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March 26, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-26

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Pane Eight


Thursday, March 26, 1970

Pa~je Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, March 26, 1970

Support for BAM class strike
grows in faculty, student groups

Fleming meets with
black faculty, staff

(Continued from page 1)
BAM spokesmen said last night

(Continued from page 1)
"that the actions of the Regents
have made a strike necessary."
The group agreed to honor the
picket. lines and also voted to "call
upon all members of the Univer-
sity to do the same," adding that
the department "will take no puni-
tive action against any of its
teachers, students or staff for
The black students, faculty and
staff of the public health school
expressed concern about social
crises affecting the nation. They
said that the BAM demands, "if
met by firm commitment instead
of as 'goals,' will enable minority
students to contribute with more
relevance, to the solutions of these
social problems."
Radical College last night pass-
ed a resolution "to serve notice
that any reprisals taken now or
later against people who support
the strike, no matter what posi-
tion they hold in the University,
will be sufficient reason for Radi-
cal College members taking strong
action, to protect these people's
Six members of the Institute'
for Social Rsearch Policy Com-
mittee issued a statement in sup-
port of the demands and called
for a re-opening of negotiations
between BAM and the University.
Fourteen members of the re-
search staff of the Center for
Human Growth and Development
said yesterday. "We not only agree
with the, demands of the black
students. but also encourage their
involvement on an equitable basis
within the entire University com-
A spokesman for the music
school told 100 students and fac-
ulty members yestrday that ethe
school expects a 50 per cent in-
crease of black enrollment this
fall and in the next two years ex-

pects the school to surpass the 10
per cent goal.
Other faculty groups were less
committed to the demands.
A spokesman for the journalism
department said that it is the'
policy of the department for pro-'
fessors to always hold classes. He
pointed out, however, that if no'
one shows up for a class, the pro-
fessor will go home.
In a memorandum to faculty
and students of the engineering
school, Dean Gordon J. Van Wylen
claimed the school has made ef-
forts to recruit black students.
"During the course of this day,
I have met with black engineering
students," he said. "As the result
of these discussions, the Executive
Committee of the College, jointly
with the Black Engineering So-
ciety, has made a commitment to.
intensively seek out prospective
black students for admission at
the freshman, transfer, and grad-
uate level, so that in the fall of
1970 10 per cent of all new ad-
missions will be black students."
Approximately 50 political sci-
once faculty and students decided
it is "irresponsible" to increase
minority enrollment to' 10 per cent
so long as there are not enough
funds to undersign that goal.
No collective decisions were
made as to what action the depart-
ment will take in regard to the
student strike.
Several student groups also an-
nounced support for the strike
and for BAM'demands yesterday,
but one group of students from
a chemistry 106 lecture withdrew
their support after disruptions
occurred in the Chemistry Bldg.
early yesterday morning.
Graduate Assembly last night
fully endorsed the BAM demands
and "encourages the administra-
tion, faculty and Regents to make

that if Fleming "takes the in-
a firm commitment on these de- itiative" and issues the statement,
mands," the group will consider meeting
Following the black faculty and with him and discussing the de-
staff of the education school, the mands.
governing faculty and a majority At the meeting, Fleming was
of the teaching fellows, the Stu- asked to set up a task force of
dents for Educational Innnovation black faculty members and stu-
called for "our fellow students to dents to review University finances
support the strikeLand not to cross and suggest where money can be
the picket lines. procured for implementation of
Speaking for the entire organ- the BAM demands.
ization ten members of the New- Fleming was also asked to direct
man Student Association also re- the deans of the University's
leased a letter supporting the schools and colleges to change
strike on behalf the entire organ- their priorities. Fleming did not
ization. And the executive board make any commitment on either
and director of the Hillel Founda- of the demands. nI
tion announced that "We believeB In the statement last night,
that justice requires satisfaction BAM leaders blasted Fleming. The
from the Board of Regents on stu- BAM statement said that Fleming
dent demands for adequate schol- has now "admitted" that "he and
arship funds, supportive services the Regents have never been con-
and student recruitment of black m sidering a black enrollment of
students. more than seven per:cent."
" s
AtUendance Admissions
drive urged
do URn %

(Continued from page 1) j
Others urged students attending
classes- to join the picket lines.
Many professors have postponed
exams and papers until after the
strike, or have stated that there
will be no penalty against striking
students. Others, however, are at-
tempting to hold classes as usual.
T h e economics department
closed down yesterday after groups
of students demonstrated within
the economics bldg. Department
chairman Harvey Brazer said the
department will be closed until
"conditions are conducive to learn-
ing and teaching."
A meeting will be held this mor-
ning at 7:30 on Regents Plaza to
discuss further strike activities.

(Continued from page 1)
ulties within each school and col-
lege retain the option of reducing
their salary increases for the 1970-
71 fiscal year.
Last night's meeting was hur-
riedly called by the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA), Assembly's ex-
ecutive body. following a day of
meetings between the executive
officers. SACUA members, and
several deans concerning the mi-
nority admissions issue and the
current class strike.
Some of the faculty members
attending the meeting expressed
considerable concern with what
they believed to be violent aspects
of the class strike.
Education Prof. Joseph Payne,
chairman of - Senate Assembly
emphasized that in his judgment,
members of BAM were attempting
to keep the strike non-violent, and
attributed the violence to some
of BAM's supporters.
Speaking before Assembly, Dar-
ryl Gorman, a member of BAM

It added that his failure to set
up the task force or to issue a
directive to the deans on budgct-
ary priorities would necessitate an
acceleration of the strike.
While Fleming met with the
black faculty, a n o t h e r closed
meeting took place in the LSA
Bldg. which included most of the
vice presidents, deans and Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA).
Emerging from the meeting.
Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont said
the group was discussing "what
to do about the situation on cam-
pus." He would not say whether
the thrust of the discussion cen-
tered around meeting the black
demands or a r o u n d security
The complete text of BAM's
statement follows.
"At last, Mr. Fleming's crude
attempts at public deception have
been clearly exposed. Today in an'
open session (fittingly held in the
Regent's Room) with black faculty
and staff, Mr. Fleming ad1mitted
that he and the Regents had never
been considering a black enroll
ment of more than 7 per cent for
fall of 1973. He and his public
relations facilities have been de-
liberately misleading all who are
ignorant enough to be taken in
by anything the president of a
university would say.
"Because of his admission a#'cn1
because of the fact that ne has
never specifically dealt with the'
BAM demands item by item and
has neither set up the task force
of black faculty and students to,
examine the budget nor directedf
the deans and department leads
to rearrange their internal bud-
getary priorities. the strike activi-
ties will not continue, they will be
"Further, the reality of racist
intellect will be dealt with sum-
marily wherever it exists in the
University community."
I' At

Fire hits Angell
Continued from page 1)
the 2 p.m. class in the auditorium
was cancelled as a result of the
Univei sity employes. apparently
it the orders of the Plant Depart-
innt, were also removing the
granite blocks which had formed
decorative bases a r o u n d the
trees on the Administration Bldg.
grounds. The blocks, which the
administration apparently believes
are potentially dangerous when
students hold rallies in the area,
were replaced with wood chips.
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AGE 16
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Strikers enter U' buildings



to stage class disruptions

(Continued from page 1) The Regents last Thursday'
create more noise. The entire voted for "an admissions goal" ofs
group then went to a Law Quad 10 per cent black students byc
cafeteria, where the demonstra- 1973-74. However, BAM called thet
tion broke up. action "a hoax and a fraud" and
The blacks in the crowd attend- asked for a firm commitment-t
ed a closed meeting at South Quad rather than a promise-on black
while the rest of the group gath- enrollment, more recruiters, coun-1
ered on the Law Quad lawn for a' seling and financial aid.
short rally before trickling back BAM leader Ed Fabre said that!
to the Diag. some \parts of the University wereC
operating near normally, despite
A group of up to 2,000 people oprtn ~ernomly ept
was scattered there and at bout the strike. You know what hass
.,1 :4 p~. te cownentredtheto be done," he said.
.12:5 pm, he rownentredthe "We started a strike, we pickedC
Chemistry Bldg. where they con-upamv enadnow'egtC
tinued the shouting, chanting ands ds up ar vemnt ad wwe
banging cans that characterized Following the rally, about 1,000
the morning protests. of the protesters treked to the
The demonstrators then moved business administration s c h o o I
to the Nat. Sci. Bldg. where they where they disrupted classes, with
snaked through the corridors be- additional shouts and noises.
fore listening to a BAM leader out- a nwhe, an oup o lacks
side the building. Mawie ru fbak
"A lot of people think we're gathered at the main entrance of
"A ot f .peole hin werethe Economics Bldg. and began to
destructive, but we want to shut thevEno ldgm aneg to
teUniversity down for a reason," prevent people from entering to
the Unackrstydenferpainedso attend classes. Economics depart-t
the black student explained to ment chairman Harvey Brazer
the crowd. then announced to the crowd.
Subsequently hundreds of pep- "Classes will not be held in this
pie left the Diag area for the W. building until the department de-
Engineering Bldg. where classes termines that conditions are con-
were disrupted for the second time ducive to learning and teaching."
during the day. The huge crowd The mass of protesters then!
finally flocked to Regents Plaza reached the Diag and, after a brief
for the mass rall. pause,,they entered the Angell-
While BAM and black faculty Mason Hall complex. Marching
representatives met with Fleming through the corridors, they dis-
and .Vice President and Dean of rupted a number of classes.
Graduate Studies Stephen Spurr At about 3:30 p.m. the 500 re-
in the Administration Bldg.. num- maining demonstrators marched
erous speakers addressed the to the LSA Bldg. before proceed-
crowd in the plaza. ing down the middle of State St.!
Representatives of International to the Frieze Bldg.
Socialists, Students for a Demo- Two Ann Arbor policemen wear-
cratic Society, Pilot Program, Res- ing riot helmets accompanied the
idential College, ENACT. Young procession down the street. At the
Democrats and Radical College ex- Frieze Bldg. the noise continued
pressed support for the strike, as the protesters walked through
along with students from several the building,
schools of the University. Returning up State St. the
After the conclusion of the group marched to Fleming's house
meeting with Fleming, anthropo- on S. University before entering
logy Prof. Gloria MarshNl ad- the Undergraduate Library. By
dressed the crow of more than this time the number of protesters
1,500 people on behalf of the black had dropped to about 200.
faculty. The crowd banged on cans as
"We told President Fleming, 'We they marched around the first
want you to know that these de- floor of the UGLI before dispers-!
mands are our demands,'" Pof. ing.
Marshall said. "'We are not going At approximately 4:30, howev"2r,
to let the University get away with a small group of black students,
hypocrisy.' " including some BAM leaders. had
She said budget figures proposed "car trouble" in the intersection
by the University to pay for h.- of S. State St. and S. University
creased black admissions were in-- Ave Thev j.acked up a yellow

parently had "cAr trouble" at the!
same intersection. They stopped,
opened the hoods of the cars, and
began to examine them.
By 5 p.m., traffic was backed
up in three directions around the
intersection, and a crowd of near-
ly 150 bystanders had stopped to
At 5:25, when nearly 300 stu-
dents had gathered at the inter-,;
section, two Ann Arbor Police
squad cars arrived on the scene-.
The six policemen huddled
quietly for a moment, then made
a call to headquarter~s, informinig
them of the situation. Within two
minutes, three wreckers arrived on
the scene.
Three of the six cars in the in-
tersection were towed to the police
pound. The drivers will be charged;
$25. a police officer said.
Earlier in the day, a group of
about 65 persons-Women's Lib-
eration members and employes of
the Institute for Social R"search
(ISR)-picketed the ISR building
on Thompson St. to support tlhe

and Student Government Council
accused President Robben Flem-
ing and the Regents of misrepre-
senting the regental plan by stat-
ing they were committed to a goal
of 10 per cent black enrollment by
1973-74 with funds for 7 per cent.
i I I

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Monday Noon

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9e P, IBTY

adequate to produce even a seven f
per cent black enrollment. Thea
seven per cent figure was the goal
originally proposed by the admin- t
Prof. Marshall said the planc
approved last Thursday by the
Regents provides most of the ne-
cessary money from outside con-
"The difference is money," she
told the crowd. "We want a pro-'
gram that will deal seriously with
this problem."

Buick and began to examine it.
asking bystanders if they "knew
anything about cars" or had tools,
to lend them.
Within 10 minutes, four other
cars, all driven by blacks, ap-

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