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April 03, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-03

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C, r I

414 t C4igaYi

471 a 4hr
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LXXX, No. 150

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 3, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Strike settlement:

'Saving face'

for all sides

Daily News Analysis
One of the basic characteristics
of strike settlements has tradi-
tionally been their emphasis on
"saving face" for all parties to the
This concept perhaps best char-
acterizes the settlement of the
black enrollment issue at the Uni-
versity, and explains the vague
Wording of Wednesday's regental
For the Black Action Move-
ment (BAM), the final. agreement
with the University represented
something less than they had de-
manded. Several points on which
BAM had publicly placed _great
emphasis throughout the negotia-
tions were not adopted by the
But in ending the strike, the
negotiators mhinimized the impor-
tance of these points, calling the
agreement "a significant initial
step toward the objective of mak-

ing more educational opportuni-
ties available -for black people."
For the Regents, the cloud of
public denunciation of the class
strike pervaded their 16 hours of
secret discussions Tuesday and
Wednesday. And according to an
unimpeachable source, the chief,
reason the Regents chose to keep
their resolution on Wednesday
from specifically endorsing the
BAM demands was to "save face"
with the electorate.
The regental resolution merely
observed that most of the agree-
ments between President Robben
Fleming and BAM, "have been
aimed at implementing the re-
gental decisions of M a r c h 19,
In this. manner, the resolution
implicitly authorized Fleming to
carry out most of the agreements
reached with BAM since that
meeting - which provide for im-
plementation of most of the orig-
inal BAM demands.

The source, who was close to
the regental deliberations, admit-
ted yesterday that the Regents
"had to keep from adopting the
specific points so that they could
handle" public relations with the
alumni and the people of the
The source cited an immense
amount of mail the Regents have
received over the last several
weeks which includes "threats
from the state legislators" for a
cutback in funds, and warnings
from alumni that their periodic
gifts to the University would be
halted if the R e g e n t s "capitu-
"The Regents had to make a
statement that could be presented
to Lansing, and the rest of the
state." explained the source.
"Face-saving" however, d o e s
not completely explain the em-
phasis which the regental resolu-
tion placed on curbing disruption
and acts of "coercion."

Since the controversy last fall
over establishment of a University
bookstore, .the Regents have said
repeatedly that they will not act
under the pressure of sit-ins, or
other militant s t u d e n t action.
Such actions, they say, might
prompt them to ignore the "sub-
stance" of the action, and consider
only the militance.
So to weaken the prevalent feel-
ing that there was a direct causal
relationship between the class
strike and the regental acceptance
of most of the BAM demands, the
Regents stressed:
-That the agreement between
BAM and the administration was
not a result of "coercion" but
merely within I he spirit of the
regental plan of March 19;
--That the March 19 plan
"sought to eliminate all doubt
that (the Regents were) clearly
committed to inclusion of quali-
fied students from America's larg-
est racial minority;" and

-That "the strength of (this)
commitment was lost in a tor-
rent of angry words," the strike
being the result of "a serious mis-
reading of the Regents' commit-
But it is the word "commit-
men," itself that has caused much
of the confusion arising from the
regental plan of March 19. The
Regents said they were "commit-
ted to a goal" of 10 per cent black
enrollment, and BAM demanded
that they be clearly "committed"
to achieving the 10 per cent.
The negotiations have produced
a thiPd phrase-10 per cent en-
rollment is "assured"--which acts
as a face-saver for both sides. The
compromise allows BAM to view
it as a commitment, and prevents
the Regents from being charged
wih H "capitulation."
BAM negbtiators admit that
their major concern throughout
the discussions with the admin-
istration was to secure agreement

to funding 10 per cent black en-
rollment by the 1973-74 academic
year, bolstered by adequate sup-
portive services and recruiters.
These demands were essentially
met last Friday when President
Fleming, following pledges of fin-
ancial support from the faculties
of several schools and polleges,
said that 10 per cent black en-
rollment, along with supportive
services and recruiters, was "as-
However, obtaining regental re-
cognition of these points was ap-
parently essntial to the B A M
leadership, which had based the
class strike on what it called an
"inadequate" plan adopted by the
Regents March 19.
"By forcing the University ad-
ministration to open negotiations
with BAM, we thereby caused the
University to acknowledge that the
regental action of March 19, 1970
was a directive to the administra-

tion and not a response to the
BAM demands," said a press state-
ment released by BAM yesterday.
"The initial responses of the
administration to most of the
specific demands were deemed un-
acceptable. Only after negotia-.
tions in the true sense of the word,
had been undertaken were we able
to achieve a satisfactory resolu-
tion to a majbrity of the demands
presented by BAM," the statement
BAM's efforts to minimize the
importance of the demands which
the Regents declined to adopt has
not been completely successful,
particularly with regard to t h e
question of reprisals against strik-
ers involved in disruptions or acts
of violence.
BAM negotiators said at several
mass meetings that the prevention
of reprisals is one demand from
which BAM "will not budge,"
See ACCORD, Page 8



Postal union
wins pay hike
WASHINGTON (P)-The nation's 750,000 postal workers
were promised yesterday a retroactive 6 per cent pay increase,
an additional 8 per cent increase soon, the right to collective
bargaining, and maximum pay after 8 years rather than 21.
The historic agreement, which requires congressional
approval, was reached between government and postal union
negotiators after seven days of bargaining. The first-ever
pact stemmed directly from the first-ever major postal strike
which disrupted the mails last: month.
It promises postal workers the additional 8 per cent pay



raise as soon as the Post

BOSTON (P) - Massachusetts
Gov. Francis W. Sargent signed
into law yesterday a bill which its
authors say will challenge the
power of the President of the
United States to order Massachu-
setts citizens to fight in unde-
clared wars such as the Vietnam
The law, which became effec-
tive immediately, requires the
state attorney general to bring a
state suit in federal courts to
argue that no citizen shall be
required to serve in foreign hos-
tilities in the absence of a con-
gressional declaration of war.
Sargent said he was signing the
bill because it is "an appropriate
manner" to answer the questions
many have been asking about the
Vietnam war.
Atty. Gen. Robert H. Quinn said
he planned to file a suit in, behalf
of the state and one military man
who has been ordered to Vietnam.
Quinn told newsmen he already
has been approached by an un-
identified individual who asked'
relief -from a military order to
Vitnam duty.
The attorney general said he
would urge all military men to
continue to obey orders, even to
the extent of going to Vietnam.

ice Department is reorganized.
-The Nixon administration has
sought to establish a govern-
ment corporation, but t h i s
phase of reorganization was
not mentioned.
The 6 per cent wage increase is
to be retroactive to Dec. 27, 1969,
for all postal employes. The time
it takes a postal employ fromhhis
starting salary to the top scale
compressed from 21 to 8 years.
The agreement does not men-
tion the two million-plus other
civil service employes nor the
But Postmaster General Winton
M. Blount said "it applies to all
civil workers of the government."
And newsmen were told later at
the White House that it will apply
ultimately to the approximately
three million men and women in
the military services.
There were no immediate avail-
able figures on the over-all cost
of the various raises-all of which
must be approved by Congress.
The administration r e a c h e d
agreement with the postal unions
to join with the government in
sponsoring "a reorganization of
the department" w h i c h among
other things would provide:
-Procedures under a statutory
framework ". . . requiring collec-
tive bargaining over all aspects of
wages, hours and working condi-
tions including grievance proced-
ures, final and binding arbitration
of disputes," -and in general all
matters that are subject to col-
lective bargaining in the private
-Provide a structure for the
department so it can operate on
a self-contained basis and endow
it with authority commensurate
with its responsibilities to improve,
manage and maintain efficient
and adequate postal services.

r >::

' x . .-- DaiLy;-Thoimas R. Gobi

Ring-a-dming-ding.. .again
Life the proverbial Phoenix, the Pretzel Bell on Liberty St. has risen from the ashes of a November
fire and resumed business. Pictured above are Ann Arborites taking advantage of the April 1 re-

President Robben Fleming
released a detailed statement
yesterday of the agreementu
reached in negotiations with
the B 1 a c k Action Movement
(BAM) and subsequently ac-
cepted by the Regents.s.on.
BAM's demands for increased
black enrollment at the Uni-
The Regents, in supporting most
of the agreements between Flem-
ing and BAM, said they had re-
viewed the negotiations and found
that the discussions have been
aimed at implementing the earlier
regental decisions on black admis-
Shortly after release of that
statement Tuesday n i g h t, BAM,
voted to accept the agreements
and end its class strike.
However, cries of "sellout" were
immediately h e a r d from white
backers of BAM, both in the Coal- >=
ition to Support BAM and else-
where. Their main criticism'seem-
ed to center around the issue of
possible reprisals against strikers,
insisting that BAM should have
held out for tcomplete amnesty.
S t u d e n t Government Council
passed a resolution last night sup-
porting all - student judiciaries,
such as Central Student Judiciary
(CSJ), as the onjy legitimate
bodies to hear disruption cases.
In taking that action, they termed
any other procedure as setting "a
harmful precedent" and "totally
The first option open to stu-
dents under BAM's agreement ize
with the administration is use of the
normal disciplinary channels in las
the schools or colleges. If the stu-
dent requests, or wishes to appeal
a decision in his unit, he may ask mi
Fleming to take over jurisdiction. co
In that case, the matter would
be referred to "an outside, im- str
partial hearing officer(s)" ap- wh
pointed by Fleming.
See U', Page 81 the





SD)S Weathermen

indicted for conspiracy
WASHINGTON (N) - Twelve occurred during the 1968 Demo- streets breaking windows, dis-
members of the Weathermen fac- cratic National Convention, makes abling automobiles and commit-
tion of Students for a Democratic it a federal crime to travel and ting acts of vandalism against
Society, including Mark Rudd and use facilities of the interstate com- public property, business estab-
William Ayers, were indicted yes- merce with the intent to incite, lishments, policemen and other
terday under the federal antiriot organize, promote, encourage, par- persons..
law. ticipate in, and carry on a riot. Commenting an the assignment

Fleming Fabre

The indictment, returned by a In addition to Rudd and Ayers,
federal grand jury in Chicago, the indictment included Bernadine
charged the 12 with conspiracy _ f f s
Dohj., * - the AJ ~fltJ ,uJ a Od e.. -

and interstate travel to incite the
riot and vandalism that occurred
during disturbances in Chicago
Oct. 8-11.
The case was assigned to U.S.
District Court Judge Julius Hoff-
man who presided over the Chi-
cago Seven trial.
The federal antiriot law. first
invoked against the Chicago Seven
in connection with disorders that

tary of SDS, and Kath Boudin,
who has been missing since the ex-
plosion last month that destroyed
a Greenwich Village townhouse.
Rudd was a leader of the stu-
dent rebellion that immobilized
Columbia University in 1968.
Ayers, who formerly lived in Ann
Arbor, is currently SUS educa-
tional secretary.
Each of the 12 was charged in
the indictment with one count of
conspiracy, which carries a maxi-
mum penalty of five years in
prison and a $10,000 fine, and
with one to four counts of vio-
lating the antiriot act, which car-
ries the same maximum penalty.
Others named in the indictment

of the SDS case, Judge Hoffman
said "I take any case which comes
to me unless I find in the case
that I'm biased. In this one I
haven't seen the indictment, and
I don't even know what the
charges are or who's indicted so
can't be biased yet."
Judge Hoffman was assigned the
case under a random selection
system, court clerk Elbert Wagner
said. He said the names of the
judges are stamped on file cards,
the cards are shuffled and the
indictment number of each case
is stamped on the blank side of
a card.

Iarge firings -resul. t
of strihe observance
The extent and form of possible reprisals against union-
ad University employes resulting from their observance of
e Black Action Movement (BAM) strike remained unclear
t night.
Jim Forrester, a former janitor in the Natural History
useum, said he was fired Wednesday "as a result of political
nsiderations instead of job considerations."
Forrester says he left his job for two hours to attend a
rike meeting. During spring break, he helped organize the
aite Coalition to Support BAM. After the protests against
e GE recruiting Forrester was away from his job two days


City to


by- mail

By SHARON WEINER Court order which enjoined the silent majority' is dangerous be- were Jeffrey Jones SDS interor-
Ann Arbor residents will have city from placing the referendum cause it deludes him into be- ganization, Linda Evans, 22, and
the chance to express their views on the city council election bal- lieving, that because people do not Howard Machtinger, both mem-
in a Vietnam "mail-in" referend- lot. scream out they therefore agree bers of the national interim com-
um, although the city has been In February, Council had approv- 'with his policy," Rucknagel adds. mittee of SDS; Terry Robbins,
prevented from placing the ques- ed placing the referendum on the "Therefore, we have organized Michael Spiegel, 23; Judy Clark,
tion on Monday's election ballot. ballot. a door to door non-partisan solici- 21; John Jacobs, 22; and Lawrence
The Ann Arbor News will be Following Council's action, Ann tation to give people the oppor- , Weiss. Rudd is 22, Miss Dohrn is
printing the referendum, in an ad Arbor .resident Jack Foley filed a tunity to "vote" unofficially on 27. and Miss Boudin is 26.
bought by the Ann Arbor Commit- suit in Circuit Court claiming the the four proposals which would : The indictment named 2.8 other
city does not have the power to have been on the ballot had the persons as coconspirators, but not
voe s'hat agreedmaiedcount t h e place the proposal ondthe ballot, courts allowed it. as defendants.
'otd that are f.D maile d inand that the referendum would Rucknagel encourages students The indictment charged the 12
Rueknagel, chairman of the Com- distract the voters from municipal to participate in the canvassing who were indicted conducted
mittee, the "mail-in" referendum issues. and says those interested should training in obstructing police, self
:""%"I would like to thank council met in the narking lot hhind the * defense and "organizing and di-j

SGC hits discipline mechanism
SG ht I
4 I
in agreement between BAM, 'U
By CARLA RAPOPORT as a condemnation of BAM," said A BAM spokesman said Ia s t
Student Government Council de- Council President Marty Scott. night, "BAM does agree with SGC
ared its firm opposition 1 a s t "We are merely reaffirming our that students should be t r i e d
night to the use of a board of position t h a t administrative by their peers. However, we have
"hearing officer(s)" to be ap- boards are unacceptable in trying to deal with immediate problems,
pointed by President Robben students," added Executive Vice especially as the Regents won't be
Fleming to try students accused President Jerry DeGrieck." dealing with the proposed bylaws
of offenses connected with t h e Council member Bruce Wilson on student courts until May.
Black Action Movement (BAM) said that this type of board would A professor Tuesday requested
class strike. be better than any of the cur- that two students. Mark Van Der'
As part of the agreement reach- rently constituted administrative Hout, '71, and Peter Denton, Grad,
ed by the administration and the board of trying students. be tried by the LSA Administra-
R a n- At-Un Mr nen T uesay. The renitinn adnnted hv C tive Board and the Executive

while in jail.
Two other University employ
Jerold Novack who worked int
Frieze Building and Larry Roc
kind, who worked in a Univers
library were fired because of t
participation in the strike, I
rester claimed.
A University official denied t
such actions resulted from
strike, and refused to discuss sp:
ific cases.
"The only reasons we discha
people are poor attendance or 1p
Work," building services mans
Theron Klager said. Area bu
ing supervisor Art Mack, who
formed Forrester of his dismiss
said the action was taken beca
there is "no way a. person
leave his job at any time."

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