See Editorial Page
1Mw igau
471 A6F
40 atly
Cloudy and cool,
possible snow
ol. LXXX, No. 145 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 28, 1970 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
News Editor
Negotiations between President Robben Fleming and
representatives of the Black Action Movement (BAM) pro-
duced "agreement on three or four general points," but failed
to lead to resolution of any of the major issues of the strike,
informed sources said yesterday.
Negotiations will resume today at 1 p.m. Meanwhile, BAM
spokesmen emphasize that the class strike has not been called
off, although there is a moratorium on striking this weekend.
A mass meeting has been scheduled for 8 p.m. tomorrow
night in the Union Ballroom. At this time, BAM leaders will
Acting yesterday in response to a plan put forward by
President Robben Fleming, the literary college faculty com-
mitted itself to funding a black enrollment level of 10 per
cent in the college by 1973-74.
The action, a commitment to the Black Action Move-
ment's major demand, virtually assures that the University
will be able to meet the enrollment goal.
The faculty action occurred as the BAM strike continued
into its sixth day. The LSA Bldg. was shut down for the entire
day, and food services in dorms were disrupted as union
workers refused to cross picket lines. Class attendance re-
mained low.
BAM spokesmen emphasized yesterday that the class
either announce a settlement
S upp&-ort
for RAM
Support for a University com-
mitment to increase black enroll-
~ent to 10 per cent by 1973-74
continued to grow yesterday as the
Black Action Movement s t r i k e
entered its sixth day.
on the BAM demands or, if
negotiations today p r o v e
fruitless, announce plans for
continuation of the strike.
"If this place does not meet our
demands, we will close it down
Monday," said Ed. Fabre, a BAM
The negotiations yesterday be-
gan after Fleming sent BAM an
explanatory letter as requested
Thursday by BAM. The letter
stated the action taken by the Re-
gents on increased black enroll-
ment at their March 19 meeting
was insufficient to guarantee
funding of the 10 per cent black
enrollment level by 1973-74.
"The Regents endorsed a 10
per cent goal," Fleming's letter
A group of employes from the said, "but guaranteed tne funding ,
Office of Student Affairs joined only at the 7 per cent level, saying
the BAM supporters, stating in a that every effort would be made
letter to President Fleming and to find the balance of the funds
,the Regents. "We are greatly dis- needed."
turbed at the refusal of the Uni- A BAM spokesman said that
versity administration to make a Fleming's statement was the ma- u
specific commitment of at least jor focus of discussion at the four-
10 per cent black enrollment by hour session yesterday afternoon. d
the fall of 1973." I He said it was a fairly satisfactory
Students, staff and faculty of statement that could, after the
the sociology department a 1 s o settlement of a few small differ-
~greed to strike by not attend- ences, provide a base for more
ing or teaching, classes until the xiiingatd
demands are met or the striko is At the negotiating session today.
terminated by BAM. They have the major topic of discussion is
also agreed to contribute up to 10 Expmcted to be the satement made
per cent of their daily average by Fleming last night that "fund-
earnings while the strike continues ing for a 10 per cent enrollment
to the sociology strike fund, of blacks by 1973-74 is now
The executive committee of the assured.s"1
tion announced support for the mital about both this statement by
BAM demands and called on the Fleming and an action by the lit-
Regents to "act meaningfully lipon erary college faculty pledging to
those demands." fund a black enrollment level of See related story, Page 3
Ninety per cent of the students 10 per cent by 1973.74.
and faculty of the masters t r o- "Any statement of a conclusive
p gram in Urban Planning of the nature would be premature at this By ART LCERNER
architecture and design school point. said a BAM spokesman. ex- and BOB SCHREINER
went on record as supporting the plaining that he would have to The strike called by the Black
"just demands of BAM." T h e y wait to see how negotiations pro- Action Movement reached a new
further "implore the Regents and gress today before assessing how stage yesterday as dorm food
President Fleming to re-evaluate close a settlement is. service virtually ceased and stu-
their stand on the issues and make "We haven't seen any figures dents kept the LSA Bldg. closed.
this University more relevant to yet." the spokesman said. Classroom attendance remained
the urban community." BAM leaders were more explicit, low and operations at numerous
Members of the staff of t h e however, when commenting on central campus buildings ended.
Highway Safety Research Institute the manner in which Fleming At a mass meeting in Rackham
urged the Regents "to agree to chose to make his statement - Aud, an overflow crowd heard
these (BAM) demands, and to im- before a room full of television BAM leaders say that the strike
plement as soon as possible t h e and newspaper reporters without will continue until BAM believes
changes required to increase min- consulting BAM first. an adequate agreement has been
ority enrollment to the level indi- "The University cannot use the reached with University officials.
cated by BAM." media to co-opt the Black Action Food service was discontinued
See ADDITIONAL, Page 8 See PARLEY, Page 8 in almost all University dormi-
lents block an entrance tot he LSA Bldg.
servic e,
strike will continue until a
f i n a 1 settlement is reached,
and said they expect to con-
tinue negotiations with Flem-
ing today on BAM's 12 de-
The pledge was made at a
heavily attended special meeting
of the college faculty called by
Dean William Hays following a
morning meeting between Flem-
ing and the deans of all the Uni-
versity's schools and colleges.
At that meeting, Fleming out-
lined a plan for funding a Univer-
sity-wide enrollment level of 10
per cent by .1973-74. The plan
called on each school and college
to commit itself to allocating Its
share of the money necessary to
accomplish this.
Following the action by the lit-
erary school and a second meet-
ing with all the deans. Fleming
issued a statement last night say-
ing that each of the deans had.
agreed to utilize "budgetary pro-
cesses and the allocation of re-
sources u n d e r his control to
achieve 10 per cent enrollment in
the University by 1973-74."
Fleming also said in his state-
ment that, along with their pledge
to fund the black enrollment in-
crease, the deans expressed a "un-
animous view that the disruption
on campus must cease, and that
protection must be provided where
the rights of individuals are being
interfered with on campus."
Calling the disruptions of the
last few days "intolerable" Flem-
ing said it was due only to "greatt
restraint on the part of all" that
the actions had' been allowed to
go unchecked by civil authorities.
The LSA faculty unanimously
approved a resolution which
pledges the college to work with
' the University to achieve the en-
rollment goal, with the under-
standing that it will locate funds
within its own budget which can
be used for this purpose.
BAM leaders last night did not
c o m m e n t specifically on the
Hays presented the resolution,
already unanimously approved by
the college's executive committee,
See LSA, Page 8
Senate Assembly and several
schools and colleges besides the
literary school have passed resolu-
tions in the past three days sup-
porting the demands of the Black
Action Movement and committing
themselves to plans for their im-
Assembly's resolution, which was
passed unanimously Wednesday
night, calls for a "clear commit-
ment" by the faculties of schools
and departments' to the attain-
mentof at least 10 per cent black
enrollment by 1973-74. It is at
this level, the resolution explains,
that admissions and budgetary de-
cisions are made.
The social work school and the
engineering college have so far set
forth the most comprehensive
policies for increased black enroll-
The faculty of the social work
school has pledged it will "support
a further reallocation of budgetary
priorities in the school in order to
assist the University to achieve at
least 10 per cent black enrollment
by 1973-74."
The social work school's resolu-
tion also contains plans for a stu-
dent-faculty committee to oversee
minority recruitment, admissions,
and scholarships, and for cur,-
riculum changes to make the
school's program more relevant to
The executive committee of the
engineering college has stated its
commitment to "intensivelyseek
out prospective -black students for
admission at the freshman, trans-
fer, and graduate level, so that in
the fall of 1971 10 per cent of all
new admissions will be black stu-
See SCHOOLS, Page 8
tories yesterday when University bers were on duty and residents' At about 7:15 a.m., when the
employes respected student picket prepared their own meals. No cafeteria was scheduled to open,
lines. It was unclear yesterday meals were s e r v e d at Mosher- Markley Director Joseph Ross-
whether workers who stayed away Jordan, but students were told meier notified those students pres-
from their jobs would lose their they could eat dinner at Markley. ent that no breakfast would be
pay a At Alice Lloyd workers initially served.
At both South and West Quads
a vast majority of workers volun-
tarily refused to cross student
picket lines and no meals were
served all day long.
No meals were served at Betsy
B a r b o u r and Helen Newberry
either. At Bursley, a partial break-
fast was served, but no lunch or
did not cross the picket lines, but
employes did serve meals there
later. Students reported that no
dinner was served at Couzens and
no meals at all were served at East
Food service was also tempor-
arily discontinued at the Michigan
At most dorms on campus, all-
Early in the morning, strikers
formed picket lines around the
LSA Bldg. The interior of the
office building remained deserted
throughout the day, as the pickets
maintained their presence around
all the entrances.
Meanwhile, class attendance at
the University remained at a low!
level yesterday. as the strike
moved through its sixth full day.
It appeared that many students
See FOOD, Page 8
Uniting to be aware of j
At M a r k 1 e y and Stockwell, night gatherings of strikers were
"cheap" dinners were served, ac- held in the lobbies and lounges.
cording to one student, consisting Thursday night and yesterday
of beans and soup. morning. Over 250 persons met at
At Martha Cook no staff mem- j 4:30 a.m. in the Markley cafeteria,
- - - wi h about 150 each at Stockwell
and Mosher-Jordan.
The students were up at the
early hour to encourage dorm
workers, including cafeteria staff.
janitors and receptionists, to sup-
por t the strike.
rrr__._Picket lines were set up at all
possible entrances to the dorms by
differing views on what a "lib- 4:45 a.m. When a dorm worker
man is, members of the group arived he was asked toasupport
d to work on educating the pub-. the strike and handed a leaflet
Mightof wmen.exnlaining the DAM demands.
light of women. Most workers seemed to be ob-
omen's liberation members are serving the picket lines. A handful
research projects at the Ui- of workers, however, told the stu-
dents that they were sympathetic
ve started on a general survey to the demands but were forced to
I and external conflicts among work from necessity. They passed
races," Roz Daley, a psychology through the picket lines without
nt. explains. incident.
anected to the University is a By 6:30 a.m. it was apparent
.. that nnlv a handful of cafeteria
"Women's liberation helps you realize
that you are a woman and makes you more
aware of yourself as one," says Beth
Schneider, a member of the organization.
Wonen's liberation has been active in
Ann Arbor for about two years, but only
in the past year has the group become a
cohesive force. Small groups of women
had been meeting periodically, but it was
not until last January that a steering com-
niftt wmy; forimed with representatives
Another group within women's liberation
is working for abortion law repeal and free
availability of abortions for all women,
regardless of financial status, marital posi-
tion, race or age. This group has gone to
several state legislative hearings making
statements and presentations.
Women's liberation has- also supported
the strike against Detroit's Fruehoff
Trailer Corp. in an attempt to unionize
clerical workers, most of whom are women.
While working to "free" women ideas on
erated" wo
have unite
lie to the p
Some w
involved in
"We hav
of internal
sexes andT
grad stude
Also con