VOTE TODAY .. . Lilt iAa ~~IAiti .T .INSGC,CLSA STUDENT ELECTIONS WoI. LXXX, No. 142 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 25, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages STRIKE OF LSA RC UNIT CANCELS CLASSES By LARRY LEMPERT Support for the Black Ac. tion Movement grew yester- day, as the number of Uni- versity groups endorsing BAM's demands and class . strike continued to increase. One spokesman for the Coali- tion to Support BAM claimed that over 200 teaching fellows and 100 faculty members h a v e pledged to cancel their classes un- til the strike is settled to BAM's satisfaction. At a meeting yesterday after- t noon, 78 members of the Institute for Social Research voted to shut down the ISR if possible to show kis support for the strike. Two hundred twenty-eight em- ploycs of the ISR, ranging from secretaries to project directors, FOR AS! BA AFFECTS 50o BALLS hUPPORT S 0 N ATTENDANCE VARIES IN OTHER COLLEGES 'By HESTER PULLING The Black Action Movement's classroom strike has pick- ed up, momentum since Monday, University spokesmen said late yesterday. Spokesmen estimated that 40 to 50 per cent of the literary college is affected by the strike while the Coalition to Sup- port BAM estimates that attendance in he college is "an easy 55 per cent down." The same group estimates that total University attendance is "down at least 30 per cent." Student estimates of literary college attendance were much more liberal ranging from 50 to 80 per cent;absence. In Angell and Mason Halls, the number of students in classes tended to fall as the day went on and as the strike -Daily-Jim Judk Tiny sympathizer stands in BAM picket line DEADLOCK ENDS: House moves postal I'pay bil i WASHINGTON Ap'} - The three-month old congressional deadlock over a postal pay boost was broken yesterday but officials say the dispute is not yet near settlement. Rep., Gale McGee (D-Wyo), chairman of the House Post Office Committee, who had refused to work out a pay bill without a pledge from President Nixon not to veto it, eased his-position and scheduled a House-Senate conference on the Nssue for today. But McGee warned Congress not to consider any bill final until Secretary of Labor George Shultz works out a settlement with the postal unions. . McGee said that he will not agree to Nixon's plan to give postal workers a 5.4 per cent raise in addition to a general SGC seeks polls outside picket lines >5.7 per cent increase for all federal employes. House speaker John McCormack told newsmen he understood the House and Senate were ready to go to conference on a pay bill in- cluding an 11 per cent pay hike. McGee said this proposal, which would boost postmen's salary to a range of $6,769 to $9,286 a year from the present range of $6176: ,have signed a statement pledg- ing support for the BAM demands. The statenent asks the ISR pol- icy board to take a similar stand and requests that no retaliation be taken against those who strike. The policy, board, made up of nine representatives from the var- ious units within the ISR, w ill draft a statement this morning giving the ISR's official position on the BAM demands. The Residential College last nightvoted overwhelmingly to can- cel all classes for the duration of the strike. The-. college's -Repre- sentative Assembly also unani- mously passed a set of demands is- sued by the black students, facul- ty, and staff of the RC. The demands included institut- ing and financially supporting a recruitment program for black high school students, hiring black counselors, beginning a black or- ientation program for incoming freshmen, instituting a black cul- tural lounge, and developing a black studies curriculum. A final demand calls for setting aside one, third of the RC library budget for materials selected by RC blacks. Students in the College also or- ganized a "support the strike wake-up program." A committee was organized to awaken students so they can participate in the day's strike activities rather than merely remain away from classes. The assembly also voted to hold a referendum to determine wheth- er . RC students should assess t h e m s e l v e s an undetermined amount to fund a black scholar- ship fund. A petition sent out by the Markley Hall Council showed 470 of Markley's 700 residents sup- porting both the strike and the de- mands -and 70 "flatly opposed." The education school faculty decided yesterday to support the BAM demands and to "urge the Administration to take immediate action to renegotiate a resolution on the matter." Earlier yesterday, black educa- tion school faculty members sign- ed a statement asking the support of the school's faculty in honoring the strike. A spokesman said the See SUPPORT, Page 8 activities increased. Teaching fellows and professors interviewed in the early morning found attendance to range from 60 per cent to normal. While some of the classes stuck to scheduled topics, many classes devoted time to discussing t h e strike. Towards afternoon, attendance dropped drastically. "There's no one around here," Paul Rosenzweig said of the Eng- lish department's teaching fellow offices. "Its really empty." Students walking through the halls had similar comments about the number of empty classrooms in Angell and Mason Halls. "The only people in the build- ing are those striking," a picketing student in the fishbowl said. Students and faculty members were not the only people sup- porting the BAM strike, however. At least two secretaries - one in the philosophy department and one in LSA ceunseling - and some student janitors also struck. In morning language classes at the Frieze Bldg. attendance aver- aged from 50 to 70 per cent of normal. In History 332, a lecture class of about 500, a professor offered a non-punitive makeup exam for those not wanting to break the strike. The social work school was al- most completely shut down yester- day. "I didn't see one social work student, professor or class w it h the exception of those participat- ing in the picket line," one student looking for classes said. Other colleges were only lightly affected. According to both faculty and student sources, the engineering college remained relatively isolated from the effects of the BAM strike. Many students attending chem- istry lectures and labs yesterday said that support for BAM was widespread among both the faculty and students in the chemistry de- partment. Chemistry Prof. Richard Copeland offered to give makeup lectures to students who felt that they couldn't attend classes yes- terday. Today's strike activity will in- elude a X7:45 a.m. Diag meeting to organize picketing and a noon rally followed by a march through central campus classroom build- ings, a BAM spokesman said. -Daily-Jim Judkis MASSES OF DEMONSTRATORS, above, block traffic in front of the Michigan Union. Below, students listen to BAM speakers on the Diag., Feming opposes demands By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ President Robben Fleming yes- terday informed several executive officers and deans that, in hip judgment, the Regents would be very opposed to modifying their plan for increased minority en- rollment to bring it more in line with the demands of the Black Action Movement (BAM). "Getting any further conces- sions from the Regents would be very nearly impossible to do, and I'm not sure we should modify the regental plan,' Fleming told the administrators at a special, closed-door meeting. The meeting was apparently called to discuss the current class strike ledhbym AM and to claify what the minority enrollment plan would mean to each school and college at the University. The regental plan, adopted at last Thursday's Regents meeting, established a goal of 10 per cent black enrollment by the 19734 academic year, with a guaranteed minimum enrollment of between five and six per cent. The BAM demands call for a commitment by the University to a guaranteed enrollment of 10 per cent black students and pro- pose an ultimate commitment to a black enrollment equal to the percentage of college-age blacks living in the state. The executive officers - the vice presidents and President Fleming - claim that a financial aid commitment which would bring guaranteed black enroll- ment above five or six per cent would be unrealistic because the University might be unable to Rl- locate the required funds. BAM and its supporters maintain that the funds required to guarantee a black enrollment of 10 per cent could be provided by an overall reordering of the University's budget priorities. At yesterday's closed meeting, Vice President for Academic Af- See REVIEW, Page 8 , r W Omdsmen bIo nBy W. E. SCHROCK had split from then att ii traffic By J. B. DAVIS to $8,442, is. a reasonable plan. The Credential and Rules Com- But, he added, it remains to be mittee of the Student Government seen whether Congress will go that Council met last night to settle a high. dispute over election booth loca- tions. , James Rademacher, president of SGC decided last Saturday that the AFL-CIO National Associa- voting booth would be located tion of Letter Carriers, said he felt no in bootk Aon Mocaed there would be complete mail de- behind Black Action Movement livery today except in the New (,AM) picket lines. Yesterday, York area and half a dozen cities however, voting booths in the in New Jersey. Fishbowl, East and West Engi- neering Buildings, and the School Postmaster General Winton -of Business Administration vio- Blount refused tq say whether the fated this directive, . striking workers would be given After a half hour discussion of amnesty as union leaders have ask- the issue last night, committee ed. The striking workers could members decided that no action face one year imprisonment and could be taken without the advice ft of SGC members. In New York, mail Was picked up After contacting a number of and sorted by troops ordered there *council members by phone, SGC by President Nixon. The troops See SGC, Page 8 made no home deliveries of mail, _____-~however.5 Approximately 200 women ob- structed traffic at two University parking structures an~d three in- tersections yesterday. The actions were taken in protest of Regental decision dn Black Action M o v e- ment (BAM) demands. Most of the white women sup- porting the BAM women in the demonstration were members of Women's Liberation. Early in the afternoon, a BAM sponsored march attracted 1000 demonstrators. Later, approxi- mately 350 women marched to the presidential tea at Couzens dormi- tory where they questioned Presi- dent Robben Fleming about his ac- tions dealing with the BAM de- rhands. The day's actions began early, as demonstrators began arriving in the Diag-Fishbowl area soon af- ter 7 a.m. The women immediate- ly separated from the men; a n d talked among themselves on the Graduate Library steps until about 7:35, when they split into t w o groups and left the Diag. About 25 of the women then pro- ceded to the Thompson street parking structure where they blocked the driveway by marching back and forth with picket signs. A pair of University security of- ficials attempted to direct traffic through the demonstration, but the women were almost entirely successful in preventing cars from entering. When police arrived, the picket- ers moved away from the entrance The second group hadz the Thayer St. parkingc where the women blocke at both the entrance exit. Each car was held five minutes while its d talked to by a membe group. A few cars for way into the structurem drivers on Thayer made yells and gestures and ra engines in response to th stration. the Diag. Not particularly bothered by the moved to occasional police who drove by, structure the women became upset only! ad traffic when University security officers, and the including Chief Security Officer' d up for Rolland Gainsley, tried to force river was the women from the entrance. r of the "They have a right to get in, ced their now, don't you forget it. They while the have a right to get in," Gainsley obscene said. iced their t demon- One woman joked, "I guess See WOMEN, Page 8 BLACK ADMISSIONS Regents say ac tion u nlikely By JANE BARTMAN The Regents have indicated that it is unlikely that they will meet with students to discuss their action on the BAM de- mands. In interviews last night, all but one of the eight Regents said they believed it unnecessary to meet with the students at this time. A special meeting of the Regents may be called by the President of the University or upon request of three Regents. "I think the students are unfair, un- reasoning, unthinking, and extremely short-sighted," said Regent Lawrence Lin- demer. "I have absolutely no temper to meet with them at this time. I'm -fed up." Regents William Cudlip and Robert "When you are negotiating with someone who doesn't trust you, you have to sit down and work it out with them. I'll do anything to help." Regent Otis Smith also said he is willing to meet with students, but is not sure it is needed. He. did say he thought the Re- gent would be willing to meet in a "non- emotional, non-physical, non-intimidating atmosphere," Regent Robert Nederlander also express- ed unwillingness to meet, and said he hoped the administration could communicate the Regents' reasons for their action to the faculty and students. Regents Dunn, and Goebel refused to comment on the possibility of meeting with students. students to 10 per cent by 1973-74. The program has been criticized--by students who believe it expresses no actual commit- ment to the 10 per cent figure, but only expresses a desire to work towards the goal. In addition, students charge that the, Regents did not commit sufficient money .for the Opportunity Award Program and for hiring recruiters. "The students were very earnest and so were we," said Mrs. Huebner. "We wanted to aet responsibly. I thought we went far enough." "The board has to put itself into a cred- ible position," said Nederlander "We felt 10 per cent is a good goal but are not sure we will be able to come thirough with it.1 Iffolmom mrollnm :. z W