The 'liberal education: Change in the future? By HARVARD VALLANCE Should the bachelors degree in the literary college be abolished? Should incoming freshmen be ad- mitted by random selection? Should undergraduates be free of competitive examinations? These questions are a part of the output of the LSA preparatory committee, says Associate Dean of the literary college Alfred Suss- man. The committee has been working since last October to lay the groundwork for the establish- ment next fall of a commission which will conduct -a major re- evaluation of the goals, structure, and priorities of liberal education at the University. The task of the commission, Sussman explains, will be to at- tempt to answer the questions rais- ed by the preparatory committee and tso possibly offer suggestions to the Board of Regents about im- plementing proposed changes. The commission, which will con- sist of five faculty members, five students, and a non-voting chair- man, will organize next fall after its proposed $142,000 budget is acted upon by various foundations. The re-evaluative study of the lit- erary college is scheduled to last two years. The preparatory committee, which includes President Robben Fleming, the deans of the literary college, three university vice pre- sidents, nine professors and three students, will raise questions for the commission about the, facets of "liberal arts" education. It will also pose questions which might help the college "respond effec- tively", says Sussman, to the de- mands of a rapidly changing so- ciety. "Anything and everything is be- ing questioned," says Mark Rosen- baum, '70, a member of the com- mittee. "This is the first time the University as an institution has begun to question itself." Most of the actual work of the committee, he continues, was dele- gated to a subcommittee of stu- dents, faculty and administrators. Since October, subcommittee members have done a tremendous amount of research, says Rosen- baum. A preparatory committee "library" has been established, he adds, which includes, along with an assortment of educational jour- nals and recent books on educa- tional crises, copies of similar re- evaluation studies conducted by other universities. The preparatory committee is now nearing completion of its work, he says. A 40-page draft of the subcommittee's work was re- leased March 1 for review by the larger committee. Some of the questions consider- ed, in the draft, according to Suss- man, include the possibility of a more direct involvement of t h e University in applying its resourc- es to solving specific social prob- lems. One question raised is the possibility of establishing a "soc- ial engineering center" for this purpose. Another suggestion is that fu- ture demands for adult education be studied. Questions are also raised about the possible roles that students can play in the allocation of Uni- versity funds and in tenure decis- ions. Other facets of literary college operations that are being evaluat- ed for future study include the in- ternal operations of the college, and the responsibilities of the col- lege to the Ann Arbor and De- troit metropolitan communities. Sussman predicts that the draft will be approved with "only minor changes" at the committee's next meeting late this month. The danger that the commis- sion to be established next year might "merely produce fine rhe- toric to placate the consciences of the administration" was recog- nized at the meeting, Rosenbaum says English professor Daniel Fader will draw , up what Rosen- baum terms a "preamble" to the report. The preamble, he says. will attempt to give the draft the di- rection it needs "to insure that the eventual commission will pro- duce fruitful results rather than the usual package of rhetoric and good intentions." Sussman says that the f i v e fa- culty members to serve on the commission would be chosen dur- ing the summer or early in the fall term, whenever the projects' budget is finalized.. The draft suggests that the five student members of the commis sion be chosen by the LSA Student Government Executive Council. The mechanism of the commis- sion is also dealt with in the draft. "In order to demonstrate and dramatize the importance of these issues to the faculty and students oody" much of the work of the commission will take place in open forums in which leaders in edu- cation, government, labor a n d business would be involved a n d testimony should be taken f r o m students, faculty and staff as well." according to the draft. In addition, the draft suggests that progress reports be issued by the commission and that spec- ial seminar courses relating to current problems in education be offered at the University in order to help "focus University-wide at- tention" on the re-evaluation study. Rosenbaum believes the amount of student involvement in the final comission will insure that, sug- gestion, for change that it may produce will have "significant" im- pact on future college policies. "Students and faculty," he claims, "will act as effective lobbying agents because of their role in the preparation of the report and their ultimate stake in its final recommendations." The recommendation of the pre- paratory committee last fall that half of the subcommittee be com- posed of students was itself, he says. "a significant milestone" at the University. "Student's opinion" Rosenbaum adds, "rceived the full force of recognition" in preparation of the preparatory committee's draft. "The faculty and administrators have recognized the role and com- mittment of students at the Uni- versity and have demonstrated their respect for that fact by pre- paring an equal representation of faculty and students on the final commission," he says. IDISCIP'LINE&A&& DISPUTE RENEWED ~~See Editorial Page Mrt s Vol LXXX, No 51 Ann Arbor, Michigon-Saturday, April4 1970 Ten Cents SLUSHY High-9 0 ILow--22 Varia ble cloudinss, ight chance of rain Eight Pages -Associated Press MARK RUDD, left, Bill Ayers, center and Bernadine Dohrn, right, are three of 12 Weathermen recently charged with violating the fedtae nt-rit law in Chicago, None of the 12 have been arrested yet. Federal clerk in Chicago terms selection of Hof fman 'random' Refuse to test law on Vietnam 2 federal judges dely petition to enjoin orders BOSTON 1P, - Two federal j u d g e s yesterday refused to interfere with the ordering of a Massachusetts s o 1 d i e r to Vietnam. The soldier had based his challenge to the or- ders on a new state law aimed at testing the legality of the' war. The soldier's petition, seeking to enjoin the Army from sending him to Vietnam, was first denied in U.S. District Court which claim- ed it did not have 'jurisdiction in the case, and finally by the First U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals without any explanation. The petition for the delay, filed by John Griffin, was the first test of a law signed only Thursday, which allows Massachusetts serv- icemen to refuse orders to a com- bat zone which is "not an emer- gency" and "not otherwise au- thorized in the powers granted to the President as Commander in Chief." The U.S. Constitution specifical- ly gives the power to declare war to Congress, which has not declar- ed war in connection with the fighting in Vietnam. Despite the two refusals to tam- per with the orders, Griffin's law- yers said they plan to file a new appeal on his behalf on Monday to insure that Griffin would re- main in the country pending a test of the new state law. Griffin's action was separate from the plans of the Massachu- setts attorney general to take the law directly to the U.S. Supreme Court for a hearing. Pvt. John J. O'Brien, 19, also under orders to go to Vietnam, has volunteered to serve as a test case of the new law for the state. "I really have no malice," said O'Brien, "but it is a case of Mas- sachusetts law." - Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Robert H. Quinn, who is required under the law to defend servicemen who refuse such combat orders, said no See COURT, Page 3 Daily-Thomas R. Copi Pl eo pie who live in, glass houses . Workmen at the Ann Ai bor Bank on South University remove all the glass from broken and un- broken windows yesterday. Boards were temporarily installed until the bank puts on a new front. The bank's windows were smashed during two different demonstrations on campus. Hike in postage - possible Nixon asks ten cent letter to offset pay raise WASHINGTON ( - Presi- dent Nixon yesterday proposed increasing f i r s t c 1 a s s mail rates to lOc a letter as part of a plan to fund pay increases for 5.3 million civilian em- ployes and military personnel. In a special message, Nixon said his plan would offset the cost of a six per cent wage increase for the workers retroactive to Dec. 27, 1969. The wage agreement, reach- ed during negotiations between the government and union negotiators on Thursday, does not cover about 600,000 blue collar federal workers. Postal workers, however, would be granted an additional eight per cent increase, effective if and when Congress approves pending legislation to transform the Post Office Department into a quasi- public corporation. The most significant part of the package recommended to Con- gress is the postal reform plan which would rearrange the rates on all classes of mail. In addition to the higher rates, the plan sug- gests increasing parcel po s t charges 15- per cent, "junk mail" advertising rates five per cent, second-class mailings 12 per cent and single-piece third-class mail 67 per cent. It is unclear at this time wheth- er any change in the current 10c air mail rate would accompany the increase of the first class rate to ten cents. James Hargrove, as- sistant postmaster general, sug- gested that the air mail rate might be merged with the first-class charge at a uniform, ten-cent level, however. The $300 million raised by in- creasing rates other than the let- ter rate would finance the postal workers' increases. The change in , first-class letter rates would bring in an expected $2.3 billion in the next year, and along with existing surplus funds would cover the six per cent across the board wage hike. In addition, Nixon proposed ex- See NJXON, Page 3 CHICAGO (MP-The announce- ment that Judge Julius J. Hoff- man, presiding judge in the Chi- cago 7 trial, would hear a second case involving political dissenters, has caused a flurry of speculation that the controversial judge had been specifically chosen to hear the case. But Elbert Wagner, clerk of the U.S. District Court that will hear the case, denied the charge and said the 74-year-old judge's name was simply chosen for the case using the court's usual random se- lection method of assigning cases. The whole problem arose Thurs- s day, when Judge Hoffman was as- signed to hear the trial of 12 mem- bers of the Weatherman faction of Students for a Democratic Society. The 12 weathermen are charged with conspiring to cross state lines to incite rioting in Chicago last October, the same charge involved in the Chicago 7 trial. During the five-month Chicago 7 trial, the defendants accused federal officials of arranging the assignment cards so 'Hoffman would preside over their case. The judge denied this, however, and often explained the lottery system in open court. According to the system, the names of the nine active judges are printed on small, white cards. Twenty-two decks of 18 cards-all containing the name of each judge on two cards-are made up. Each *deck represents a category such as criminal, civil or bankruptcy cases, and two of the 22 decks are for reassignment of cases in which judges disqualify themselves. After the decks are completed,' each one is shuffled and a case number is stamped on the blank side of the oards. When .the card 4 with the number for the Weather- man case was turned over, it bore Judge Hoffman's name, so the case was assigned to him. e "This system is never varied with any case, never." said W ig- ner in response, to the speculation. And Judge Hoffman merely added, from one to four counts of actual- of the 12 persons have been seen ly inciting a riot. publicly in several weeks. If convicted, each defendant faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine on each count. More than 300 persons were ar- rested and several policemen were injured in the incidents from Oct. 8 to Oct. 11. Hundreds of youths poured out of Lincoln Park on Oct. 8 and went on a window- smashing spree. Another group marched through the downtown area Oct. 11 and hurled bricks at store windows. Bonds ranging from $50.000 to, $100.00 were set for the 12 pen- ding their arrest. Thomas A. Foran. who served as the prosecutor in the Chicago 7 case and will prosecute in the Weathermen case as well, said the search would be difficult because "all we have are their parents' ad- dresses, and these people haven't lived at home'in years." FBI agents concentrated on the Chicago, New York City and Cali- fornia regions where young radi- cals are known to congregate. Few Prior to Thursday's indictments, the FBI already was seeking 5 of the 12 on fugitive warrants for failure to appear in Chicago courts on state charges stemming from the October violence which was labeled the Weatherman's "Na- tional Action" program. Among those indicted was Kathy Boudin, 26, who reportedly fled to Canada with Cathlyn Wilkerson, 24, an unindicted co-conspirator, after a March 6 explosion at a Greenwich Village townhouse own- ed by Miss Wilkerson's father. Chicago police also were seeking Miss Boudin and Bernardine Dohrn, a former SDS national secretary, in connection with a bomb chace discovered Monday in a North Side Chicago apartment. The FBI also is working on the1 explosives investigation. With Miss Boudin and Miss Dohrn, 27, the defendants are: Mark Rudd, 22, Jeffrey Jones, 22, Linda Evans, 22, Howard Mach- tinger, 23, John Jacobs. 22, Terry Robbins, 22. Judy Clark, 21, Mi- chael Spiegel, and Lawrence Weiss. ROUND TWO: 50 students convicted in LSA sit-in trials fil1e appeal, claims By LINDSAY CHANEY proceedings which they claim are Round two of the LSA sit-in legitimate grounds for appeal. trials is now beginning as almost One of the most frequent ir- 50 convicted students have filed regularities cited by the students claims of appeal: is that each side in the trials was avlowed only two peremnptory jury "I basically want to screw them up," said one student when asked why he decided to appeal. "The contention, charge is ri- diculous," he added, "and we want to bug them as much as possible so they'll think twice before they decide to hassle someone like this again." Other students who are appeal- ing their convictions echo this sentiment to a certain degree and r int out irregularities in the trial ulluwuu wily twu NvivauNbuiy quay challenges apiece when the allows five challenges per fendant. law de- A VALUABLE REFERENDUM? The elusive SGC By RICK PERLOFF Daily News Analysis Stacked neatly in the Student Govern- ment Council office are the results of SGC's housing referendum. What do the votes mrean? Student leaders say they mandate for the Universi y to spaces of emergency housing initiate planning of low-cost 5000 occupants.. serve as a provide 1000 by fall and housing for sharply disagree. International (IS) Daniel Boothby, who dr referendum, says that floating government bonds, which the can do in its role as a statei would enable it to finance the h But Director of University John Feldkamp disagrees, conte construction costs are so high offs't any saving accrued by i bonds. Boothby also disputes thi; and claims that Feldkamp exagi prices.I EJ Salowitz. assistant direct( versity housing, also is pessimi housing vote 1 Socialist It believes that a tuition assessment is afted the necessary to finance the construction of g low-cost the housing. Feldkamp has said he would University interpret the referendum as an informal institution, mandate for such an assessment. ousing. Vice President for State Relations and Housing Planning Arthur Ross also recognizes the nding that assessment as a way of raising the capi- they will tal, but does not consider housing of suf- ssuing the ficient priority to include it in an antici- s, however, pated tuition hike. gerates the On the basis of this skepticism. adminis- trators believe the construction of housing r of Uni- called for in the referendum is unrealistic, istic about making the referendum essentially mean- A peremptory challenge means that either the defense or prose- cution may request that a juror be disqualified without giving any reason. Other irregularities charged by various students concern alleged. bias by the judges in the way they handled defense motions and gave instructions to the jury. One hundred and seven students were arrested in the LSA sit-in on Sept. 26 and were charged with contention. Contention is a mis- demeanor carrying a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and a $100 fine plus court costs. All but three of thef students sentenced so far have been given seven days in jail,- a $40 fine, and $200 court costs, with the option to spend an additional 45 days in jail instead of the fine and court costs. The other three students re- ceived sentences of 14 days and a $75 fine as well as court costs. Each s.udents also received 15 months probation for his convic- tion. In any criminal case, the de- fendant has an automatic right to appeal within 20 days after being s% ntenced. The first step to an! appeal is to file a series of papers' called a "claim of appeal." Charles Thomas, 32, a resident of Superior Township, was ar- reste; early Thursday morning on) charges of throwing a brick at a city policeman during a demon- stration behind the Administra- tion Bldg. March 19. Thomas is the fifth person to be arrested on charges stemming f: om the demonstration, which occurred after the Regents took action on the Black Action Move- ment demands for increased listed his occupation as an unem- ployed actor when arrested. The March- 19 clash took place after students gathered to protest regental action on the demands. Approximately 1000 students had massed on Thompson t. when police arrived and attempted to keep demonstrators awaydfrom the Administration Bldg. door. The police stayed approximately forty-five minutes, setting up a l n ,,. th.corner of Jeffeson The lawyers for the defense and prosecution then file a series of briefs and counter briefs stating their positions in the case. After all the briefs have been filed, the prosecution and defense each decide whether they wish to argue the case. If either side does, the case is argued before the cir- cuit court judge. If either side wants to argue the case, the whole appeal procedure could easily take over a year. As the situation of the LSA trials now stands, 12 persons have been aquitted, six have been con- victed and have served their sen- tence, one mistrial has been de- clared, three people have left the city, 21 have not been tried yet, 48 have been convicted and are appealing, and the rest have been convicted but not yet sentenced. Thomas arrested for incident at Ad Bldg. Administrators take a more negative posit-on. saying th y view the referendum as an :expression of student sentiment, but rdo not internret its annroval as a mandate