TUITION INCREASE See Editorial Page Vol. LXXX, No. 153 (Z1 * Sir 4auP 74la#4*bly SPRINGIER High-48 Low-35 Partly sunny, Increasing cloudiness Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 7, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages QUENON, CAPPAERT LOSE 4GOP gains 2 council seats h .: .......... :fBy DEBRA THAL Republicans won four out of five City C o u n c i l seats as, two Democratic incumbents ~ * '~were upset in yesterday's elec- 'y; tions. This reduces the Demo- b ~crats' majority on co un c il > from 8-3 to 6-5. First Ward Democratic incum- N < bent John P. Kirscht, the only Democrat to win re-election, de- f cisively beat Republican T o mn Dennis Hilbert 2155-1061. Kirscht was appointed last summer to re- place retiring councilman J o h n Remington. Democratic incumbent Ernest L. Quenon was upset by Republican :.Robert E. Weaver 1321-1218 in the ..V <:SecondtWard. Quenon won his 3 first term in 1968 by only four ". votes. Republican Joseph W Edwards defeated the Democratic challeng- :.::er, Mrs. Lois J. Owens, 2872-1960 in the Third Ward. Mrs. Owens was the only woman and the only black running for council. In the Fourth Ward. GOP in- cumbent James E. Stephenson beat Democrat Charles W. Fer- guson 2727-1579 by the largest :.margin of the election, 1148 votes. In the Fifth Ward, three-term ..:.:. ,:.incumbent LeRoy A. Cappaert was upset by the GOP challenger, Lloyd E. Fairbanks 2793-1945. The two referenda on the bal- lot, calling for the annexation of -Daiy-Sra ruiich the 237 acre Smokier property -Daiy-Sara Kruwich northwest of Ann Arbor and the ONE ANN ARBOR resident emerges from the polls after voting in yesterday's city election. Officials 131 acre Wagner property south- termed the 45 per cent turnout "heavy." Republicans gained 2 council seats, leaving the Democrats west of Ann Arbor each were de-, with a 6-5 majority. feated by approximately a two to S---- one vote. The defeats follow an Carswell Ip asseskey Senate test WASHINGTON (M - Judge G. Harrold Carswell's nom- ination to the Supreme Court won its first crucial test yester- day as the Senate rejected a motion to return the nomination to the Judiciary Committee. The vote was 52-44 against the recommittal motion. The motion, by Sen. Birch Bayh, (D-Ind.), a leader of the opposition, was designed to kill the nomination of the 50- year-old Tallahassee, Fla., jurist. The Senate now will vote tomorrow on confirmation of Carswell, the second Southerner nominated by President Nixon for the Supreme Court vacancy created nearly a year ago by the resignation of Justice Abe Fortas. Nixon's first choice, Judge Cle- ? TEACHING BOYCOTT: Month-long U of Wisconsin strike continues in spite of injuction By NADINE COHODAS law, TA's are considered public The month-long teaching as- I employes and are prohibited from sistants' strike at the University of' striking. Wisconsin continued yesterday A union spokesman said yester- despite an injunction issued Sat- day the strike would continue urday by the Madison City Court. through the week "in the face of The injunction, served on the whatever force and oppression will 970-member Teaching Assistants be used against the union until a Association (TAA) and the union's just and equitable settlement is nine-member bargaining team, achieved." enjoined the TA's from continuing However, she said the nine peo- the strike. ple cited in the injunction are ex- According to Wisconsin state pected to receive affidavits order- ing them to appear at a hearing Friday to show cause why they ISz p a should not be held in contempt of court for violating the injunction. "At that point we expect them i oftto be arrested," the spokesman t 31Oaid. "We expect them to be in jail by the weekend." The strike, which has kept as 4 i*sorcers much as 80 per cent of the Litera- ture and Science school out of By JANE BARTMAN class, began March 7 after nego- tiations with the university' over The literary college faculty yes- a new contract broke down. terday reaffirmed its concern for In addition to demanding small- keeping the campus free of disrup- er classes, four-year appointments, tion and "intimidation," and dis- and better grievance procedures, 6 cussed the necessity for new judi- the TA's have demanded a guar- cial procedures within the coliege. antee that students and TA's will "We must cease to be satisfied be able to participate in univer- with the role of the dean and of sity decision-making, especially on the faculty of 1890-I want a new, curriculum matters. system," said Dean William Hays The TA's turned down the uni- at the monthly faculty meeting. versity's most recent contract of-, "We are now entering into a per- fer Sunday night, claiming it, w iod in which we are going to have "completely ignored" the matter of a sort of quasi-criminal court, and student decision-making; had only the administrative board is not a weak reprisal clause; and had a prepared to handle this." no-strike clause which prohibits The. question of possibly re- TA's from participating in any vamping the college judicial sys- strike. See LSA, Page 8 Negotiations for the new con- tract began last May when the university recognized the TAA as the official representative of the TA's. Talks broke down in Jan- uary when the union contended that no progress was being made. Bargaining resumed once more be- fore the strike, but the TA's re- jected the university's March 6 proposal and began striking the next day. Five people have heen arrested during the strike, all of them on March 25. Four TA's were arrested the morning of the 25th when their "tight picketing" prevented a university truck from movin- on a street. The fifth person was ar- rested that afternoon. All were charged with disorderly conduct. unprecedented City Council recom- mendation to vote no on the referenda. The defeat of Democratic in- cumbents Quenon and Cappaert decrease the Democratic majority on council to 6-5. Consequently, the Democrats no longer have budgetary control although they have the simple majority-necessary to pass most proposals. When the new councilmenare formally installed for their two year terms May 1, there will be five Republicans and five Demo- crats on council; Democratic May-( or Robert Harris will have the tie- breaking vote.I "We still have a majority-that does make a difference. It's going to be tough for some of thepro- grams the Democrats are identi- fied with such as busing," Kirscht said last night. "The good guys won," said the victorious Edwards last night. "It was a victory for the party that stands for public order and decency instead of the disruption . and smut that the Democrats rep- resent," Stephenson, asserted. ment F. Haynesworth Jr., of Greenville, S.C., was rejected by the Senate last November by a 55-45 vote. Senate leaders of both parties said they expected defeat of~ Bayh's recommittal motion to be followed by confirmation of Cars- well, although perhaps by a nar- rower margin. - :Some senators who voted against Associated press recommittal said t h e y would SEN. BIRCH BAYH (D-Ind) discusses the 52-44 vote in the vote against Carswell's confirma- Senate yesterday that defeated his motion to recommit the ing it to committee would just be nomination of Judge C. Harrold Carswell to the Judiciary Com- ducking the issue. mittee. The Senate will vote on Carswell's nomination to the On the other hand, some sena- Supreme Court tomorrow, - tors who announced they favor- -- - ed returning the nomination to committee for further hearings AP 1 T HE 4 ARIN'S'.said they would disclose later how they would vote on confirmation if the recommittal motion failed. "There may be some small or moderate slippage," Senate Re- spublican Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania told newsmen. But s firmation. -u ~ It looks to me 'like it's lean- d1sorder cases~ ing toward Carswell," said Major- ity Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, who voted for recomn- By LARRY LEMPERT Both students were informed mittal. "I imagine the vote on re- Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) that their cases were to be heard committal will be a precursor as to Cu J yby the Executive Board of the what will happen Wednesday." last night assumed jurisdiction In Graduate School and the Ad- Three key uncommitted sena- two cases of alleged disruption ministrative Board of the liter- tors announced soon after yester- stemming from the recent Black ary school respectively. CSJ's ac- day's vote how they will vote to- Action Movement (BAM) strike. tion last night enjoined both morrow. plaintiffs and defendants f r o m Republican James Pearson of CSJ scheduled a preliminary hear- appearing before those bodies, as- Kansas came out for confirmation ing for April 14 and stated that erting that only CSJ had t h e while Democrats Albert Gore ofj further action by other judicial jurisdiction to hear the cases. Tennessee and William B. Spong bodies was unnecessary. The court referred to the CSJ Jr. of Virginia said they will op- Mathematics Prof. Bernard Gal- Manual of Procedure and the Stu- pose it. The announcements by the Ier, in letters to Dean Baker of dent Government Council Consti- latter two made them the f i r s t the literary college and Dean tution. which state that CSJ has Southerners committed to t h e Spurr of the graduate school, last "original jurisdiction over any opposition. week had filed charges against case in which either there is no An Associated Press survey up- Marc Van der Hout, '71, and Pet- Ijudicial body with jurisdiction or j dated after yesterday's vote show- er Denton, Grad., for their al- the Judiciary. upon request of the ed 44 senators publicly commit- leged disruption of a computer defendant, determines that it ted for confirmation and 39 on science class which they entered should .exercise original jurisdic- record against. This left 13 sena- to promote the BAM demands. tion." tors uncommitted and holding the The action marks the first time key-since four senators are not CSJ has ordered a case to be re- expected to be present tomorrow. re stu d n moved frome one forum to be held This all indicates the next two in another. CSJ's authority. in this days will be a replay of the scram- Sor other matters. has never been blefray'tes tha rcddys officially recognized by the Re- tra' et a ss strik e gents or the administration, and At the White House, press sec- the effect the action will have is retary Ronald L. Ziegler said of still unclear,. the vote: group. Van der Hout personally stiev n ar. CJ"Well, it went about as expect- told the administrative board he Earlie last night, CSJ acted in Ied, and we. of course, continue to would not appear before it. Both two other cases. be confident that Judge Cars- Denton and Van der Hout prefer A motion was passed to post(one well will be confirmed by t h e to be tried by Central S t u d e n t until the fall term the trial of Senate." Judiciary (CSJ). nine students charged with dis- A possible new factor became Denton and Van der Hout said ruption in a January action apparent yesterday with the ap- last week they are not guilty of. against a DuPont Co. recruiter. pearance on Capitol Hill of an un- Galler's charges. The court also suspended action usually large number of 1 a b o r I f e jon the case against Robert Parsons union lobbyists. While organized into the class to talk about BAM. until an appropriate complaint is labor has recorded its opposition Galler unilaterally decided to dis- filed. Parsons is being prosecuted to Carswell, it has not been near- miss the class. He did not let a by Engineering Prof. John Young ly as active against him as it was vote be taken," Van der Hout said in connection with an alleged ac- against Judge Clement F. Haynes- last Wednesday. d tion against General Electric Co. worth Jr., who was rejected by last Wenesdfay.recruiters in February. the Senate last year. Dearborn expansion rebuffed, By ROB BIER The Michigan State. Board of Education has decided to a s k Gov. William Milliken and t h e Legislature to deny the Univer- sity funds for expansion of its Dearborn campus. The Regents had requested $278,000 in 1970-'71 for expan- sion of the two-year uppergrad- uate program there into a four- year school with a freshman class entering next fall. While such a freeze would hold up admission of those freshmen, President Robbens Fleming a n d Vice President for State Relations and Planning Arthur. Ross said yesterday they were hopeful that the Legislature would appropriate the funds anyway. State legislators were unavail- able last night for comment. The board decided to seek the denial pending a study by a citi- zens' committee "to determine ed- ucational needs in the southeast- ern Michigan area," and called on the Legislature to appropriate $20.000 for the study. Board President Dr. Peter Oppe- wall said yesterday that the board was concerned about the role an expanded Dearborn campus would play in southeastern Michigan. "Dearborn is not well located to meet the needs of the i n n e r city where the real need for higher education is," Oppewall said, sug- gesting that an entirely new four- year institution might be found desireable. Oppewall also said that the board questioned the need for another undergraduate school when the area already had n I n'e community colleges. Finally, there was the question of eventual autonomy for Dearborn, s o me- thing which the board has sup- ported at all state Universities for many years. "All studies of higher education which we have recommended auto- nomy for branch campuses. They should be allowed to grow in their own way. Also they seem to get shorted on the budget. While this didn't happen at Oakland (a branch of Michigan State, now in the process of becoming auto- nomous) it did at Flint and Dear- born (both University branches).," Oppewall said. While Fleming sympathized with the board's position that 10 c a 1 See STATE. Page 8 Professors chlarge mo wit disupton in cl By PAT MAHONEY Five LSA faculty members have charged at least four students with disrupting classes during the re- cent Black Action Movement (BAM) strike, Dean William L. Hays said yesterday. The students' names have been referred to the LSA Administrat tive Board for action. Hays said yesterday he was not sure how many students had been charged or who they were., These names are in addition to Marc Van der Hout, '71 a n d Peter Denton, Grad. Mathematics Prof. Bernard A. Galler filed charged against Van der H o u t and Denton last Wednesday f o r disrupting a class during the strike. Galler has asked the all-faculty LSA Administrative Board to de- termine if it has jurisdiction over Van der Hout's case and asked the faculty of the graduate school to do the same in Denton's case. Denton sent a letter to the grad- uate school faculty yesterday say- ing he would not appear before the, OVER AT INGLIS Ke eing house fo By RICK PERLOFF '.. Go east on Geddes, past the Arb, until you reach a dusty road called Highland. There you turn left. Take Highland around the circle, and meander up a driveway which reaches the arch-like doorway of a four-story twelve- room wooden mansion surrounded by lean, drooping trees and fenced-off circular gar- dens. A Rap on the door, and the hostess, Mrs. Gertrude Leidy. will tell you that this is Inglis House, the University's guest resi- dence - where. each month. the Regents ~zeRegents dining room in which every piece of furni- ture seems to glisten and breathe dignity. Pussy willows a n d chrysanthemums abound; a draped picture window reveals the lawn and a handle, enclosed in the wall, pushes open a door which displays the patio to visitors. There is also a bushy pull chord which guests can ring to gain the attention of the people serving the meal The dinner menu varies - "I usually try to have something different each time they come," explains Mrs. Leidy who describes the Regents as "gracious, friendly and monderful to work for." She calls Inglis itne question of who nas juris- diction in disruption cases remains unreso ved. Assistant Dean Dean C. Baker, acting chairman of the adminis- trative board, composed of faculty and non-voting ;tudents, says the board has not decided f it hasI jurisdiction to hear Denton's and Van der Hout's cases. If students refuse to appear be- fore the board because they. prefer to be tried by CSJ, Baker said, the Board will have to decide what action to take. "I couldn't predict what th y will do." he added. Until the Rezents decide what action to take on the propised by- laws, the Administrative Board has sole jurisdiction over disrup- tions and "CSJ's role is not alto- gether clear." Hays said. Baker said letters will be sent to all students accused of c ass disruptions to inform them that the charges may be appealed M E N :":: I Hill