STUDGNT 1OOK S\RVIC Spring Clearance Sale All Week EVERYTHING Greatly Reduced in Price Thousands of books from 5c up! 1 I page ithree 94C £Iitip!3a11 Z!tiy NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Thursday, March 26, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three I Student Government: Does anybody care? I By CARLA RAPOPORT "I don't care about it." "If it isn't in the Daily, I don't know what it does." "Isn't Marty what's-his-face the president?" Student Government Council elec- tions ended yesterday while one junior outside the undergraduate library said, "I don't know who's running and I couldn't care less." In a survey of thirty randomly se- lected students last week, over 50 per cent admitted that they did not know enough about Council to answer any questions about it. Another 25 per cent said they were satisfied with the job it was doing but could not give any reasons why, or point to any specific actions taken by Council in the past year. Half of the students said they had voted in the last SGC election, al- though one freshman said "The only reason I voted was because I was in the library that day." Several students said they knew present Council members and pro- ceeded to name members from two or three years ago. And one girl insisted that a Tommie Gilbert is on Council. In fact, there is no Council member by that name. Students who felt qualified to an- swer questions on Council seemed split on Council's effectiveness. A nursing student said she believed SGC was too detached from the stu- dents to be an effective student gov- ernment. "The way things are," said one grad- uate student, "SGC will never be ef- fective because students will never be given true power." Another nursing junior merely said, "They are a non-functioning, non-ef- fective group." Other students said they believed SGC was effective but that its power is so limited that it could not do any- thing. "SGC is an successful group in that it has given part of the students a unified voice. However, that doesn't do much good because nobody listens anyway," one LSA sophomore said. Yet many lauded SGC's leadership concerning the bookstore issue last fall. "The bookstore was a major first step," a sophomore in engineering said, "but they didn't follow it up," The more optimistic students saw SGC as at least an effective voice for students. "It has legitimacy which the Regents and Fleming can't ignore," a freshman said, "Council is definitely effective. Not only do they talk but they throw their weight around at Regents meetings and other places. Even its president is active on campus," a senior in the education school said. "They are a beginning of what could grow to a power," a graduate student said. "They dpfnitely have a potential." HOMECOMING 1970 NOW ACCEPTING PETITIONS for CENTRAL COMMITTEE petitions available 2nd floor Union, UAC office I i the ne ws today by The Associated Press and College Press Service All petitions due MARCH 31st, 5:00 P.M. a :1 CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYERS in and out of government con- tended yesterday ambiguities in President Nixon's school state- ment threatened to slow down or even halt administrative desegre- gation in the South. They asserted several of his new enforcement principles could work against the President's vow that official or de jure school segregation must be eliminated immediately. "Every commitment is qualified, every requirement is distorted, and every pledge is limited," said former civil rights chief of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Louis Panetta. Panetta was ousted by the White House last month for alleged excessive zeal in enforcing desegregation. NYC mailmen return to work NEW YORK UP) - With troops moving the mails and un- ions facing heavy fines, postal workers here yielded yesterday and agreed to go back to work, thus bringing America's first postal strike to a virtual end. They did so after their leaders told them union executive boards had agreedto accept a proposed congressional bill providing for a 12 per cent wage hike, a government-paid health benefit program and regional cost-of-living differen- tials. Congress has refused to debate the bill while strikers %x~an dil nf +Iin ih r I kll BEDAZZLED The Faust story updated by Peter Cook, Dudley Moore and Raquel Welch Fri. and Sat.-March 27 and 28--7 and 9:30 Aud. A, Angell Hall, 75c AND Sunday Matinee-March 29-1 and 3 P.M. REBEC(A - Directed by Alfred Hitchcock a u !& f r OELD OVE R! DIAL 8-6416 NOMINATED FOR 5 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING Best Picture Thurs. and Sat. and Friday at i Sun. at 6:45 1:15-3:45 and 9:05 .. 6:15-8:45 PREMIER PRINCE Souvanna Phouma of Laos is preparing a formal rejection of Pathet Lao demands that all U.S. air raids in Laos be halted as a condition for peace talks, an aide said yesterday. The aide said the Laotion government will make a counter- proposal 'in order to keep peace contacts alive." The bombing halt demand was part of a five-point program from Prince Souphanouvong, the nominal leader of the Pathet Lao.' The aide reiterated the position that Souvanna has taken ever since an outline of the Pathet Lao proposal was made public last month-"if the North Vietnamese withdraw from Laos there won't be any necessity for the bombing." The aide said, however, that Souphanouvong's letter did contain some "common points" that might serve as a basis for talks. * * * THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC government announced late yesterday an agreement has been reached for the release of the kidnaped U.S. air attache, Lt. Col. Donald J. Crowley, in exchange for 24 prisoners. Crowley, seized Tuesday, was expected to be freed sometime last night in advance of the release of the prisoiers who will be flown to Mexico, a government spokesman said. The kidnapers had originally demanded that the prisoners be, released inside the country so they could "continue the struggle" against the scheduled May 16th presidential elections.T Crowley's abductors identified themselves as members of a groupc opposed to re-election of President Joaquin Balaguer.3 A TOP PENTAGON OFFICIAL said yesterday "a very serious 8 drug problem" has developed among U.S. troops in Vietnam be- cause marijuana is cheap, plentiful, and easy to get there. r At the same time, Asst. Secretary of Defense Daniel Henkin saide an Army investigation "developed no evidence that any member of the units engaged in the SonMy operation was under the influence of marijuana or other narcotics."v Ronald Ridenhour told a reporter, "It is my opinion from every- c thing I know about My Lai that the use of marijuana was in no wayt a contributing factor."1 Ridenhour's letters to government officials last year set off theg investigation of the alleged massacre. After appearing before a Senate1 subcommittee, Ridenhour told reporters that the subcommittee is "stacking the evidence" to make it appear.that marijuana was re- f sponsible for the soldiers' conduct, * *e THREE MORE ARMY enlisted men were charged with f murder yesterday in connection with the alleged massacre at n My Lai, South Vietnam. The charges brought to 13 the number of soldiers the Army hasf charged so far in connection with the incident in 1968. 0 Lt. William Calley, the first soldier to be charged in connectionc with the alleged massacre, is scheduled to be court-martialed at Ft.U Benning, Ga., May 18, on charges that he murdered 102 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai. -Associated Press Neither rain, nor snow ... Two National Guardsmen deliver the mail in downtown Manhat- tan today. This was the first mail delivery by troops during the letter carriers' strike. INCREASED PENALTY: INixon caits for stiffbomb laws WASHINGTON (P) - President written permission would be a Nixon, reacting to the wave of re- federal crime. "THE LAST WORD IN THRILLERS, TERRIFIC!" -GENE SHALIT, Look Magazine A New Film by Jean-Luc Godard cent bombings, asked Congress yesterday to crack down on "po- tential murderers" with stiff fed- eral laws including the death pen- alty. "The anarchic and criminal ele- ments who perpetrate such acts deserve no more patience or in- dulgence," the President declared. "It is time to deal with them for what they are." Present law makes it a federal crime in some circumstances to transport explosives across state lines. Nixon's proposals' would greatly extend and expand this law. Nixon proposed making it a, federal crime to possess or use ex- plosives to damage or destroy property or buildings of the fed- eral government or persons or firms engaged in interstate com- merce. The severest penalties, ranging from 20 years in prison and $20,- 000 fines to the death penalty, could be invoked where injuries r deaths result from unlawful use or transport of explosives. Penalties f o r bomb threats would be increased from one year in prison to a maximum of five years and $5,000 fine. Even mere possession of explos- ives in a federal building without In a statement, Nixon cited "the alarming increase" in bombings across the country in recent months, which have cost lives and destroyed property, and the rash of telephone threats which have caused schools and public build- ings to be evacuated. "Cleai'ly, many of these bomb- ings have been the work of po- litical fanatics, many- of t h e m young criminals posturing as ro- mantic revolutionaries," Nixon. said. "They must be dealt with as the potential murderers they are." Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst said the' President and the Justice Department think the stricter laws and expansion of federal jurisdiction will help to act as a deterrent and will cut down on the number of bombing incidents. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by mail. were stinlonl fTme JoU. T h e 2,600 regular soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines sent here Monday by President Nixon were ordered back to their nor- mal duties at their regular bases. With postal employes streaming back to work, Postmaster John R. Strachan said New York would h a ve normal mail deliveries this morning for the first time since the strike started March 18. Gus Johnson, president of the Manhattan-Bronx Branch 36 of the National Association of Let- ter Carriers, said he approved the bill "which is designed to alle- viate our plight." "It appears to be a good piece of legislation," he said, and or- dered his 6,700 members, who triggered the strike a week ago, back to work. They did not vote on the re- turn and Johnson told newsmen, "I made the decision myself. If the men don't like it they can vote me out in April." At the same news conference, Moe Biller, president of the Man- hattan-Bronx Postal Union, said he was recommending that his 26,000 members go back to work - and just afterwards they voted to return immediately. The vote was taken at a meeting outside the General Post Office. Biller said he and other union leaders were leaving immediately for Washington for conferences on the proposed legislation. "We are going to take all the bad things out and put s o m e things in that need to be there," he said. Johnson said one of the better features of the bill was that top pay would be reached in eight years instead of the 21 it now takes to go from $6,176 to $8,442. The union had asked for a new range of from $8,500 to $11,700 a year. Moreover, he said, the govern- ment would t a k e no reprisals against postal employes who were engaged in the strike. Agreement to return to work came shortly before 5 p.m., the hour set by federal Judge Fred- erick Bryan for imposition of fines on Johnson and his union for contempt of court in the il- legal strike. The fine against the union was set at $10,000 a day, doubling each day the strike continued, and $500 a day against Johnson. liJunction issued in i s i WASHINGTON () - U.S. Dis- trict Judge Matthew .F. McGuire issued the temporary restraining order after a half-hour meeting with attorneys representing t h e controllers and the federal gov- ernment. The restraining order is effective to April 6 - when there will be a hearing on the govern- ment's motion for a preliminary injunction. The request, filed in U.S. Dis- trict Court here against the Pro- fessional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATO) asked the court to enjoin the organization from "in any manner continuing, encouraging, ordering, aiding, en- gaging or taking part in any work stoppage or slowdown," or any in- terference with air traffic. Service at the three major me- tropolitan New York airports was badly snarled yesterday when the nation's air traffic controllers staged another of their sick call strikes. As many as 50 airliners at a time were lined up nose to tail awaiting take off from Kennedy Airport. American'Airlines c a n c e 1 e d about 90 per cent of its 130 sch- eduled flights out of La Guardia, most of them short hauls. Other lines consolidated flights. Take-offs were delayed up to 90 minutes at Kennedy, 75 min- utes at La Guardia, and 50 min- utes at Newark airport. About half the 140 air traffic controllers in the New York area reported .sick as their union, the Professional Air Traffic Control- lers Organization, pressed a long- standing demand for higher wag- es, more help a1 d modernized equipment. The latest tie-up was remini- -scent of a one-day sick call strike last June. Then as many as 40 planes were lined up on New York's area run- w a y s, and hundreds of flights were canceled or delayed. 1 cinema V GREAT DIRECTOR'S FESTIVAL "A Very Happy Man Now Comedy!"-Judith Crist " t' lroii I1 3 i /tmpath/ j0.&the 4ei/ April 9, 10, 11, 12. Presented by the Wayne Cinema Guild. Shown in Helen DeRoy Auditorium, located off Cass Avenue on the Wayne State University Campus. Advance sale re- served performance tickets $1.50 or $2 at the door. Advance tickets go on sale Monday, March 9 at the University Center box office. Tickets may also be nurchased by sendinz a ENCOUNTER WITH CHABAD an invitation to JEWISH COLLEGE STUDENTS to explore torah judaism within Chassidic milieu. Weekend of Friday, March 27-Sunday, March 29 GUEST SPEAKERS:- D R. Y. BLOCK University of W. Ontario and RABBI MOSHER FELLER of Minneapolis, Minn. Participants from all Universities of Michigan and the Mid- western States. HOUSING To further an appreciation for the warmth of Chassidic living, all the participants will be housed with Chassidic families in the immediate area. LOCATION I L PIREMENS BALL Thurs. and Fri., 9:00 only RIHARDJ BURTON as HENRY Vlt GENEVIEVE BUJOLD as ANNE BOLEYN IN THE HL WALLIS PRODUCTION 7m A Atten h 7\1F4, Thurs. 7:15-Fri. 7:15, 10:15 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY I I p i