs hi- daily medication. Wears a choke chain only. Phone 769-5041. 36A76 LOST: woman's watch, black band, Hudson's. Call 761-4418. 38A75 WILL LADY who found VW and other keys Sunday (Ap. 5) at Wurster Park please call 663-5106. 39A74 FOUND: Key on Kennedy medallion; key change near Diag on Sat., 769- 3458. 40A75 REWARD - Chocolate point Siamese cat. Wh;te. Answers to Benjamin. Box 60. 35A73 LOST: Burmese cat w/choc. brown short hair and golden eyes in vicinity of Church and Prospect. Any infor- mation will be appreciated. Call 665- 0505 persistently. 34A75 28CtcI Includes air conditioning, parking, laundry and dishwashers. Call 761- 8055 or 663-3809 after 5 p.m. Ctc ItOMS-$75 single. $55 douxble. Group opportunities. Utilities incl. Kitchen priv. 769-3785 or 761-7660. 17073 THE TRADEWINDS The utmost in spacious apartments.. 2, 3, 4 man bilevel apts., garbage dis- posals central air conditioning, laun- dry facilities, covered parking, bus service to campus, reserve your more than ample apartment now. Call 761- 8055 or 761-4564. C IMMEDIATE SUBLET -r 1-bdrm. mod. for 2. Unfurn.;' air cond.; very new. $120/wont)1. 662-7983. 12068 SUBLET-2-MAN or single. "$105: Apt. 4, 811 East Ann. 6654549. 35C70 SUBLET SERVICE e rent for you. We have tenants now. Student Livink Quarters, 1217 S. Uni- versity. 662-6591. 46Ctc SANS SQUCI APTS. CAREFREE LIVING 2-4-5 man apts., balconies, air-cond.,' laundry room, plenty of parking. (Near Stadium - Great for football games. Close to U. Bus Service A few 4-mans left at $240 a month 662-2952. 19Ctc Ctc ROOMS Men only 1346 Geddes, refurnished, no cooking. $60-75/mo. Call 668-6906. 34Ctc 1111 S. State Street 1035 Wall Street 401 E. Madison 1506 Packard Modern, 2, 3, 4-man, efficiencts air-conditioned, fully furnisb~d Individually operated 1-864-3852 1-353-7389 44Utc FALL RENTAL, mod. ,eff. units, spa- cious, air-cond., two blks from cam- pus. $140-145/mo. Call between 4-7 p.m. 769-1041. 5051 2-BDRM furn. apt. Avail, now thru Aug. Call Rick at 665-4358. 21U75 LARGE 4-MAN, 2-bdrm with 2 baths and spacious living room. May-Aug. Near Campus. 769-2250 evens. UF GET THIS! Huge, well kept, 1 bdrm, furn. apt. May-Aug. At E. Univ. and Hill. 769-4931 or 763-2225. 20U76 SUMMER SUBLET: 2-man corner of Hill and Packard. 761-9674. 19U74 FURN. 1-bdrm apt, May-Aug sublet. c. $300, $125/month. Fall option. 761- 3450, 6-8 p.m. 18U75 ONE GIRL NEEDED to sublet 3-wom- an apt. close to campus. $55/month, May-Aug. 769-7355. 17U77 SUBLET: 4-man, 2 bdrm. Air cond. Kingsley St. 662-3351. 16U791 SUMMER SUBLET 2-3 man modernI apt. All conveniences and covered parking. 914 S. State, Apt. 301. Cali afttr 6:00. 761-6264. 13U7@i WEST PARK, 2 bdrm, unfurn., $120. 761-9495, 5-8 p.m. 14U78 MAY-AUG. Suble--2 or .3,g;rls needed for mod. bi-level, air cond.; dishwash- er, parking. Call 761-6466. 13U78 ONE GIRL-own bdrm, large quiet apt., e May-Aug. Rent neg. 761-7166.u 12U78 SUMMER SUBLET: Furnished 2 bdrm with air cond. and dishwasher. Avail. May-Aug. at $150/month. Catherine near Division. Call 662-3958. 11U18 SUBLET: 1 girl for 4-man. Excellent lo- cation. A;r conditioning $55/mo. Call c Sue after 5 p.m. 761-9577. 10U78 3 BDRM. FURN, house; great location. Avail. June 18; for 1 male avail. May 15. Cheap. Call 662-8139, 769-0149 or 769-6187. 37U73 2-3 GIRLS wanted to sublet modern, 2 bedroom, 4-man apt. near stadium. Dishwasher, air conditioning, park- ing; May thru Aug. Call 769-3983. UB BEAUTIFUL 3-man Bi-level. Air-condi- tioned, 2 balconies, disposal. Behind S-Quad. Call 761-2838. 47U77 NICE 1-2 MAN in New House. Furnish- ed, near campus, hospitals. June-Aug. $95/mo. 769-4819. 48U74 SWIMMING POOL, Basketball, Volley- ball, phoney lake, central a; -condi- tioning, new building, phoney bal- cony, rec. room and study facilities. 2 bdrm. Ava;lable mid-May and thereafter. Call Honest Jerry or Trust- worthy Larry for a free estimate. Dinner time best. 663-9822. 49U76 4-MAN OR WILL SHARE with Two others. Close to Athletic campus. 665-5513. 44U74 Large, Bedrooms Mod., furn., air-cond., balconies Summer rent negotiable 418 E. Washington (near Frieze Bldg.) Call NO 8-6906 34tc CHEAP - Mod. 4-man. Must sublet. $130/month. 912 Brown, No. 105. 761- 9359. 32U73 2-BDRMS., May-Aug. Cheap. A.C., bal- cony. Close to campus. 761-6126 after 5. 35U73 1506 Packard Furnished spacious apartment, 2rorm bedrooms, living. room, dining room, large enclosed porch-will sacrifice. 1-864-3852 1-353-7389 43Utc SUBLETTERS NEEDED - Modern, bi- level, 5-man apt. on campus. Avail. Spring and Summer. Dishwasher, air- cond. Price negotiable. Call 769-6579 anytime. 49U74 MOD., FURNISHED APT., air cond., dishwasher, 2 bdrm., $120; single $30. 406 Packard. 769-1394. 9U67 APT. FOR SUMMER - air cond., park- ing, 769-4228 or 761-9592. 42Utc COUPLE - furn., spacious apt. in hse. close to campus and hospital, park- ing. Call 761-8243 or 663-3072. 32U76 NEED 2 GIRLS to share 4-man bi-level. May-Aug. Swinging Albert Terrace. Air cond.; dishwasher. 769-5146. 31U76 SUBLET - 3-5 man air cond. lux: bi-level apt. Call 769-5041. 30U77 1, 2, 3 or 4 GIRLS for 3 bdrm., a;r cond. apt. 761-3327. 29U76 REDUCED! Furn. apt. June-Aug. Cen- tral . Pets. Parks. Lotsa features.2Call 761-0866. 26U73 THE ABBEY-Large bi-level, air cond., dishwasher, close to campus. Many more extras. 761-9025. 25U72 IS NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR NEXT FALL 545 CHURCH ST. 761-7600 l5Ctc ARBOR FOREST APTS. 721 S. Forest (between S. University and Hill St.) 3 and 4-man furnished? complete sound conditioning off-street parking provided (assigned spaces) air conditioning double security lock system washing and drying facilities Resident manager-Mrs. Martin the largest 2-bdrm. apts. on campus and priced at the lowest figure, our referen~ces are the present tenants : ask them. Available for fall and 4 units May 1. Inquire at 721 S. Forest,: Apt. 102, Mrs. Martin. 9Ctc SINGLE ROOM, kitchen. Avail now; lo, by St Joseph Hospital, campus. .;663-3491, ~3073, AVOID THE APRIL RUSH! Reserve your Charter apartment for fall semester now! CHARTER REALTY Fine Campus Apartments S. UNIVERSITY AND WASHTENAW X665-8825 lCtc GIANT MODERN 2-bdrm., air-cond., dishwasher, terrace, pool, rent nego- tiable. 663-9702. 36076 BARGAIN CORNER SUBLET-May-Aug. One girl needed to fill four-man in Albert Terrace.2Call 665-6720. 25081 MAY 1st or FALL stone's throw from. campus 839 Tappanf I 101 N. Ingalls Parking for all 2 bedroom furnished from $230 up No need to bawl' inquire at 347 Maynard or 761-3137 Glive us a call 24Ctc SUMMER RENTALS-Choice apts. at low rates. Ann Arbor Trust Co. Phone; -769-2800. 22C83 SINGLE & DOUBLE ROOMS, & 4-man apts. Fall option. Reasonable. 761- 3618 antime. 9U78 1-3 GIRLS for mod. 2 bdrm, 4-man, May-Aug.; air cond., 1% baths. 769- 1452. 8U78 SUMMER SUBET: One bdrm. apt., ful- ly furnished, air cond., carpet, gar- bage disposal, pool. Couples pre- ferred. Rent negotiable. Call Ron, 971- 8597 after 4 p.m. 7U77 2, 3 or 4-man, July-Aug. $150. 2-bdrm, furnished, mod. Heritage House. Call 769-6986 persistently. 6U76 SUBLET huge 3-bdrm. apt., furn., no utilities, 2 blks from campus. Call 662-4028. 5U87 MfOD. 4-MAN, close to campus, 2-bdrm, central air cond. and heating,d g. p cture window with beautiful view, furn., parking facilities, live-in-mgr., garbage and laundry facilities. 665- 5269 or come see 721 S. Forest No. 403. 4U76 2 BDRM SUMMER SUBLET for 3-4 people, bi-level, air-cond., parking, Call 761-3433. . 16U62 SUBLET-Modern two bedroom apart- ment. Air conditioned. 769-1283. 23U75 CHEAP-One girl needed to complete 4-man apartment. Mod., dishwasher, parking. Only $40/mo. May-June or May-Aug. Call 761-5542. 21U73 WANTED TO SUBLET--One bedroom apartment with fall option. Call 662- 2650 or 763-0832. UB LARGE 4-MAN, cool and quiet, 1%j blocks from campus, garden terrace. Cheap. 761-9270. 2U73 SUMMER SUBLET-Large 4-man apt., 2-bdrm., air cond., balc, 815 S. State, No. 7, at Packard. 769-0380. 24U76 521 Walnut St. Near hospital and campus. Mod. 2- bdrm. GIANT APT. with dishwasher, air cond., beautifully furn. NO 8- 6906-Rent $160. 48Utc GREAT LOCATION. Free parking. Mod- ern air conditioning, 4-man, 761-7108. 30C7.1 1 OR 2 GIRLS wanted to share apt. in old house. 769-5625. 1Y73 ROOMMATES WANTED rIL AUG.-4th wanted for comfortable furn. house, now 'til end of Aug. Own room, 1g. kitchen, good location, rea- sonable rent. 662-9252. 16478 4TH GIRL for fall. Bi-level, 2 baths, bdrms, & parking. $50. 761-4665. 17Y7t 1 ROOMMATE NEEDED for 4-man, 4- bdrm. house near campus for sum- mer. Reserved parking. Call 769-2258, ask for John. 14Y78 4TH GIRL wanted for apt. for fall. Call 763-1923tor763-1973. 13Y74 2ND GIRL WANTED for spacious 2- bdrm. 2-man May-Aug. or July-Aug. fall option. Great location. Cheap. Call Marcia. 665-6260 persisently. 9Y75 2 OR 3 GIRLS needed to fill nice apt. in old house, summer only. Reasonable rent. 769-6788 eves. 6Y73 NEED 1 MAN for huge, 5-man apt for fall. 3 bdrms. Good location. Good fellowship. Call 764-8607 (contact Scott). 11Y76 1-5 GIRLS NEEDED. Share 3 bedrm. house spring &/or summer. On cam- pus. Cheap. (769-5412). 8Y74 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share 4-man apt. at Heritage House for fall. Call Pat, 764-1031. 5Y74 SUMMER SUBLET: 4-man apt, needs 4th; mod. air cond., apt. with bal- cony on S. Univ. 769-1553. 43Y68 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE WANTS 1-bedroom apt. July- August only. Not over $110. Location unimportant. Call Al, 761-3181. 37L73 FOR FALL: Single apt. Near campus. Under $100. 665-7020. 36L71 FURNISHED HOUSE or Apt. August through December. Marr;ed law stu- dent. 769-6988, 663-9257. 35L74 KING SIZE BED, 1 yr. old, firm Beauty Rest mattress, elec. blanket w/dual controls, 4 sets of sheets w/matching pillow cases and beautiful spread. Cost over $600. Sell for $250. Call, Rick at 665-4358. 27B76 CANON FT w/F1.4; skylight filter, soft carrying case. $225. 135 m.m. F2.8 autovemar tele. Canon mount;, sky- light filter; leather case. $50. All 3 mos. old. 764-1139. 26B73 THE GREAT BOOKS, $150. 761-2485 or 769-7352. 25B76 FANTASTIC BARGAINS-MUST SELL CHEAP-1. $500 Diamond engagement ring-only $295. 2. Portable TV-only $35. Call 5-6:30 p.m. or after 10 p.m. 662-0933. 21B74 '61 BUICK, four-door hardtop, good condition. 663-5079. 20B73 FOR SALE - Portable typewriter, Oli- vetti Underwood. New. Also Insta- matic Camera and big wooden fin- ished desk. Call Mike, 665-0436. 17B73 RECORDS! IOldies! 20,000 in Stock. Send 35c for 2,000 listing catalog. Mail Orders Filled. RECORD CENTER, 1895 W. 25th, Cleveland, Ohio 44113. Record Tapes 5Btc USED CARS SJAGUAR MK-2 Sedan. No rust, out-of-state. $995. 764-9490 or 663-4758. 31N78 AUSTIN-HEALY SPRITE, 12,000 miles, 1 yr old, excellent condition. Still warranteed. Call Gary, 769-6582. 34N7E '64 PLYMOUTH, V-8, ;n excellent cond. $175 or best offer. Call 769-0521, keep trying. 33N74 1965 CORVAIR. Now $350. Call after 6. 665-5671. 32N78 167 CHEV. Biscayne, $950. Call 1-684- 2965 after 5 p.m. 30N78 '66 FORD CUSTOM, $550. Call 1-684- 2965 after 5 p.m. 29N78 MGB-GT '68, Blue w/extras. Excellent cond. Call 769-6986. 28N76 65 OLDS, 385 hrspw, 4 barrel engine. $600? Call Sue at 764-0360 (8-5), 662- 7219 evenings. 25N76 LLOYD HAS REGROUPED! Custom Sandals only $15 'til April 31. Any style. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. 804 S. State. 20F77 ARE YOU EXPERIENCED? Call 761-7110 WE NEED HELP! 19F7 ATTENTION FRESHMEN AND SOPHO- MORES interested in U of M Dear- born Campus opportunities! You may now get information in Rm. 1223 Angell Hall each THURSDAY, 9:30- 4 p.m. Call Mrs. Bennett at 764-0312 or drop by the office for an appoint- ment. JUNIOR AND SENIOR- LEVELS ment. JUNIOR AND SENIOR LEVEL PROGRAMS in Business Administra- t;on, LS&A, Engineering. 18F80 PAULCAT I accept JOYBIRD 17FT7. DESPERATE Need 3-bdrm, 3-man for Fall, Call Nancy or Joyce, 769-7136. 16F78 WANTED-intelligent, OPEN-MINDED girl willing to evperiment in wide va- riety of human experiences. Write Richard Herstein, 419 N. Ingalls, AA or call 761-3493. 14F75 CONCERNING rash statements to the contrary: Nancy and Michael Bennett will stay together. They have found new direct;ons to solve their prob- lems. They will try harder. 13F73 HYPNOTIC SUBJECTS wanted for brief, simple hypnosis experience. Call John Evans at 764-9279. 12F78 INFORMATION needed on draft resis- ters and CO's in Ann Arbor. Call Lynn, 764-0552. FF SUPER, KILLER-DILLER SALE at Stu- dent Book Service. Say hello, meet friends, buy books cheap. 6F75 MALE SEEKS FEMALE companion- Hitch or drive to Mexico this Sum., 662-8695. 3F75 URGENT--Anyone who saw anything related to the accident Mon. night around 6:15 p.m. on E. Williams and S. Fifth, PLEASE call 769-0132. Your information is urgently needed. 37F74 $100 TO ANYONE who finds us a house on or near campus with 4 bedrooms. Call 769-5528 or 761-8291, and hurry. 33F73 LIVING IN SOUTH QUAD 70-71? As- sistant librarians will be hired soon by the SQ 1ibl. P;ck up applications at SQ's West or East desks. 16FH GIRLS: 3 male grads looking for fe- male to occupy 4th rm. in furn. house starting either now or Fall '70. Lg. kitchen, living and din;ng rms, good location, reasonable rent. 662- 9252 or 761-2148. Ask for Lefty or Phil. 11F78 WHY BUY a mass produced wedding ring? Have a unique ring personally designed. White or yellow gold. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable prices. Call Jhan, 769-7550. 34Ftc STOP! Being hassled! Let us battle the ele. ments for you . . . weather or what. ever . . We'll find you a place to live. Student Living Quarters, 1217 S. University 662-6591. 4Ftc SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Classic Crafts Corp. is now accepting applications for its Summer College program. Positions available as Corn- pany representative, Challenging 4p- portunity for ambitious individual who enjoys travel. Must have use of car, Salary $2,000 for summer with all expenses paid. Mr. Eshleman will be interviewing at the Summer Place- ment Office, 212 SAB on Tuesday, March 31. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone or stop by for appt. 35F69 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 & $12 Rh segl ative. Mon.. Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4. Wed. 1-7 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 lot STUDENT DESIRES PAINTING, all types. Four years experience. Call 662-4736 FD FRANCE Aix-En-Provence, July 8-Aug. 26, 4-6 credits; study-travel. If interested call 665-3877 or write U-M, 1321 E. Court, Flint. 24F69 ABSOLUTELY everything in stock on sale--all used books off and more -at Student Book Service. 47F76 GUARANTEED TO R A I S E YOUR GRADE POINT average and your self confidence with a minimum of effort. Doutful? Send today to: Better Speech, Dept. B-4, 4926 N. Monticello, Chicago, Illinois. 38tc TVs FOR RENT 19" Zenith portables, free service and delivery, no deposit required. Call Neac TV Rentals, 662-5671. 26Ft TIRED OF LOOKING for a place to live? Student Living Quarters can probably help you . . stop in for a cup of coffee and we'll tell you what's available, for what rent and what our deal is-1217 S. Univ. 2Ft MARSHA?-Have you been down to the sale at Student Book Service? Every- thing is reduced. Dig it. 52F78. ODD JOBS-Storm windows, screes installed; raking, clean-up, t ainting Experienced. Call 662-4736. D AVOID THE FALL RUSH-JOIN NOW. The Michigan Daily is now conduct- ing a limited training program for reporters. Call Judy, 764-0552, after- noons FP GRAD. FDMALE NEEDS' ROOM/room- mates for Fall. Prefer older apart- ment with parking, reasonable rent. Cal Gloria, 769-4786. LB DO YOU WANT TO BUY TICKETS, OR HAVE TICKETS YOU WANT TO SELL OR TRADE? READ AND USE THE "NEW DAILY CATEGORY, TICKETS FOR QUICK RESULTS. (F LOST OR STOLEN: Reward for ;nfo about old, blue, girl's bike w/basket. Disappeared from Rackham. Desper- ately needed. Call 662-1989. AA SUBLET-Luxury apt., Campus-Hospi- tal oc., air cond., lrg. closets. Perfect for 2 man, couple, or single. Call Kathy, 665-2715. UB FOUND - Unusual change purse near Union on Friday. Call 769-5415 to complete description. AD LOST: One pair of rimless glasses. Far- sighted prescription. Call Gary, 663- 5202. AB NEED AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER- Call Jim, after 6 p.m. 663-1019. 1D SELL ME your old tape deck-Will pay goo4 money for one with 3 heads, 3 motors, etc. 663-5512. B FOUND-Fluffy black half-grown Kit- ten near corner of Wells, Forest and Prospect. Owner or interested party please call, 761-8594. We are allergic to cats. AD I 2 BEDROOM sublet-1% baths, many other conveniences. 912 S. Forest, No. 2. 769-7136 after 5:00 p.m. 1U73 HELP WANTED I SAiRA CHE Right; on to Don and Marilyn for bringing another YIPPEE into the world. FD -I i BEAUTIFUL APT. for May-Aug. Top 2 floors of house. 3 bdrms. Private sun- deck. Furnished. Call 764-7970. 33U66 BIKES AND SCOOTERS BULTACO METRALLA for sale. 250 cc, 28 H.P., only 2800 miles. $400 includ- ing helmet. Call 764-3603 between 6- 10 p.m. 49Z75 TOPS ON CAMPUS-Heritage House apartment. 2 air cond., dishwasher, % block from Bus. Ad. bldg. Live in ... ,..fnr nn , MRS.Ca.11 '769-6$76_ treats .. ... . r.av I L~II frm ~t Jo's. ail~ orioi from St. Joe's. Gall 769-5645 or 764- Vmintt at 769-0053 for aDDointment to