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April 01, 1970 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-04-01

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I I J~'~ L~ ..

Night Editor: Sharon Weiner.

Ten Cents


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Nixon appoints Fitch
to high court post






President Nixon today an-
nounced the appointment of
Federal Judge Frederick Fitch
of I t t a Bena, Mississippi to
the Supreme Court.
Contacted in Itta Bena, Fitch
said he would be proud to serve
on the Supreme Court. "I've al-
ways wanted to judge in the big
leagues," he .said.
Fitch apparently will not face
problems over ownership of stocks
and bonds. Such ownership was a
major reason Clement Haynes-
w o r t h. failed to receive Senate
confirmation.' Fitch, however, said
he did not own any stocks or
"All I} own in this world," Fitch
told reporters gathered at his, es-
tate, near Itta. Bena, "is my farm,.
my car, and these four slaves."
While his wife Magnolia stood by
his side, the slaves served Mint
Juleps and hominy to the report-
Fitch has long been .considered
a pioneer judge in the field of
civil rights, stemming back to a
1954 decision while he was a state
judge. Sam White, a Negro, had
been lynched after he was accused
of raping Nellie Jo Culpepper, a
white high school student. Despite
strong pressure from the white
community, Fitch found three-
whites guilty of disturbing t h a
peace, sentencing them to three
monthsin jail and fining them
$50 each.
Fitch came in for strong criti-
cism from local Civil Rights' law-i
yers last year for dismissing, after
what one lawyer said was a
"thirty second hearing," a coip-
plaint filed on behalf of several
Negro sharecroppers. They h a d
protested the county's cancella-
tion of welfare payments due to
lack of funds to pay them., Fitch,
noting that tax rates were al-
ready high, said the sharecroppers
should "show some initiative and
get a job." They had "fed too long
at the public trough," said Fitch.
John Pureblood, a civil rights
lawyer who practiced for two
years in Mississippi before return-
ing to his Wall Street law firm,
told reporters that Fitch should
have disqualified himself because
many of the Negroes had gone on
welfare only after Fitch had
stopped growing c r o p s on his
Fitch told reporters that he had
stopped growing cotton only after
the Department of Agriculture
had repeatedly asked him to be-
cause of surpluses. "I took a big
loss by not growing crops," said
Department of Agriculture rec-
ords show Fitch, who is descended
frpm Civil War Confederate Gen-
e6al Leroy Lemay, was paid $122,-
069 last year for not growing any-
thing on his farm.






Regents Plaza after demonstrations
Feidhamp to convert Angel al
into emergency housing units

Ragnlse out'a
capitalist exploiotation
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - (CPS) - Governor Ronald Rea-
gan today lashed out at realty offices in Santa Barbara, say-
ing they were guilty of what Reagan called "capitalist ex-
ploitation" of students in Isla Vista, the student residential
community near the campus.
Reagan said he abhorred and condemned violence, and
felt the burning of the bank of America was particularly bad,
but that "we should understand Why this has happened."
Noting that although the bank
was burned and realty offices ran-
sacked, few other businesses had
been affected. Reagan told re-
porters, "There is a jewelry store
Iwith fourteen diamond rings and
eja pearl necklace in the window. It
visits Seale
V-1 S ts castands right next door to one of
the realty offices which was de-
stroyed. Yet the jewelry store
wasn't even touched."
I P "That would seem," Reagan in-
dicated, "to indicate the students
SAN FRANCISCO - (CPS) - were just a bit angry at the realty.
Vice President. Spiro T. Agnew Reagan also attacked the Bank
today met with Black Panther of America's recent "Violence in
leader Bobby Seale in the San Americ'a" ad. "It's hypocritical for
Francisco' prison where Seale is that bank to talk about violence
being held prisoner. when it is helping finance and
Agnew, while terming S "an sustain a war in Vietnam, Laos,
Agew wil trmngSeale and Cambodia whose .violence. is
unappreciative madman," said he unprecedented in modern times."
sympathized with Seale's case.
"Attorney General John Mitchell The question we must 'consider,
(whose wife Martha is running said Reagan, is "Who is more re-
for Senate) is waging a purpose- sponsible for the violent world we
ful battle to put all yoo dissenters live in, the frustrated students in
and colored folk in jail, and it's Santa Barbara or the internation-
time we, the Gr-eat Silent Majority, al banking interests like the Bank
stood up for you." i of America who support the mili-
to pr yo. sinryAgn tary effort with millions of dol-
To prove his sincerity, Agnew lars?".
.brought a basket of fruit to Seale
and said he would send another
basket every Thanksgiving "for{
as long as you are in jail - even
if that's 100 years."
Mitchell, interviewed in Wash- /Io
lngton, said he did not have time M7 dA. a d sUJ
to respond to the vice president's
comments as he was working full B DOC LOS
time to bring criminal charges
against Agnew's daughter Kim for Mao Tse - Tung, a yo
placing a six-cent American flag swimmer from San Fra
postage stamp upside down on a College set a new worl
letter to a friend. the 100 yard freestyle at
Mrs. Mitchell, interviewed on in Flint yesterday.
the balcony of her Washington
Watergate apartment where she Tung,, who has establi
was watching several hundred as a celebrity on the S-I
troops beating anti-war protesters pus over the past few S
and sipping tea, said, "Anything uted his latest victory
it takes my John to stop those d
liberal communists from taking tionary new stroke whi
over is fine with me." his competitors.
Kim Agnew could not be reach- Yesterday's meet mar
.ai fn. nnmma"nnn nfl hor .. min line. _, . r -._

John Feldkamp, director of the
Office of University Housing an-
nounced today that the Angell-
Mason-Haven complex will be con-
verted into 1000 emergency low-
cost student apartment to help
alleviate the crushing housing
shortage in Ann Arbor.
Feldkamp, in an exclusive in-
terview with The Daily last night,
said other University buildings
"may have to be occupied" if the
available space in Angell, Mason
and Haven Halls proves insuf-
ficient. When asked about other
structures which may be convert-
ed, Feldkamp mentions the Presi-
dent's residence and the Adminis-
tration Bldg. were "definite pos-
'"Some of the offices in the Ad-
ministration Bldg. seem so com-
fortable I wouldn't mind living
there myself," Feldkamp said con-
cerningtheproposed changes.
kmIt was also learned that Feld-
kamp has recently conducted a

feasibility survey to determine the
possibilitids for converting the
Cooley Laboratories and the In-
stitute for Science and Technology
into temporary day care centers
until suitable facilities can be
located. While the results of the
survey remain classified, a definite
proposal will probably be submit-
ted to the Regents before, their
April seance.
In a statement released to the
University communityaFeldkamp
said that after many agonizing
hours of "political education" and
"self criticism" he had come to
realize that the best interests of
al concerned could only'be served
by a "radical reorientation of Uni-
versity priorities."
"It is time for Fleming and the
Regents to stop dilly-dallying
around," Feldkamp added.
The housing director; who has
made his way up through' the
ranks of the University pecking
order - from the 'presidency of

Student Government Council
indicated he has higher ambitio
as a career bur'eaucrat and not
that "these revolutionary . ste
should clear the way for the n
housing director.",
When..asked whom his success
might be Feldkamp remarked th
"Marty McLaughlin has 'not be
ruled out of the running."
In a related housing story,
was learned last night that t
Tennants Union has acquired t
deeds to a number of Universi
residence halls whose mortgag
were defaulted. The halls were r
financed to cover the costs. of ih
stalling ankle deep pile carpeti
in the' Administration Bldg. a]
last year's excavation in front+
Angell Hall in search of Harl2
Hatcher's prized tea-cup colle
Stuart Katz, a spokesman f
the recently incorporated PeoplE
Property Management Associati
(PPMA), refused to comment{
rumors that PPMA would tu
down the University's request f
8-month leases.
Katz did mention that "su
stantial" damage deposits wou
be required from the Universi
in light of the administration
inability to establish any wor
able agreements with dorm res
"You can never be too caref
with all the student unrest the
days," Katz was heard to sayE
he was escorted out of a neg
tiating session with University- o
ficials by Sanford Security guar
last night.

In a huge candlelight vigil on Regents Plaza last night,
the University community bid a sad farewell to its President
Robben W. Fleming - who witnessed the proceedings through
the gun-slit windows of the Administration Building.
The vigil was a somber aftermath to the events of a few
hours earlier. Then a h-ob of enraged students was surgin
toward the Plaza chanting "AdmissionsROTCresearchrecrui-
ingBAMcl ildcare!"
Fleming, notified by informants of the mob's approach, followed
a pre-arranged "Plan Red." From the second floor of the Adminis-
tration building he threw a master switch which immediately stalled
the building's elevators, released robot acetylene torches which welded
the exits shut and covered the glass doors with 2-foot-thick slabs 6
lead, electrified the walls, cut off telephone communications with the
outside, and withdrew the surrounding sidewalk, uncovering a gaping
moat stocked with pirranhas and drug-maddened jellyfish.
All this President Fleming has communicated to The Daily via
Navy-surplus signal flags.
Unknown at the time to President Fleming, Campus Security
Chief Roland Gainsley had previously installed a time-lock devi*,
in the automatic self-defense mechanism which Fleming triggered.
Taking the time-lock to be a thermostat. Fleming set it at a 'com-
A fortable 70 years before sealing off the building. He discovered his
error only afterward. Since then, Fleming has been in around-thei
clock negotiations with the time-lock, and in a joint communique
describing the sessions as "frank and informative," Fleming and the
time-lock have promised to resume negotiations this evening.
Once the' finality of Fleming's situation became clear, the UnA
versity Activities Centers announced an essay contest on "How best
to deal with this unfortunate-but-who-knows?-maybe-fruitful ny-
way thing." Co-chairmen of the UAC judging committee are Mary
Beth Skipquist of Goe Geta Gye sorority and Rockwell Smilegrin of
ns the Alpha Q fraternity.
ed The first respondent was Gene Gladstone of New Mobe, just
ps returned to town after planning a series of nationwide, mass-turr
ew out supermarket-openings-for-peace. Gladstone suggests making the
. most of the situation by calling the event "Lock-up \to End the War,"
or and has offered personally to narrate a "Special Report" on the event
at for nationwide television.
en SDS and IS have jointly suggested entombing the Administra-
tion Building and its occupant under 600 tons of green-tinted con-
it crete, and naming it the "Tomb of the Well-Known Bureaucrat
hne Funds for the project would come from reordering the University's
he financial priorities.
ty .' Upon learning of this suggestion, Computer Science Professor
es Bernard Galler began circulating a petition calling upon "all those
' who are sincere in this suggestion (to) spend their' time raising funds
rig for it" rather tha'n "continually burdening the University with such
nd costly projects - no matter how meritorious they may be." {
of Mrs. Lenore Romney. candidate for the Senate, has also sub-
an mitted a suggestion-essay. UAC judges have thus far been unable
c- to read i! however, and have forwarded it to the Anthropology De-
partment for further study.
or Philosophy Professor Carl Cohen released a statement of his own.
e's "We must distinguish," he said, "between the functions of a Uni-
on versity building as a building qua building and those of a University
on building as an edifice in another, more abstract (shall we say) sense.
rn This distinction may appear academic - as it very certainly .(or most
-likely; at least) is - but what, we may rightly ask, are we here in an
b- academic community for if not (indeed) to be academic? Eh?"
ld Plans were underway, meanwhile, to get special food supplies
ty to Fleming - to be dropped through the narrow air-Intake atop the
's Ad Building. ENACT members have threatened to hurl themselves in- S
k- to the jellyfish-infested moat unless they are assured that all the
i- bottles in these food supplies will be returnable.
. At last word, Mrs. Fleming was. planning a tea to last from 12:15
ul to 12:20 tomorrow afternoon.
se (Latest reports inicate that student Michael Davis, at the time
as standing on one leg and pledging to inhale only ozone and snuff in
o- protest over the age of the chickens served in the dorms, was also
f- trapped inside' the' Ad Building when it was sealed. Davis reportedly
ds has taken his situation good-naturedly, signallixlg reporters outside
of his intention to spend his free time re-writing the University's by-

Sheriff Harvey object of recent
disorderly person's complaint

Washtenaw County Sheriff Dou-
glass Harvey was the object of
a disorderly person's complaint
filed with the Houghton Lake
State Police Feb. 14 after he and
five deputies checked into a local
Mrs. Beatrice Pitts, of the Gas-
light Manor on M-55 in Pruden-
ville told State Police the sheriff
and his men checked into the
motel about 12:30 a.m. Feb. 14
and that she had difficulty in
keeping the quiet. She said all ap-
peared to have been drinking and


that most did not go to their as- Citizens of Washtenaw County
signed units. have decided to give Sheriff Dou-
Officers, who received the call glas J. Harvey moral and finan-
the next morning, arrived and cial support in his effort to main-
learned that SheriffnHarvey and tah peace and tranquility in
his men were checking out. Mrs. Washtenaw County. .
Pitts said she would not press Sixty five citizens met and es-
charges if the sheriff and his men tablished a committee known as
paid for all damages they caused the "BUCK UP YOUR SHERIFF"
to the motel. committee. The object is to cir-
The sheriff and his men paid culate petitions to present to the
the bill and left. Washtenaw County Board of
Supervisors to encourage them to
-Houghton Lake Resorter provide the Sheriff adequate op-
Feb. 19-erational funds, realistic moral
suport and necessary legal counsel

laws, roadmaps, and electrical circuit schemats.)

swimmers to vctory
Dung oriental'
ancisco State,
d's record in
a meet Yield
shed himself
F State cam-
years, attrib-
to a revolu-
ch wipes out
ked the lat- '

to represent him in litigation that
may arise from the performance
of his duties as Sheriff. Also, to let
the Sheriff know that the citizens
of Washtenaw County support
him in his past and present efforts
to act in the best interest of the
majority of the citizens in Wash-
tenaw County.
--Buck up your Sheriff
March 30
(EDITOR'S NOTE, As you pro-
bably realize, all the stories on this
page are April fool spoofs. However,
Ethe above two stories are true.)

On today's
IPage Three


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