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March 29, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-29

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See Editorial Page

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Continued cold,
chance of rain or snow

Vol. LXXX No. 146

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 29, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Faculty decision



to seat students

Although departmental decision-
making committees have tradition-
ally been composed solely of faculty
members, many committees, in the
past year, have been granting seats
to students.
In some departments, the efforts
of students to gain seats on the
committees have been resisted strong-
ly by the faculty. In others, s{ ats
have sometimes been granted to stu-
dents even in the absence of student
The issue being debated by both
faculty members and students is the
extent to which students should par-
ticipate in decisions involving fa-
culty hiring, curriculum, the grant-

ing of tenure, and other areas which
affect a student's academic life.
Most faculty members agree with
students who contend that since they
are the ones who have taken courses
offered by the department, they
should provide pertinent input in de-
partmental decisionsi
The point of divergence is whe-
ther or not this involvement should
be handled by course evaluation
forms or by formalized student par-
ticipation in the decisions.
In many departments, the grant-
ing of seats on decision-making com-
mittees to students came after an
ad hoc group of students demanded
such action.

Students in the history depart-
ment took the first step toward ob-
taining representation on faculty
committees by calling a forum which
attracted 150 students. Although
their original demands for depart-
mental restructuring were not spec-
ifically met, students in other de-
partments were prompted to submit
similar demands.
In some departments, strikes were
urged by student leaders, and in
others, teach-ins were held. The
results have been mixed.
Journalism students have won
more institutionalized representation
than any other departmental student
body. Students have representatives

on all faculty committees, including
those handling tenure and faculty
hiring. They are uique in their par-
ticipation in these decisions.
"We want as much student parti-
cipation as we can get, says Prof.
Edward Basset, chairman of the
journalism department. "If we feel
some place isn't represented, we stick
someone in."
Political science students have no't
been granted participation in tenure
decisions, but have been more suc-
cessful in other areas.
Until this year, undergraduates had
no representation on any decision
making body. Student leaders called
for a teach-in and urged a boycott

o, c asses last year to demand voting
rights on the department's executive
As a result, there is now one grad-
uate and one undergraduate present
during executive committee discus-
sions and decision-making except on
matters of tenure.
"The committee seldom divides, so
have a vote doesn't make too much
difference," says Neil Gabler. '71,
president of the undergraduate poli-
tical science association.
"What is important is that stu-
dents now have a voice," he adds.
In the economics department, both
graduate and undergraduate students
are present at all faculty meetings,

including those of the executive com-
The impetus for student involve-
ment in this department came in the
fall, 1968, when a group of young
faculty members initiated the form-
ation of an undergraduate economics
association. All interested students
met and decided where they f e It
students should be involved in the
decision-making. They then drew up
a resolution which was accepted by
the faculty and the student body.
Although economics students do not
participate in tenure decisions, they
are strongly urged to make recom-
According to Michael Kennedy, '70,
the undergraduate representative on

the executive committee, all of the
faculty members recommended by
students for tenure this year were
It's good that student representa-
tion is now institutionalized," Ken-
nedy says.
"Before, faculty could get students'
opinions if they bothered, but now
they have to be heard," he adds. If
a resolution is passed over the heads
of students, it is not a matter of
railroading," Kennedy says, "It Is
just a difference of opinions."
In the philosophy department,
"Everything is done with everyone
there." according to Leslie Picker-
ing, Grad.
See DECISION, Page 8











-Associated Press
Happy Easter
British troops seal off a road in a Catholic area of Armagh, Northern Ireland yester-
day after a group of Protestants marching in an Easter Parade were stoned by
Census to include students
as residents o Ann Arbor

Charges will be filed tomorrow with the
disciplinary boards in the literary college
and the graduate school against several stu-
dents who allegedly disrupted a computer
science class last Thursday to promote the
class strike supporting the demands of the
Black Action Movement.
The charges will be filed by math Prof.
Bernard Galler, who says the students en-
tered his class, shouted and forced him to
dismiss it about 10 minutes later.
The class, entitled Math and Computer
and Communication Sciences 473, is taught
at 9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday in Aud. B.
The charges will be the first against par-
ticipants in the class strike, in which there
have been disruptions of classes, and scat-
tered acts of violence during the last several
"The kind of action we saw is destructive
to the University, and the means I have
available through University channels to
stop it is to file charges," Galler said.
Galler would not disclose the names of
the students and would only say that he
and the students in his class had identified
between one and 10 students involved in the
alleged disruption.
The disciplinary body in the literary col-
lece is the administrative board, which is
composed entirely of faculty. In the graduate
school, a student-faculty Board of Inquiry
is empowered to handle disciplinary pro-
ceedinys in cooperation with the Graduate
Assembly and the school's executive board,
according to Ralph Lewis, associate dean of
the school.
Galler said lie is taking the cases to the
disciplinary boards-and not Central Stu-
dent Judiciary (CSJ)-because "I prefer
them. I have more confidence in the (LSA)
administrative board and I've dealt with
them before. I know theyne fair." he said.
He added that he would let the boards
first determine whether they had jurisdic-
tion over the case. "As far as I'm concerned,
disruption of class is against my code of
Disruption of class violates the Student
Government Council rules governing stu-
dent conduct and LSA Assistant Dean Dean
Baker, acting chairman of the board, said
he "supposes" the literary college Faculty
Code contains provisions against it.
Stephen Spurr, vice president and dean of
the graduate school, would not comment on

-Daily-Davt Schindel
Vice President Arthur Ross arrives for negotiations
Professors support'
BAM, doubt tacti~cs

This year's federal census will, for the
first time, count college students in the
cities where they attend school, rather than
in their home towns.
According to local officials of the U.S.
Census Bureau, all Ann Arbor resident
households, including rooms in University
residence halls and apartments occupied by'
students, will receive federal census forms
by Tuesday.
The taking of a national census every ten
years for the purpose of apportionment of
seats in the 'U.S, House of Representatives
is provided for in the Constitution.
The census also affects local ward bound-
aries, aids in the measurement of the eco-
nomic status and purchasing power of
communities, helps in the allotment of cer-
tain tax revenues and other financial aids
to states, and ranks the city's population
with the populations of other communities
din the country, explains Mayor Robert
"As a basically low-income group, the
statistics from students will also help the

city in terms of obtaining federal and state
funding for such projects as moderate-in-
come housing and model cities, as well as
other federal housing projects," he says. ~
The forms are to be filled out by Wednes-
day, April 1, which Congress has designated
as Census Day.
Those refusing to complete the form can
be fined $100 and jailed for 60 days, al-
though no one has ever been imprisoned
for not cooperating with the Census Bureau,
officials say.
Even though census takers will telephone
or visit every housing unit that does not
return its form, or that returns one im-
properly filled out, students are often hard
to find after the school year is out, Harris
says, adding, "We especially urge students
to send in their forms."
The questions asked by the Census Bureau
have been substantially the same since 1940.
However, the number of questions each
family will have to answer 'this time is the
smallest in 100 years.
Census results are confidential and are
See CENSUS, Page 8

News Editor
Seven hours of negotiations yesterday be-
tween Back Action Movement tBAM) re-
presentatives and University administrators
apparently failed to produce an agreement
on the BAM demands.
Talks broke off at 9:45 p.m. last night,
and another session was scheduled to begin
this morning at 10 a.m. The two groups
had met from 1 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. yester-
day. and then resumed in the evening at
7:30 p.m.
The major focus of the discussion yester-
day was expected to be the statement by
President Robben Fleming Friday night
that "funding;, for a 10 per cent enrollment
of blacks by 1973-74 is now assured."
The statement came after Fleming and
the. deans of the University's Schools and
colleges met, discussed the strike, and
agreed to attempt to fund the enrollment
goal on a unit by unit basis. Each dean
agreed to trim his budget and reallocate re-
sources to meet the enrollment goal.
A source close torthe talks said last night,
just before the start of the evening session,'
that communication bogged down after the
four-hour afternoon session, necessitating a
"I think everyone had decided they'd
stopped talking to each other," the source
The evening session was apparently more
productive. Another source close to , the
talks said after this session he felt the
negotiating was "nering the end." The
sources would not predict whether the dis-
pute would be settled today, however.
BAM leaders have scheduled a m a s s
meeting in the Union Ballroom tonight at
8 p.m., at which they say they will either
announce a settlement of the dispute, or call
for the resumption of the class strike tomor-
row morning.
A resumption of the class strike, if ac-
companied by disruptive or militant tactics.
could lead to a student-police confrontation
some observers predicted yesterday.
In his statement Friday, Fleming warn-
ed that both he and the faculty would not
tolerate further disruptions of University ac-
"Protection must be provided where the
rights of individuals are being interfered
with on campus," Fleming said. He said that
it was due only to "great restraint on the
part of all" that the actions of the past
week had been allowed to go unchecked.
z I #

After one week of the classroom strike
called by the Black Action Movement, a
limited survey of faculty members shows a
general sentiment of support for the BAM
However, many faculty members question
the strike as a means of securing approval
of the demands and express concern about
the classroom disruptions and violence that
have taken place during the strike.
The survey, which was taken yesterday,
followed a statement issued by President
Robben Fleming Friday night that "funding
for a 10 per cent enrollment of blacks by
1973-74 is now assured."
Also Friday, the literary college faculty
committed itself to the 10 per cent figure,
and Fleming negotiated withrepresentatives
of BAM Friday and yesterday.
Some faculty members said yesterday they
support both the BAM demands and the

Psychology Prof. Richard Mann, a mem-
ber of Radical College, said he supported
BAM's "aims, methods, and tactics," which
he thought were carried out with "a great
deal of discipline, good humor and soli-
Agreeing with BAM's demands and with
the strike, English Prof. Edwin Engel said
BAM "couldn't have gotten any firm com-
mitment without the strike. The adminis-
tration was dragging its feet." He maintained
that the state should share the responsibil-
ity in funding increased minority admis-
Other professors who were contacted sup-
ported the strike but not the violence that
has accompanied it.
Law Prof. Robert Knauss, vice chairman
of the Senate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs (SACUA), said he thought the
strike is "a perfectly proper tactic," but
added he was "extremelyrdistressed" about
the violence. He said the violence was "com-
pletely intolerable" and that it had cost
BAM some of its support.
Engineering English Prof. Stephen Stan-
ton backed the BAM demands but expressed
reservations abou~t the strike. "I think it's
legitimate under its original terms," he said,
"but I did not support the violence or de-
struction." Stanton said he believed such
activities "hurt the objectives" of the strike.
Several faculty m e m b'e r s reported a
change of feeling about the strike as the
week progressed. History Prof. John Eadie
said he wqs originally "not in favor of a
strike as a tactic" and continued to hold
classes on Monday. He anticipated a state-
ment from the administration, however,
and when no statement was issued, he can-
celled classes.
Eadie said he sympathized with the BAM~
proposals but did not sympathize with



may postpone



until fall

A decision to implement the controversial plans'
for construction of an intramural building funded
through a tuition increase will probably riot be made
before next fall, according to Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan Smith.
Smith says the delay can be attributed' both to a
lack of immediate need for the new building. and to
charges that the decision would be made during the
summer, in order to avoid student dissent.
He explainfs that the decision would be .delayed at
least until it becomes necessary to tear down Water-
man and Barbour Gymnasiums, which the new intra-
mural building would ]replace.

be provided by the state cannot be ignored, Smith
says. Hence, the earliest time a decision on intra-
mural construction could be made is after the State
Legislature gives final approval to the 1970 capital
outlay bill which is expected sometime this summer.
"If we can't make the decision while students are
still here in April, it won't be made before the fall,"
Smith says, adding, "I don't think I'm prepared to
recommend (adoption of the intramural plan) now."
The administration's tentative intramural p 1 a n
calls for a tuition increase of $7 for each term in an
academic year. to fund the construction of the new
intramural building. The increase, which would 'be
deferred until the facilities open, would be maintained

meural construction would not be acted upon until
April or May, when the Regents will consider, a general
tuition increase.
This statement was met with charges by SGC
President Marty McLaughlin that the delay is "an
obvious attempt to avoid being the brunt of student
Smith now says the adverse reaction from students
to acting on the intramural plan during the spring-
summer term has prompted him to reconsider the
timing of a decision.
There is little likelihood that the Legislatuft will
approve allocating funds to construct the new chem-
istry building because no such proposal was contained

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