STUDENTS AND THE BUDGET See Editorial Page Y lflr igau ~~taitj SPRING? High-35 Low--25 Up to four inches of snow Vol. LXXX, No. 149 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 2, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages Regents act on demands By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ The Regents yesterday authorized President Robben Fleming to implement several of the points on which he and the Black Action Movement (BAM) have reached agreement, but declined to adopt several demands which BAM had main- tained were of great importance. In a resolution adopted following 16 hours of heated dis- cussion behind closed doors, the Regents affirmed Fleming's previous statement that funding of 10 per cent black enroll- ment for the 1973-74 academic year "has been assured." However, the regental resolution included specific re- jections of BAM's demands for: -The establishment of a black student center in the Tutors t ---- community; -The prevention of reprisals against participants in the class strike who may face charges stemming f r o m disruptions and 1 acts of violence; Oil Ier Am 0-uz to Strikers i By BRUCE DAY Special academic tutoring for students who wish to make-up classes missed during the Black Action Movement strike will soon be available through the services of students and teaching fellows. An enlistment drive for faculty members from all the strike-af- fected schools and colleges is cur- rently underway. "Because of the strike there is an imperative need for tutoring services for participating stu- dents," said Sue Steigerwalt, '73, an originator of one of the tutor- ing services. "We need the help of competent students and instruc- tors." A second tutoring group com- posed of sociology and political science TF's has started a "Strik- ers' Free School" which is prima- rily interested in offering sociology and political science tutoring and!3 seminars . A seminar on "Remaking the University" will be held today by Prof.; Charles Tilly and Zelda Gamson in the Residential College at 1:30 P.M. "The Role of Social Science in Social Change" will be the topic of discussion tomorrow. Tutoring is presently being of- fered by the "Free School" at 7:31) P.M. weekdays at "Rive Gauche" in the Madelien Pound House, located at the corner of Hill and East University. A list of tutoring faculty, class- es, and meeting times will soon be publicized. Student tutors and tutees can sign up in the Student Activities Bldg. New Mobe office, and fac- ulty can sign up on available de- partmental lists. -A mandatory one-time assess- ment of $3 per student for the Martin Luther King. scholarship fund, as urged in a referendum of the student body last week; and Tuition waivers for disad- a'ltaged black students. Despite the Regents' rejection of these demands, BAM last night indicated acceptance of the minor- ity admisions plan and ended the eight-day class strike supporting its dehands. The regental resolution did not directly reveal the Regents' posi- tion on most of .the BAM demands, merely stating that the negotia- tions between BAM and the ad- ministration have yielded agree- ments which the resolution said were in line with the minority en- rollment plan the Regents adopted on March 19. Accepts regental statem--ent., By DAVE CHUDWIN The class strike in support of Black Action Movement pro- posals for increased minority admissions ended last night as BAM members overwhelmingly approved a regental pro- posal in a euphoric mass' meeting in the Union Ballroom. After 16 hours of discussions with President Robben Flem- ing, the Regents released a statement which said that- 10 per cent black enrollment by 1973-74 was assured along with necessary financial aid, recruiting and other supportive serv- ices. The Regents rejected, however, BAM demands for no reprisals against strikers, a black student center, tuition waivers and University collection of student fees for the Martin Luther King Fund. They also expressed support for Fleming's handling of the situation. Despite BAM's endorsement of the Regents' plan, some members of the white Coalition to Support BAM were not satisfied with the agreement. "If they want to call it a victory, because they saw that the strike couldn't continue, let them-I don't," one Coalition member said after the meeting. "This wasn't the best agreement we could have settled on, but it was a first step, a first substantial step," BAM leader Dave Lewis told the crowd of about,1,200 people in the ballroom. The class strike began March 20 and attendance among all Uni- versity units dropped to as low as 25 per cent last Friday. Numerous class disruptions occurred last Wednesday and Thursday but other- wise the strike remained relatively peaceful. Receiving a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd, each member of BAM's 11-man negotiating team expressed support for the regental proposal last night but emphasized that BAM would continue its efforts. "We say there can be no total victory until the racist malignancy either consumes this country or we cut it out," anthropology Prof. Gloria Marshall told the gathering. "We will fight on, because like all mankind we hope, and because we're arrogant enough to know we'll win." Voting after listening to each negotiator, BAM members gave their endorsement to the agreement without a single dissenting vote. BAM leader Ed Fabre then officially declared the strike over, a declaration received with a loud cheer from the crowd. Despite the official regental vote of confidence in Fleming, rumors flew last night that he had been asked to resign by some of the Regents. In a late evening newscast, a reporter for WJBK-TV, Channel 2, Detroit, claimed that Fleming's resignation was discussed, a n d eventually put to a vote of the Regents. He claimed that the vote ended in a 4-4 tie. Contacted last night, a spokesman for the station said the "source" was one of the Regents. The report was denied, however, by at least twodRegents last night in interviews with The Daily. "They didn't get it from a Regent because it didn't happen," said Regent Otis M. Smith. "We had a vigorous discussion, and I can assure you. that it wasn't all peaches and cream, but there was never, never, any serious suggestion that President Fleming should start looking for another job. And there was definitely no 'vote'." Regent Gerald Dunn backed up Smith, saying "It's a false rumor. It was never brought up seriously. I think this is a trick the news media uses. President Fleming has our full support." The evening vigil to hear the results of Fleming's negotiations with BAM and the Regents began at 7 p.m. as 50 people gathered expectantly in the ballroom and listened to music by the Chck Jackson Revue. BAM spokesman Roger Short told the group that BAM negotia- tors were meeting with Fleming at 7:15 p.m. and that Fleming would release a statement 45 minutes later. Dancing to the music and wandering around, the crowd waited impatiently for news of the negotiations. See BAM, Page 8 At a news conference last night, Fleming said he will release a statement today which details more clearly the University's spe- cific response to the original 12 BAM demands. It is expected that the full minority enrollment plan will em- body most of the points contained in a statement released Sunday night by the administration, ex- cept for the items which the Re- gents specifically rejected. The regental resolution critic- ized the class strike on several fronts, emphasizing the disruption of classes by some participants in the strike. "The question of disruption of the University is one which deeply concerns the Regents," the reso- lution -stated. "The public should take note that the black students have, unlike many of the white radicals, who seem bent on de- struction for its own sake, been pursuing the legitimate objective of trying to make more educational opportunities available for their people." The resolution also stated that the Regents and the administra- tion intend to see that "the right" of students to attend classes "shall remain secure." Fleming declined to specify what steps would be See RESOLUTION, Page 8 - - - - -Daily-Jim Diehl CROWD LISTENS to BAM leader Ed Fabre (above) and welcomes the BAM leaders as they announce the Regents decision. (below) Prof withS By CARLA RAPOPORT Mathematics Prof. Bernard A. Galler yesterday filed charges against Marc Van der Hout, '71, and Peter Denton, Grad., for their alleged disruption of a computer science class last Thursday which they entered to promote the class strike supporting the Black Action Movement (BAM) demands. In letters to Dean Baker of the literary college and Dean Spurr of the graduate school, Galler said that Denton and Van der Hout, along with approximately twenty other students, entered his class, shouted, and forced him to dis- miss class 10 minutes early. charges two students classroo Galler said yesterday he would have pressed charges against the whole group but he was only able to positively identify Van der Hout and Denton. Galler requested that the Ad- ministrative Board of the LSA college, an all-faculty board, de- termine if it has jurisdiction over Van der Hout's case and sube- qiently try him. He requested that the Executive board and all fa- culty of the Rackham School do the same in Denton's case. Galler said he is taking the cases to the disciplinary boards and not to Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) because "I prefer them. Im disruption REPORT IMPLEMENTED Dorms e By MICHAEL SCHNECK "The dieticians' staff now looks upon the student as a guest and not as a cap- tive," says Mrs. Kathy Hodges, South Quad food service manager. Mrs. Hodges made this obser'vation after having read the $18,887 Campus W i d e Food Service Study Report, commissioned by the Office of University Housing to find labor and cost savings in the University's food service system. Of the 28 major recommendations set down by the report, 25 of 'them have either been carried out or are in the process of being tested, says John Feldkamp, Director of University Housing. iact ood part of the total reorganization of the dorm system. The second recommendation proposes merging the food services of Couzens and Alice Lloyd and of Helen Newberry and Betsy Barbour. The proposed merger of Couzens and Lloyd, which would cost at least $300,000, probably will not be funded in the near future, Feldkamp says. The merger of Barbour and Newberry has been approved, he adds, but the actual building is at least a - year away. Increasing the size of meat portions was the third recommendation of the report which has not been instituted. Although the study found this to be one of the major proposa s initial results of the program are posi- tive. The costs have not increased signifi- cantly and Feldkamp points out that the rate committee-composed in part of stu- dents from the Student Advisory Com- mittee on Housing and Inter House As- sembly-have recommended that increased meat portions not receive high priority. However, since the study specifically calls attention to this c'omplaint the results of the Mosher-Jordan experiment will be studied carefully to see whether this me- thod can be instituted on a University-wide basis. Not all of the dorms have instituted the remaining 25 recommendations. The study, ever ltimes reommended not dishing I have more confidence in the (LSA) administrative board and. I've dealt with them before. .I know they are fair." Both Denton and Van der Hout said that they will refuse to go before any faculty board hear- ing their cases, and will instead only attend a trial by their peers, specifically CSJ. Both Denton and Van der Hout also said that they are not guilty of Galler's charges. "I feel we were justified in go- ing into the class to talk about BAM. Galler unilaterally decided to dismiss the class. He did not let a vote be taken." Van der Hout said. Before issuing his letters to the deans last Saturday, Galler said "The kind of action we saw (in my classroom Thursday) is de- structive to the University, and the means I have available through University channels to. stop it is to file charges." Galler charged that the stu- dents' actions were contrary to the rules passed by SGC. SGC's rules concernjing class dis- ruption prohibit intentional dis- ruption of university functions by depriving others of "needed quiet, light, heat, or other physical con- ditions of work." Spurr and Baker declined to comment last night on the ques- tion of reprisals. A declaration of amnesty for participants in t h e class strike who may face charges stemming from disruptions and acts of violence was requested by BAM, and flatly denied by the Re- gents last night. 'r n nitc of+hR Tmivnragi haov following t h r e e understandings: -That the student or faculty member has not been convicted of any civil crime. -That all course work will be finished before graduation. -That the department will set up a hearing committee composed of three elected faculty members and three students to hear the case, if there is any question of prejudice concerning point two. The Executive Board of the School of Music Student Council said Monday that it supports all the BAM demands "including the final demand that any students and faculty who have taken part in the strike wifl not be subject to reprisal." ......... :::..::: :. :. jS ':. , _ _