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April 03, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-03

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Friday, April 3, 1960


FrHov ADril ~ 1960 I -, - -


Accord 'saves face'

U' reports on BAM settlement


Profs respond to
anti-disruption ad

(Continued from Page 1)
All charges against students
stemminz frnm the strik, mun t

Employes covered by union con- Fabre, at Tuesday's BAM meet-
tracts are to use their regular ing, said, "We can collect the
grievance machinery, according to money ourselves and are setting
the statement. Other University the fund up ourselves."

(Continued from Page 1) percentage of college-age blacks be filed by April 8 and the choice
stressing that the possibility that in the state. of alternatives made within five
accused students may be tried be- Of this, and other demands days after a student receives
fore faculty disciplinary boards which were rejected or ignored, notice. If an individual charges he
was unacceptable. BAM leader Ed Fabre said yes- has been penalized without a'
The final agreement with the terday, "We're not satisfied with hearing, he must first pursue the
administration gives students the everything" and promised "to keep matter in his own school or col-
option of being tried before "hear- pushing for the rest of it." lege, and then may appeal to a
ing officer(s)" appointed by Pre- But many BAM supporters will hearing officer.
sident Fleming. However; several admit that "pushing for the rest "Conduct unrelated to academic
members of the white Coalition to of it" may put the Regents in a performance shall not be taken
Support the Black Action Move- position where approval of fur- into consideration in the awarding
ment have expressed dissatisfac- ther demands will force them out- of grades," Fleming's statement
tion with the agreement, some side the boundary of "face saving" reads. It states that if a student
calling it a "sell-out." with the Legislature and the .pub- believes he has been so penalized,
"The BAM people seem to have lic. he may be heard before a com-
taken the viewpoint that 'we don't And in a situation where the mittee composed of a faculty
care aboutanyone else,'" says public eye isoftep of greaten con- member chosen by the student,
Harold Rosenthal, '71. "It makes cern than the merit of the issue another faculty member chosen by
sense to hold out for amnesty, at. hand, the Regents may not be the accused instructor and the
Now the University might try to particularly receptive. dean of the school or college.
clear out all the white radicals,"
Rosenthal adds, referring to a
passage In the reental resolution Massachusettsgovernor
which lays most of the blame for
strike incidents on "white ad
icas who seem bent on destruc-n ~anti-w ar measure .
Lion for its own sake. sgns
Besides the issue of reprisals,
many strike participants quostion (Continued from Page 1) the court, however, until the Oc-
the fact that the agreement does until action is taken on the Mass- tober session.
not address itself to a number of achusetts law. The attorney general said he
the original BAM demands-de- He said the case would be does not consider the law as an
mands which had been considered brought directly to the Supreme attempt by Massachusetts to in-
as "major." Court of the United States be- terpos itself between citizens of
For example, the agreement does cause that body has original jur- the state and the federal govern-
not mention the ,demand for in- isdiction in cases involving a state. ment.
creasing the percentage of black Quinn said he expects the case He said it was true that the
enrollment to ultimately equal the would not receive attention from Supreme Court on a previous oc-
r- - -casion had refused to rule on the
..:::.... :.........:;; GRADUATIO ANOUNOEMENTS, In-constitutionality of the Vietnam
GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS, In- war, but added that never before
DAILY OFFICIAL Iqobby, LSA Bldg "was one state a party in the c-
COMMENCEMENT PROGRAMS: Dis- tion. He said also that if the court
UT*tributed at exercises, upheld the Massachusetts law it
DISTRIBUTION OF DIPLOMAS: Di- probably would apply to all citi-
:;<%>i:;:::e":<;x:":"a m .....m# plomnas may be called for at Rm. 514, zens ofthUnedtts-
- IJ IF"lL a 8- 713d1 eso the United States.
LSA, May 26 - June 3. Medical Sch.
diplomas distributed Sr. Class Night, Col. Paul F. Feeney, deputy di-
FRIDAY, APRIL 3 June 12; Flint Coll, diplomas at con- rector of the Selective Service in
vocation June 9; Dearborn Campus dip- 1-assachusetts, said enactment of
r omas at Dearborn graduation June the anti-Vietnam bill would have
Day Cr oJune 26, Rm. 1518 LSA Bldg. Dental no direct effect on Selective Serv-
School diplomas distributed at Dent. ice operations because once the
Geology of Industrial Minerals For- Sch, exerciss, Class day, May 9. men are inducted they become the
um: Rackham Amph., 8:30 a.m. responsibility of the various serv-
Social Work and Linguistics Lecture:sy hs
Wm. Labov, Columbia, "Systematically ices. He pointed out that when
Misleading Data from Test Questions", C1 men are drafted by the Selective
2065 Frieze Bldg., 1:30 p.m.____ Service there is no determination
Astronomy Collo xium: Dr. W. H. Today last day for Peace Corps, head- on whether they will be assigned
Absorbed Synchrotron Sources," P&A quarters, 3529 SAB. to Vietnam.

I mpiayes may eitner use their

normal procedures or appeal to
Fleming for a hearing officer.
Final agreements reached on
the various BAM demands, sum-
marized f r o m Fleming's state-'
ment, a BAM press release from
yesterday and the Regents' reso-
lution are as follows:
9-10 per cent black enrollment
k y fall 1973. The Regents' original
resolution committed the Univer-
sity to spend by 1973 $3 million
a n n u a 11 y on the Opportunity
Awards Program (OAP) over 80
per cent of whose recipients are
black. This, plus an anticipated
$1.5 million in federal funds,
would virtually guarantee a seven
per cent black enrollment.
Last Friday the literary college
committed itself to finding the ad-
ditional m hey to guarantee 10
per cent black enrollment in the
school by 1973-74 and several
other schools have indicated they
v'ould take similar action.
-The admission of 900 new
black students in fall 1971. "That
was agreed to with the adminis-
tration's statement that the re-
cruiters will get those students,"
BAM negotiator Ed Fabre said.
-Adequate supportive services,
including financial aid, tutoring
and counselling. This is provived
for in the money committed for
the 10 per cent goal.
-Nine undergraduate and an
unspecified number of graduate
recruiters. Seven new recruiters
in the OAP and two more recruit-
ers and or financial aid officers
in the Financial Aids office have
been committed at the undergrad-
uate level.
Three graduate recruiters and
additional funding to finance
part-time . recruiters, including
such efforts by students, has been
-Martin Luther King Scholar-
ship Fund. The Regents prohibited
a compulsory $3 fee for students,
rejecting the results of a referen-
dum on that question which pass-
ed in last week's SGC election.

~-Tuition waivers. The Regents
and the administration rejected
the concept from the start and it
was not included in the final
-Black Community Center.
"We'll do the damn thing our-
selves," Fabre told the crowd Tues-
day night, after the Regents re-
jected the idea of a Center based
on race.

A group of faculty members
sponsored an ad in yesterday's'
Daily in response to an ad con-
deming disruptions and violence
in the University community
which ran in the Daily and Ann
Arbor News March 22, sponsored
by another group of faculty.
The ad that appeared yesterday
declared that the violence cannot

sponsible for much more violence

-A halt on the Afro-American be examined in "isolation," but
Studies Program for reappraisal, must be viewed in the context of
$315,000 for supportive services "the profoundly tragic conflicts of
and the Afro-American Center, our age that have driven some in-{
which includes the Program, has dividuals and groups to perform
been committed for next year. such acts."
While BAM said the agreement on This ad claimed that the state-j
this was not entirely satisfactory, 'nent of March 22 ignored "the,
they said they could work with the difficult and complex settings anti
agreement. issues which are their ultimate
-Creation of a University-wide causes" and that "a more adequate
financial aids appeal board and response than the mere condem-l
revamping of the parents' confi- nation of violence is required."
dential statement. Such a board Prof. Sylvan Kornblum of thej
has been recommended and the Mental Health Research Center,
statement is currently being work- organized the support of yester-1
ed on by students and financial day's ad. Kornblum said that since
aids officers, the number of faculty who signed
-A Chicano recruiter and 50 the previous ad was "quite sizable,c
Chicano students by fall 1970. a group of faculty members were;
Fabre said Vice President and concerned that they were being1
Dean of the Graduate School misrepresented by the size of re-c
Stephen Spurr, who oversees ad- sponse. We tried to remedy this'
missions and financial aid, would by running our ad."
hire a Chicano recruiter. Zoology Prof. Robert Beyer, a
Admin'istrators have said that Radical College member, agreed
any admissions goal for next fall with Kornblum that he along with
woud be largely futile at this late other faculty members, felt that
date, although Fabre said that they were being misrepresented by
BAM had been told that the goal the earlier ad. He said it "avoided
of 50 Chicano students was with- the questions 'of why there was
in possibility. violence and why the admitiistra-
-Recruitment of black faculty. tion and the Regents oppose
Fleming will issue a departmental change of the status quo."
directive urging the faculty "to Beyer said the statement "was
pursue vigorously the matter," his focusing on the problem in a very
statement said. A half-time posi- narrow viewpoint. They did not
tion will be created to help in the consider that the corporations
effort. that came to the campus were re-,

than the student protesters,
The only faculty member to sign
both advertisements was Political
Science Prof. J. David Singer.
Singer said he signed the first
statement that condemned the
violence because "violence and
coercion have no place in the Uni-
versity except in extremities and
were far away from that now."
However, he said he signed the
second statement because he be-
lieved that the first "didn't pay
attention to legitimate griev-
ances." He said he "wished the
statement condemning the vio-
lence said more about the griev-
ances but I feel that a man has
a moral obligation to commit him-
self when he is in agreement with
the basic principle."
He says that, other than vio-
lence, the students "should appeal
to the ethical considerations of the
faculty and then have the faculty
bring pressure on the administra-
tion. This, I believe, would have
much effect on policy-making."
A signer of the first statement,
economics Prof. Daniel Fusfeld,
said that he "agreed with both
positions." However, he says he
does not agree "with violence in
any form."
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Sat., Apr. 4, 2:30 & 8 P.M.
U-M students 50c discount
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They also refused to collect a vol-
untary fee.

Colloq. Rm.. 4:00 p.m.
Lingtistics Lect.: Wm. Labov, Colum
bia U., "Variation, 'A Fundamental
Problem of Linguistics": Aud, A, An-
gell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Degree Recital: Frances Shelly, flute,
Sch. of Music Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m.
University Men's Glee Club: Willis
Patterson, director, Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
General Notices

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EXERCISES Try our unbelievably LOW PRICE
10:30 a.m., May 2,
Crisier Arena:
TICKETS : Max. four to each grad
T~on i BUY or L EASE
uat e, distributed April 13, to 5:00 p.m.B Y rLE S
Friday, May 1, diploma, 1518 LSA Bldg
Remaining tickets distributed from
Crisler Arena ticket office after 9:15
a. m., May 2. Academic Costume : Rented it o etn o1 p
"id" "*7 *"urgopeaut Motor Ser'viceg
at Moe Sport Shop, 711 N. Univ., orders t._Vsol eplc eoeAr 5
should be placd beforeApr. 15.E
ASSEMBLY FOR GRADUATES: 9:30 331 S. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor 663-0110
a.m., area east of Stadium, marshals di-Forh.-VC, Abro,-
rect graduates to proper stations. If
inclement weather, graduates go direct ,
ly to bldg. ______ - J:, . 4 1'


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