Thursday, January 15, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PC . ..P F o~r Direc 'lassified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:00-2:00 HELP WANTED USED CARS BABY SITTER, mother's helper for fac- 65 VW ENG.and chas, Best offer. 665- ulty family. Mon. and Wed., 12:30-4. 7628 eves. 11N8 $1.50/hr. Near campus, 761-6440] 15114 --_---- - - - -------- 1968 850 FIAT Spyder. Excellent condi- LOST AND FOU N D tion. $1450.00. Cal 439-7964. 13N9 LOST: Wire rimmed glasses, pink case, KARMANN GaA. 1967 cony. AM-FM, cali 662-0694 after 5. 5A10 new tires. $1500. 668-6729. 14N7 LST-VWk _yringand setof ke._ 63..._._1967 BLUE VOLKSWAGEN. Sunroof, LOST--VW keyring and set of keys.66- and radio. Exceilent condition. $950. 5775. AD Call 761-7693. 9N8 LOST-Hill and fhurh. BronU. ._ _ .._v PERSONAL PERSONAL FOR RENT FOR RENT TWO ROOMS in house. Kitchen privi- ROOM FOR RENT. Kitchen and bath- leges. Near Stadium and State. 1505 room. Private. 769-7447. 42B5 White St. Call Chris or Ron at 764-_-- - _ -- ,-_- - - - - 0562 or 665-9818 any time. CF 2 BEDROOM APT. $145/mo. Call 764- _ EVEW APT ..shot nd __..- 6573 afternoons or go to X01 Miller, S IOREVIEW APTS.; short and long- No. 10, evenings. 9C7 term leases. 1 and 2 bedrm. Furn. and -.-_-_-_-_._.-___--.-- unfurn. Starting at $16/mno. short, 2 BDRMS. for two eteen os and long term leases. All Hotpoint and c o rivilegentlemen. House appliances and dishwasher, disposal. and cooking privileges to right eo- All utilities furn. except. elec. 761- p 5 3-1002.1 7 3404, Call for appointment. 17022 CAMPUS - 2 bedroom furnished. Appli- CAMPUS-HOSPITAL: studio room for cations now taken for Fall 1970. 721 CaMPUS-HoSIaLCompstdio paroomefo S Forest, see mgr. apt. 102. 32CTC man or woman. Completely panelled _-___- and carpeted. Very attractively decor- WINTER TERM ROOMS at legal (rater- ated and furnished, Private refriger- nity. Fre parking, 1 blk from Union, afar,2$15 .Lease t 9rough71g- 2. mandatory board. Peter Weinbaum, Age 21 or over.663-58666r9 0. 761-9220.' Sctc APT. AVAILABLE Feb. 5, near campus. SPACE AVAILABLE for girl(s) in mod- Ideal for couple or single. 665-7416 ern apt. Call 663-7777. 1308 late eve, or Sat. 1509 --°----- - -_.--._ - ---- __ __.__ lat__.__.___.__.__.C_ 4TH GIRL for mod, apt. close to cam- A ROOM with kitchen privileges. $50/ pus. 4 month lease. Rent negotiable. mo. Call 665-3337, Kaz. 14C12 761-6258. CC LARGE ROOM, private entrance, kit- RM. FOR 2 PEOPLE in mod. 5-man. cheif and bath, for independent soul. Right on campus. 663-9462. 44CTC Trudy, 665-6943 or 764-1138 afternoons -.- ---___. _____ - --- or late evenings. 13C9 ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed to 'r' __ . complete a madern, conveniently 10- SMALL O1NE-BEDROOM furnished on cated four-man apartment. Call 761- campus. Rent negotiable. Free extras. 2680. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 500? 'Cali 761-2237 any time.,1C12 -_-_.--_.._ __ __ Cl 71-237 _ny .1 2ONE MALE ROOMATE needed to com- ROOM FOR RENT. Single or double. plete two-bedroom suite near cam- Reasonable rates. 761-3618. 12C12 pus. Exceptionally nice. Call 761- ~- - -- 2680,.9 a.m.-4 p.m. 4907 APT. CLOSE TO CAMPUS-4 month -- .---- p.._ 49-7. LEASE AVAIL. 761-7432. 107 TWO MALE ROOMATES needed to ROOMMATES WANTED FOUR GIRLS NEED FIFTH to share house. Own room. 761-1952. Keep calling. It's a good deal, 45Y9 NEEDED: male to share 2-man apt. on Packard across from Campus Cor- ners. $72.50/mo. 761-0443 before 2 p.m. or after 6:30 p.m. 44Y12 TWO GIRLS NEEDED for 3 bedrm. house. Own rooms. Near campus. $66! mo./person. Liberal views preferred. Gail. 764-9552 days and 668-7626 eve. 43Y9 ---- -- ------3-- -- 3rd GIRL WANTED. Own room. 1901' Washtenaw. $67/mo. Call 769-4925. 42Y12 CHICK TO SHARE APT. on E. Ann., Own room, $75/mo. Call 663-7433. 40Y10' ROOMMATE WANTED for mod. 2-man/ 2 bdrm, furn. apt. A/C, parking, dish- washer, real nice place, $90/month. Call 663-6091 between 6 and 12 p.m. 41Y16 NEEDED-One girl for mod. 3-bdrm. apt. 761-0563. 39Y8 2 MALES SEEK 3rd person to share; house. Own bedroom. Packard-State. 761-1697. 33T20 NEED 1 GIRL for large 4-man on Fuller. Call 761-5615 after 5. ?9Y10 GIRL NEEDED to fill 4-man. Wilmot St. apt. Through April or August. $65/mo. 761-8062. 31Y8 NEED I GIRL for apt. 4 mo. lease.1 $57.50/mo. Call Ilene, 761-4648. 30Y10 ROOMMATE WANTED for mod. 2-man/ 2 bdrm. furnished apt. A/C, parking, dishwasher. Real nice place. $90/mo. Call 663-6091 between 6 and 12 p.m. 38Y10 WANTED-1 girl to take over lease immediately. Share with 1 other girl , for 2-man apt. Cheap. 763-3850 or ' 769-5646. 17Y4 FOURTH MAN for 2 bdrm. apt. No lease. Kingsley St. 662-3351. 26Y10 HELP WANTED NEEDED: Tutor for Chem. 225. 769-t 4786. 13H7 OFFICE WORKERS NEEDED full and part-time for Tenants Union, Call 763-3102. 34H9 WANTED: Several young married wo- men to do interviewing in the engin- eering placement office. A. C. Niel- son Co. Go to Room 128-A, West En- gineering, Thurs. 1-5 or call 761-6867 after 7 anytime. 33H7 BUS BOYS for lunches. Inquire at Vil- lage Bell, 1321 S. University. 32Htc BABYSITTER WANTED, 15-20 hrs. per, week. Hours flexible. Call 76I-1832, 29H7 TYPISTS - Part time, manual only, must be able to type from dictation and know how to spell. Write Box 1936, Ann Arbor. 30H9 BABYSITTING in my home. 761-5093. 31H12 NEED KITCHEN HELP immediately for Lunch and Dinner. Call 769-7614. 26H71 PART-TIME SALES POSITIONS avail. soon for girls who also want to work1 spring-summer term. Bride's Show- case, Arborland. 971-6455. 27H7 CRACKERJACK OFFICE secretary-re- searcher wanted. Female grad. 15 hrs.a wk. $3:50 hr. Research Development Group 764-5288 (orHleave message at 764-7481 for Dan Harrison). 281110 BABYSITTER - mornings. Mon. - Fri. and/or 2-4 Mon. through Thurs. Must have own transportation in AM. Call 769-0378. 23H9 -- - _ _ _ . . _ _ BABYSITTER NEEDED now for whole winter term. Mon.-Wed.-Fri., 12:45- with red leather collar. Please call 761-6379. 4A6 LOST-Small, black and white terrier wearing two collars. Named Brando. Call 761-6541. 5A3 LOST-Brown leather coat in South Quad dining room. Please call 764- 9697. AF LOST: set of keys on VW keyring. 663-5775. 3AF LOST, WALLET-All my identification -Vicinity of Whistle Stop and Wit- hams. Peter C. Drehman. 761-8149. AF ROOM AND BOARD BOARDERS WANTED for Friends Cen- ter International coop. Call either 662-6083 or 761-7435. 2E10 _ _ _ F O R S A L E _ ® USED GARMICH SKI BOOTS (lace); ood cond. 12M. 761-2192. 6BF BEFORE buying any type of sewing machine, check our price and service policy. EXAMPLE: New National port-7 abie compl3ete $39.90. Viking Sewing Center, 110 W. Huron. 761-3094. 34Btc 33mm. CAMERA. Canon QL-19. $60.- 769-2328 after six. 10B12 ONE FISHER 50 STEREO with Girard turntable. Will take best offer. Call 761-00'45. 9B12r SMALL REFRIGERATOR (2.5 cu. ft.) with freezer. Barely used. $70, or- make an offer. 662-7067 evenings. 8B10 1966 VOLKSWAGON - gd. cond., ex- cellent transportation. Ron, 665-0110. 8N9 1965 MGB-Good condition, must sell, $700. Call 761-2927 after 6 p.m. 1N6 FUR SALE-'65 Shelby American GT .350, white with blue racing stripes. Good condition-new Michelin x tires, new brakes and exhaust systems. Cal after 5 p.m. 769-5260. 4N8 MUSICAL MDSE.,' RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Unavailable instruments repairs and instructions-209 S. State, 665-8001. X SLINGERLAND DRUMS, Zildjen cym- bals. Bass guitar. Call 663-9754. 10X12 1 PAIR NEW ACOUSTAFLEX 4 speak- ers. $25 off, Garrard 50 turntable, $40. 764-0943. 9X7 FISHER 700-T RECEIVER (120 watts) and two XP-7 speakers. 1 yr. old. $460. 668-7425. 8X12 LESLIE 145 Organ speaker and Leslie Combo preamp. Both 1 yr. old. Excel- lent condition. Call Jeff after 11 pm., 662-6934 6X12 FOR SALE - Brand rnew Craig 2402 auto-reverse tape record. Access. and warranty. Will discuss. 764-3792. 7X8 MAGNAVOX STEREO tape recorder. Fairly new. Price $229. Asking $150. 663-9462. 5X8 ._- - - _.._ -_ --- - -- - -_._ _ .--- - _ --- FOR SALE-SPINET PIANO Wanted, responsible party to take over. low monthly payments on a spinet 'iano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby- ville, Indiana. 2X14 PERSONAL DON'T LOSE the numbers below: own STUDENT TO LIE IN: female 21 yrs. STUDENT DESIRES WORK, any N old. Compensation, living arrange- odd jobs, painting, etc. Call 662- ments and duties requested. Mailing - _ _._ box-6408 S. Quad. 18F10 GIRL(S) WANTED to cook magnifi dinner l/wk, by 4 males (grads, !THE CATEGORIES for this week's spe- lors) tired of daily casseroles. C cial game of Orientation Jeopardy food and conversation-its own are buildings, names and faces, wea- wards. Call 769-5819 around 6. ther, landmarks, and colleges. Sub- -_ mit your questions to the answers COLLEGE COURSE 311. Dealing printed in the Daily when you sign revolutionary guerrila warfare. i up for fall orientation leader inter- Tues. 1-3 in 4004 Angell. Two cre views in the UAC offices, 17F7 Paper required. CAMP TAMARACK (Fresh Air Society HEAR MARGERY HIMEL, folksil of Detroit) has positions available for at the new coffee house, "Rive counselors; specialists in waterfront, che" Thursday night, 9:30, Mad arts and crafts, nature-campcraft, Pound house, corner Hill and Eas tripping, dramatics, dance and music; unit and assistant unit supervisors; - .. ®__ _- -_ caseworkers nurses, physicians;ans EXPERIENCED VOCAL INSTRUCT truck bus drivers. Also staff needed Formal Univ. instructor, graduat for Marionette Theatre, program for the Royal College of Music, Lon emotionally disturbed boys, and nor- and the Munich Conservatory, to them outpost camps. Main camp to- cepting voice students for lesson sated at Brighton acid Ortonviile, her harns. Call ,. Mrs. Michele I Mich. W.S.U. credit course offered in 668-8884.3 Ed. Psych up to 4 hrs. Marvin Ber- SUBJECTS NEEDED FOR THESI man interviewing on Jan. 16, 28, 29,Comparing ,eognitive styles of Nor 30 at Summer Placement Office. Must be wife of graduate stuc 14F16 17-29 yrs. old, non Catholic, n FOREIGN YSTRIKES AGAIN American, not pregnant. Call Me Free mixer with refreshments or night, 764-9552 or 665- sored by INTERNATIONAL STU- __1 DENTS ASSOCIATION. Jan. 16. 9 ~GUITARLESSONS from experie p.m., International Center (next to acher,$2.50 Union). Everyone invited. 10F8 te $ /% hour, Call 663- ROOM FOR RENT. Kitchen and bath- room, private. 769-7447. 42C5 FURN. 1 MAN, campus area. $90. Call 769-6393 eves. 6C8 SINGLE APT, with bath. $90/mo. 662- 1312. 7C8 TWO FEMALE roommates needed to complete conveniently located four-i man apartment. Call 761-2680. 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. 4FCF IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - Furnished one bedroom apartment, campus-hospital location, air-condi - tioned, carpeted living room and din- ing room, heat and water included. 662-7787. 41CTC R M. FOR 2 PEOPLE in mod. 5-man. Right on campus. 663-9462. 43CTC ONE FEMALE roommate needed to complete two-man suite. Close to campus. Call 761-2680. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 43C7 CAMPUS, Studio for man 21 or over. Very attractively furnished, decorated and carpeted. Next to large kitchen and large paneled bathroom shared with 2 grad men. $85/mo. Lease through Aug. 22. 663-5666 or 971-6270. 4C10 LOOKING FOR a nice womb with a view? 663-0157. $110/mo. 23G6 ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to complete our-man. apartment near campus. Call 761-2680. 9 a~m.-4 p.m. 46C?. complete four-man apartment. Good location. Call 761-2680. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 4507 MALE NEEDED to room with two med- ical students at Albert Terrace. $75/ mo. Call after 6 p.m. 761-7250. 3909 BUSINESS SERVICES TASK Does ItAI l Typing, Printing, Transcribing Conferences .and Mailings Call The Professionals 761 -4146 or 47 3:I5. Near Burns Park. $1 per hour. --- ------------- Ring 665-8170. 19111 FAR OUT ANTIQUES NEEDED: Baby sitter and housekeeper. AND IMPORTS Starting Feb. 2, ending June 6. $2.00/ BRASS BEDS hr. Mon, Wed, Fri. 10 am to 3 pm. Large hand carved candles, round oak Must have own transportation, must table, hall trees,.pins, potteryantique be good with children. Call 769-2595 aclothingl for interview. 2Htc clothing. - _ _ For Sale Cheap , TIM BUCKLEY IS COMINGi . . '15F7 LOOKING FOR intervarsity or Michi- gan-Christian Fellowship. Call June, 761-8673 or Mark, 665-5485. 11F8 K.S. Pick you up at 6:00 for Welfare Dinner. Luv. J.R. 28F7 MALE STUDENT or couple to share lake front log cabin. 15 min. from AA. 437-0384 or 764-9140, John. 27F10 BASS PLAYER needed for folk dance band. Play Friday evenings, mostly Eastern European music. Call Steve Wilson, 663-8051 or 764-4446. 7F8' ANN ARBOR COLLEGE OF J WISH STUDIES (Bet Midrash) . . Regis- tration . . . Tues., Wed., Thurs, Jan. 13, 14, 15 . . . Michigan Union Room 3X . . . 7-9 p.m.. 22F? U-M FLYERS. Only University flying club. $10/hr, $35-join. Private pilot, ground school-$20. 764-8754, 764-6680, 764-6759. 9F7 JOIN THE DAILY and get Webbed in. ' F FOR VISCERAL DELIGHT THE WILD FLOWER 30F7 SAE FINANCIALLY SOUND A quote from S. H. Garland of the Ann Arbor Trust Company: "Operationally we (S.A.E.) are doing the best we have done in the past four years n my experience." ' Other reports on the financial con- dition of S.A.E. are B.S. 8F7 POTTERY CLASSES. Schoolhouse Pot- tery Studio, W & F, 1-4 p.m. $50-10 wks. 663-7114. 663-3801. 5F7 INTERESTED in course for grad Busi- ness School Admission test? Call Bob, 665-3492. 20F10 WILL THE young lady who deliver the sailor to the LA. Y.M.C.A, pIe call Rick, 764-3070.1L "IN THE YEAR OF THE PIG" Jan. 14, 15, 16, 7 & 9, Nat. Sci. Aud, 1. STUDENT DESIRES WORK, any ki: odd jobs, painting, etc. Call 662-47 WILL~TUTOR in English or Chin conversation. Call Thelma, 662-3 or 763-3402. TVs for RENT 19'" Zepdth portables, free service a delivery, no deposit required. C Nejac TV Rentals, 662-5671. 91 COLLEGE REPUBLICAN CLUB meeti Thurs., Jan. 15, 3rd. floor Unli 7:30 p.m. Speaker: James O'Ne "Hart's Hypocrisy." All Invited. 24 AL TERATI ONS Viking Sewing Center, 110 W. Huron Fitting hours: 12-5:30 Mon., Wed,. F: 761-3094 24F BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive. $10 & $12 Rh segl ative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4, Wed. 1-7 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 1 WINTER SALE-Clothes at or aelC cost. Wild Flower, 516 E. William, acro from Tower Plaza. 31F SPRING INTO SPRING THE WILD FLOWER 30J50 THIRD MAN WANTED-Near Campus. TYPING DONE. Very reasonable. On Modern apt. Reasonable. 769-3308. Smith-Corona 210 elec. typewriter. 32Y8 Call 484-0137. 3J12 5TH ROOMMATE wanted for bi-level. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires of- $52 a month, 4 month lease. 761 -7388. fice work in her home. Typing, tape? 36Y transcribing, addressing, folding. 761- MALE STUDENT for 2-bedroom apt. 0296. 1J10 Share kitchen, bath. $58/mo. Ann and FOR ALTERATIONS done expertly and State. Undergrad. Winter term. 761- inexpensively, save this number: 665- 0507. " 35Y8 9809. 2J9 ,ROOMMATE WANTED for four-man, PROFESSIONAL TYPING: papers, the- 'modern apartment, 10 min. walk ta. ses, dissertations, etc. Reasonable. U. $50/mo. 1009 Church St. 769-6629. Possible pick-up and delivery. Call_ 34Y8 822-9057 (Detroit). 29jtc GIRL FOR MOD. 4-man. One blk. from _. ,nn.campus. 76-9242 27Y7 JOBS! JOBS! and more JOBS! Stu- dents, Teachers. Stateside and Inter- national Jobs. Recreational Jobs; Year-round Jobs; Summer Jobs. All occupations and trades. Enjoy a va- cation while you earn. Hurry! The best jobs are taken early. Write: "Jobs, PO Box 475, Dept. CP 13-1, Lodi, Calif. 95240. 33H8 COED TO BABYSIT nights in exchange for room and board. 662-3529. 7Htc COUPLE or 2 girls to care for 5 chil- dren, ages 3-13. Jan. 17-20 and/or other weekends. 764-7529 (days) 665- 5917 (evenings), 101H6 WANTED-Accounting major with 271 and 272 and tax accounting or pres-- ently taking it. B or better average in accounting. Part-time work. 663- 6315. 1IH11 T ellfers Part-time teller positions to work Fri. a.m.. and Sat. am, available to exper- ienced tellers. For an appointment, telephone Mr. Eman, 761-2211. Huron Valley National Bank. An Equal Op- portunity Employer. 4Htc . - _ t Mr. Spitz Antiques, 29 E. Cross, Ypsi. Sale one week only-Splitting. Open 10-6 B 7B9 USED CARS 4-seater IFR equipped aircraft will fly anytime to Chicago, N.Y., 'leve- land, Boyne Highlands, anywhere and share costs. Ex. Chicago or Boyne 2 hr. 1 way; $15-20 rd. trip (approx.) Call Bob Salstrom 665-8489 any time after 6, wait for answering service. 35FTC '69 JAGUARE XKE roadster, 6800 miles. GUARANTEED TO R AI S E YOUR like new, wire wheels, radio, etc. GRADE POINT average and your self 971-4307. 6N7 confidence with a minimum of effort. --_-----------_-.---__ Doubtful? Send today to: Better 1964 BUICK LeSABRE convertible. Good Speech, Dept. B-4, 4926 N. Monticelo, cond. New top and tires. Many on- Chicago, Illinois. 38Ftc tions. 1'est offer. Call 761-1639. 11N8 - ---____ ___- MUST SELL-Renault. Excel. cond. 16 GRAD M I XE R mos. old. 9600 miles. Disc. brakes. Call SU NDAY, JAN. 18 761-4673 10N12 8 8 P.M. STATION WAGON. Mercury Colony at The House Park. Sacrifice. See at rear of 335 E. 1429 Hill Huron. Call NOrmandy 2-2557. 12N11 13F10 FOURTH GIRL needed for mod bi-level apt. Great location. 665-8825, ask for Dave. 37C9 ROOM FOR RENT in professional frat; washer and dryer, tv, parking, li- brary. $55/mo. Call house manager. 761-5857. 36C9! SINGLE DRM in 4-man duplex mod building behind "th~e Wheel" 543 Church St., 769-1726, ask for Eliot. 35CTC THIRD GIRL needed to share modern three-man apartment. Close to cam- pus and' to hospital. Immediate oc- cupancy. Call 761-7927. 34C8 NO LEASE Couple wants someone to take extra1 bdrm. & share mod, apt. $75/mo. Call 76170263. 33C9 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEXT FALL ALBERT TERRACE Modern Bi-level apartments 1700 Geddes 761-1717 or 665-8825 4C14 NEED AN APARTMENT AND/OR ROOMMATES? MEET YOUR MATCHMAKER * 2 modern apartments available now Several apartments seeking room- . mates Reserve your Charter apartment now for next fall. Charter Realty--665-8825 Fine Campus Apartments S. Universityand Washtexiaw 3C14 BARGAIN Ca N ft I I XEROX COPIES PAPERS, ESSAYS, REPORTS, THESES -Perfect copies now only 7c on over- night service, use correct-o-tape or unlimited erasures and yet be as- sured of copies that even look better than the original from the new Xerox 3600. We supply 20 weight copy paper " free. Documents stored in office safe for complete safety on request. Im- mediate service during business hours 9c per page. Discount Photocopy Serv- 9e per page. Discount Photocpoy Serv- ice, 1217 S. University, 769-0560. 8Jtc EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires work in her home. Thesis, technical typing, stuffing, etc. IBM selectric Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jtc BIKES AND SCOOTERS THINK SPRING Order Now Honda of Ann Arbor 3000 Packard at Platt 971-4500 iZtc DOWNTOWN HONDA: New and used cycles - parts. Accessories; service, storage. 310 E. Washington. 665-8637. 34Ztc ZF WANTED TO RENT # GtlllU. (i iY . 4 4TH GIRL needed, Jan.-Apr. 1001 E. Univ. 769-7584. Rent negotiable. 28Y7 WANTED-1 GIRL to share apartment. Phone 769-7466 between 11:30-12:30 a.m. or 5:00 p.m.-7.00 p.m. 20Y8 3 MALE UNDERGRADS need fourth for1 roommate. 761-6519 after 7. 21Y8 FIFTH GIRL needed to fill large, mod- ern apt. Upperclassman preferred. Close to campus and hospitals. Call 769-1580 or stop in at 525 Walnut, No. 7. YE 2 MEN NEEDED for mod. 4-man. 1 blk. from campus. $70/mo. 769-1742 eves. or 763-0161, ext. 6 daytime. 21Y8 ROOMMATE for 3-man, winter term. $60 mo. Near campus. 761-8341. 147 NEED GIRL for 4-man. Air-cond., carpeting, dishwasher, nice interior. $68/mo. Immediate occupancy. 761- 3549. 8Y4 MOD. 4-MAN at521 Walnut, No. 10 needs 2 male-. 761-5642 or NO 8-6906. 6Y10 PHOTO SUP PLIES YASHICA-D CAMERA, 1969 model, with light meter and case. Excellent con- dition. Call 764-1764. iD8 We'll pay you 5O 0 Heavy Duty Steering and Suspension Parts * BAILL JOINTS * IDLER ARMS * TIE ROD ENDS to try our pizza during Little Caesars° GRAD IN THEOL. now working AFSC PETS AND SUPPLIES wants room, community. Under $70. Bob. 761-8283 daytime. 3L12 SAVE A PUPPY-Give a home to a little dog before he must be sent to the GIRL WANTS APARTMENT for winter Happy Hunting Ground. Spot over term-will share. Lisa, 663-2005. 1L2 one eye. Phone 769-5336. TF ! 0m0b0 l CWJIEHmpIinl Ne The world's best pizza has come to Ann ar er s ze p adur ng our Grand st to try it, when you buy a medium or lag e z p z d r g Opening Celebration. The ,.--" bination's unbeatable: I the best pizza you ever T c P GO D ; tasted plus a special price. 1 .aste, p t 21 Sam 's Store LEVI'S Galore For Gals and Guys!° i. LEVI DENIMS: Button Fly .... . {Guaranteed to SI Super Slims,.... Pry-Shrunk Dungarees..... LEVI'S STA PREST: "White" Levis (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsock .. "Stitches"...... Corduroy.... .. "White" Levi's ... . (5 Colors) Corduroy White ... 'Y 4 .$5.98 hrink) .$6.50 t Stop by today! .$6.50 lii .$6.98 $8.00 .$6.98 .$7.98 . $5.50 .$6.50 ; , . . ; ; . :,.. COTTON TURTLENECKS-$2.29 t - E . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 . 4"1 Hi-Fi Heodauort~ers in Ann Arbor I " " QN THE PURCic vr . , MEDIUM OR '-AmesEt PIZZA AT LITTLE CAESARS U asat$res dnuary3,197 504------ - -- -' ,...... . I