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March 31, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-31

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Yl r e

Slitr ian


Mostly sunny,
but still cold.

Vol. LXXX No. 147 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 31, 1970 Ten Cents

Six Pages













-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
State police troopers, on standby alert
Cranston opposes
WASHINGTON UP)--Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif) accused
the Justice Department yesterday of pressuring a black civil
ights government lawyer into writing a letter favorable to
he Supreme Court nomination of Judge G. Harrold Carswell.
Cranston cited a Feb. 5 letter written to the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee by Charles F. Wilson, deputy chief concili-
ator of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. "The
administration used Mr. Wilson in a deliberate effort to
mislead the committee, the Senate, and the American public,"
The-senator charged.
In response to newsmen's questions, Cranston said he had
-not talked to Wilson-he said.

P e a c e f u 1, non-disruptive
picketing of classroom build-
ings yesterday morning and
afternoon marked the seventh
day of the Black Action Move-
ment (BAM) strike.
Later, BAM leaders, addressing
about 1,200 people in the Union
Ballroom, announced that they
would resume talks with Univer-
sity officials on BAM's demands
for increased minority enrollment
along with necessary recruiting,
financial aid and tutoring serv-
Negotiations between the two
sides began at 8:40 p.m. last night.
Meanwhile, about 200 state po.-
lice trooperswere reported to be
on standby alert at the National
Guard Armory.
Early yesterday morning city of-
ficials, BAM leaders and Vice
President and Chief Financial Of-
ficer Wilbur K. Pierpont discussed
"ground rules" to keep strike ac-
tions within the law.
In response, BAM passed out a,
mimeographed sheet in the morn-
ing instructing picketers not to
block building entrances, verbally E
threaten people, disrupt classes or
have any objects that could be
defined as weapons.
At a noon Diag rally BAM lead-
er Roger Short accused President
Robben Fleming of trying to bluff
strike supporters with threats of
calling state police and the Na-
tional Guard on campus.

Negotiations between representatives of the Black Action
Movement (BAM) and the University administration resumed
yesterday evening after being broken off late Sunday night.
Both sides were still meeting early this morning with no
indication of what progress was being made.
BAM leaders said the strike would continue today, pend-
ing final agreement on all issues. Picket lines were set for
7:30 a.m.
Three major issues were yet to be agreed upon including
amnesty for strikers, establishment of a black community
center and the role of recruiters on admissions boards.
Negotiations broke off Sunday night when BAM nego-
tiators learned that the ad-
ministration had released de-
tails of the negotiations to the Ji _ii l ints
news media. BAM said the ac-
tion was in violation of a1
"gentlemen's agreement" ar-
rived at Thursday with Flem-
"breach of faith."
Both sides had agreed last
Thorayeons the~ 1 satn of ne-

-Daily-Sara Krulwich


Crowd gathers on Diag for rally




Trial set by
'CSJ for 9in
DuPont case
Central Student Judiciary last
night scheduled a full hearing in
a case against nine students
charged with disrupting a Du-
Pont recruiter's interviews on Jan-
uary 29.
The Engineering Placement

he did not believe he should-
but he made public an- affi-
davit from a Washington law-
yer, Vincent H. Cohen, saying
Wilson had told him his letter
was written at the request of
the Justice Department.
Wilson's letter said that as a
black who frequently represented
plaintiffs in civil rights cases be-
fore Carswell, he had received
fair and courteous treatment on
all occasions. Carswell, now a
judge on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals, was formerly the fed-
eral district judge in Tallahassee.

"We're dealing with a man
that's making a bluff," Short told
the crowd of about 800 people.
"I'm not advocating anything, but
when you're in that picket-line
think about that. Think about1
what it means to call police on
Yesterday'saactivities began be-
fore dawn as strikers picketed
dorms and P 1 a n t Department
parking lots, trying to persuade
employes not to go to work.
Breakfast was not served at Mosh-


Over 50 per cent of the liter-
ry college's attendance was af-
cted by the Black Action Move-
ent (BAM) strike yesterday, ac-
)rding to a University spokesman.
ut attendance appears to have
sen in most University classes
nce Friday.
On Friday LSA attendance was
;timated at about 25 per cent and
ie Chemistry, Economics and
usiness Administration Bldgs.
erc closed. These buildings were
pen yesterday.

Committee and the literary col- Cranston said that so far as he
4lege charge that the defendants' has been able to determine all
alleged actions at the E. Engineer- civ:: rights attorneys who prac-
ing Bldg. "significantly interfered tice before Carswell agreed that
with the free movement of persons he had shown bias and hostility in
and constituted an intentional n civil rights cases, with Wilson the
ruption of a University function,", only apparent exception.
a violation of the Student Govern- The senator said that Cohen,
ment Council rules concerning stu- in the affidavit given him, said
dent co;duct. Wilson had told him in a conver-
Originally, the only plaintiff in sation on March 26 that he does
the case was Dean William Hays not and never has supported Cars-
acting on behalf of the literary well's nomination to the Supreme
college. The nine defendants are Court.
students of the literary college. Cohen's affidavit quoted Wilson
On March 10, CSJ decided not as saying that Carswell - as a
to proceed with the case unless the U.S. attorney and as a federal dis-
proper plaintiff appeared, ruling trict judge, as well as in his pri-
that Hays was not substantially vate affairs - 'has gone beyond
affected by the alleged disruption the bounds of all propriety in tak-'
of recruiting to press charges. ing part in discriminatory schemes
CSJ ruled last week that the and plans designed to thwart fed-
Engineering Placement Commit- eral law."
tee is a proper plaintiff and pro- Cohen also said in the affidavit
ceeded preparing for the hearings. that Wilson had told him that he
In the pre-trial hearing held would never have sent his Feb. 5
last nighte CSJ determined there letter to the judiciary committee
was sufficient evidence to call for if he had not been contacted by
See TRIAL, Page 2 the Justice Department.

er-Jordan or Couzens, but other-
wise dorm food service was nor- In the anthropology department,
mal. half of the faculty held classes
At the Plant Department, work- on campus and the other half
ers listened to picketers' explana- j taught off campus in churches,I
See STUDENTS, Page 2 homes and in the Michigan Un-
Strike supporters p1
in attempt to stop me

a1 S

Campus dormitories were picket-
ed by Black Action Movement
(BAM) supporters yesterday in an
effort to persuade dorm workers
to boycott the food services.
Although breakfast was not
served at Couzens and Mosher-
Jordan, meal service at o t h e r
dorms, while prepared and served
by skeleton crews in some places,
was generally not disrupted.
Yesterday marked the second day
of dorm picketing. But the pickets
were less successful than on Fri-

day when meal service was dis-
rupted at least partially in most
dorms, with some cafeterias clos-
ed down entirely.
As on Friday, the protesters
gathered between 4:30 and 5:30
and began picketing to pryvent
food deliveries and to encourage
University employes to honor pick-
et lines and not to work.
Pickets were instructed to be
peaceful at all times and not pre-
vent anyone from crossing the
lines. No violence was reported in
connection with the dorm picket-

,on, department Chairman Wil- were conducive to learning and
Liam Scharger said. teaching." I
"I don't think any professor I Department chairman Harvey
stopped class," he added. Brazer claimed that attendance
A spokesman for the social was low in most classes.
work school estimated only 15 per In the Angell-Mason complex
cent class attendance in the where a substantial part of LSA
school. classes are held, attendance drop-
"This figure doesn't include ped sharply as the day went on.
those people who supported the Throughout the day the audi-
strike by holding classes off cam- toriums were less than half filled.
pus," he said. Two secretaries, one in philoso-
The economics department, phy and the other in LSA counsel-
which met yesterday over the ing. both ,continued to strike.
BAM issue, said that "in view of They have done so since lastI
BAM's ground rules for peaceful ueday
picketing, conditions were again Chemistry classes were fairly
righ fo lernig ad hldig !normal according to Charles Over-
right for learning and holdig berger, chairman of the depart-
classes.'' ment.
Last Friday the Economics Bldg. The engineering college also
" was closed down until "conditions was "operating fairly close to nor-
mal." 'Dean Gorden Van Wylen
et dorm s Other faculty members agreed
that "it was pretty much busi-
s r cness as usual" in the engineering
al s rvie Icollege.
ai The Master of Fine Arts, a
graduate art show which was
scheduled to open at Rackham
At Markley over 1000 people galleries on Friday, will not open
picketed beginning at 4:45 a.m. if the strike is still on.
Approximately 600 Markley resi- Attendance in the literary col-
dents had met in the cafeteria at lege last week dropped as time
midnight to discuss the strike. progressed.
About six "counter-strikers" es- While class attendance was es-
corted workers through the picket- timated at about 60 per cent early
lines from the parking structure in the week, by Wednesday it ap-
to Markley's back entrance. The peared to dip to below 40 per cent.
"counter-strikers" said they were But for the most part other
there "just to help people cross schools and colleges did not ex-
the picket lines who want to work perience such sharp drops in at-
and may be afraid of the picket- tendance.
Only a handful of workers hon- -
ored the picket line at Markley.
Most who did cross the picket lines -
at Markley and other dorms, said
they supported the BAM demands ;a
but had to work out of necessity.
At West Quad all meals w e r e
served but pickets said they turn-
ed away over 20 workers who de-
cided to honor the picket li n e s.
One employe stood inside the pick-
et line encouraging workers to
cross it and work.
In addition, pickets at S o u t h r
Quad turned awayseveral kitch-
en workers which resulted in cur-
tailed breakfast service. No hot
foods were prepared. Donuts and
dry cereal constituted the major
portions of breakfast.!
At West Quad pickets turned
away food delivery trucks.
Protesters gathered outside the
main entrance of Alie T.lovd at::

gotistions, that no statements on
'he status of the talks would be
released until final agreement was
BAM demanded that Fleming:
make a private and public apology
before negotiations resumed. Al-
though Fleming released a state-
ment last Sunday saying he re-
gretted 'he release. BAM rejected
it and it remained unclear until
late yesterday afternoon whether
negotiations would resume.
Meanwhile, the strike continued,
and class attendance was affected
ovnr 50 per cent in the literary
college, a University spokesman
said. Other attendance rose since!
Yesterday morning, Director of
the University news service Jack
Hamilton issued a letter explain-
ing the sequence of events lead-
ing to Fleming's authorization of
the news release at 8:30 p.m. Sun-
"I wish totapologize, not only
to the negotiators of BAM, but
also to the negotiators of the Uni-
versity." Hamilton said. "I very
much regret that my actions ap-
parently contributed to the burden
of reaching agreement."
At a press conference yesterday
morning, BAM leaders emphasized
that negotiations had in fact
broken down and that the strike
would continue.
"It's our position that there
have been no negotiations so far,"
BAM spokesman Ron Thomson
"This has been the most goal-
oriented student strike in this
country," said Madison Foster, an-
other BAM spokesman. He said
BAM did not want violence since{
that would bring police on cam-
Ed Fabre of BAM said that
during negotiations, Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allan
Smith had indicated that people
photographed picketing in front of
the LSA Bldg. would have action
taken against them after the strike
is over.
Smith later denied the state-
ment, saying, "I said that there
See BAM, Page 2

Two state legislators from Ann
Arbor wrote to President Robben
Fleming asking him to make a
public explanation of his response
to the classroom strike called by
the Black Action Movement
In addition, the letter, released
yesterday, hinted a possible re-
luctance of the state Legislature
to support University appropri-
ation requests because of what
the legislators considered to be
the University's willingness to
commit itself. to funding the BAM
The letter was drafted by State
Sen. Gilbert E. Bursley and Rep.
Raymond J. Smit, both Ann Arbor
Republicans. Only Smith signed
the letter, however,becauseac-
cording to Smit Bursley had to
leave town before signing.
"In its capitulation to demands,
the University has reached into its
sock and apparently found surplus
funds," the letter stated. "We have
always supported adequate appro-
priations for the University in
the Legislature, but the avail-
ability of hidden surpluses may
have an adverse effect on our
future efforts."
Fleming was unavailable for
comment last night.
Responding to the letter, Direc-
tor of University Relations Jack
Hamilton said that the funds to
be used to institute the BAM de-
mands "are not surpluses." Ac-
cording to Hamilton, the Univer-
sity does not have enough -re-
sources to finance its present pro-
grams and the proposed BAM pro-
"We are going to have to re-
adjust the priorities of the Uni-
versity," Hamilton said, in order
to meet the BAM demands.
Vice President for State Rela-
tions and Planning Arthur Ross
had no comment on the letter last
night. He said that he had seen
the letter, however.
The letter asked Fleming to re-
spond to the following requests:
-"A complete statement of
orders issued to police and a spe-
See REP. SMIT, Page 2


Yog s goalI:
By STEPHEN SHOGAN setting u]
"We seek to make one high without spread hi
drugs," says Yogi Bhajan, a master of the Each g
ancient science of yoga. the Heal
Two disciples of the yogi - who has Presently
been spreading his principles, around the seven sta
country - instruct a class at the Univer- Canada.
versity in Kundalini Yoga, the "yoga of taught a
awareness." The instructors, Bryan Beresh The fir
and Mark osUko sav there arp no hetin- , anti,";.


natural high'

up groups which practice and
is principles.
roup is part of the yogi's 3HO-
Ithy, Happy, Holy Organization.
, these groups are established in
tes across thescountry and in
In each of these the yogi has
way of life,
rst step in the teaching of Kun-
- :--...-.. - . - l -

ness and thereby harness the powers within
himself for positive purposes.
Finally, having achieved this, it is taught
by the yogi that one is able to find spiritual
awakening and arrive at a realization of
his unity with God.
Beresh and Vosko, the founders of 3H0
Michigan, have each studied under the
Yogi Bhajan in California. They returned
here to instruct others in the yogi's formula

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