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March 29, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-29

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Page Eight


Sunday, March 29, 1970


Decision-making committees seat students

(Continued from page 1)
The department meetings have
three graduate and two under-
graduate students present w h o
vote on all matters except sal-
aries and tenure. They do, how-
ever, make recommendation on
teaching fellow appointments
and curriculum reform.
This year, all of the money
received by the department for
guest lecturers was given to
the graduate philosophy club.
In this way, students themselves
choose the lecturers.
"I'm very pleased wth all the
suggestions students h a v e
made," said Prof. Charles Stev-
enson, chairman of the phil-
osophy department.
"In fact," he adds, "it is ru-
mored in the department that if,
you want to get something
through, have a student pro-
pose it."
The new working arrangement
has made significant difference
in the graduate program, sc-
cording to Miss Pickering. Due
to student suggestions there are
now less required hours and
more graduate participation in
"Everything's going well," Miss
Pickering says.
"Representation innovations
were handled in such a way that
tempers weren't frayed, so -r
there's no confrontational spirit
involved now."
Students in the psychology de-
partment have had a voice on
the undergraduate curriculum
for years," according -to asso-
ciate chairman John Miiholland.
He says they have taken part
in the committee's discussions
on new courses, on curricular re-
form and on curricular innova-
Upon the initiation of faculty
members last fall, a "Curricular
Innovation Committee," made
up of two undergraduates, three
graduates and four faculty mem-
bers was set up. It has just
completed its first assignment:
a detailed recommendation f o r
major renovation af the psy-
chology department.
The committee's report in-
volves a two-fold restructuring.
"Core courses" are proposed as
a replacement for introductory
courses and several sequence pro-

grams of three courses each are
proposed as options to required
These recommendations have
already bean given a mandate
by the executive committee and
will be tried experimentally next
fall. ,
Under the program, faculty
will be be able to teach se-
quences of subject matter in
which they are particularly in-
terested, and students will be
given a sense of continuity and
depth in the area in which they
choose to study.
It is also hoped that this re-
structing will stimulate closer
acquaintances between faculty
and students in the large de-
But irrespective of the struc-
tural changes, student leaders
say there is need for more stu-
dent participation in the psych-.
ology department decision-mak-
"Instructors are without a
doubt the most important fac-
tors in education," said How-
ard Cubell, '69, one of the stu-
dent representatives' on the in-
novation committee.
"I think it is extremely im-
portant that students have a
role in the hiring -of faculty.
Students must be represented
on the executive committee
where these decisions are made,"
he said.
Prior to last year, meetings in
the English department were
closed and students had no voice
in any of the decision-making
processes. The students formed
a steering committee which pre-
sented complaints and suggest-
ions that had been voiced at a
forum: Although these were ig-
nored by the decision-making
units, students later gained
three students seats on both
graduate and undergraduate
curriculum committees.
Once the seats were won, stu-
dent participation continued to
"We don't really go by the
three vote allotment," said Fran-
cis' Wineguest, '71, a student
representative. "We just bring
along as many students that are
interested, and that's how much
voice we have."
Decisions are usually made by

consensus at the faculty-stu-
dent meetings although student
representatives would have votes
if the formality ever arose.
English students are not seat-
ed on the executive committee,
and therefore have no formal
role in final decisions of tenure
and curriculum.
In curriculum matters, five
of the faculty members on the
student curriculum committee
are also on the executive com-
mittee, so there is some student
Tenure decisions have been
disputed, however. "We were all
ready to make a fight about a
certain assistant professor who
was denied tenure last year,"
Miss Wineguest says. "But when
we came back this fall, he had
been given it."
Student leaders would still
like to see students on the ex-
ecutive decision-making unit,
however, but one of the prob-
lems there is the size of the
English department.
"We're working on a very
small base of students as far as
representatives go," Miss Wine-
guest explained. "Three repre-
sentatives can't pretend to rep-
resent 1,000 English students, so
we run the danger of represent-
ing only three."
Department chairman Prof..
Russell Fraser, chairman of the
English department, is very
satisfied with the present fac-
ulty-student working arrange-
"The students have contrib-
uted hard and amicable work
to the department's business,"
he said, "which is really their
busines after all."
In the history department, the
forum, which was the kick-off
for student movement across
the campus, has been retained
and now meets with graduates,
undergraduates a n d faculty
members present. The meeting
covers any and all matters of
concern in the department, both
general and specific.
There is also a steering com-
mittee which meets with the
department's executive commit-
tee. Student representatives are
elected by the graduate and un-
dergraduate constituencies to
discuss monetary support for

graduates. and curriculum re-
Along with the steering com-
mittee there is a student-fac-
ulty curriculum committee made
up of graduates, undergraduates,
and faculty members who meet
in separate divisions and then
make proposals to the executive
Out of this branch of the de-
partment have come proposals
for revision of the doctoral pro-
gram and a new junior seminar
program which has already been
In addition, there is a joint
black student-faculty commit-
tee dealing with recruitment of
minority students. It was in-
strumental in the adding of two
black instructors to the faculty
as well as in instituting two
courses in Afro-American stu-
Decisions on tenure and hiring
are not made with participation
but there appears to be little
student concern over the issue
at present.

"Most students feel the teach-
ing in the department is pretty
good," said Isabel Hull, '70, a
committee representative, "And
there hasn't been a case of a
popular teacher being denied
"The faculty in the history
department has been very active
in making steady changes in
the department," according to
Miss Hull.
"In fact," she said, "they've
made more reforms than we
In some departments, there
has been no pressure by students
for seats on decision-making
James O'Neill, chairman of
the romance languages depart-
ment, says that he passed a
petition urging students to take
part in the affairs of the de-
partment even before the mass
student movementb e g a n.
Neither graduates nor under-
graduates responded.
"Either they're politically in-
ert," O'Neill speculated "or

they're happy the way things
O'Neill doesn't foresee any
more faculty-initiated atteripts
to involve students in depart-
ment decision-making processes.
"If there's a need for it, I guess
the students will let us know,"
he said, "But so far' they
A similar situation exists in
the botany department. Four
graduate students are selected
to attend faculty committee
meetings along with students
holding candidate certificates.
But no undergraduates have
pushed for such representation.
In the classical languages de-
partment, where classes some-
times have as few as two stu-
dents, dialogue on instructors
and curriculum flows steadily
between students and faculty.
The first year of widespread
student participation in depart-
mental decision-making is draw-
ing to an end. Those faculty
members who encouraged stu-
dent involved are satisfied with
the result. And those members
who were hesitant to make room
for student representation are
conceding that, for the most
part, student presence has been
beneficial for all concerned.

Why I Became a
Jewish Draft Resilster
National Director Jewish Peace Fellowship
WED., APRIL 1st, 8 P.M
1. He burned his draft card.
2. He spent a year in Federal prison as
a draft resister.
3. He is now National Program Direc-
tor of the Jewish Peace Fellowship.
Students wishing individual appointments
with him on Thursday morning, April 2
should call the foundation for an appoint-
1429 Hill Street
Try Daily Classif ieds,


Professor to file charges of
disruption against strikers


(Continued from page 1)
the question. Nor would he say
whether the school would consider
the case or refer it to CSJ. ,
However, Baker said that, in his{
judgment, CSJ should consider I
the case.
He explained that it was unclear
whether the administrative board
should handle non-academic of-'

academic offenses committed by
Contending that the student
court should hear the case involv-
ing Thursday's alleged disruption,
CSJ chairman Ed Kussy said yes-
terday, "If you come to disrupt,
especially if you're nottpart of a
class. you're engaging i non-aca-
/demic behavior."


MEN-Do you want to live in a
French atmosphere? if you
speak some. French come join
us at the French co-op (Oxford
Housing) next fall.
this weekend 764-2147

fenses, adding that whether class In summer, 1968, while the pro-
disruption is an academic or non- posed bylaws were being drafted,
academic offense is also nebulous. President Robben Fleming in-!
CSJ has long maintained it has; structed the schools and colleges
the exclusive right to hear cases to set up interim rules and dis-
involving violations of rules gov- ciplinary procedures until the by-
erning students' non-academic laws were adopted.
conduct. However, this right has l eerb enrcgnzd-yth e
nee'been recognized by theR -_________________
The Regents are currently con-
sidering proposed changes in thei
Regents bylaws which would
grant student courts the exclusive and
f right to hear cases involving non- Acme


1 1


Male or Female

Professors support
RAM, question tactics
(Continued from page 1) the way President Fleming is
Saying he was impressed by handling the situation. "He's com-
BAM's control of the situation ing across with a very fair offer,"
throughout the week, Mendel add- he said.
ed, "I hope they remain as cool Education Prof. Joseph Payne,
in negotiations as they were on Chairman of SACUA, said he was
the Diag." glad there was no extended vio-
French Prof. Karina Niemeyer lence, but added that he "resent-
said she also supported the strike Id the disruptional process and
"in the end." She felt the Regents barring of people from buildings."
were -"unthinking" in their ac--
tons.Census counts
Mrs. Niemeyer said she was not
bothered by the disruption of
classes and that the violence that U students as
did occur was "not the fault of
B any professors were clearly in city residents
favor of the BAM demands, but
appeared to have more serious (Continued from Page 1)
reservations about the strike. not' revealed to anyone outside
David Kopplin, a psychologist the Census Bureau, such as wel-
said, "The BAM leadership is to fare oficials, police, or tax agents,
be commended on trying to change census officials say.
University priorities." .Bureau, such as welfare officials,
However, he added, "I wish the police, or tax agents, census offi-
demands could have been met cials say.
without -a strike." - Local census officials expect to
,.I feel the demands are legiti- find Ann Arbor's population to
mate," said Civil Engineering Prof. be about 110,000.
Robert Hanson, "but it is not right
to impose upon other students
when striking."
English Prof. Thomas Garbaty i
sa hehcould not support theeitb w
csses ofu a pu as holding his W ert
clsetofcmps ..,$ ;f i


-- 1





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About ten more men wanted for French Co-
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N :
w x . .' ,
N. .

We, a's non-strikers for BAM, believe the educational demands of the Black
Action Movement deserve reconsideration and a commitment by the Regents of
the University of Michigan. We believe that substantial funds to support the
BAM demands could be available if the priorities of this University were changed.
We also believe in the right of students to strike to achieve this goal if their moral
commitment is strong enough to outweigh possible personal consequences in-
cluding loss of credit. We believe, however, that every student and faculty mem-
ber on this campus has the right to attend and hold classes without disruption.
We fear that the University community will lose sight of the validity of BAM's
demands because of the intolerant actions of some BAM supporters, which are
depriving individuals of the right to make their own decision on this matter. If we
are truly striving to build a society based on equal rights for every individual,
we shall not achieve that end by violating the rights of some to gain the rights
of others. We do not and cannot accept the theory that the end justifies the


Mechanical Engineering Prof.
Milton Chace said, "The strike
is just on the edge of violence -
it is on the edge of being rec-
Dgnized as an exortionist type of
operation. I hope it doesn't go
past this point."
Chase stressed that he supported

the Black

undersigned students and
support the position of
Action Movement t h a t

P 3
Presents the Latest in
All PIP Helmets meet USASI
Z90.1 specifications and are
opproved by the SnellI Founda-
tion and states where helmets
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the University must COMMIT itself
to meeting the Black Action Move-
ment's 72 demands.


Katherine Isham
Dorothy Walsh
Dora Diephouse
Valerie Ireland
William C. Drucker M.
Jack H. Tobias
Linda K. McEndree
Barton Evans
William Mantzoukas
Kenneth Hunt
James H. Lewis
Mick Huppert
Chuck Fveett

June Agnew
Zola M. Stookey
Eric H. Helt
Mary R. Silverman
D. Barak Wolff
Gary R. Brenniman
Lawrence Stiffman
Susan Koehn
Fran Pagenkopf
Thomas J. Hartmann
Jan Kennedy
Gayle Sohr
Vihke Rosenkrands

Chuck Schwager
Richard L. Lichtenstein
Gregory C. Rosenberger
Connie Carroll
Rosemary Amos
Catherine A. Gutmann
J. W. Gilbert
Stephen F. Loebs
Libby Johnson
Ron Hemmelgarn
Robert Soliz
J. C. Faust M.D.
Richard L. Wade

Wayne A. Harrison
David F. Dye
Susan J. Lewis
Robert J. Wegard
Marilyn Burgard
Daniel Rattner
Nancy C. Colthrop
Samuel Gabby
David Burns
Kathleen Perelli
Tom Kuzmik
Dole Ann Winnie
Ron Potrzebka
Christine Morang
Eric R. Erickson
Kenneth Dale Dodson
Michael J. Modelski
Brenda K. Parsons
Carl Cohen
Joanna Staszkiewicz
Alan Rhinesmith

Walter W. Livingston
Tom Steinman
Greg Merrifield
John Oldenburg
John D. Freeman
Barbara Pflughoeft
John K. Bates
Kit Slusser
Beth E. Anderson
Steve Mosley
Joe Filip
Paul G. Wagner
Charles B. Maurer
Linda Carvie
Jonathan Adelson
Marian Gulledge
Thomas Hoffman
Barbara Rohrer
John Kruger
Anne Marks

Mark S. Goldberg
Louis P. Salonar
Bruce Day
John D. Tomkovich
Randy Walter
Nancy Joakim
Dale F. Arbowr
Jeffrey W., Brecken
Marshall Kutz
Gary Lincoln
Edison Vogel
Stephen Lund
William G. Kohler
William Shaw
Michael P. Casey
Michael B. Darrocl
Dennis Colling
David R. Cook
Bruce L. Kinzer
Nancy Beveridge
Isabel V. Hall








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