How Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan far is 'too far' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.' FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE KOPPMAN -1 PsFi LSA inaction HE LI'TERARY COLLEGE curriculum committee has once again postponed a review of pass-fail grading. Its reasons for doing so are actually excuses which cover a reluctance to deal with the issue. The committee began discussions on pass-fail grading over a month ago, a study which is a year-and-a-half over- dlue. In 1966 the committee approved the present pass-fail policy with the under- standing that it would be reviewed within two years. The policy allows upperclass- men in the literary school to elect one course per semester pass-fail that is not part of their major concentration or ful- filling distribution requirements. The discussions resulted in approval of /a proposal by economics Prof. Dan Fus- feld to employ pass-fail as a "test" case, with the nderstanding that the review would not be resumed until the effects of pass-fail in that course could be evaluat- ed. That means the review will not be un- dertaken again for another year and a ]alf, perhaps two years. The committee's stated reason for do- ing this was that it felt it didn't have enough information to adequately eval- uate pass-fail; and thought Fusfeld might be able to provide data. BUT THE ACTION was made hurridely and seemed more a result of pressures to decide what to do with Fusfeld's pro- posal and a general policy for pass-fail grading. Committee members f o u n d themselves talking in circles the entire month of discussion, becoming more and moie discouraged and reluctant to deal with the implications of pass-fail, and not knowing whether they wanted to em- ploy pass-fail throughout the school, not at all, or continue with the old policy. The easiest solution was to get rid of the issues in one lump, and as Fusfeld was so 'enthusiastic, refusing him was out of the question. Hwever, the way Fusfeld intends to employ pass-fail will hardly serve as an adequate test. He intends to grade stu- dent's papers and exams with the stand- ard A-E grade and then convert the fi- nal grade to a 'p' or If' at the end of the term. The conditions the students will be working under will resemble those of the traditional grading system more t h a n pass-fail. A chief criticism of the traditional A-E grading, and one pointed ot to the com- mittee by Fusfeld, is that it gives stu- dents the wrong signals about their role in the learning process. Critics say stu- dents focus their attention on bidding for grades rather than really exploring the subject material, Students evaluate their learning experience in terms of deadlines and grading scales instead of how they've achieved their own goals for a subject. They answer the professor's questions in order toget the grade. This situation creates a second problem, that students quite often don't view teachers as advis- ors, confidents, or co-learners, but as the man wielding the power, dangling t h e carrot or wielding the stick, depending on student and circumstance. Committee chairman Shaw Livermore repeatedly responded to this argument with the suggestion that perhaps compe- tition and learning do go hand in hand. Perhaps a competetive situation r e a 11 y does provide the more effective learning situation. THIS ANSWER, however, is far from the mark. The committee interprets the potential value of pass-fail grading as serving to provide a less tense learning environment. The larger potential f o r pass-fail is that it can aid in redefining learning for students who have lost touch with the meaning of their studies by fo- cusing on the carrot. Students must be able to study on their own time and ac- cording to their own terms if study is to be meaningful to them. The committee seemed totally unaware of this signifi- cance of the argument. Thus under Fusfeld's plan, t h e stu- dents will still be using the grading scale as a guide for their learning, and it is a guide they haye been using throughout their education, such a change is n o t bound to have a significant effect. This point was brought up in one of the first discussions, but was lost in the rush at the last meeting. The real reason for shelving the re- view seems to be that the committee was wary of dealing with the question of the market value of pass-fail grades. During discussions they repeatedly reached an impass when it is suggested that students having pass-fail grades on their tran- scripts might have difficulty gaining ad- mission to graduate schools. Graduate schools use grade-point averages in addi- tion to recommendations and graduate record scores in determining admissions. The committee members, again, seem- ed to feel they didn't have enough infor- mation. Putting off the decision was the easiest solution, and one with a possible bonus, for in two years another school might have come up with the answer. But a suggestion by Livermore that the committee obtain information now from other schools who have employed pass- fail seemed to have little effect on the committee. It seems the committee really was in no rush to gather information to- gether and (in view of the problem wijth the econ 201-202 experiment) is 1 i t t 1 e concerned about the relevancy of the in- formation that is eventually obtained. The committee's reluctance to set up an effective evaluation of pass-fail is condemning. But their inability to un- derstand the issue, the reason behind the conception of pass-fail grading, is more revealing. Pass-fail grading should sim- ply imply a w h o 1 e new definition of learning "effectiveness," but instead they attempted to use old criteria to judge the values of the new. Such reasoning - that a situation where fighting to meet the scale of the system is more important than individual goals for learning, where learning is a contest rather than an ex- ploration - validates accusations that universities are factories for producing fact-stuffed, well-adjusted vehicles for corporate America. PASS-FAIL grading is not the only ans- wer. It won't instantly produce ideal students, but it does help remove the mis- leading guide t h a t traditional grading helps give students. It's a step in the right direction, for its advocates have the realization that public education need not be a well-oiled conveyor belt. The curriculum committee has shown that its interest lies with the oil can, and not with the quality of the education the college is producing. -JANE BARTMAN (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a Professor in the Philosophy Depart- ment.) By FRITHJOF H. BERGMANN TN THINKING about.the strike ... consider this: If we take only the most ordinary morality that we all profess and preach and we say only that there should be Equality and Justice-(nothing more. Not anything high-strung and controversial, but only these gross and simple fundamentals)- and if we for a moment make the effort to take that seriously, a n d try to remember what that might really mean, what actual Equality and Justice would require a n d make mandatory-if we remember that, how can we still debate and argue over exactly what is "still" and what already "no longer" justified? I mean, how can I, with my comfortable coddled life, living in my carpeted and art-stuffed six room house, ask myself seriously: will this much still be justified, or will it go too far? We must be mad! With two-thirds of t h e world's population going hungry, with children in Detroit freezing in rags, comparing with their si- lently astonished eyes their child- hood with the childhood that we had, we ask: how much is justi- fied? Can we not see that it is hope- lessly and irreversible the other way around? That nothing that we could ever do from now on in could possibly create a balance? That our lives if they are held against the life of a Brazilian miner, or against the life of a Nigerian peasant, or against the life of anyone that grew up in Harlem represent even now such an immense excess that nothing that we could undertake could possibly suffice for the demands of Justice? How can it not be clear that it's requirements a r e distinctly beyond what any of us in practice and earnestness might really do? That what we have enjoyed up until now already places us so far ahead of any Apalachian child that we can never go "beyond" what it would be "right" and "fair" to do? BUT IF that is so then just what are we doing when we discuss the "rightness" of this or that "tactic"? Is it not clear that this discussion takes place in a house of cards? That that part of the whole debate is artificially prop- ped up and comes down with a crash if we take but an honest and hard look? I don't want this to be mis- understood, so let me be concrete. Naturally, I too, as does every one of us, worry about how far I have a right to go. Have I the right to call off my classes, or should I meet them at my house? In whht way should I react to a disruption? I do debate this in my mind and neatly go through numerous pros and cons. B u t after some of that I suddenly re- member the children in Mexico who sleep in the streets on pieces of newspaper, or those in Detroit that can show the places where rats have bitten them at night -and then I ask myself: Just what exactly am I doing? How can I even for a moment pretend to myself that my adjudi- cations between holding and not holding a class are an honest piece of thinking? How can I, if I do believe in Justice and in Equality and in Compassion-how can I dare to set the claim of my group of students, already so weighed down with favors, already advant- aged to such great excess-how can I set their claim to one more class (after fifteen years of class- es) against the claim of even the one single black child in Ypsi- lanti who wants to come here and might not get in. who so far has had nothing, and who might be destroyed if we refuse it? How can I-believing in equality and earn- ing yet a tidy $17 000 and for what? for doing what I love!)- think that I have something like a right to teach, that I have yet another right (no less!) to some- thing more! How can I forget that canceling a class or holding it are both inadequate? That both fall so short of what Justice would re- quire that calling either "right" is blind and unforgiveable? To put 'it very clearly: I ack- nowledge that I will (of course) do much, much less than could be morally defended, that really I am only choosing betwen two ways of compromising between what is right and my conveneince, that in reality I am only calculating just how far short this time I will de- cide to fall. IE WE STAY with this perspec- tive a moment longer, it becomes clear that precisely the moral con- demnation of all the things that we with unanimity "deplore" stands on the weakest ground. I don't mean that I do not have ob- jections. Of course I do. But they are practical. "Trashing" is a stupid, flagrantly counter-produc- tive self-indulgence. It strengthens and entrenches the forces of in- justice and weakens and debili- tates the energies that,,no matter how feebly, try to correct it. I have been furious with the stu- dents for doing things that in fact will only incrase the imbal- ance-but morally "condemn" them, that I cannot do. In fact, sometimes it is more the other way around. Feeling that we all fall ever so far short of what compassion and justice would require of us, and that we do fall short from a con- cern for our skin and comfort. I naturally must conclude that some of the student's more drastic ac- tions are superior to my own. If they are wrong, it is not because they go "too far" - if they are wrong it is'only because their ac- tions in fact do not bring us clos- er to equality and justice. They are tactically wrong, and often they are even that only because the powers of injustice are so strong. But what of the fact that this is after all a University, a place ded- icated to the pursuit of knowledge where people must have the free- dom to inouire, and the freedom to teach? Must not these freedoms be protected since without them this kind of institution and every- thing we value about it simply can- not exist? Must we not defend the very basis of the life that we all live? I am not insensitive to the an- guish of that question, but let me ask: What is th final basis of the insistence that the University is somehow "different" and "spec- ial?" The University must be a sanctuary given over to the search for knowledge, then a simple pic- ture comes into my mind. Imagine a man, alone in a room, reading, so as to acquire knowledge. That is fine. But it is one thing. Now imagine the same man, still read- ing, but' this time he is n o t alone. In a corner stands a bed with someone on it who is sick. who maybe has a fever and is thirsty, and the man who reads says: "look, you may be sick, but I am after knowledge, which is pretty sacred, so I can't be both- ered." How much like that man are we? And just what are the privileges that we should accord to the acquisition and the spread of knowledge? It seems plain that -knowledge had to be protected when it was still a thin green sproutling, ex- posed to fearful weather. B u t now knowledge is an industry, a factory with smoke-stacks. Also, knowledge used to be mainly "de- tached" and therefore "pure." Now that, too, is different. Most of it, now, is nothing if it has no "applications", and that means consequences. So maybe some of our old conceptions need revising? ON THE FACE of it, it is any- thing but clear to me how some man in his laboratory whose life is already full of privileges and endowments justifies his right to discover something that m a y burn us all to cinders. His free- dom compared to that of any peasant is already so gargantuan that abridging it a little really doesn't seem so prob ematic. And in some ways that toes also for the rest of us. Are our faces quite, quite straight when we invoke the "sanctity of our classroom?" We, decked out already with incom- parable privileges feel that what we do in our lectures is no less than "sacred"? And we are not too embarrassed to say this in the name of "freedom." to step on that idea so as to give us grpat- er elevation? How much of this is really petulant irresponsibility, the indignation of a spoiled elite that insists even on its whimsies? But of course those who insist on the freedom to teach, and the freedom to inquire often are not motivated by personal and private considerations. Often they fear for these ideals because of the social consequences, of the general de- terioration, that would f o 11 a w their destruction. In short, it is fascism they dread. Only a fool would take this lightly. And I do not. 'I lived as a half-Jew in Aus- tria during the Nazi period and have experienced fascism first- hand. Thirteen members of my family died in camps. It is awful to use their 'death as a credential, but when this topic is discussed, credentials seem to be required.) It seems to me that in the lists of all the differences between the now-protesting students and the brown-shirts the crucial one is often mising: The SS acted in the name of Superiority and War, the students act in the name of Jus- tice and of Peace. Only because this is at least largely so do I not share the worst fears that some feel. Let me explain. Many are appalled because they envision that strikes and "disrup- tions" may become a ' general practice. This anxiety seems to me unfounded. The now concluded strike was called on a clear moral issue. That there has been in- justice is not controverted. Yet, despite that it encountered a great deal of opposition and only par- tial support. Imagine a group try- ing to organize a strike on an am- bigious or even frivolous matter. It wouldn't stand a chance. Most students with whom I have talk- ed draw from the last weeks not the lesson that it is easy to make a strike succeed, but have come to the opposite conclusion: that is is extremely hard. The administration's actions should be seen in the same light. Ever so many faculty members feel that there was "weakness". To me it seemed to be restraint. A n d why was it shown if not because this time those who struck had great moral forces on their side, and we all were aware of this? If that had not been so all of us would have acted differently, and rightly so. 4. I I t. 1. , Letters to the Editor Funding To the Editor: I HAVE BEEN sympathetic to the recent efforts of the BAM to assure expanded enrollment of minority people at the University, though I maintain that the issue goes beyond the bounds of color; the' movement cannot, and should not, be limited to bringing Jus- tice only to racial groups present- ly oppressed by our society. The problem is not whether the university should enroll more blacks, but whether the privileges and benefits granted by the socie- ty to those able to attain a col- lege degree should be denied to those unable to afford the costs of higher education. This problem affects both black and white people, though we can- not deny that the problems of the blacks are made more acute by denial of economic opportunity be- cause of racist attitudes of t h e white majority. Therefore, since the university community has wisely committed itself to correcting these inequit- ies, it behooves each of us to con- centrate our efforts to turn this commitment into a financially practical reality. Not all of us who attend the university are wealthy or even upper-middle-class and t h e thought of higher academic cost or added contributions makes most of us cringe regardless of t h e worthiness of the cause. So. I submit the following suggestion for consideration by the university: Many of the students of the university, like myself, are faced with the task of providing t h e means for covering the cost of higher education of our own child- ren when they come. Personally, I plan to open a say- Sincerely, Gardner (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was received in response to Jenny Stiller's "Open letter to Gardner Ackley" (Daily, March 31). DEAR MISS STILLER: Since, by your "Open Letter" to me you showed some interest in my remarks at the LSA faculty meeting last Friday, you may wish to have the compete text, which I enclose. I am sure that you will find my remarks even more shocking than you suspected. I do not propose to get into a discussion of the Chicago riots, the Vietnam War, or any of the other specific matters external to the University raised in your letter. I will make only these two com- ments by way of amplifying my remarks. 9 I SUPPORT fully'the right of students to request and to support vigorously-by votes, petitions, discussions, demonstrations, or whatever peaceful means they wish to use-their views as to desirable changes in the organization or policies of the University. I cannot agree, however, that when their views, requests, or demands are not met in full, they have the right to resort to force to advance their objectives, at the expense of the interests and the views of what is often a majority (however "silent") of the students, as well as the possible expense of the interests of the faculty and others who have a legitimate stake in the University. I might feel otherwise if all student proposals were automatically and arbitrariy rejected: if students were confronted by, in your words, the "arrogance of (their) entrenched rulers." On the contrary, how- ever, the validity of many of the complaints and the desirability of many of the proposals advanced by students have been recognized, and major changes have been made. I found that the University had become a dramatically different place during the eight years I was away, even if not all the changes are to my own taste. It is not my understanding that many, if any, of these changes were secured through student vio- lence. PARTICIPANTS in the University community-as in the broader national community-who assert the right to accomplish changes by force, even though the avenues for peaceful change through persuasion and reason remain open, display a moral and intellectual arrogance, and a disregard for the right of others, for which I can find no justifi- cation-most of all in a university, which is the place, above all others, where reason can and should-and in a large measure does -prevail. r YOU SEE NO DISTINCTION between the use of violence (the police power) by the state and its use by private citizens. In fact the ings account for each of my child- ren the day they are born or adopted; I will add to the ac- counts periodically in the hope that there may be adequate funds available when they are ready to enter college. If the University or some agency within the University were willing. I would like to be able to open a tuition account for my children with the understanding that t h e university may receive any inter- est that will accumulate from the amount that I am able to save to be used for a fund to finance the tuition and expenses of students that would otherwise be unable to attend the university. In essence. I am suggesting that a program be developed to allow young parents to save and pay the tuition costs of their child- ren in advance so that the ac- cumulated interest may be used or invested as seed money by the university tosfinance the educa- tion of the poor. Surely,if enough students are interested in such a, program, the cumulative interest over the next seventeen to twen- ty years would be substantial. This is only a suggestion which I am sure could be expanded by others who have a broader under- standing of economics; architects aren't noted for their financial acumen. It seems though, that even if the university did nothing m a r e speculative than open an account with a local bank and collect the interest on such funds, the return would help alleviate the financial situation of our new commitment. -Lawrence Fouty T.F., Architecture Dept. Editor's note In the fext couple of days the Daily editorial staff would like to print a series of articles comment- ing on the BAM strike. Any in- dividual or group with such an ar- ticle should bring it to the Daily within the next two days. T h e editors reserve the right both to choose which articles will be print- ed and to edit those which are. Epithets To the Editor: OTHERWISE responsible pub- lic officials have recentlyehurled reckless accusations of 'appease- ment" and "anarchy" at the two principal parties tonthe negotia- tions that have been in progress at the University of Michigan this week-the University of Mich- igan administration and faculty, and the Black Action Movement. A more destructive or ill-timed polemic could not have b e e n con- ceived of, even by design. SINCE NEGOTIATIONS were ,r *i . f s f ,I lj r "Here' s little trick I picked up from Lyndon Johnson , 4. t j zz_..- LL vl_ i ,- ' AV They undertook the task of mu- tual persuasion in a setting which initially lacked the essential in- gredient for its success - mutual trust. They recognized the folly of attempting to replace persuasion by force in spite of the urgency of the problem. One may lack the understand- ing, or even miss the proper ap- preciation of the performances that we have witnessed. However, these shortcomings are no ex- cuse for the violence inherent in the use of defamatory epithets. --Sylvan Kornblum Mental Health Research Institute April 1 That (141 To the Editor: IN A RECENT edition of The Daily there appeared a full-page advertisement signed by hundreds of faculty members. One of the main thrusts of its message was to deplore disruptive actions on the campus. Personally I felt that the whole tone of the advertisement was frantic and graceless and, in style, it seemed to lack the clarity and rationality usually attributed to members of my profession. One especially regretable aspect of the advertisement devolved from its implicit repudiation of the tradition, firmly-rooted'in western civilization, of the legitimacy of disrupting immoral functions of institutions-especially such func- tions which are inconsistent with the recognized purposes of the in- stitutions. Certainly I would not expect many of the signers of the advertisement to deplore Christ's disruption of the money-lenders, the abolishionist disruptions, Gan- dhi's disruption of English rule, etc., etc., etc. ON, THESE GROUND I feel that many of the signers were "used" by some of the more thougthless and reactionary ele- ments of the community and I ap- peal to all such signers to publicly disassociate themselves from the advertisement. -Prof. John Corcoran Philosophy dept. March 25 She ain't what she used to be IT'S BAD enough that urban rapid tran- sit systems don't get people where they want to go on time, are crowded, dirty, stuffy and pollute the air. But when they disrupt one's libido--why, what will happen next? A law suit, it seems. Gloria Sykes, a University graduate, has filed a $500,000 damage suit in San Francisco as a result of a cable car ac- cident that occurred there in 1964. According to Miss Sykes' attorney, she was extremely religious and straitlaced MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN. Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Ei torial Director Managing Editor before the accident. Now, he contends, she has an obsession for "contact with a body" which results in an insatiable desire for sex-all brought on by the 1964 mishap. In addition, he says Miss Sykes is under the care of a physician and psychiatrist. Extensive research in the last 24 hours has indicated that Miss Sykes' accident may be proof of the world's first auto- mated aphrodisiac. -MAYNARD IAN G. WRIGHT Business Manager PHYLLIS HURWITZu.... Administrative Advertising CRAIG WOLSON .................. Retail Advertising