.4C Air4Igaun Daily Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Seeking academic sanctuary cljrissiteele . 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich, News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors, This mnust be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN When string is necessary, there is something wrong WHEN IT TAKES striking, picketing and disrupting, by over 10,000 people to convince the leaders of an institution to reconsider a decision, something is woefully inadequate with that institution and its structure. Change) is essential for progress and when an institution refuses to yield to pressure for change, frustration inevit- ably results. The militant actions of the last week in support of black demands for increas- ed minority admissions is a good example of what can happen in such situations. Blacks have been urging increased mi- nority admissions for years. In 19P8 such a prograim was one of the general de- mands made by blacks who took over the LSA Bldg. (then the Administration Bldg.) THE CURRENT DRIVE for more black enrollment began late in January when blacks became'increasingly dissat- isfied with the lack of progress in this area. At the February Regents meeting representatives of the Black Action Move- ment presented an eloquent, convincing case for achieving ten per cent black en- rollment by 1973-74 along with necessary recruiting, counseling and financial aid services. The Regents failed to take any action on the plan until a month later. During that time, BAM worked completely with- in the system to get support and approval for its plan., WHEN THE REGENTS met on March 19 they,. approved, with pious state- ments on how concerned they were about solving the problem, a program that was totally inadequate to implement the black demands. The Regents set an "admissions goal" of ten per cent black enrollment by 1973- 74 but approved 4 ending only enough money tb possibly achieve the seven per cent projection originally outlined by the administration. It was only at this point that BAM de- cided on the escalated tactic of a class strike. Strikes have a long tradition in American history and are a recognized form of protest. The strike began on March 20 with peaceful picketing of the Honors Convo- cation and classrooms while BAM urged Fleming to reconsider the Regents' de- You can never tell LAST WEEK Richard M. Nixon broke the back of a postal workers' strike by bringing in the National Guard to sort and deliver the mail. Hopelessly unreliable sources have in- formed The Daily that the President, well pleased with that solution, is now plan- ning to send the Guard to the Univer- sity to attend classes. cision and to call the Regents into ses- sion. As Fleming's intransigence to commit- ting adequate University funds to imple- ment the black demands became appar- ent, protesters supporting the strike be- came more vociferous in urging students not to go to class on Tuesday. By the next day it seemed to many that Fleming and the Regents were trying to weather out the storm without taking ac- tion. The result was mass disruptions of classes that h a v e virtually closed the University down. THE POINT is that militant disruptive tactics were adopted only after Flem- ing and the Regents failed to take de- cisive action on demands which nearly everybody has agreed are reasonable and just. Time after time, in the history of this University, students have reluctantly had to take to the s t r e e t s to accomplish meaningful change. The 1966 student power demonstra- tions, the 1968 Administration Bldg. take- over and last September's bookstore sit- in all resulted in positive changes in the University and its policies. But w h y are demonstrations, strikes and boycotts the only way change can be accomplished? What this University needs are insti- tutionalized methods of producing quick, peaceful change. STUDENTS, faculty and administrators must create procedures that will per- mit change without violence and disrup- tion. As a first step, the Regents should be strongly urged to delegate more power to the people who make up the Univer- sity. The Regents are absentee landlords, out of touch with the campus and the students and faculty members who com- pose it. Their inadequate, misleading response to the just demands of the blacks was the main cause of the escalated disturb- ances that have wracked this campus in the last week. While the Regents put at least some credeice on the views of President Flem- ing aid the faculty, they have generally ignored student opinion in other than crisis situations. This must change. Sim- ilarly, the administration a n d faculty must also consider students' wishes. PRESIDENT ROBBEN FLEMING'S'fail- ure. to gauge the depth of feeling on this issue and his reluctance to issue a forthright statement on the inadequacy of the program approved by the Regents is regrettable. While Fleming is u n d e r tremendous pressures from all sides, he should in the future be more concerted a b o u t the opinions of the student body rather than using questionable tactics to 'save face for the Regents. The administration and faculty must initiate change rather than wait until it is forced upon them. It has been a tragic week. But if some method for changing the University without violence comes out of the havoc, it will have been well worthwhile. -DAVE CHUDWIN THE SENATE Assembly -meeting had already dragged on for more than three hours, trying to bring to a close the emergency session called Wednesday eveiing to consider possible faculty action in the strike over Black Action Movement demands. The debate h a d been long and frustrating. Members were beginning to mum- ble and talk among themselves. They weren't t o o happy about anything and they wanted to go home. But the floor was open to further comments. A professor stood and was rec- ognized. A young man with an astect of almost boyish innocence spoke softly and the group went dead silent. As John Kolars spoke his voice trembled and tears stood in his eyes. "I will teach my class" he said. "I love that class and I will teach it." He went on-to describe his feel- ings toward the strike and the is- sues that faced the University. He characterized himself as a liberal: "Not really a radical, but a lib- eral." He said he does not be- lieve the University is a racist inl stitution',- he said he would have to resign if he believed that was true. But he also described him- self as deeply committed to ach- ieving the ends of BAM. He is also deeply committed to negotiation and non-violence as means of social change. There- fore he feels he cannot condone or support coercion in any form- he feels he cannot support the strike. Kolars showed himself to be torn;by this dilemma - the desire to support the demands of the University's black and an in- ability to support their tactics. And he is achingly distressed by what the present controversy is doing to his world. He has come to dread going to his classes - each day wondering what new assault will be mounted against his continued teaching. "I think I lhave something important to say in that class" he said, and went on to repeat as he did many times what becomes almost a plea "I will teach my class." To demonstrate his dilemma and his distress over the -ondi- tion of the University Prof. Kolars announced to the meeting that from that time until the resolu- tion of the conflict he will match his time in the classroom with time standing in silent vigil in front of the Administration Bldg. For each hour he spends teaching he will spend another in protest. He will be protesting intransigence both on the part of students and on the par tof the administration. OTHER FACULTY members at the meeting were not so commit- ted to the BAM goals. Many were opposed to the use of the strike and, all appeared to be in opposi- tion to the peripheral disruptive tactics and "violence" which have marked several days of the strike. Many believed that the adminis- tration and the Regents had tak- en sincere and appropriate ac- tion in responding to the demands of BAM. S o m e of the faculty members there were striking their classes but most were not except those who did so under duress. But within this wide range of views Prof. Kolars' comments struck ap important common note. The faculty in general seems profoundly,. concerned by the use of what they consider coercive or violent tactics. And, what seems to be closely tied in their minds to that concern, they are anxious to return to, work. They want to get back to teaching and research - to return to the academic life. IN LAST WEEK'S New York* Times Magazine an article by New York University professor Irving Kristol described modern univer- sity faculty members as trying to be the aggressive leaders of social change. Kristol complains t h a t faculties everywhere are trying to foist off their own "collective in- telligence" on an unwilling public. He is highly critical of attempts to unite faculty or administration pressure to bring "benificent so- cial consequences" calling s u c h action "McCarthyism from t h e left." He concludes h i s article with a warning., "The collective responsibility of the university is education. That is its original mission, that is its original purpose, that is the only thing it can claim ex- pertise or authority for. To re- turn to' this original purpose, with renewed seriousness, would be an action at once radical and constructive." Whatever the situation at oth- er universities, the situation Kris- tol condemns so vehemently is far from the case here. Like Kolars, and unlike the faculty members Kristol describes, most of the fac- ulty seem primarily concerned for the continuation of the academic life. They do not want to become the arbiters of social morality. FOR SOME, the reason for such a concern seems to be a surfeit of involvement with student politics and related problems. Thus the comment from much harried Prof. Joseph Payne chairman of Sen- ate Assembly, who said on the way home after the. evening meeting that he wished we could "get back to a q u i e t University where I could do my teaching a.n d re- search." For others however, the desire to restore 'the formal learning at-. mosphere of the University is a result of the present conflict. At yesterday's LSA faculty meeting many professors phrased their suggested solutions in terms of ending the strike - giving the occasional vague impression that bringing peace to the campus weighed slightly heavier than making sure a ten per cent en- rollment of blacks was achieved. Prof. Bernard Galler called upon the college and the University to take action against the disrupters in order to "restore to normal" the academic process. And Gardner Ackley. former chairman of the Council of Eco- nomic Advisors and now a pro-, fessor in the department of eco- nomics, spoke in terms of the "de- struction of the educational sys- tem at Michigan." And he em- phasized repeatedly the "desire of the overwhelming majority of stu- dents to learn and the desire of the overwhelming majority of pro- fessors to teach." 'OPPOSED TO the idea of edu- cation in the minds of these and other faculty members is the use of coercive or disruptiv'e tactics. 'Nearly all the faculty members who spoke both at the Senate Assembly, meeting and at the LSA faculty meeting refered to such tactics under the general heading of violence. They view with horror the use of tactics which forcefully disrupt their teaching. Such ac- tion' does violence to their con- ception of themselves as teachers free to teach as they will. And, far from Kristol's analysis, ithey see the bringing of this political chal- lenge to the academic sphere as parallel to the reign of terror in- flicted on the universities in the fifties, by Senator Joseph Mc- Carthy. Whenever faculty mem- bers gather to discuss the present situation this parallel is drawn: the spector of left-McCarth'yism is very much in the minds of this University's professors. The faculty insist that the edu- cational process go on uninter- rupted. Their own self-meaning is found in that process and they cannot see it ended. THIS IS NOT to say that the faculty is not concerned for the, issues involved. On whatever side they align themselves 'f a c u 1 t y menbprs have shown they take the matter seriously. with a great deal of concern for what each considers a just solution. In gen- eral. this has meant an attempt to substantiate the commitment of the Regents to achieving a ten per cent enrollment of blacks by 1973-74. Prof. Gerhardt Weinberg reflected the views of many fac- ulty memb'ers when he explained at the LSA meeting that he be- lieves the Regents were sincere in their attempt to achieve that goal. He went on to say however. that action must be taken to restate often, and in different and clear terms the sincerity of the inten- tion of the University to achieve that goal. For that reason he, and other members of the faculty supported motions of both Senste Assembly and the faculty meeting intended to demonstrate more clearly that intention. THE FACULTY does want to reach a ten per cent enrollment figure and they believe that in order to do so they will have to sacrifice some of their own plans and programs. And twice they have demonstrated;in general mo- tions l at least, their willingness to do so. At both meetings there were even serious offers to invoke across the board cuts in salaries in order to fund inoreased black enrollment. The faculty, when scratched, is indeed liberal, or at least displays all the symptoms of liberal guilt on this particular issue. But it seems that they must be scratch- ed. It may seriously be wondered, as one faculty member asked at the LSA meeting, why the matter didn't come up in a regular meet- ing of the faculty a year ago or more. And the answer seems clear: The current controversy brought this flurry of resolutions and dis- cussion. It would not have taken place otherwise. THE FACULTY here, apparent- ly unlike the faculties at some other universities. seem to have accepted a role of seeking refuge from the political and social fray in their work. While they de- nounce vehemently the encroach- ment, of coercive political tech- niques on 'the sanctity of the classroom, they should also recog- nize that such encroachment will be forthcoming when they allow their sanctuary to harbor social injustice as well as academic freedom. 49 I. LETTERS TO T HE EDJTOR Support for the BAM demands broadens To 'the Editor: WE, THE UNDERSIGNE at the Institute for Soci search, express our support intent of the original dema the BAM regarding an incr the number of' Black studer supporting resources, and press our continuing concerr the conditions from -which demands grow. We have not joined the for various reasons, but As ternative demonstration ofs we are making a contribu one day's wages to the M: Luther King. Jr. Memorial Willard Rodgers Sidney Cobb Ernst Muellef John Lillibridge Jerald Bachman Jerome Johnston Stephen D. Withey Terrence Davidson M. S. Groncznack J. van der Schalie Jennie E. Partee Stanley Seashore Louis Dwarshius Jane E. Gruber Pat Williams Sang 0 Rhee Leslie Kish KarenBran Jean Harter Irene Hess Diana Danie John Scott Robert Hub Katherine P Allison Arsc Lloyd Johns Ursula Bran Rama Tripa Doiald N. P Carol A. Ma March 27 ISR mands of the Black Action Move- ment will not be an easy task, we believe that to ;eject them is to D staff ignore not only the needs of al Re- blacks, but to violate our highest of the beliefs as human beings and as nds of Christians. ease in Ed Steeb Karen Sobocinski its and Cheryl Gamble Larry Warsinski we ex- Al Wahnefried Ronald Fiepke Thomas Berry Candon McDonald n about David Kiehl D. Brechtelsbauer these Charles Schneider Carl Krueger Martha McCaughlin Dale R. Banks Shirley Wardell Adele Rittmueller strike Kathy Lamos W. Kutschinski an al- Bill Harpster Thomas Klammer support Miriam C. Otte Karen Klammer tion of March 27 artin Fund. Dissociation e To the Editor: don SINCE MONDAY we have held classes off campus in support of dle the Black Action Movement. We bard still support BAM goals, but wish . Rogin to dissociate ourselves from the ott strike because it has turned in- ton creasingly violent We believe that dt thi no ends are more important than elz right means. xwell It is our intention to return to classes on campus as soon as we ar confident that the class will be hapel safe from disruption. -Douglas C. Runnels y of a Satti Khanna nd the March 27 mem- Sociology theran To the Editor: kvenue, e Black WE, THE UNDERSIGNED stu- ,e that dents, staff and faculty of the reason- Sociology department, support the imple- BAM demands. In support of these sible. demands, we agree to strike by Lo a 11 ceasing the teaching and attending com- of classes and to limit our coopera- he de- tion in the normal functioning of this University\ until such time as 'the strike is terminated or the de- mands are met.kFurther, we have 'agreed to contribute up to 10 per cent of our daily average earnings in support of the Sociology Strike Fund. Pete Archibald Leslie Howard Fred Arnstein Roberta Keane E. Daniel Ayres Rex Leghorn Bruce Bostrom- Arthur Lerner Irene Bratton Kenneth Levi Charles Cell Frank Munger Ron Cohen Rich Ogmundson Robert E. Cole Jeff Pearson Johnnie Daniel Theodore L. Reed Jonathan L. Entin Barbara Rubinstein Roslyn Feldberg Frank Salomon Andrea Foote David Snyder John Fox Russ Stolzenberg John Ford Eleanor Strong Sarah Granger Dave Tarumote Susan Grad Charles TLilly BarryGruenberg Joann Vanek Howie Hammerman Laurie Vander velde Michael Harrison Diane Wright Harlan Himel March 27 English dept. To the Editor: THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS of the English Department sup- port the Black Action Movement demands and striketand will honor consultation, and a resource for information; to neglect the serv- ice we render may prevent the pro- jection of adequate service to the black students. However, we have and will continue to manifest our support. In view of the above it is re- spectfully submitted that the Uni- versity Administration take the necessary steps to insure that these demands are met. Janie Bowens Teresa Moers Mary Jo Beck Lynn Allison Shirley Mullen Arlene Fabrizio Ruby Taylor C"i'rFinger Robert H. Hauert Sandra McKinnie Leonard Scott Maury Lacher Joanne Lynch Gretchen G. Wilson Ted Turkle Paul M. Sianibo Nancy Hessler M. H. Samuelson Diane Annola George Sproule Carol Van Dyke Bill Dale t Charlotte Yablonky John Finn Jeanne Tashian March 27 Budgetary analysis, To the Editor- FLEMING'S "budgetary analy- sis" printed in Tuesday's Daily states that the Regents "were con- cerned about funds to meet the goal" of 10 per cent enrollment of blacks by 1973-74. He then lists the "complications" that he feels explain why the Regents "did not want to promise something which they might not be able to deliver." Martin Hirschman's a r t i c I e (Daily, Feb. 26), parts of which are reprinted in BAM literature, made many specific proposals for reallocation of funds. Consider- ation' of these proposals is central to the solution of financing the' BAM demands. involve a reordering of priorities on a University-widek basis. We also acknowledge'that each department must accordingly change its priorities: it is essential that th rs be created workable/ schemes for minority-group re- cruitment and continuing educa- tional and financial support for those recruited. Bruce Arden Nancy Moler Joyce Friedman Kip Moore Ha'vey L. Garner Jim Mortimer Eugene L. Lawler Paul Myslen'ski John Meyer Tom Schufior Michael H. O'MalleyPaul Scott Bernard P. Zeigler William D. William E. Linn Tajibnapis Susan Bloch Robert Taylor Norman Foe Raymond Ferrault T.,nis Paul Geller l1arch 26 Erik D. Goodman Sorority To the Editor: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED as- sociates of a University of Michigan undergraduate sorority, wish to demonstrate our full support for the Black Action Movement and its demands, which we find to be both feasible and justified. Sup- port must extend beyond verbali- zation; thus a donation will be given to the Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund. We urge oth- ers who feel similarly to partlci- 44 - IAN G. WRIGHT, Business Manager PHYLLIG HURWITZ CRAIG WOLSON Administrative Adv. Mgr Sales Manager DAVID BELL.... .......Circulation Manager VIDA GOLDSTEIN ..Personnel - Staff Co-ordinator MARK WALFISH ........Personnel - Recruitment AMY COHEN . .. ......................Finance NIGHT EDITORS: Rob Bier, Jim Beattie, Dave Chud- win, Stev Koppman, Robert Kraftowitz, Rick Per- loff, Lynn Weiner, Sharon Weiner. Lutheran C To the Editor: The following is a cop3 letter sent to the Regents a administration: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED bers of the University Lu Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw A support the demands of the Action Movement. We urg you accept these fair and r able proposals at once and ment them as rapidly as pos While we realize, as d members of the University munity, that fulfilling t picket lines. Thomas Appleby Denni Baron Sheridan Blau Alice A. Bloom Michael Brown Robert Brown I). Cathcart, Jr. C. L. Chua Richard M. Cook Diana Elizey Ed Engel Lincoln Faller Marvin Felheim Lemuel Johnson Ira Konigsberg \ Bob Lucas "John Marshall Nicolaus Mills J. E. Mullin . Alan D. Perlils John Raeburn John Rodenbeck David Robbins Steve Schwartz Gary Stein Carol Strickland Michael Ullman Elizabeth Wissman John Wright Joanne Zak March 27 i pate in "this or able way. some. other suit- N 'b 17 LE lai re~r CTY1 SHAT, r . T 0 615 Tll MO- M0-1 .,-r I MATM~ C-D{-A 1 l ~E~1~O) WMCRO t' tMN ?4 I z- '4 Rf C4 ?v To the Editor: WE, THE UNDERSIGNE ployees of the Office of S Affairs, are greatly distur the refusal of the Universi ministration to make a s commitment of at least 10 p black enrollment by the1 1973. It is of paramount i ance that the University A istration take whatever nec action to insure that this co ment is met. The refusal of the Univer fulfill its role of servicing people of .the State of Mi will no longer be tolerated 1 dents, staff, and faculty. The Administration has r to allocate adequate fundi a 10 per cent black enrollm the fall of 1973. However, ad funds are available if the t sity's general fund budget ties are reordered on a Univ wide scale. It is ironical th eral Departments, Schools Offices have explicitly state OSA NEITHER FLEMING nor the Regents have made any attempt to offer or deny Hirschman's facts. D em- Why? tudent --Alison Geballe bed at --Gail Loewenstein ty Ad- March 24 pecific per oet ercn Int'l Students fall of mport- To the Editor: kdmin- cessary AS FOREIGN and American mmit- students who are committed to an increase in dialogue and under- sity to standing among peoples of all cul- all the tures, we support the demands of achigan the Black Action Movement while by stu reserving the right individually to support their tactics.. We urge the Regents to act meaningfully upon 'efused those demands. ng for ent by -The Executive Committee equate International Students Univer- Association priori- March 25 Wendy Arons Sally Lambertson Sue Barofsky . Sue Lawrence Jill M. Beasley Sandy McCullough Carolyn Beauvais Mary McLoughlin Cindy Bennett Diane Nakauchi Dee Davis AnnParadiso Pat Drab Suzi Perren Andie Faldowski Juli Phillip Sug Hilardes Sue Remien Barb Kelly Kris Rowan Carolyn Kilkka Barbara Taylor Mary A. Krauseneck Josie Weirich Pat Kuba Ann Zwemer March 24 A&D To the Editor: AS 90 PER CENT of the stu- dents and faculty of the masters program in urban planning (A & D) we support the just demands of BAM. We further implore the Ragents and President Fleming to re-evaluate their. stand on the is- sues and make this University more relevant to the urban com- I unity. Julie Antill Jal Aria George Carlson Avery Chandler William Costantini Jerry Fawcett Larry Hartman Jeffrey Howard Aviva Kempner Jacqueline Kerr David Moses Mary Shields Alberto Saldarriaga Judith Silver Ja(ek Skiofsky Miriam Weixel ruce Baldwin ill Bunting Alice Bushong Serene Cohan James Cope Joel Epstei y Charles Landey Riehard Little Michael Rice Karen Sikkemia Thomas Borton Gerald Crane No bert Gorwic Kay Hoff Robert Stevens March 26 6-0M 0Mc' B zZ -OQKc PWA DC! PAT O M Mo l~ 'v ~sF6 t versity- at sev- s, and d that v t-'--'--'-"-"'1 ConephErer To the Editor: A l. f , \1 c --rt f I I W