.,- q EXTRA S AiF 40P ERii4 EXTRA Vo . LXXX-No. 146A Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 30, 1970 FREE ISSUE Four Pages I PROFESSOR TO FILE CHARGES OF DISRUPTION By RICK PERLOFF Charges will be filed today with the disciplinary boards in the literary college and the graduate school against several stu- dents who allegedly disrupted a computer science class last Thursday to promote the lass strike supporting the demands of the Black Action Movement. The charges will be filed by math Prof. Bernard Galler, who says the students en- tered his class, shouted and forced him to dismiss it about 10 minutes later. The class, entitled Math and Computer nd Communication Sciences 473, is taught at 9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday in Aud. B. The charges will be the first against par- ticipants in the class, strike, in which there have been disruptions of classes, and scat- tered acts of violence during the last several days. "The kind of action we saw is destructive 4 the University, and the means I have available through University channels to stop it is to file charges," Galler said. Galler would not disclose the names of the students and would only say that he and the students in his class had identified between one and 10 students involved in the .lleged disruption. The disciplinary body in the literary col lege is the administrative board, which is composed entirely of faculty. In the graduate school, a student-faculty Board of Inquiry is empowered to handle disciplinary pro- ceedings in cooperation with the Graduate Assembly and the school's executive board, according to Ralph Lewis, associate dean of the school. Galler said he is taking the cases to the disciplinary boards-and not Central Stu- dent Judiciary (CSJ)-because "I prefer them. I have more confidence in the (LSA) administrative board and I've dealt with %em before. I know they're fair," he said. He added that he would let the boards first determine whether they had jurisdic- tion over the case. "As far as I'm concerned, disruption of class is against my code of conduct." Disruption of class violates the Student %Government Council rules governing stu- dent conduct and LSA Assistant Dean Dean Baker, acting chairman of the board, said he "supposes" the literary college Faculty Code contains provisions against it. Stephen Spurr, vice president and dean of the graduate school, would not comment on *the question..Nor would he say whether the school would consider the case or refer it to CSJ. However, Baker said that, in his judg- ment, CSJ should consider the case. He explained that it was unclear whether the administrative board should handle non- %academic offenses, adding that whether class -disruption is an academic or non-academic offense is also nebulous. CSJ has long maintained it has the ex- clusive right to hear cases involving viola- tions of rules governing students' non-aca- demic conduct. However, this right has .nev- ,r been recognized by the Regents. FLEMING ACCUSED OF 'BREACH OF FA ITH' -Daily-Jay Cassidy BAM leader Ron Harris speaks to supporters at Rackham Aud. ANN ARBOR CENSUS Students counted as residents By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ The class strike supporting the demands of the Black Action Movement (BAM) con- tinued this morning, following a breakdown last night in the negotiations be'tween BAM and the University administration. At a mass meeting last night in Rackham Aud. which drew about 1,700 people, BAM leaders called for continuation of the strike, urging that their supporters "close the Uni- versity down" until the administration agrees to adopt all of the BAM demands. BAM leaders had called for a resumption of the strike even before the negotiations broke down, saying it would continue until the talks produce a settlement. At the mass meeting BAM negotiators said that the two sides still remain apart on several key items, including: -The question of possible "reprisals" by the University against persons supporting the class strike. -The establishment of a Black Student Center in the community; and, -The proper role of recruiters of minor- ity students on admissions boards. BAM negotiators stormed out of the talks at 10 p.m. last night when they learned that the administration had released to the news media a statement outlining several specific points on which BAM and the University had reached a tentative accord. Both sides had agreed last Thursday, be- fore the start of the negotiations, that no statements on the status of the talks would be released until a final agreement was reached. BAM leaders said last night they would not participate in any further negotiations until President Robben Fleming issued both public and private apologies for releasing the information. In a letter to BAM late lastnight, Flem- ing acknowledged that the administration should not have released the information. He said 'it was done after he was inaccurate- ly informed that BAM spokesmen had dis- cussed details of the negotiations at the mass meeting. "It now appears that my informant thought the discussion at Rackham, which he heard, was dealing with specific issues, whereas others who heard it now tell me that it was in more general terms," Fleming said. "Under those.circumstances,. we should not have released our information and I re- gret it." Charging that'the president acted in bad faith, BAM spokesmen said early this morn- ing that Fleming's letter was unacceptable as a prerequisite for resumption of the ne- gotiations. In a letter to Fleming, Darryl Gorman, a member of Student Government Council and a BAM negotiator, said, "The members of the Black Action Movement are adamant in their refusal to accept your 'expressions of regret' for what was a calculated and de- liberate attempt to deceive our negotiators, mislead the public, and undermine support for our Just cause." "Be advised that we do not intend to re- sume negotiations until you publicly apolo- gize for your malicious and deliberate de- ception which forced us to leave the nego- tiation table," Gorman added. Meanwhile, BAM and the white Coalition to Support the Black Action Movement worked through the night to finalize plans for today's strike activities. The plans call for peaceful, non-violent picketing of all University academic build- ings, most food service areas in residence halls, and the University Plant Department. At last night's mass meeting, BAM lead- ers placed great emphasis on keeping to- day's strike tactics "peaceful and non-vio- lent." "We will not interfere with any class- rooms, and will not stop by force any stu- 'a, .. 3 cide whether the State Police would be call- ed into Ann Arbor. Harris also said that calling in the Na- tional Guard was not being seriously con- sidered at this time. At last night's mass meeting, BAM lead- ers charged that the administration had continually mentioned the possibility that the guard would be called to the University as a result of the disruptions and scattered acts of violence that have occurred during the week-old strike. During a closed meeting at City Hall, city officials, members of BAM, and Vice Presi- dent and Chief Financial Officer Wilbur Pierpont discussed "ground rules" for keep- ing picketing within the boundaries of pub- lic statutes. The picketing of residence halls began at 5 a.m. in an, attempt to convince food serv- ice employes to remain away from their Jobs. The employes are members of local 1583 of the American Federation of State, Coun- ty, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME), which came out in support of the BAM de- mands at a meeting last Thursday night. Although AFSCME has not asked its mem- bers to participate in the strike, a spokes- man for the Coalition to Support BAM said last week that the union's contract with the University .allows union members wh6 they fear bodily harm to refuse to cross picket lines without fear of being penalized. The statement which the administration released to the news media outlined the points on which BAM and the administra- tion have reached tentative agreement. The statement includes a pledge by the University of financial support necessary to enroll "black students .on the Ann Arbor campus equal to at least 10 percent of the Ann Arbor enrollment in the fall term, 1973." BAM's demand of a University commit- ment to. 10 percent black enrollment by fall, 1973 has been a major point of contention since the Regents adopted a minority en- rollment plan at their March 19 meeting. The regental plan established a 'goal" of 10 percent black enrollment, but committed funds which would guarantee only a black enrollment of between five and seven percent by 1973-74. Last week Senate Assembly, the Univer- sity-wide faculty representative body, urged all- the schools and colleges to provide funds out of their budgets to help meet the 10 percent goal. Since then, the literary college faculty has committed itself to funding 10 percent black enrollment, and faculties in several other schools and colleges have supported using their budgets to meet the goal. Besides pledging to fund a black enroll- ment of 10 percent by 1973-74, the adminis- tration's statement outlined its negotiating position -on several other BAM demands. However, it was unclear which of these po- sitions, if any, was acceptable to BAM. In response to the demand for an increase in the black enrollment by 900 students by fall, 1971, the administration's statement said the University "anticipates" such an en- rollment increase. The 900 students would be composed of, 450 freshmen, 150 transfer students; and 300 graduate students. The statement also said the University would collect voluntary contributions from students to the Martin Luther King schol- arship fund. In a campus-wide referendum last week, students urged, by a 2-1 margin, that they each be assessed $3 next fall for the fund, and'BAM is .demanding that the administration implement the mandatory assessment. Referring to BAM's demand for additional recruiters at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, the administration's state- ment pledged an additional nine persons on the undergraduate level, and three persons at the graduate level. It was unclear how mr +o a a mtnnal tweylve staff members By SHARON WEINER This year's federal census will, for the first time, count college students in the cities where they attend school, rather than in their home towns. According to local officials of the U.S. Census Bureau, all Ann Arbor resident households, including rooms in University residence halls and apartments occupied by students, will receive federal census forms by tomorrow. The taking of a national census every ten years for the purpose of apportionment of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives is provided for in the Constitution. The census also affects local ward bound- aries, aids in the measurement of the eco- nomic status and purchasing power of communities, helps in the allotment of cer- tain tax revenues and other financial aids to states, and ranks the city's population with the populations of other communities in the country, explains Mayor Robert Harris. "As a basically low-income group, the s atistics from students will also help the city in terms of obtaining federal and state funding for such projects as moderate-in- come housing and model cities, as well as other federal housing projects," he says. The forms are to be filled out by Wednes- day, April 1, which Congress has designated as Census Day. Those refusing to complete the form can be fined $100 and jailed for 60 days, al- though no one has ever been imprisoned for not cooperating with the Census Bureau, officials say. Even though census takers will telephone or visit every housing unit that does not return its form, or that returns one im- properly filled out, students are often hard to find after the school year is out, Harris says, adding, "We especially urge students to send in their forms." The deliverance of 63 million census ques- tionnaires to almost every home in the na- tion constitutes the biggest mass mailing of the decade, census officials say. The questions asked by the Census Bureau have been substantially the same since 1940. However, the number of questions each family will have to answer this time is the smallest in 100 years. The short form, which is sent to 80 per cent of the households, should take less than 15 minutes to complete, census offi- cials say. The long form takes about a half-hour, because of the additional information re- quested concerning the individuals living in the household. The homes receiving the long form have been chosen by computers in order to pro- vide a sample which will furnish accurate statistics on the population. - i 'U, may postpone IM decision until fall A decision to implement the controversial plans for construction of an intramural building funded through a tuition increase will probably not be made before next fall, according to Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs Allan Smith. Smith says the delay can be attributed both to a lack of immediate need for the new building, and to charges that the decision would be made during the summer, in order to avoid student dissent. He explains that the decision would be delayed at least until it becomes necessary to tear down Water- man and Barbour Gymnasiums, which the new intra- mural building would replace. The two avmnasiumsare s ituated onn the coner be provided by the state cannot be ignored, Smith says. Hence, the earliest time a decision on intra- mural construction could be made is after the State Legislature gives final approval to the 1970 capital outlay bill which is expected sometime this summer. "If we can't make the decision while students are still here in April, it won't be made before the fall," Smith says, adding, "I don't think I'm prepared to recommend (adoption of the intramural plan) now." The administration's tentative intramural p 1 a n calls for a tuition increase of $7 for each term in an academic year, to fund the construction of the new intramural building. The increase, which would be deferred until the facilities open, would be maintained mural construction would not be April or May, when the Regents will tuition increase. acted upon until consider a general This statement was met with charges by SGC President Marty McLaughlin that the delay is "an obvious attempt to avoid being the brunt of student dissent." Smith now says the adverse reaction from students to acting on the intramural plan during the spring- summer term has prompted him to reconsider the timing of a decision. There is little likelihood that the Legislature will approve allocating funds to construct the new chem- istry building because no such proposal was contained i