ENACT teach-in draws nationwie atte
By DAVE CHUDWIN A wide variety of viewpoints were rep- "Litigation is the civilized answed to rev- out discrimination, poverty and war," the Describing the earth, as a "spaceship," Earlier, du
Aimed at educating people o "G i v e resented, ranging from anarchist Murray olution," Yannacone said. "Dpn't just sit Wisconsin Democrat said. "It's time we put Eddie Albert warned that man would not chin called f
Earth a Chance," the University last week Bookchin to Dow Chemical Corp. President there and complain about your problems- gross national quality above gross national be the first species to become extinct if he social struct
held a five-day environmental teach-in, the Ted Doan. At noon the next day an automobile was "Maybe we're here because some people keeps poisoning his environment. with nature
most extensive ffort of its type in the na- "We see the teach-in as a first phase - tried and executed in a mock trial on the want us to forget there is a criminal war Over three-dozen workshops were held on against charj
tion's history. an effort towards enviroqmental aware- Diag. Among the witnesses at the zany pro- going on in Vietnam and people are being Friday along with a public hearing of the cause birth
Scores of nationally-known politicians, ness," said ENACT steering committee ceedings were "Dr. Sigmund Ford" and killed in the ghettoes," s a i d geneticist U.S. House Subcommittee on Conservation Last Satur
member Bill Manning. "The second phase "Rob Rockyfeller." James Shapiro, sounding a dissenting note.
businessmen, scientists a n id entertainers will be putting what we've learned success- With television crews from as far away Shapiro said revolution is the only answer and Natural Resources. in, a capai
spoke at over 125 separate rallies, panels fully into action." as Japan recording the scene, a 1959 Ford to pollution. A speech by Sen. Edmund Muskie was Ralph Nade
and workshops The teach-in, which took five months was sentenced and hacked to death. Fol- On Thursday over 30 workshops on top- the main event of the day as over 2,500 Nader urged
Environmental Action for Survival (EN- of planning, drew heavy support and par- lowing the execution, students temporarily ics ranging from the Great Lakes to re- people packed Pioneer High to hear Muskie a pollution-f
ACT), the student organization that plan- ticipation from the University administra- dumped more than 10,000 non-returnable ligion and environment were held on cam- and a panel -on the root causes of pollu- sities.
ned the event, estimates that at least 50,- tion, local schools and the community as soft-drink cans on the lawn of the Coca- pus while an environmental town meeting tion. * The envi
000 people. attended teach-in programs. ' a whole, while attracting spectators from Cola bottling plant. was held at Ann Arbor Pioneer H i g h The Maine Democrat expressed concern eluded with
Senators Philip Hart, Edmund Muskie across the country. That night over 13,000 people attended School. that the environmental issue not become survival and
and Gaylord Nelson headed a distinguished The effort opened Tuesday, March 10, the kick-off rally for the teach-in at Crisler Ralph MacMullan, director of the state "a smokescreen that will obscure the over- Richard Ha
guest list which included ecologists Barry with a number of workshops. An overflow Arena (formerly the All-Events Bldg.) The resources department, called for popula- all crisis of life in America." vironment r
Commoner and Lamont Cole, consumer ad- crowd in Hutchins Hall heard environmen- overflow crowd heard Sen. Gaylord Nelson tion control, saying that "over-population Calling for a strategy to protect the to- unite the co
vocate Ralph Nader, actors Eddie Albert tal lawyer Victor Yannacone outline his call for financial, social and ethical chang- is our biggest single threat because it's tal environment, Muskie warned of the "The who
and Arthur Godfrey and labor leader Wal- $30 billion suit against manufacturers of es to meet the environmental crisis. people who pollute, deplete resources and "poisons of hate and fear that divide us success as f
ter Reuther among others. the pesticide DDT. "Our goal must be an environment with- make war." and set us against each other." ning conclu(
Eight Pages
iring the panel, Murray Book-
or basic changes in America's
ure to bring it into harmony
while Ted Doan defended Dow
ges that its defoliants'allegedly
defects in Vietnam.
day, the final day of the teach-
ty crowd in Hill Aud. heard
r attack "corporate violence."
students to try 'to establish
ree zone around their univer-
ronmental extravaganza-con-
a panel discussion on man's
a speech by Gary, Ind. Mayor
tcher, who suggested the en-
night be an issue that could
le experience has been a real
ar as we're concerned," Man-
Academic achievement honored
A CARTS 'EXECUTED on the Diag after being fo und guilty of "murder-of the American public, cross-
ing state line to pollute, inciting traffic jams, creating physical and psychological dependence and discriminat-
ing against the poor."
at 'U' convocatioi
Supplement Co-editor
The University today will honor more than 3000 undergraduate students
for outstanding academic achievement at the forty-seventh annual Honors
The convocation, 'which begins at 10:30 a.m. in Hill Aud., will be pre-
sided over by University President Robben Fleming. Later, in the afternoon,
President Fleming will also hold a tea for the honored students and their
Dean of the Medical School William Hubbard will be the principle
Students are honored in several categories. The first is the school hon-
ors, where students are recognized for outsanding academic achievement
as reflected through their grade point averages. To qualify as an honoree, a
student must have maintained a 3.5 average for two consecutive semesters.
First semester freshmen are exempt from the two semester stipulation and
need only have a 3.5 average for their one semester.
First semester freshmen who are in the top 5 per cent of their class will
also receive the William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize. In addition to Vie
honor of receiving this award, the recipients are given the book of th Ir
choice from a prepared list.
Students who have maintained an all-A grade point average for two
consecutive semesters are designated Angell Scholars. This award is named
after University President James Barrill Angell (1871-1909).
The Regents' resolution was referred to the Deans' Conference where
it was discussed and accepted.
The convocation also recognizes students who receive awards from var-
ious departments and those who have recently been initiated into honor
Today's convocation is the largest in the history of the University
with 3,039 students winning school honors.
There are actually closer to 3,100 students who havemet the require-
ments to be honored, but due to factors such as incomplees which have not
been made up until recently, some of the students are not included in the
program today.
The idea for an honors convocation was originated by University Presi-
dent Marion Burton. When he addressed the first group of 250 students on
May 14, 1924, he explained the purpose of the convocation was "to put a fit-
ting emphasis upon scholarship, scientific attainment, capacity to think and
genuine research, the things representing our first and real task as teachers I
and students." of
Arrangements for the Honors Convocation are made through the office de,
of Herbert Hildebrandt, University secretary and Assistant to the President. the
Hildebrandt's office sets the date of the convocation, finds the speaker, ors
formulates the order of exercises, plans the President's tea, acrd makes other tit
arrangements concerning the program of the convocation.1
The office of the registrar gathers and processes names of students to be ve:
honored and sends invitations to them and their parents. Co
Order of Exercises
Dean William Hubbard
Grands Jeux ........Francois Couperin
Offertoire sur les
The Star Spangled Banner ......Audience
Presentation of
Honored Guests .. Herbert Hildebrandt,
Secretary of the University
Laudes Atque
Carmina .... Gayley and Stanley
The Men's Glee Club
Presestation of
Honor Students . . . Herbert Hildebrandt
Convocation Address . . William Hubbard,
Jr., Dean of the Medical School
Goddess of the
Inland Seas........Gayley and Peters
The Men's Glee Club
The Yellow and Blue
(first verse) .............. Audience
Fugue on the chorale, "All Glory Be to
God on High" . . Johann Sebastian Bach
The audience will please remain seated until the Regents
and faculty have left the latfornm
Med school dean
to speak today
Supplement Co-editor
Dr. William N. Hubbard, director
the University Medical Center and
an of the Medical School,. will be
e principal speaker at today's Hon-
s Convocation. His address is en-
led "Compassion and Competence."
Dr. Hubbard is leaving the Uni-
rsity on April 1 to join the Upjohn
, with responsibility for its phar-
President's Tea for honor students and their families in the
Vandenberg Room of the Michigan League 2:00 until 4:00 P.M.
Football skill
highli ght
Associate Sports Editor
The cold shadows lengthened
across the Tartan rug in Michigan
Stadium in the late afternoon of
Nov. 22-but nothing could chill the
delirium of tens of thousands of Wol-
verine partisans as they swarmed all
over the synthetic surface and tore
down one of the supposedly inde-
structible uprights.
Michigan's 24-12 victory over Ohio
State, "the greatest college football
team ever," had just assured the
Wolverines of a trip to the Rose Bowl
as Big Ten co-champions, and had
put the campus in a euphoric state
' that was to last for days.
The Maize and Blue later lost 10-3
to Southern Cal in the Rose Bowl,
but their chances for a win in Pasa-
dena were virtually doomed even be-
fore the team took the field. Several
players suffered injuries in practices
prior to the game, and Coach of the
Year Bo Schembechler suffered a
heart attack on New Year's morning,
Wolverine sports year
sistants as well. Ron Johnson, the
All-American halfback, and All-Big
iTen quarterback Denpiy Brown r
graduated, leaving the team with big
questions marks at two key positions.
It appeared that Michigan would
have a rebuilding year from the
ground up.
It was thus an uncertain quantity
that took the field in September to
face the Commodores of Vanderbilt,
but when the game was over, the old
doubts were all but forgotten. Glenn
Doughty moved into the tailback slot
admirably, loping 80 yards for one
TD and averaging over nine yards
per carry. ; Quarterback Don Moor-
head accounted for 145 yards run-
ning and passing, and Henry Hill
spent most of the day working out
with the Comodore backfield.
The result was a 42-14 Michigan
win, and the next Saturday a sim-
ilar fate befell the Washington Hus-
kies, as Doughty rambled for 91
yards and Moorhead 14 of 19 passes
in a 45-7 slaughter.
Thus began a quarter of pure hell
for the Maize and Blue. Michigan
turned the ball over four times, and
Mizzou blitzed 24 points onto the
board. A second half comeback was
spoiled by a blocked punt and the
Wolverines were embarrased, 40-17.
Next came Purdue with Bob Griese,
who just the week before had play-
ed perhaps th finest fourth quarter
in collegiate history to lead his charg-
es to a come from behind win against
rugged Stanford.
But the Wolverines w e r e ready.
Moorhead dueled Griese to a statis-
tical standoff and the Wolverine sec-
ondary came up with four interce-
tions. Captain and All-America tight
end Jim Mandich snared ten passes
for 156 yards, and the defense held
the Boilermakers scoreless in the
second half for a 31-14 win that
thrust Michigan into the center of
the Rose Bowl picture.
The team crescendoed mightly for
their climax meeting with the Buck-
eyes, and no team in collegiate his-
tory steppd out onto the field any
Wolverine score. There was no real
star in the game, it was a complete
team effort by an inspired team, the
greatest win( in Wolverine gridiron
Although no other sport drew the
accolades quite like football, there
were heroes on other sports fronts.
Rudy Tomjanovich lead the short but
gritty Wolverine cagers to a respect-
able 10-14 record. Rudy averaged over
30 points a game and broke the late
Bill Buntin's career rebounding rec-
ord as well as nabbing second place
on the all-time Wolverine scoring
T h e gymnastics team breezed
through their regular season unde-
feated and waltzed to the conference
championship. The Wolverine squad
racked up the highest total in the
nation this year and are favored to
take the national championship lat-
er this month.
Cliff Keen retired after 45 years as
Michigan wrestling coach by leading
the grapplers to a thiid place in the
maceutical division. He has been a;
member of the company's board of
directors since December, 1968.
Commenting on his appointment,
Dr. Hubbard said, "After 11 years as
a Medical School dean at Michigan
and eight years as assistant and as-
sociate dean at New York University,
I was attracted by the stimulus of a
new set of responsibilities. The course
of the pharmaceutical industry is
committed to the production of
agents that are effective and safe be-
yond doubt, and my familiarity with
the use of science in the public in-
terest will be most, useful in the
transition from the University Med-
ical Center setting to the pharma-
ceutical industry."
Dr. Hubbard has been dean of the
University Medical School since 1959.
HIe is the fifth to carry the title of
"dean" and the eighth to serve as ad-
minisetrative head of t h e Medical
School since it was founded in 1850.
He is also professor of internal medi-
Born October 15, 1919 in Fair-
mont, N.C., Dr. Hubbard received
his bachelor's degree from Columbia
University in 1942 and then entered
the University of N o r t hCarolina
School of Medicine. He transferred to
New York University College of Med-
icine in 1943 and received the de-
gree of Doctor of Medicine from NYU
in 1944.
From then until 1950, he t o o k
speciality training in internal medi-
cine at Bellevue Hospital in New York
City. In 1951 he became assistant
dean of the N.Y.U. College of Medi-
cine, and was promoted to- associate
dean in 1953, the position he held
at the time of his selection by the
University of Michigan. Since he has
come to the University, Dr. Hubbard
has campaigned vigorously to impress
professional and lay groups with a
_ _ .:,::