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March 26, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-26

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Page Six


Thursday, March 26, 1970

/-4., KI



Grapplers vie for
By PAT ATKINS I Oklahoma State, strong in all its
Executive Sports Editor dual meets this season, lacks the
When the NCAA wrestling individual talent of the Cyclone
championships begin today at squad and that weakness may hurt
Northwestern's McGawIHalltherethe first place bid. Michigan State,
wi he another machine runninlg a 17-16 victim of Oklahoma

NCAA honors

ll ''


in addition to the scoreboard.
IOWA' STATE'S Dan Gable,
after more than 170 consecutive
dual meet wins-more than 100 of
them by falls, for obvious reasons
has been named "The Machine."
Gable, whose varsity record is
95-0, will be one of six returning
1969 NCAA champions competing
this year.j
Two of his teammates, Jason
Smith at 167 and Chuck Jean at
177, are also 1969 champions. This
individual strength, despite the
Cyclones loss to second-ranked
Oklahoma State, has kept Iowa
State as light favorites in the tour-
nament. Another Cyclone, 1969
runner-up Dave Martin, has a 21-
1 record and could take the 158
The other three returning NCAA
champions are 118-pounder John
Miller from Oregon, heavyweight
Jess Lewis from Oregon State, and
Oklahoma's Mike Grant at 150.

State's due to the Cowpokes' 11
point come-from-behind rally,
ranks third in the tournament
MICHIGAN will enter eight
wrestlers, including their return-
ing 1969 NCAA third place fin-
isher, 167-pounder Jesse Rawls.
Big Ten runner-up this year at
118, Jerry Hoddy will be entered
in the lead-off position, while Big
Ten champion Tim Cech will
wrestle in the 126 division. Others
will be Mark King at 142, Lane
Headrick at 150, Tom Quinn at
158, Therlon Harris at 177, and
Rick Bolhouse at heavyweight.
Michigan finished second to
Michigan State in national com-
petition during the Midwest Open
held at the beginning of the sea-
son placing above both Iowa State
and Oklahoma State.
However in the Big Ten tour-
nament Michigan State didn't
have the handicap of facing both
Iowa State and Oklahoma State
and consequently ran way from
al competition, including Michi-
gan, setting a meet record with 95
It won't be quite so easy for the
Spartans in the nationals. Big Ten
champion at 135 Tom Milkovich is
MSU's strongest bid for a first
place. Any other year State's Keith
Lowrance would have an easy time
taking the 142-pound champion-
ship, but the presense of Gable,
who pinned Lowrance in the Mid-
west Open, virtually means that
{ he will have to take a second.
THE THREE other positions{


The athletic board:
In need of revision
Sports Editor
HE ELECTIONS for the open position on the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics are over, but the need
for a complete restructuring of the board still remains.
The athletic board - the business and financial arm of
the athletic department - is notable as being one of the most
anachronistic and unrepresentative decision-making bodies on
campus. While many other bodies are moving towards "student
parity" the athletic board can claim only two student repre-
sentatives out of a total membership of 14.
Even more disturbing than the lack of student representa-
tives on the board is the fact that there are more alumni
representatives on the board than there are students. With three
voting members on the board, the alumni, who merely view
the athletic facilities, have more say in how those facilities are
employed than the students who use them.
INDEED, IT is difficult to justify the presence of alumni
on any University decision-making body, and the athletic board
is no exception. The traditional reasons given for the presence
of alumni on the board-that they have a strong tie to athletics
that they contribute a substantial amount of money to the
athletic program - simply do not justify that presence.
Alumni ties to the athletic program bear faint resemblanceO
to the ties of a substantial number of the students on this
campus. Alumni are concerned with churning out winning teams
in the varsity sports and they have demonstrated little know-
ledge, and even less interest, in non-varsity athletics on this
Given the fact that under the Regents by-laws, the Dept.
of Athletics is charged with the responsibility for administering
" ... a comprehensive program of physical health and develop-
ment for students and faculty, and for (providing) the necessary
staff, grounds and equipment" the presence of alumni on the
board seems dys-functional as well as inequitable.
THE SECOND traditional reason - that alumni give fin-
ancial support to the athletic program - is even more tenuous.
Alumni contribute money because they want to, because they
get satisfaction from it, and maybe even because their con-
tributions are tax deductable. They are not taxed, as students
are, through general fund monies that come out of student fees,
and for this reason, too, they have no claim to sit and vote on
the athletic board.


-Daily-Thomas R. CopiI


where Michigan State has power
are matched again by Iowa State
wrestlers. At the successive posi-
tions of 158, 167, and 177, the
Spartans have Tom Muir, Pat
Karslake, and Jerry Malacek. But
the Cyclones have Martin, Smith,
and Jean. Spartan Jack- Zindel,
first in the Big Ten, will be fight-
ing for honors at 190 with Okla-
homa State's top prospect, Geoff
Oklahoma State's other expect-
ed point-getters are Ray Stapp at
118, Jerry Winnard at 177, and
Jerry Sherk at heavyweight. Ron
Thrasher at 126 and Mike Riley

at 134 could also add to the Cow-
pokes' team score.
Oregon State has potential with
Lewis at heavyweight, and help
from 134-pounder Roger Weigel
and 158-pounder Kim Snider, but
has yet to face really rugged com-
Iowa (third in the Big Ten
tourney), Cal Poly, Oklahoma,
Navy, and Lehigh will be aiming
for a place in the top ten.
Meanwhile Iowa State, Okla-
homa State, and Michigan State
will be battling for the top three





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BUFFALO, N.Y. (R') - In the
quiet of his hospital room, All-
American Bob Lanier signed a
contract yesterday with the De-
troit Pistons of the National Bas-
ketball Association claimed to be
worth more than $1.5 million for
five years of play.
Shortly afterward, the 21-year-
old St. Bonaventure center beamed
as he told newsmen "I'm well
satisfied. I'm ready to go."
Lanier, however, must wait
awhile before playing basketball.
His right leg will be in a cast for
another four weeks, to aid sur-

Lanier inks Piston contract

122 E. Washington

gery he underwent for repair of
torn knee ligaments. He was in-
jured March 15 in the Bonnies-
Villanova NCAA eastern regional
Lanier's estimated $1.5 million-
plus, five-year, no-cut contract
will be paid over a 5-year period.
It is more than $100,000 higher
than the $1.4 million reported to
have lured Lew Alcindor to the
Milwaukee Bucks of the NBA, and,
according to Lanier's lawyer, the
largest ever given a professional
athlete in this country.
By signing with Detroit, Lanier
reportedly turned down a $2-mil-
lion package offered him by the
American Basketball Association's
New York Nets.
"I went to the NBA because of
prestige, better competition and
security," Lanier said.
Lanier never has played against
Alcindor, an All-American at
UCLA, but said "I'm looking for-
ward to it."

T h e 6-foot-11, 265-pounder
signed the contract with Ed Coil,
Detroit general manager.
Normal Blass, Lanier's lawyer,
explained that it was a cash con-
tract, compared with the funded
contract offered by the Nets.
Under the Nets' pact, Blass said,
much of the $2 million would have
been invested in annuities and
some would be paid in retirement
Lanier said he expected to leave
the hospital in a day or two and
to use crutches.
His rehabilitation, he said from
a wheelchair, probably will begin
a few weeks after the cast is re-
During his collegiate career,
Lanier scored 2,067 points in 75
games for an average of 27.5 per
game. His height and leaping
ability enabled him to get 1,180

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Daily Official Bulletin
(Continued from Page 2)
May 1, at Diploma Office, 1518 LS&A
Bldg. Remaining tickets will be dis-
tributed from Crisler Arena ticket of-
fice after 9:15 a.m., May 2. ACADEMIC
COSTUME: May be rented at Moe Sport
Shop, 711 N. Univ. Place orders immed-
At 9:30 a.m. in area east of Stadium.
VITATIONS, ETC.: Inquire at desk in
first floor lobby of LSA. COMMENCE-
MENT PROGRAMS: To be distributed
at exercises. DISTRIBUTION OF DI-
PLOMAS: Diplomas conferred as of
May 2, 1970, may be called for at Room
514, LS&A, May 26 - June 3. Medical
School diplomas will be distributed Sr.
Class Night exercises, June 12; F lii n t
College, diplomas at convocation June
9; Dearborn Campus diplomas at Dear-j
born Campus graduation exercises June

14; Law School diplomas after June 26
Rm. 1518 LS&A. Dental School diplomas
distributed at Dent. Sch. exercises, Class
Day, May 9. Candidates who qualify
for Ph.D. or similar degree from Grad-
uate School and who attend the com-
mencement exercises will be given hood
by the University as part of the cere-
Placement Service
3200 S.A.B.
Interviews at SPS:
Camp Tamarack, Fresh Air Soc., Det. 4
cabin couns., spec. wtrfrnt., arts & crafts,
nature-campcraft tripping, dramatics,
dance, music, unit and asst unit supv.,
caseworker, truck-bus drivs., couns. for
emotionally disturbed (M), Marionette
theater couns., kitchen poter (M); uni-
versity credit avail.



Poslers from the Revolution:M
The French Student-Worker Revolution
of May 1968, expressed itself most clearly
and vividly through the remarkable series
of wall posters which appeared all over
Paris in defiance of police orders. Com-
missioned by faculty members and strik-
L ing' workers, they were created at the
Atelier Populaire, set up in the Ecole des
Beaux Arts.. Of the 197 posters produced,
96 appear in large 11" x 16" reproductions
in their original colors.
the accompanying text includes:
" A concise statement of the aims of
t i1the revolution
* A statement of'the activist role of the
Atelier Populaire in support of the
revolution through the creation of
~pNIP ~ o.'v.:.:-y.a.,yaposters and other art forms
........:... ....... .. . .. . hwt. 4 . : ... .c ... . .: r X .4?:Yb.:.*>~"w:y.; . ...............w a ll
+.A chronology of events of the revo-
lution accompanied by small-format
reproductions of all 197 posters issued
PLUS-a section on how to make and
print wall posters by the silk screen





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