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March 21, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-21

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C, 4c


:4a itj

Partly cloudy, little
change in temperature

""ol. LXXX, No. 139

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 21', 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages





Goals vs. commitments

Daily News. Analysis
"What the Regents did Thurs-
day was a hoax and a fraud,"
Black Action Movement (BAM)
leader Ron Harris told the crowd
on the steps of Hill Aud. yester-
"The Regents' resolution is a
very substantial, bonafide response
to the BAM demands," Vice Presi-
dent for State Relastions and Plan-
hing Arthur Ross said yesterday
in' an open letter speaking for the
University's executive officers.
Disagreement is sharp over the
Regents' response to the BAM de-
mands for increased black admis-
sions, financial aid, and supportive.
services. BAM and its supporters
criticize the Regents' plan for lack
of firm commitment to a 10 per
cent black enrollment by 1973, for
.not mentioning some demands and
for being vague on others.

The Regents and administration
are not so concerned with the
wording of the plan and pin their
hopes, "on the stability of the
University community to work to-
gether over the next three years,"
as President Robben Fleming told
the Regents on Thursday.
What the dispute comes down
to, then, is a lack of firm commit-
ment by the Regents and admin-
istration on one hand and a lack
of faith, by students, especially
black students, in the administra-
tion's dedication to meeting the
plan's goals on ;the other.
As indicated by student reaction
to the Regents' plan, that faith is
not great among a large number
of students, and so the substance,
not the spirit, of the Regents'
plan takes on major importance.
The Regents called for "an ad-
missions goal which is designed

to produce by 1973-74 admissions
aimed at 10 per cent enrollment of
black students and substantially
increased numbers of other minor-
ity and disadvantaged groups."
The real problem with the 10
per cent goal is its wording. An-
thropology Prof. Gloria Marshall
asked the Regents to make it
clearer if they wanted to meet
the BAM demand.
Several Regents replied that the
proposal as worded made it clear
that they intended to aim for 10
per cent and refused to make any
Harris points out that the de-
mands for 90 new blacks and 50
Chicano (Spanish surname) stu-
dents in 1971-72 are ignored in
the Regents' resolution. Further,
as BAM spokesman Sylvia Joseph
says, it fails to mention the basic
intent of the enrollment demands
-black enrollment equal to the

percentage of college-age blacks
in the state.
Harris also objected at the Re-
gents meeting that no specific
mention was made of recruiters,
although two general references
were made in the plan to the need
for recruiters. BAM had asked for
nine undergraduate and an un-
specified number of graduate re-
Ross, in his letter, said, "Steps
are -already underway to employ
additional recruiters of under-
graduate and graduate students."
He added that the specific needs
will be worked out by a committee
under Stephen Spurr. vice presi-
dent and dean of the graduate
school, whose office oversees fi-
nancial aid and admis'ions.
Spurr says the structure of the
student, faculty and administra-
tion committee is "completely

open now," and will be worked out
over the next few weeks.
But the effectiveness of the
committee in mounting an effec-
tive recruiting program depends
on money, as does mont of the
rest of the program.
The Regents committed "a mini-
mum of $100,000 to recruiters anti
staff next year, but BAM says that
is not enough, , and they appear
to be correct.
The Opportunity Awards Pro-
gram (OAP) to which the Regents
have pledged an additional $2 mil-
lion by 1973-74, presently has a
budget of about $1 million
Vice President for Acidemir Af-
fairs Allan Smith 3ays tht one
dolllar in five of the OAP's budget
goes for recruiting and supportive
staff. George Goodman, head of
the OAP, is the only rec iter in
the program.
That means that $200 000 is

being spent on one recruiter and
his staff. Even allowing a fairly
large margin of error in esti-
mating, $100,000 does not begin
to meet the BAM demand for more
than nine full-time recruiters.
But the questions about money
)nly begin there. Fleming says,
"The $2 million is just the guar-
antee. We'll get that no matter
what. The rest of the ten per cent
goal is added on top of that."
Darryl Gorman, of BAM, says
that doubling of the number of
students in the OAP, by tripling
its funds, is deceptive. Since only
part of the program is composed
of blacks, and only part of the
University's black students are in
the OAP, doubling the program
would increase black enrollment'
to only about five or six per cent,
Gorman says. So, if the 10 per cent
goal is to be met, additional money
must be committed.

The Regents' plan says "inten-
sified efforts will be undertaken
to raise additional funds from
state, federal and gift sources."
Ross' letter repeats this and
adds, "To meet this commitment
(the 10 per cent goal) the Univer-
sity will be required to make sub-
stantial re-allocations of funds
now available, and is fully pre-
pared to do so."
Sinse such fund-raising is a task
usually left to administrators,
3AM and its supporters view any-
thing less than a specific commit-
ment as a chance to default.
Realizing this situation, mem-
bers of the black staff and faculty
called last Tuesday for a "Finan-
cial Task Force" of black students,
faculty and administrators to be
involved in the fund raising cam-
paign. That proposal was not men-
tioned in the Regents' plan.
See LACK, Page 10







-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Protesters picket at Hill Aud.

Flemng declines
President Robben Fleming yesterday refused to attend a
*scheduled meeting with the Student Government ,Council
when SGC informed him that the meeting would be open to
the public and the press.
Council arranged the meeting Thursday to emphasize
their unanimous support for the Black Action Movement de-
mands and question the presence of police on campus.
Fleming .left the League abruptly when he saw that
students other than SGC members were planning to attend
_--- the meeting.

200 enter
Hill Aud.
See related story, Page 3
W i t h 'picketing, chanting
and stinkbombs, the annual
Honors Convocation was dis-
rupted yesterday morning as
over 4,000 students and par-
ents attended the assembly at
Hill Aud.
By 9 a.m., an hour and one-half
before the scheduled start of the
convocation, people started to
form picket lines. Over 200 picket-
ers-black and white students and
faculty members-circled the front
and side doors of Hill Aud,
"We are here today because the
Regents tried to perpetrate a hoax
on the people," Black Action
Movement (BAM) leader Ron
Harris told the crowd.
"The resolution made no men-
tion of BAM demands for 50 Chi-
canos by September of 1970, tui-
tion waivers, 900 blacks by 1970-
71 nor recruiters for black and
Chicano students," he said.
Inside Hill Aud. the convoca-
tion began on time. Against the
background of a stuck C chord on
the organ and a black-gloved
clenched - fisted student silently
holding his hand aloft, Secretary
of the University Herbert Hilde-
brandt began the presentation of
honored guests.
While the awards were being
read by Hildebrandt, a group of
about 40 students filed into the
auditorium chanting "open it upI
or shut it down."
Joined by a few students in the
audience, the group.- protesting
the Regents' black enrollment
policy - made its way down the
aisles and converged at the foot
of the stage. All had their arms
raised in the traditional Black
Power salute.
Others in the audience hissedj
at the demonstrators crying "out.
See DISRUPT, Page 7

-Daily-ThomasR. Copi

Demonstrators picket
classes, rally on Diag
Extensive picketing at the Honors Convocation and out-
side University classrooms yesterday marked the first day
of a University-wide strike cabled to support the demands
of the Black Action Movement (BAM) for increased minority
admissions and aid.
It was unclear yesterday how effective the strike had been
in deterring students from going to classes.

Students gather outside Fishbowl

Sometime after midnight Thurs-
day, windows and glass doors were
smashed at the West Engineering
and Business Administration
Bldgs. and the Ann Arbor Bank
branch located on the corner of
k E. and S. University, according to
Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter
Ann Arbor police also checked
out bomb scares at the Michigan
Union .and the Frieze Building
yesterday, "but as of Friday night,
no bombs were found," Krasny
A said.
Two molotov cocktails were
found, however, under buses.

When students followed him for
further discussion, Fleming ex-
plained that he had said prev-
iously he would meet with Council
and with a Daily reporter.
Commenting on Fleming'§ hasty
departure yesterday, SGOC mem-
ber Bob Hirshon said, "Fleming,
is scared to death that any meet-
ing would turn into a show of no
confidence. His inordinate pride,
once again, got in the way of ra-
tional discussion."
Last night, Fleming commented
on his unwillingness to meet with
SGC in an open meeting. "Such
a meeting would not serve a use-
ful purpose in this instance," he
said. "I have met and will meet
openly with SGC, but in this case
it wouldn't accomplish anything."
Fleming also said he was not
concerned about possible con-
frontations at such a meeting.

stops traffic on


In the morning, members
tion to Support BAM centered
ors Convocation at Hill Aud.
After that ceremony, act ns
were concentrated on picketing
major classroom buildings on cen-
tral campus. Although the picket-
ers tried to cover every m a j 6 r
building in the Diag area, the bulk
of the picketing was at the An
gellMason Hallcomplex.
Marching at the entrances to
the buildings, demonstrators pass-
ed out leaflets and urged people
not to attend classes. With t h e
exception of the Fishbowl area,
the picketers did not forcefully
block the movement of people
in or out of the buildings for any
length of time.
BAM leaders called for the
strike during a rally Thursday af-
ternoon. The Regents that after-
noon adopted a plan for increas-
ing minority admissions, but BAM
was not satisfied with the Re-
gents' proposals.
Representatives of BAM expres-
sad satisfaction with the progress
of the strike.
Speaking to a group of people in
the Fishbowl yesterday afternoon,
Ron Harris said, "It is very grat-
ifying, I think - this turn-out
of people, who came spontaneously
to support us in our fight against
this racist-institution. From what
I canesee, wevhaveubeen very ef-
fective in proving our point to the
student body."
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith said that ac-
cording to the information he had,
yesterday's strike was not effec-
Literary school Iean William
Hays was unable to estimate whe-
ther or not the strike had signi-
ficantly affected attendance In
the literary college. "We dor}'t
See STUDENT, Page 7

of BALI and the white Coals-
their protest around the Hon-
Coa lion
meets on


The Black Action Movement and
members of a coalition of groups
in support of the BAM demands
continued planning last night for
strile protesting the Regents stand
on minority admissions. The strike
will be continued until the BAM
demands are approved in full.
BAM plans to hold political edu-
cation classes in the SAB today
from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m., and will
hold discussions on organization
and tactics to "expand and inten-
sify the struggle."
The coalition of groups in sup-
port of BAM will hold a mass
meeting today on the second floor
of the SAB at 2:00 p.m. -
A select group of representa-
tives fr9m the coalition met with
members of BAM in a closed meet-
ing last night.
They refused to comment on the
contents of the meeting, but said
it will be announced at the 2 p.m.
mass meeting today.
Students will be picketing, leaf-
letting, and holding discussion
sessions throughout the week. The
strike began yesterday.
In addition, over 200 people
picketed the morning's honors
convocation, expressing support of
the BAM demands and protesting
the expense of the ceremony.


By LARRY LEMPERT 5 Fishbowl, and then blocked traffic onthe grounds that he is an in-
and W. E. SCHROCK for 20 minutes in front of the sult to the black community.
Students undertook a series of Union, claiming they were looking After a BAM rally at 3:20 p.m.
actions yesterday in conjunction for lost contact lenses. at which black leaders talked
with the strike to support the de- The action late yesterday after- about the strike and the arrests
mands of the Black Action Move- noon followed a demonstration at made in a confrontation with po-
ment (BAM). the H o n o r s Convocation and lice after the Regents meeting
In one incident students escort- picketing of classroom buildings Thursday,sAM members and
ed President and, Mrs. Robben to persuade students not to attend white supporters decided to go to
Fleming with chanting and slo- classes. the Presidents Tea at the League
gans from the President's Tea at Also yesterday, BAM called for because "these are the people we
the League to their home on S. ! the immediate resignation of Wil- are protesting against"
University Ave. liam Cash, assistant to the presi- second floor of the League only
The group later rallied in the dent for human relations affairs, to find that the Tea was almost
The demonstrators did not con-
front Fleming, but simply watched
him as he and his wife prepared
to leave.
When Fleming left the demon-
w ith strators followed along, several
f ~ ~~ 3 ff ~ carrying souvenir flowers from the
room where the Tea had. been
ite guy throw a rock at of police racism saying they did not As Fleming and his wife walked
iss Bluestone said, "The waht to damage the defense of the four from the League, the demonstra-
d up and hit him in the blacks who were arrested during the tors formed a thick line behind
passed by him and ar- me'ee. Individual blacks, however, were Although s1o g a n s had been
who wasn't doing any- more willing to discuss the issue. shouted from the demonstrators
d see." Two blacks who took part in the earlier, the group now started
ned about charges of demonstration reported witnessing sev- chanting, "Open it up or shut it
nn Arbor Police Chief down."
e: al incidents of what they consider "po A group of blacks at the head
taid that no complaints lice racismA of blakspt te ead
tthe police department of the crowd kept the people
7*...:., .e, L~6 ~r+ zi l Q-- P7 - 1,4-lfl ,± - -- n-it 7'~~




SRC seeks group to
review BAM demands

Although police officials deny any
racial discrimination in the handling of
the Black Action Movement (BAM)
demonstration Thursday, many students
present at the action insist otherwise.
Those charging the police with black-
directed brutality point to the fact that
although a majority of the estimated

"I saw one wh
a policeman," M
policeman walke
head, but thenl
rested a black N
thinfz that I coul
When questio
police racism, A
Walter Krasny s
had been filed a

Senate Assembly's Student Re-
lations Committee (SRC) yester-
day called for an ad 'hoc commit-
tee to discuss implementing the
Black Action Movement demands.
SRC's motion, passed unani-
mously, urges the Senate Assem-

a three-pronged motion urging
"great restraint" in bringing po-
lice on campus. The motion also
commended the administration for
not having police on guard at the
Honors Convocation yesterday and
commended student leaders, urg-
ing them to continue their efforts
to- .nnin4-an n ,-.on n4'i l , nnetrn

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