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January 14, 1970 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-01-14

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Group plans repression forum

Rising education costs force
tuition increases across nation

By DAVE CHUDWIN Spears listed the Conspiracy 7
The Committee on Repression, trial, the death of Chicago Black
n ad hoc group of students, is Panther leader Fred Hampton and
lanning a two-day conference on alleged Justice Department "in-
epression in American life to be timidation" of leaders of the New
eld at the University on Jan. 31 Mobilization Committee to End
nd Feb. 1. the War in Vietnam as examples
The main event of the confer- of recent acts of repression.
nce will be a te'ach-in at 7:30 The first day of the conference,
.m. in Hill Aud. on Jan. 31 fea- including the teach-in, will be
uring one of the Chicago 7 "con- oriented toward a general survey
pirators" and David Hilliard, of repression. Following the teach-
3lack Panther Party chief of staff. in several workshops on specific
Bishop Crowther of the Center subjects will be 'held in Mason
or the Study of Democratic In- Hall.
titutions at Santa Barbara, Calif, Scheduled topics for the work-
s also scheduled to speak. shops include represison in the
"We want to get people in this military, in labor unions, among
rea together and bring to them lower class urban dwellers, and in
n understanding about repres- the mass media.
ion so they'll see the need for The second day of the confer-
ction to stop it," explains Brian ence will emphasize possible re-
3pears, coordinator of the com- sponses to repression, Spears said.
nittee. A general meeting to discuss ac-

tion against repression will be
held in the Natural Science Aud. (Cofntinuled fromi Page 3)
at 1 p.m. followed by a second set The Kansas Board of Regents,;
of workshops. voting to increase student aca-3
These workshop sessions will demic fees at six state collegesr
discuss political trials, repression and universities, said the higher1
on campuses, legal self-defense, rates were enacted to meet a le-;
cultural repression, and repression gislative requirement that - fees1
of blacks. should come close to covering 25,
Following the workshops con- per cent of the school's operating :
ference participants plan to hold expenses.
a wrap-up session where a panel Tuition at the same schools will
will discuss conclusions from the go up $120 to $461 a year for re- :
workshops and the conference as sidents and $250 to $1,051 for
a whole. nonresidents.'
The Committee on Repression Almost all the schools surveyed'
was founded by a group of stu- said they tried to raise scholar-j
dents last November to organize ship aid in proportion to fee in-"
the conference. creases, "We do everything pos-
"After the conference, however, sible to keep aided students," said1
we will continue to raise money a spokesman for -Stanford Uni-
for and publicize other cases of versity in California. "No o n e
repression, both nationally and ---_
locally," Spears said. . ~. . . '

is turned away because of fin- will pay no more than it cost when
ancial hardship." he entered.
Tuition for three academic Such a policy is already in ef-
quarters at Stanford will go from feet at the College of Idaho, a
$2=145 to $2,400 next fall. A private, church - related school,
spokesman said the increase "is where tuition has increased $140 a
to keep Stanford's tuition in line ryear for the past three years and
with other comparable universi- j will go up another $150 to $1,750
ties." in September.
A Colgate University spokes- Northwestern University in Ev-
man at Hamilton, N.Y. said it was anston, Ill., is increasing tuition
school policy that no student be by from $210 to $375 next fall,
dropped for financial reasons. He raising rates for freshmen a n dl
said aid would increase to meet sophomores and first-and-second
tuition, up $150 to $3,600 for the year students at medical and den-
current academic year. . tal schools to $2,400 a year. The
increase will not apply to juniors
Some schools try to ease the and seniors, protected u n d e r a
burden of guaranteeing that even
if there is a rate hike during the guaranteed tuition system insti-
student's four years in college, he tuted in 1967.
examination of persistant myths about . .."
h~h) ~F1WII DIWUII he egr famly n Aerian istry" r Lt~~WI tFUC

Lelanid withdraws from OSS
vice presidential consideration

ll~ll ffticl B tSletm i the Negro family in American history": P .'acem ent Service
The Daily Official Bulletin is an East Lecture Room, Rackham, 2:00 p.m. GENERAL DIVISION
official publication of the Univer- Botany Seminar: Dr. Ronald Fore- 3200 S.A.B
sity of Michigan. Notices should be man, University of California w i 2 1
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to speak on "The Origin and Significance Inquire about these programs at the
Room 3528 L. S. A. Bldg., before of Carbon Monoxide in the Float of the Career Planning Division, 3200 SAB
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- Bul Kelp; Nereocystis leutkeana (Mer- or call 764-6338.
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for tens). P. & R.", Wed., Jan. 14, 1970
Saturday and Sunday. General at 4:15 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg. University of Pennsylvania o f er s
Notices may be published a maxi- CNE Sera.m.U Teacher, internships in Urban Educa-
mum of two times on request; Day Voice Department Recital: School tion. Apply before April 1.
Calendar items appear once only. of Music Rcital Hall, 5:00 p.m. Westinghouse Electric Corporation
stuc :n organization notices are University Chamber Choir: Thomas announces PhD program at B e t t Is
not accepted for publication. F o r Hilbish, conductor and Eugene Bos Atomic Power Lab. Programs at Car-
more information, phone 764-9270. sart, guest pianist: Hill Auditorium, negie-Mellon Univ. and Univ. of Pitts-
__ _8 :00 p.m. burgh.



(Continued from Page 1)
country, makes, the job almost
as impossible as they say,"
The president has interviewed
all of the candidates referred jto
him by the student-faculty search
committee, except Peter Stein-:
berger. Steinberger insisted that.
any interview take place with a,
"He's made his choice that he
would not be interviewed unless

it was public, and I will not have
a public interview," Fleming said.
The president declined to com-
ment on whether this effectively
ruled out Steinberger as a candi-
According to the other f o u r
candidates Fleming has been open
and candid during the interviews'
-grueling sessions ranging from
two to four hours.
"I was surprised he would open

Locke stresses

urban involvement

(Continued from Page 4)
LOCKE does not believe the
vice president should act as a
mere rubber stamp for the policy
"If the vice presidept did not
bring his own judgment and ex-
perience to bear on the questions
involved, he would lack integrity
4U relations
announees f

in the eyes of the other executive
officers," he says.
And Locxe doesn't believe that
President Fleming is looking for
a clerk to carry out the decisions
of the policy board.
He was impressed by Fleming
dturing his interview with the
president last week.
"I found it to be an exceed-
ingly refreshing experience," he
says. "I got the clear impression
that Fleming has as his primary
concern really taking a thorough
and intensive look at the nature
and role and structure of higher
education in America in the '70's."

up like he did," said one candi-
date. "He talked to me like I was
already a member of the admin-I
istration, about his strategies, his
philosophies, and his concerns."
Another candidate described the
session as physically draining. "I
didn't go expecting such a wide
ranging, yet thoroughly exhaus-
tive session," he said.<
All the candidates interviewed
by Fleming said they felt he was
sincere when he t o 1 d them he
wanted someone for the job who1
would play a strong role in rep-
resenting student interests. Flem-
ing explained his view yesterday:
"There is no value, to me or the
University, in having someone
whose primary concern Is in pleas-
ing me rather than representing
the students."
But Fleming warned that "if he
views his job as only perceiving
what students want theti he will
find it difficult because student
views are not unanimous. He
should see himself as both a stu-
dent advocate and as a person of
stature and independence."
Although none of the candidates
were willing to discuss the sub-
stance of the interviews with
Fleming, threads of ideas running
through conversations with each
of them indicated that Fleming
spent much time emphasizing to
the candidates his theory that a
University administrator is re-
sponsible to many constituencies
- the Regents, students, faculty,
and the taxpayers.
Fleming underlined this point
yesterday when he said the can-
didate selected "must be sympa-
thetic to student aims and desires,
have some administrative exper-
ience, relate to the faculty, and
so on."



flu". (! en dar


ON JANUARY 28, 1970
Any Graduate or Professional Student may hcive his
name placed in nomination by contacting a G.A.
representative, attending the January 14 meeting,
or contacting the Nominations Committee (764-
4219), Nominees may address the January 14 meet-
ing if they desire to do so. (No campus-wide cam-
paigns will take place since only the G.A, representa-
tives vote in the election.)
Nominations Meeting-January 14
Electin Metinn--Januarv 28

Graduate Assembly Meeting: Wed-
Anatomy Seminar: Dr. Frans P.G.M. nesday, January 14; 7:30 p.m., 4th
van der Linder, Center for Human Floor, Rackham.
Growth and Development, "The De- Needed: dancers and singers for the
velopment of the Dentition in its Re- School of Music opera The M e r r y
lationship to Oraniofacial Growth": Widow to be presented at the Mendels-
48,4 Med SciI, 1:00 p.m. sohn Theater, Feb. 27-28, Mar. 2-3.
School of Social Work and the His- Conducted by Josef 'Batt and staged
tory Department Lecture Series-T h e by Ralph Herbert, both formerly of
Black Family, Herbert Sutman, Pr o- the New York Metropolitan Oper a.
fessor, University of Rochester, "A re- For information call, 764-6118.

General Notices




rr c d y .rM ItYY T ....

Place of eeting: West conference Room, Rackham.

Pr01 1 , LOCKE considers himself a ser-f
ious candidate for the office. "I
Two promotions in the Univer- wouldn't have gone for an inter-
sity relations staff have been an- view with the search committee
nounced by Vice President Mich- if I wasn't," he says.
ael Radock. But he adds that he would have
Jack H. Hamilton will become to have another thorough dis-
director of University Relations, cussion with Fleming before ac-
with executive responsibilities un- cepting the job. "It's a loser job
der Radock for Broadcasting Ser- in the sense that you can't come
vices, Information Services, Pub- out ahead in the end," 'he ex-
lications, and State and Commun- plains. "You just can't make every
ity Relations. constituency happy."
The Development Office, which
is concerned with fund-raising A panel' discussion dealing with
from private sources, will report the relation between education.
directly to Radock as vice-presi- and social and economic develop-
dent for University Relations and ment in the Soviet Union has been
Development.-. organized by Prof. William Ved-
Duane H. Gifford will become lin of the education school.
director of the University Publi- othe dcaion, school
cations Office, which will resume The .discussion, .bringing to-
separate status within University gether experts from Princeton,
Relations. For most of t'he last Stanford, and Pennsylvania State
year, Publications has been a di- Universities, will be a highlight of
vision of Information Services. the American Historical Associa-
The changes are part of reor- tion's annual meeting in Wash-
ganization of University Relations ington late this month. The His-
stemming from "several studies, tory' of Education Society is co-
according torRadock. In October operating with the association in
the Regents acted on recommen- the meeting.
dations of outside review commit-
tees which urged more regental
and executive officer attention to R.ent your
fund raising.
Radock was asked to devote a
larger portion of his time to' de- Roommate with
velopment. This focus was given'
recognition by designating Rad-
ock's position as vice president for a C 1 ass iii ed Ad
University Relations and Develop-
tr2NsceNdeInt2 - - 7
as taught'b


About 250 religious leaders and}
laymen are expected to attend the
31st annual Michigan Pastors'
Conference at The University of
Michigan next Monday and Tues-
day, Jan. 19-20.
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Wednesday, ian. 14
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is now accepting writers and artists
for this semester's issues.
Anyone or anything interested should come to the
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