---- balancing teacups I dI$an Da4lJ Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited dnd managed by students of the University of Michigan The DAR: The genes of 'Old Glory'? I _. ., Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URDAY, MARCH 21, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN On strike against racism THE REGENTS action Thursday setting an enrollment goal of 10 per cent by 1973-74 was a major step toward rectify- ing the University's lack of commitment in this area--but it did not go far enough. For one thing, :he Regents resolution does not constitute a firm commitment. Rather, it is a promise which the Regents admit they may have to break. " For blacks and their supporters, who have been listening to idle' promises for years, a simple "goal" of 10 per cent should not have much meaning. And this feeling of bad faith is only increased by the refusal of the Regents or adminis- trators to say that the enrollment goal will, ir fact, be obtained. HE ADMINISTRATION gives essen- tially two reasons for its reluctance to make a firm commitment-that adequate funds may not be available and that it may not be possible to find enough qual- itled black high school graduates. Both of these justifications rest on assump- tions that are subtly racist. With a total budget of well over $200 million a year, the University undoubted- ly has enough money to fund a compre- hensive program of vastly increased black enrollment and supportive services. The question is one of how the University will spend its money. He's not worth it UNABLE TO URGE the confirmation of Harrold Carswell's nomination to the Supreme Court on merit, President Nixon has stooped to threats. At a gathering of congressional leaders and White House staff early this month, Nixon ominously warned "If they (the Senate) beat Carswell, I'll pick a man from Mississippi next." Such a threat cannot be taken lightly' in view of the fact that Carswell was nominated in the wake of the defeat of Clement 'Haynsworth. But in making a threat of this nature, not only has Nixon demonstrated his high disregard for the quality of the Supreme 'Court, but he has also indicated disrespect' for the ideal of strict construction of the Constitution. Nixon has said he nominated Carswell because of his record of "strict construc- tionism." Yet, instead of allowing t h e process of advise and consent to work properly, Nixon makes threats. UNFORTUNATELY it looks like sena- torial fatigue will bring about the con- firmation of Carswell. It is crucial that this not be allowed to happen. T h e Supreme Court positions should be awarded on merit, and if Nixon insists on nominating incompetent can- didates, they should be rejected u n t i 1 Nixon nominates a qualified candidate. If Nixon insists upon a strict construc- tionist that is his privilege, but certainly there a r e strict . constructionists better qualified than Haynsworth or Carswell. --A.C. MARTIN A. HIRSOHMAN, Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Editorial Director Managing Editor JIM NEUBACHER ........News Edtor NADINE COHODAS ........... ...... Feature Editor ALEXA CANADY ..,...........Editorial Page Editor BRUCE LEVINE ..............Editorial Page Editor R. A. PERRY ..........................Arts Director LAURIE HARRIS ................. Arts Page Eitor JUDY;KAHN ....................Personnel Director DAN ZWERDLING ..................Magazine Editor JAY CASSIDY.. ................... Photo Editor And unfortunately, the administration's spending priorities are much like those of the federal government. The University continues to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into the war research complex at Willow Run, job recruiting facilities for corporations, lavish construction pro- jects like the Administration Bldg., and frivolities like the Athletics Department. Black admissions gets what is left over. THIS SITUATION cannot be allowed to continue. A fundamental re-ordering of University spending priorities must be undertaken to find the financial support which can make a meaningful black ad- missions program work. The second argument of the adminis- tration-that it may be impossible to find enough qualified black students-under- lines the racist assumptions now govern- ing the administration of the University. On the whole, black students are less well prepared to succeed at the University because U.S. society has denied them the educational opportunities available to middle class whites. Presumably, the thrust of a comprehensive black admis- sions program will be to counter the ef- fects of deficient elementary and sec- ondary education. AND, IF SUCH a program were to fail in its ability to insure academic success for black students, it would only con- stitute a firm condemnation of the ria- ture of University education itself. Because of the bureacratic and autho- ritarian nature of the institution, Uni- versity education is all too often a stifl- ing, boring and repressive experience. It frequently requires personal self-disci- pline and restraint all out of proportion to the importance of what is being taught. A number of proposals have recently been offered to ease this situation. For example, under one proposal instituted in elementary economics classes, students whose work is below the passing level would be given incompletes with the op-. portunity to take a special study course and another final examination. Proposals for mandatory pass - fail grading could also help alleviate the repressiveness of the present educational setup. Such changes could prove critical, if it should be determined that the absurd level of self-discipline required of many students has its roots in the white middle class high school and the white middle class family structure. THE LACK OF commitment by the ad- ministration to the reasonable pro- gram demanded by the B 1 a c k Action Movement is only the logical outcome of the personal allegiances of the adminis- trators and Regents to the racist struc- tures and attitudes at the bedrock of the tiniversity. Only by placing the very continuance of the University in jeopardy can the black students and their supporters hope to break through these allegiances. For the administration will concede-to chang- ing the institution only when the Univer- sity will not continue to exist without those reforms. The class strike called by the Black Action Movement is just the kind of action that is necessary. It deserves the active support of all members of the Uni- versity community. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Editor HE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ranks as one of the more significant to peo- ple living in the United States, and through the monumental event occurred 194 years ago, some citizens remember it as though it were yesterday. In fact, one organization, the Daughters of the American Revolution - usually called the DAR - bases its existence on reminiscing about great-great-great grand- fathers and such who rowed the b o a t Washington stood up in as he crossed the Delaware, or who saddled and bridled Paul Revere's horse before he galloped through the Massachussetts countryside, The DAR struck close to Ann Arbor re- cently when Mrs. Erwin F. Seimes, the current "president-general" of theDAR, came to Detroit to address the group's state convention. Her visit sparks fond memories of some gems in DAR history which 'no doubt would make Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and most other 1776 participants squirm, if not turn completely over in their graves. FOUNDED IN 1890, t h e organization limits its membership "to direct lineal de- scendants of soldiers or others of the Rev- olution period who aided the cause of in- dependence." Applicants must be "person- ally acceptable" to the society and at least 18 years old. The DAR, as well, is designed "to per- petuate the memory of the spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence, promote institutions of American freedom . . . and aid in secur- ing for mankind all the blessings of lib- erty." To accomplish these lofty goals, the group works from a three-fold program which includes a history division to con- centrate on the study of U.S. history,nthe preservation of Americana" and marking historic sites. + The second unit is the educational di- vision - origin of the famed DAR awards, presumably coveted by every red-blooded American female who is a senior in high school. This division also includes funds to support schools for underprivileged youth and to provide "Americanization training." The third section is the most fun, the "patriotic" division, designed to "alert the nation to potential dangers" by publicizing any imminent cataclysms in the "Daugh- ters of the American Revolution Maga- zine" and the "National Defense Maga- zine." THE DAR APPARENTLY had an un- eventful first 48 years, but in 1939, the group epitomized the spirit of the revolu- tion by refusing the stage of Constitution Hall, its auditorium and the largest one in Washington, D.C., to black singer Mar-, ian Anderson. Miss Anderson's manager had tried to secure the building in January, 1939 for an April concert and was told the building had been taken. When he suggested al- ternate dates, DAR spokesmen "all" dates had been filled. On daughter explained that ization refused the stage to Mis to maintain the "middle of the or policy Washington, D.C. hi time. The, DAR would, howevi blacks to sit in the audience o Apparently, though t h e won able to read too much better could think. The Washington, at that time was to allow black ater stage but not in the audienc THE DAR SETS its own polic ly "continental conventions" Washington at the very same C Hall. One meeting, during the w 27, 1947, yielded some reveali chagrining resolutions: "Resolved: that there be noI the immigration barriers.. "Resolved: (That the organiz a well done to the FBI, to Congr ing the FBI more monies, and for his efforts to cleanse our fices of alien and subversive inf "Dedicated: Every member o to the responsibility of policing try's classrooms and publicli keep them free from insidious and interpretations. "Donated: $122,000 for a me tower at Valley Forge." Need I say more? iuadiie c lohod& -s n told him CONTINUING IN ITS now well-estab- lished tradition, the DAR in 1959 executed the organ- a scarcely believable move when they pass- s Anderson ed a motion asking that the United States road" col- withdraw from the United Nations and ad at that remove the UN headquarters from Ameri- 7er, allow can soil. f the hall. The organization was not meeting its en weren't goals fast enough, the DAR said, and after than they all, one defiant daughter said at the time, D.C. policy "You can't do business with the devil." s on a the- And just a few years ago, Constitution e. Hall came into the picture again when the DAR refused to let Joan Baez sing inside. ies at year- Instead, she gave a large outdoor concert held in in Washington, thanking the DAR for the constitution free publicity it gave her. eek of May "No one ever refers to Constitution Hall ng if n o t as b e i n g the DAR headquarters until something unpleasant happens there," la- lowering of mented President-General Seimes Thurs- day in Detroit. "But we have been taking ation send) all precautions to guard our valuables and ess for giv- although there have b e e n incidents we to Truman have not lost any valuables," she added. public of- * * luences. WHAT DOES ONE say about the Daugh- f the DAR ters of the American Revolution? But then, the coun- is there anything that hasn't already been ibraries to said through their actions? Probably not, s doctrines if only to note in passing that should the great-great-great granddaughter of Cris- morial bell pus Atticus, a black and the first American killed in the Revolution, want to be a DAR, odds are she couldn't do it. m. JAMES WECHSLER " Moyn Iha IT WAS PROBABLY predictable that the role of "house liberal" in the Nixon Ad- ministration would eventually be an un- happy one. Nevertheless there did not seem any cause for public lamentation when Pat Moynihan was installed as Presi- dential Counselor on Urban Affairs. After all, Mr. Nixon\was to lead the country for at least four years; several journalists had proclaimed after private conversations with him that he was a very new Nixon, craving fresh ideas. Who better than outspoken, innovative Pat Moynihan, to bring him messages he might not otherwise hear? There were crucial flaws in the projec- tion. It underestimated the extent of Nix- on's bondage to Strom Thurmond. The notion that Mr. Nixon gave high priority to the alienated areas 'obscured his true ob- session with the George Wallace vote. But such misconceptions were perhaps less relevant to the Moynihan saga than the romantic image of Moynihan that had beem nurtured. Many saw him as an ir- reverent swinger enlivening a stuffy Bab- bittland; now he emerges from his pur- loined memoranda as a garrulous syco- phant who established his credentials by disdainful disassociating himself from his suspect former companions. The SURELY PAT MOYNIHAN kn Lyndon Johnson was not "topp mob" but by a peaceful political against the Vietnam war in which ing figures were Eugene McCa] Robert Kennedy-and young n women faithfully operating "wi system." No "mob" stormed Nev shire where the great turning towE began; it was not a Wisconsin "m recorded its sentiments in the polls that trigged LBJ's withdra% sion on the eve of the Wisconsin But in his retrospect Moynihan all such distinctions. Thus his m warns Mr. Nixon that "the leading figures are going-have gone-in sition once again" because it is "th ure to cause trouble, to be agai because "they are hell-bent for time.", Moynihan was writing those should be remembered, before Ni been inaugurated and at a time w was a widespread sense of fatigu liberals who had fought the battle There was no "middle-class mob izing for confrontation with the n dent; this was many months bef Agnew had been unleashed and White House litberalP ows that Southern accent clearly developed. Yet in gine that those were the words that Mr. led by a the Moynihan script the stage was al- Nixon treasured. rebellion ready set for psychological civil war (which Now some will murmur that Moynihan's the lead- he deplored); he exhibited no apparent blast at the anti-Johnson "mob" was de- rthy and comprehension of any gap between the signed as a cgver for his dissection ,of the nen and Weathermen and the serious men who had folly of the war. But it also provided a thin the led the anti-war upsurge. justification for the ensuing excesses of v Hamp- What renders the document especially Agnew; he had spotted the aggressors in ard peace Woadvance; that they were his old crowd pre- incongruous-and indefensible-as an in- nob" that telngu xse isdthatsiteas at sumably gave larger validity to the ex- opinion tellectual exercise is that it affirms that psr opinion 'Vietnam has been a domestic disaster" porg - primary, and "a disastrous mistake because we have Moynihan's gift for rambling, two-level primary. adadssru itk eas ehv discourse has stirred some mystery as to lost it." A man holding those views might dsorehssirdsm ytr st blurred have ee more chaable bout tos the source of the "leaks." Was he being emo also' "toppled" Mr. Johnson. done in by besieged Administration liberals cultural who considered him a deserter Or by right- to oppo- wing Mitchellites who still deem hin a eir pleas- AT THE TIME of the disclosure of Moy- dangerous intruder? In either Icase the nst"andnihan's "benign neglect" memo. there were nst" and some who argued that the real thrust of procedure is shabby, but Moynihan had a good no reason to ,expect immunity from the,' his remarks was overlooked. In his plea ro ges me pl in yion. lines, it for cool he had, it was noted, urged a He may hope that in the end his creativity ixon had liminution of government excitement about in the welfare reform program will be re- hen there the Black Panthers and even questioned membered when these documents become e among ,the wisdom of lawyers in matters of crime, footnotes to his White House memoirs. Per- eof 198. thus artfully planting doubts about the haps still unpublished memoranda will re- " mobil- veal some other valuable endeavors in his Persaps he was. But he was more im- service as educator of the President. But ew Presi- portantly providing a respectable rationale sofriisM nhawosemtoav ore Spiro frthAdnsrai'srretnth vi so far it is Moynihan who seems to have re Sirofor the Administration's retreat on the civil been bringing apples, to teacher. Nixon's rights front, and it is not difficult to ima- n New York Post G m"1 m PTJ ' nTl ot1n 491i T lvrrvun TL U'T~l' 1i'V '1 t L1 C:11 mi'rl a SGC candidates seek election halt To the Editor: AS CANDIDATES for president and vice president of Student Government Council we urge that the SGC election scheduled for next Tuesday and Wednesday be immediately cancelled. The strike called by the Black Action Move- ment warrants the full-time, un- compromising support of a 11 stu- dents and we feel that a par- tisan election would detract from that support. We intend to cease campaigning in order to work to make the strike a success. We urge other candi- dates to do the same. Let's shut this University down. The whole University. -Joe Goldenson '71 Steve Nissen '70 March 20 To the Editor: IN DEFERENCE TO the strike, I am calling off all my campaign- ing for an SGC seat. I callon all other candidates to do the same. -FredWolgel '72 Irresponsible To the Editor: The following is a portion of a letter sent to John Feldkamp, di- rector of University housing:, JOHN, RATHER than comment on the specific plans for reorgan- izing University Housing, with which you know we have serious reservations, we feel compelled to challenge the wisdom of burgeon- ing financial commitments at a time when there. are far more urgent needs for that money. It is extreme irony, and p e r - haps a commentary of the inco- herence of the mass university, that your plans arrived in our office the morning after the Re- gents' deliberations on the BAM demands. President Fleming h a s called for all departments to re- order priorities in recognition of the urgency of expanding higher educational opportunities for black and brown students. On that same day, you recommend adding ap- proximately $130,000 to Housing's management organization. The irony increases when we remember this year's stringent cost 'cutting in educational, staff ($24,000 in our operation alone), the person- nel closest to students. THE UNIVERSITY CANNOT meet the glaring needs of edu- cationally disenfranchised stu- dents if its departments continue to consider their own parochial interests first. That $130,000 could provide free lodging for 120 "disadvantaged" students. It could fully staff a Black Students Center. It could add thirteen re- cruiters or counselors of minor- ity students. Any of these uses is a far more urgent need than the area concept. We urge you not only to re- order your spending priorities, but to further tighten your expendi- tures in order to produce addi- tional monies for admissions and support programs for needy stu- dents. We are concurrently sub- mitting our own budget cut re- commendation toward that goal. We are circulating this letter to employees and students not in intentional defiance of administra- tive protocol, but out of pe'rsonal and professional belief that each and every University department Not me To the Editor: ON MARCH 16 I signed the let- ter appearing in Thursday's Daily which favored a withdrawal from Vietnam, an end to the draft, and BAM demands. All three points struck me as/basically reasonable, though preposterously simplified, and I did not wish to by-pass a good cause because of marginal reservations. I .would now like to dissociate myself from the more recent en- largement of the BA drive since March 16 into a strike, worthy, as its basic aim may be. I am es- pecially put off by those who re- gard the University (or any uni- versity) as a play thing, to be "shut down" if a specific demand is not met. Perhaps there are con- ceivable goals which would justify so serious asacrifice, but, the mar- gin between the University's recent response and BAM's goals seems, as of March 20, to fall a light year or two short of that. No doubt it is hard, perhaps im- possible, to see evils in perspective ~while also engaging in action to oppose them. Many of us are guilty of being all perspective and no ac- tion. But some such actions are, in any perspective, inferior and self-contradictory. From time immemorial, people of good-will on the left have been tearing each other apart, while their common opponents proceed untouched. The March 16-20 week here has been redolent of that. It is reprehensible to wish to rule or ruin, as we are doing in Vietnam. Is it less so to wish to rule or ruin one's allies? -William G. Shepherd March 20 trend such as we have seen with ROTC. This might have some ef- fect on these corporations. Although my opinion is not the majority one in the college of en- gineering I hope you will take it into consideration before taking further action against the recruit- ment disrupters. -Robert Rollin, '72 Engr. Wrong again To the Editor: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ'S un- signed article (Daily, Mar. 19, p. 1) on my speech at the Regents' Forum was incorrect in inferring that I called for any action-con- certed or otherwise. Secondly, the reference to black students and the Administration being on a "collision course" originated with Mr. Fleming. Mr. Fleming told black students: "We are on a col- lision course . . . headed for a catastrophe . . . you can't ,win!" I replied: "We have met his chal- lenge. If we are indeed on a col- lision course-so be it!" -Darryl Gorman Member, Black Student Union March 20 Dismay To the Editor: I WAS SOMEWHAT dismayed yesterday to see that ENACT is trying to raise money by selling disposable Lindy pens that are en- graved, "Give Earth a Chance." You cannot buy refills for these pens. When the ink runs out, you must throw the pen away. Some- thing like a "no-deposit-no-re- turn" Coke bottle. -Lee Weitzenkorn '70 March 19 pI I 'ATeFT9T4) He 5HAU MUI(.. THE~ S0M I26 FENDANT' CAL-W12 ME A WAR. HE SHiALL 56 iiitow TO~ THELI4OW5. T171J THRL A0J12 FOVRTM PEFM 2AMTS COMPRED. PME TOA $AV SIUR TOIUGU6S K StALL $E - RI FPiE?90AT. 4 T116 FIFfh' FEX)12AMT WAS _ .I6CYfC2. T(4e Gf(XTA4 AMP VUFMt2AQT5 ACCUSCR 2THIS sVUNM 1 6 SUMTNC5 ........... ........ ....... . 4