o#LXXX, No. 141 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
mi;i attenda ce
By The Associated Press
President Nixon ordered Estim ate
troops yesterday to move the
strike-halted mails in N e w ,
York City, declared the walk-
out a national emergency, and
urged' the thousands of idle
postalworkers across the na- o
tion to return to their jobs. to I 5 0 t/U
In Ann Arbor, striking postal
workers returned to work yester- By W. E. SCHROCK
day. However, only mail f r o m ERIC SCHENK
within the Washtanaw C ou n ty ~I SHN
area is being delivered because the and CHRIS UHL
Detroit post office through which Literary college attend
all mail from outside the county was down yesterday andt
passes is still shut down.
cancellation up as the st
the Union for a rally protesting repression of Jews in the Soviet
.1200 rallY for
' crowd of nearly 1200 filled the Union Ballroom last
ight to protest the alleged persecution of some 3%/2 million
ws in the Soviet Union.'
The }ally, which followed a candlelight march from the
lag, featured two nationally prominent activists in the
use of Soviet Jewry-folksinger Theodore Bikel and Harold
igit, chairman of the Bay Area Council on Soviet Jewry.
Jay Masserman, a student in the speech department who
sited the Soviet Union three years ago, also gave a brief
ik and was followed by Roberta Rader who read "Babi Yar,"
poem dealing with Soviet anti-semitism written by Yvgeny
-----Yvteshenko. The poem has not
been published in the Soviet
The opening speech by Light in
the program, sponsored by the,
campus committee on Soviet Jews,
brought a standing ovation. Light
lecti ll ?a retied businessman from Cali-
fornia who devotes all of his time
to the cause of Soviet Jewry, told
the crowd of his experiences in
a ta two years ago, he said, to find out
By CARLA RAPOPORT for himself if the persecution of
Voting in the Student Soviet Jews was real.
overnment Council election The answer, he said, was a very
ens today at 8 a.m. and will definite "yes, they need our help."
tomorrow at 5 p~m.Light added that demonstrations
tomorw sat rm h of support "such as this one are
Students will select from three an invaluable aid to Soviet Jews"
ndem slates of presidetial and because the "leaders in the Krem~-
ce - residential candidates and hn are very much concerned about
ay indicate their first and sec- their public relations abroad."
d choices. In addition, they mAy n
te for four out of the 17 candi- In an interview preceding the
tes for SGC member-at-large candlelight march, Light said the
is. most important objective of these
hree referenda also will appear demonstrations is to enable So-
he aviet Jews to emigrate to Israel if
te m the literary college they so desire. He added that the
ill also be asked to ratify a con- recent immigration of a few So-
itution to establish a student viet Jews to Israel was probably a
vernment for the college. They See 1200, Page 9
all also elect a president and-
president and a 10-an exe-
tve council' forthe proposed
Students will chose a president
d vie president from three;
ates of officers and will select
es ead N So lvin
e 10 representatives from among 1 s V
forum for SQOC candidates was By PETER MILLER
ncelled last night when only one and RICK PERLOFF
rson attended, Four candidatesa RICK P aRI
d one campaign manager were ay ews Analysis
o at the meeting. Second of Two Parts
The three referenda on the bal- Ann Arbor needs to be housed.
are: That point is generally agree
-A $3 per student one-time student leaders and University h
sent for the Martin Luther ficials, both of whom recogniz
g.Scholarship Fund for disad- clty has an acute shortage in t
-A four - pronged 1 o w - c s t housing students and working p
using proposal including 1) the Ann Arbor dwellings, they say, a
nstruction of emergency hous- ly costly and inadequately mai
g for 1,000 occupants by the There is also a growing sh
aiversity for next fall; 2) the placs to live, period,-cost and
nstruction of 5,000 units of per- conditions aside. The shortage
gent housing by the University rearh such nronortions that hy
Announcing the activation of caledby he lk Aon
military units in New York, Nixon
said the mail crisis is m o s t acute Movement for increased black
there. If the postmaster general admissions moved into its se-
advises him of a need for troops cond working day.
elsewhere, Nixon said, "I will not
hesitate." ' BAM spokesmen said yesterday
He stressed that the troops in they were encouraged by the re-
New York will move "as a supple- sults of yesterdays strike a n d
mental work force to maintain planned to continue it.
basic services" and will be with- Estimates of the effectiveness
drawn as strikers return to their of the strike in LSA varied from
jobs. "minimal" to as high as 50 per
"I urge you to return to your cent. These estimates apparently
jobsg yoto eturtio yo did not include the large number
jobs, so that negotiations can be- of classes in which part or all of
gin," Nixon told the strikers in a the time was given to discussion
nationwide radio-television state- of the black demands.
Ien. msA majority of observers agreed
In comments Nixon said were ta h tiewsntcal
addressed to both working a n d that the strike was noticeably
addrsse tobothworingandmore successful than the one-
striking postal workers, he named day strike held last September on
various groups of people - veter- the bookstore question. Estimates
ans, the elderly, businessmen, sold- for the effectiveness of t h a t
iers in Vietnam and others - who, strike varied between 10 and 20
he said, depend on the mails. per cent.
Nixon's appearance followed by There was no official University
minutes an appeal by James H. ereowassnattendanersHty-
Rademacher, president of the Na- census of class attendance. How-
tional Association of Letter Car- ever LSA Dean William Hays said
riers, that Nixon withhold until he thought the strike "doesn't
midnight at least any decision to seem very successful." He declin-
ed to give a quantitative estimate
call in troops. "I think more than of attendance.
90 per cent of our people will re-
turn to work by tomorrow morn- Strike action yesterday began
ing" Rademacher predicted to re- with picketing before 8 a.m. at all
porters. major central campus buildings.
Although there is no precedentEach picket line was headed by a
Althoughthreis rBA m enr whowasincharg
STUDENTS PICKET in front of Natural Resouces Bldg. yesterday io support of Black Action Move-
ment strike for increased black admissions.
Strikr ttn allies
75 rofs
100 TFs
back BAM
Support for the class strike
called by the Black Action
Movement (AM) g r e w yes-
terday as several University
groups officially endorsed the
BAM demands and the strike
which is pressing for their im-
More than 100 teaching fellows
signed aresolution last night stat-
ine they "will not meet classes
until the strike is settled to the
satisfaction of BAM."
In addition the teaching fel-
lows' resolution states that "Any
reprimands taken against any
teaching fellow who has signed
this statement will be followed by
collective defense on the part of
the remaining teaching fellows.
Approximately 75 faculty mem-
bers of Radical College overwhelm-
ingly endorsed the BAM action
Sunday night. The college also"
passed a seven-point proposal of
faculty action to aid the strike.
Eighteen teacing fellows in the
psychology department separately
resolved not to hold classes for the
duration of the strike. Their state-
ment urged "President (Robben)
Fleming, the Regents, and the rest
of the University administration to
reconsider their failure to act
meaningfully on the BAM de-
mands, and to realize the positive
effects which fulfillment of these
demands will have on the Univer-
sity and the community."
Twenty-five 'faculty members
and teaching fellows in the Eng-
lish department also committed
themselves to joining the strike.
*Prof. Nichglaus Mills said mem-
bers of the group, which consisted
mostly of professors, "support the
BAM demands and will not cross
BAM picket lines." He added,
however, that some faculty might
hold classes outside of University
The Ann Arbor Tenants' Union
Representatives Council v o t e d
overwhelmingly last night to sup-
port and participate in the BAM
A spokesman for the 35-member
group said, "The issues that gen-
erated the present strike are di-
rectly related to those that moti-
vate the tenants' movement. One
of the prime reasons that 'many
blacks cannot come to the Uni-
versity is the unusually high rent
in Ann Arborsincluding University
"This situation makes it even
inore imperative that the Univer-
sity provide funds for increased
black enrollment. We see the gen-
eral strike as the only tactic left
to force the University to grant
the BAM demands."
Several groups within the social
work school have come out in sup-
port of BAM. The school's black
faculty issued a statement reite-
rating their support for the BAM
demands and calling for the Uni-
versity "to spell out how it plans
to operationalize these recom-
Seven members of the faculty
council of the social work school
expressed their individual support
of the BAM proposals saying "the
See BAM, Page 9
Two Black Action
cHL called "open racism engineered by{
COBS the Ann Arbor police."
Students at the early Diag rally
Movement hear iacsucessin of shrt snepl,
on whichtojudge, officials wh of keeping pickets non-iolent and (BAM) rallies punctuated yester- es.
have been planning for the use of1non-disruptive. day's strike activities - a noon "There are 200,000 Chicano
troops are not optimistic that they' , Teeae2000Cino
will be able to restore anything Lines were manned by both Diag rally which drew some 400 Michigan," said Roy Padilb
like normal service quickly. blac students and white s y m persons and a march and rally Chicano student. "In 1960t
e officials speculate that - pathizers. that brought some 1,000 persons to average Chicano was only re
if regular workers do not return BAM members and white mm- the Frieze building later in the ing 4.3 years of schooling. He
to their jobs -the soldiers under bn rs of the Coalition to sunoort afernoon. those of us who have made i
direction of nonstriking super- BAM spoke to many classes about And last night over 150 per- a University are freaks. Then
visory employes could do little the strike, its reasons and its tac- sons, many of them students, no reason to expect that
more than move mail to central tics. crowded the City Council meeting, should be here - but freaks do
points, probably post offices, where Almost 'very class held in the demanding a "thorough investi- cur."
citizens would have to claim their Anwell auditoriums discussed BAM gation of the Ann Arbor police." E Padilla repeated the BAl W
mail, for part of the hour. The demands, said Edwin Fabre, mand that fifty Chicano stud
A, With virtually no exceptions speaking for the group, resulted be admitted~ into the Univen
At the time of the President's AM members, and supporters from alleged "blatant cases of bru- next fall. Later yesterday a ft
address, the Post Office Depart- sought permission from instructors tality" at Thursday's BAM de- speaking with Dean Step
ment had just estimated that See UP, Page 9 monstrations and from what he Spurr, Padilla was assured that
167,000 workers were on strike at
499 post offices, and that 44,000 '
had returned to work in 161 oFacultydisorder
A total of 59 cities that had been ltoad
strikebound Saturday reopened 1"/
this morning, the department said .s 1 Sm 1X " c 1rom'
The dargest were Boston and Buf- ing i er to fooU
s in
a, a
t to
e is
0 oc-
p robe
University would hire a Chicano
recruiter shortly.
A black student followed, urging
the crowd to "get off the planta-
tion. I am ashamed to support the,
black demands," she said. "They
are so conservative."
At four o'clock demonstrators
massed on the grass between
Freize and Rackham. Fabre, a
BAM spokesman said, "I guess the
strike has had some impact how-
ever insignificant it may seem,"
he said.
Fabre urged those gathered to
attend last night's Council meet-
ing. "If the predominately demo-,
cratic City Council doesn't come'
around and muzzle their dogs and
policemen, we'll get them the hell,
out of office in April."
Fabre assured student~s that the
strike would continue today. "We
are in this. for the duration, and
will continue by any means neces-
sary," he said. "This is not a ques-
tion of making University relevant
to black students; it is a question
of making it relevant for all
Prof. Archie .Singham told the
gathering "This is a very sad day
for me." "I am sad when I can't
teach," he continued, "but it is
impossible for me to teach when
students are not, coming to class
because of a moral issue."
At last night's Council meeting,
plans were made for Councilmen
LeRoy Cappaert .and H. C. Curry
(D-First Ward); a member of the
Human Rights Commission, and a
representative from the City At-
torney's office to meet today with
Fabre and others he wishes to
Within a half-hour of Nixon's - By ERIKA HOFF
speech, letter carriers in New The faculty statement condemn-
Haven, Conn., voted 237-40 to re- ing violence on campus which ap-
turn to work Tuesday morning. peared in Sunday's Daily and Ann
About 2,000 New Haven employes Arbor News brought mixed reac-
have been idled-either on strike tions yesterday from different
themselves or refusing to cross groups within the University com-
picket lines. munity.
Postal workers arouhd the na- Because the statement appeared
tion generally looked with disatl I one day before the class strike call-
pointment at the order yesterday ed by the Black Action Movement
for the use of troops and, in Ohio, (BAM), some faculty and students
postal clerks suggested their na- interpreted the statement as be-
tional president call a nationwide ing directly addressed to BAM.
strike. , But signers of the statement
said it was intended only as a'
general position paper and was not
specifically directed at any group.
Economics chairman Harvey
Brazer, one of the statement's sign-
ers, said, "It is directed at every-
one who causes violence - it was
not intended specifically for the
blacks, but it includes them too."
Brazer added it was "unfortunate"
that the statement was misinter-
In a leaflet distributed yester-
day, BAM stated that the faculty
resolution "was drafted exclusive-
ed upon by
housing of-
e that the
he kind of
eople want.
re general-
portage in
may soon
the middle
e housing
the ballot in the SGC election today and
tomorrow. Specifically, the referendum asks
whether the University should provide 1000
- emergency spaces by next fall; if planning
should immediately begin for housing 5,000
occupants; whether the policies of the
housing units should be set by the tenants
and if the housing should be open to any-
one in Ann Arbor.
Student leaders believe that a positive
vote on the referendum would demonstrate
to the administration the depths of student
concern on the issue and pressure it into
locating the 1000 spaces and begin con-
struction of the others immediately.
Daniel Boothbv. an International Social-
pro blem
last fall. And although Boothby maintains
the dormitories will have vacancies, he is
skepticial about students wanting to live in
them instead of in apartments.
The housing office says it has already
provided 400 extra spaces in East Quad,
South Quad and Couzens. In additions, 216
spaces are available at the North Campus
Cooperative, scheduled to open next fail.
Michigan League business manager Wil-
ma Steketee says the League can accom-
modate about 30 students in the fall.
The housing office says it probably can-
not locate many more spaces, although In-
ter-Cooperative Council project coordinator
John Achatz says it may be nossible to find
ly in response to the incident
which occurred with the General
Electric recruiter" earlier in the
month and "was in no way direct-
ed toward the BAM demands or
the BAM strike."
Signers of the statement agreed,
yesterday with this BAM claim.
The leaflet also denied the reso-
lution's implication that B A M
intends to use violent tactics.
"BAM leaders have repeatedly
stated that they do not encourage
the use of force to prevent stu-
dents from attending classes," it
The faculty statement, signed
by 521 professors, warned against
sacrificing "academic freedom"
and "educational and intellectual
functions" to political involve-
mient. "It is time for voices to be
raised against the actions of the
few who are driving the Univer-
sity community into chaos," it
Philosophy Prof. Abraham Kap-
lan, one of the drafters of t h e
statement, said that although it
was not directed specifically at
BAM, the statement did apply to
their actions.
"A university is different f r o m
other organizations," Kaplan said.
"A university is dedicated to the
life of the mind and is not the
place for a power struggle.
"I believe it is a monstrous in-
iustice that so many blacks are
unable to attend the University,
he added, "but you can't correct
SACUA discusses
enrollment demands
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) yes-4
terday discussed methods by which
the University community could-
bring about the Black Action
Movement (BAM) demand for 10
per cent enrollment by 1973-74.
Discussion of the BAM demands
came after anthropology professor
Mrs. Gloria Marshall asked the
key faculty committee to take.
some action ori the demands.
Mrs. Marshall insisted there is
and that the funds for the .de-
mands were available somewhere
in the University. Discussion cen-
tered around ways to bringBad-
ministration officials and BAM-
leaders together to discuss speci-
fics -of -the demands.
The meeting ended on the note
that the administration and the
BAM leaders should somehow
work together to find ways to fund
the program, but no specific pro-
posals were made.
In a related action, the group