I te idian at Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Athletics: Soaking up University funds martin hirsclmwuia i 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER Support RAM demands THE DEMANDS of the Black Action Movement for increased minority ad- missions with the appropriate supportive services must be met in full by the Uni- sity. .The University - long reputed to be a school of rich whites -- has been worse than negligent in meeting its responsibili- ties as a state institution of higher learn- ing. Black students comprise less than three per cent of the University's enroll- ment while the state population is more than 12 per cent black. It is apparent, therefore, that the ques- tion the Regents must answer today is not whether or not the demands should be met but rather how the programs BAM demands can be funded. rTIE REGENTS will probably fund in- creased minority admissions by add- ing an additional ten or twenty dollars to the projected tuition increase next year. However, in order for this method of finance to be effective, the University must make several commitments. First, the University must make a mas- sive commitment to increasing monies available for financial assistance, be- cause raising tuition to accommodate minority admissions will increase t h e number of students who cannot pay the higher rate. A minority admissions plan which has the effect of excluding great numbers of poor students is unacceptable. Therefore, a comprehensive financial aids program must be developed. Second, because it is apparent t h a t greater numbers 'of students will be re- ceiving financial aid if tuition is increas- ed, it becomes more important than ever that the University refuse to recognize any political qualifications which would limit the ability of a person to obtain financial aid. Scholarships must not be used as political levers to squelch dissent. UNIVERSITY PRIORITIES must be re- oriented to provide several million dollars for the minority admissions pro- gram. But, this would only contribute a fraction of the amount needed and a tui- tion increase is the only realistic method immediately available for raising the ne- cessary money. It is, however, crucial that the Regents also recognize that tuition increases are at best stopgap ,measures. Tuition cannot be raised to meet every financial crisis. Rather the University must begin to use its influence on state levels to establish sufficient funding for the minority ad- missions programs. Perhaps the o n 1 y solution would be fiscal reform at a state- wide level.# THE FIRST priority for all state univer- sities must be the funding of pro- grams which open the facilities of the universities to all people who seek high- er education rather than the select few who have financial resources available. At present, however, massive state sup- port is not available. But the University has the responsibility to increase the edu- cational opportunities for minority and disadvantaged youth. The acceptance of the BAM program is a first step in that direction. -THE SENIOR EDITORS WHILE THE University administration is making pained noises about finding money for faculty salary increases, black admissions and holding the line on tuition, the athletic department is ambling along modestly on its $2.7 million a year budget. And strikingly, if the administration were inclined to reorient funding priorities to meet the truly pressing needs facing the University, much of the athletic de- partment budget could be salvaged for other purposes. The most obviously salvagable money is the over $572,000 for athletics each year that is presenting being drawn out of the University's General Fund Budget - which, in turn is drawn mostly from state appropriations and fee tuition. This general fund money - which the athletic department budgets under t h e heading of "University allocation" - is presently coming into the department from two accounts and is being put to general uses. FIRST THERE IS THE age-old student athletic fee - $5 per student, per term - yielding an estimated $372,000 for the 1969-70 fiscal year. At present, about $326,- 0000 of this money is being used to pay off bonds floated to construct the lavish Fritz Crisler Arena. The rest of the money is lost somewhere in the expenditures column. What it amounts to is a partial subsidy for the over $100,000 debt the department rang up last year - yes, despite the huge helping the department gets from the general fund, it is still spending enough to eat up about one-eighth of its reserves a year. The other athletic department revenue that is directly traceable to student fees is three-year, $600,000 program of outdoor recreational field improvements. Most of this money has gone for light- ing playing fields, and covering the foot- ball stadium playing field with Tartan Turf to reduce maintenance costs and al- lowing for use by intramural and club sports. While these improvements are less od- ious than the construction of the Fritz Crisler Arena - and more meaningful in terms of meeting the needs of students - there is still considerable question as to whether they should take precedence over expenditures for minority admissions and increased financial aids. IF THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT, along with its $713,000 reserve fund, were eliminated, the University would gain back only the $576,0000 tuition subsidy. But, by simply cutting back some of the department's operations, larger amounts of money would become available to pro- grams of higher priority. Optimally, the athletic department would be solely involved in providing ser- vices for the large numbers of students who want to get in some recreation in their spare time. There is no need for the aca- demic community to function as the home of farm teams for professional sports. If, however, some auxilliary activities of the athletic department do provide re- venues to fund those things that are de- sireable, and if their existence is not, in itself, too odious, then perhaps some of these activities can be tolerated. But in fact, only one of the department's many enterprises, the football business, is making any money. With total game re- ceipts at about $1.23 million, football - along with the tuition money - is subsi- dizing all other departmental activities. The other nine varsity sports - baseball, track, basketball, tennis, golf, swimming, wrestling, hockey, and gymnastics - are all losing money. If the University is really not just a stopping place for athletes on their way to the pros, these sports could be returned to intramural or club sport status. The money which would be gen- erated is not insubstantial. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT EXPENDI- TURES would first be lowered by about $200,000 - the operating costs of the nine varsity teams. In addition, the department's $43,000 item for recruiting high school athletes and the $14,000 for "paid visits" of poten- tial recruits to campus could be cut back significantly. An indeterminate, but undoubtedly large chunk of money would also be saved from the whopping $921,000 salaries and wages item in the present department budget And another item in the department's budget needs serious review. At present, $496,000 is used by the department f o r tenders - full scholarships - to h i g h school athletes. Financial needs is not a prerequisite for the granting of t h e s e funds. By simply cutting back the operations of the athletic department, the Univer- sity administration can probably find about $1.5 million a year that could be better spent on other things. Some of it could even be used to fund the proposed multi-million dollar intramural construc- tion project - if the students, voting in referendum, feel it is worthwhile. The present plan for funding the construction by another increases in student tuition is unacceptable in the light of the present athletic department spending priorities. The Regents are planning to meet with Athletic Director Don Canham and the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics in a closed session today at 3:30 p.m. in the Union. If they are sincerely interested In find- ing funds for increased minority admis- sions, the Regents should ask Canham and his board about some of their-recent expenditures. Letters to the Editor Stop war recruiting (Editor's Note: This is the text of a resolution passed recently by the University's Econonic Society. Sixty percent of those eligible voted. The resolu- tion passed 417 to 32.) Environmental rhetoric TALK IS CHEAP. And, as anyone who attended even a few of the over 125 rallies, workshops, and panels during last week's environmental teach-in knows, talk is plentiful. Too many of the dozens of politicians, entertainers, scientists and entertainers that participated in the five-day teach-in relied on meaningless phrases and rusty rhetoric. There was a lot of talk about philoso- phical perspectives and basic causes; there was little mention of action and solutions. EOPLE FIND IT difficult to believe that man might become as extinct as the dinosaur. But respected scientists report that mankind only has between 10 and 50 years before environmental de- cay becomes irreversible. Faced with such apocalyptic possibili- ties, we should be taking immediate af- firmative action to stop the poisoning of our environment. It is getting late for rhetoric. This is not to say that solutions to the problem should not be discussed. The University's teach-in and other similar events around the nation, on April 22 will provide this opportunity. DESPITE WHAT some people delude themselves into thinking, what ' is,; needed are basic changes in the economic, political and social structures of this country. People have to learn that "more" does not necessarily mean "better." Each of us would examine our own life styles to see what we can do to reduce our peisonal over-consumption of the world's resources. Beyond our own personal lives, we should set priorities and engage in ac- tions that fit our own political views. THE MORE ACTIVE among us can or- ganize boycotts against polluter's products, demand that dangerous items such as the defoliant 2,4,5-T be removed from the market and demonstrate against industrial plants that refuse to conform to publicly-set pollution stand- ards. The public should insist that political. and industrial leaders do more than mouth support for the environment. -DAVE CHUDWIN Draft, BAM, Vietnam To the Editor: WE SUPPORT AND URGE par- ticipation in the March 19 Ann Arbor demonstrations for immed- iate withdrawal from Vietnam, re- peal of the draft, and approval of the Black Action Movement's de- mands. Lois Addison Andrew Hoffman Peter Bear Robert Leichtner Frithjof Bergmnn David Lightfoot Barry Bluestone William Lockwood Janis Bude Richard D. Mann Walter H. Clark, Jr. R. Van der Muelen C. L. Chua Arthur P. Mendel Tomn Corbett Nicholaus Mills ,Joseph L. Falkson S. M. Orlow Marvin Feheim John Raeburn Bruce Frier William Rosenberg James Gendin Sam B. Warner, Jr. Stephen Goodman J. J. Webrer Constance Goodman Dee R Wernette John Gyr John W. Wright David Hamilton Stephen P. Stich Maryan 11. Hoff Ernest P. Young David Houseman Brian Abner William Shepherd Paul Gingrich Clayne Pope Barry Berman Garry Fields Giacomo Gcosta Carol O'Clerieacain S'm's O'Clerieacain Richard W. England Michael Manove Seamns O'Clerieacain March 16 -hild-care To the Editor: WE ATTENDED Mrs. Fleming's Faculty Women's Club Tea yester- day. We were cordially ushered through plushly carpeted halls to a bedroom where we left our coats aside numerous minks and sables. We had come to discuss the de- mand for free 24-hour child-care facilities, with the University's supportively influential wives. We sipped tea dispensed by one of the, three silver tea services and ate some of the hundreds of intri- cately decorated crumpets. The women were involved in "polite chatter" or detailed descriptions of what their husbands were doing. These hundred or so women could afford babysitters to free them- selves so that they could attend this cordial social event. How much money was spent on this ex- clusive tea alone which could be used to finance child-care facili- ties, which could then free other women to simply make a living. WE WANDERED into Rob- bin Fleming's study where, ironi- cally, we saw the child-care de- mands sitting on a neglected pile of memoranda. Why should the University put all this money into the President's House when the money could be used toward enrolling more blacks and' setting up free 24-hour-child- care facilities? -Susan Underhill, "71 March 18 Bookchin To the Editor: I READ with much interest Murray Bookchin's piece on eco- logy and revolution (Daily, Mar. 15). It is a well constructed article that is worthy of high praise. There are, however, a few things that are not quite clear to me. Among these is the equating of anarchy with democracy. Does not democracy depend on consensus, each person giving up a part of his ideals to work towards a common goal? Yet pure anarchy seems to demand an unwillingness to con- form to the ideals of others. Anarchy depends on each in- dividual bearing the ultimate re- sponsibility for each and every consequence of his actions, good or bad. Democracy argues for a distribution of responsibility. These things seem to be quite separate. It is hard for me to un- derstand a concept of anarchy as a pre-condition for true democracy. The ideal of harmony with na- ture's balance may not be quite what it seems. Nature's balance depends on the old order giving way to the new. How is this ac- complished? The mechanism of death operates on each component organism in the system. Yet no creature wishes to die. Each hangs tenaciously to life, not least the self-aware creature we know as man. It is hard for me to under- stand a harmony with nature while negating the overriding con- cept of violence and death. Is is not true that a greater state of entropy will always be reached, even though it is temporarily re- duced or even reversed by the phenomenon we know as life? The concept of diversified power sources seems to lead to the same concept as does centralized power centers. Wind and water-powered devices disturb the "balance" of looal conditions, perhaps changing pollen dispersion patterns or changing the flow of fungus-pro- ducing spores, Introducing new patterns and changing what al- ready exists. To be sure, we live not in a static balance but in a stable matrix that constantly changes over time. At all times a balance exists, a dynamic balance, that we, with civilization try to stop. -John D. Sterbenz '70 March 16 Bylaws To the Editor: WE WOULD LIKE to express our support and urge other stu- dents to support Michael Davis in his fast for the bylaws. The bylaws are the students' main chance for institutionalizing their right to real power in decision making. Bog Nelson Mary Livingston Bob Grobe Kathy Morgan Judith Cohen Larry Klen Ken Lasser Carol Hollenshead Mark Rosenbaum March 17 Letters to the Editor should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. AS MEMBERS of the University community and of society at large, we are disturbed by the presence of military and military-con- tracting corporate recruiters at the University of Michigan and the University's continued endorsement of their activities. Therecent appearances by recruiters from the G.E.-and Lockheed Corporations illustrate this problem very graphically. G.E. contributes directly to U.S. aggression in Vietnam by its production of jet engines and other war material, and to the arms race by its production of elec- tronic systems for the A.B.M. and M.I.RN. programs. The benefits from militarism and U.S. intervention abroad accruing to G.E. include $1.6 billion in military contracts (1969)4 the second largest total for any corporation. Exploitation by G.E. domestically occurs as well: its immense size and readiness to conspire with other electric manufacturers result in monopolistic profits at the expense of consumers, who pay inflated prices. G.E.'s anti-labor practices are epitomized by its "Boulwerism," a policy for delivering a take-it-or-leave-it wage ultimatum to its workers instead of bargaining ingood faith. LOCKHEED'S INTERESTS are similar: it is the largest military contractor (over $2 billion of contracts in 1969) and is the producer of the huge C5A transport plane, which will substantially increase the capacity of the U.S. military to intervene abroad. The questions raised by these examples are fundamental. Why does the University serve and legitimize the interests of a militaristic government and of monopolistic corporations? What kinds of social values does the University perpetuate by doing so? Why has the Uni- versity administration responded to the posing of these basic questions with the use of police power instead of by critically re-examining the University's role in society? THE INTERESTS SERVED and the values fostered by the Uni- versity become evident when we observe the type of activities it under- takes. The training of military officers in ROTC programs, and the funneling of trained manpower to defense contractors not only facili- tates a foreign policy which suppresses the desire for social change around the world but also increasingly jeopardizes the role of the University as an autonomous source of social criticism. By servicing the research and manpower needs of large, bureau- cratic corporations, the University discourages demoncratic participation in social institutions and contributes to the inequality of distribution of wealth and political power. IT IS BECAUSE of these considerations that we demand an im- mediate end to all military and military-contracting corporate re- cruiting at the University of Michigan campus, and a critical revalua- tion of the University's priorities so that it may contribute more actively to the solution of the pressing problems facing our societies, such as war, racism, poverty and alienation. rw -" ,Ai Students and the University in the age of conscience (Editor's note: This is the second of a two- part analysis of university education by Prof. Arthur Mendel of the history dept. In his first article, Prof. Mendel criticized the basic assumptions which universities operate under. He argued that education cannot proceed under "the aegis of economics, the realm of means, techniques, and rationally ordered systems," but rather that "education is pri- marily a political process enacted in the realm of ends, values Judgement and choice." By ARTHUR MNDEL AS A COMMITMENT to conscience and quality radically alters the contents of education so does it change its form. And the form of education will change even more than the content. Destined to take an active part in society, to make their views heard in the determination of national and local policies, students will acquire the self-confidence for active citizenship through meaningful participation in the decisions of their universities and depart- ments. As to the actual process of study, it will differ from that of the 'functionary' at all points. Since the functionary's adult role is to follow instructions and do the as-, signed work, it is quite in order that he or she sit quietly and listen to the experts in great lecture halls. For the active citizen, something radically different is called for: opportunities for developing initiative, self- confidence, and the ability to express one- self forthrightly and lucidly; full freedom volved and committed as reponsible, ma- ture, young adults to activities they them- selves have chosen, it will no longer be necessary to hedge and harass them with rigid lecture schedules, fixed reading lists, examinations, deadlines and grades. It will also no longer be necessary to make such of individual, competitive achievement. A willingness and even eagerness to share experiences, to cooperate in their work, seems to be an attribute of the new stu- dents that, second only to social-con- sciousness, distinguishes them most from their predecessors. In a sense, it is the other side of social- consciousness, the belief that the purpose of effort is not primarily self-aggrandize- ment but communal welfare. Basically, this communalism, so strange and even threat- ening to many of the elders, is less an ideological commitment than a simple desire to share, to-be-with, and as such reflects earlier changes at the deepest level of our culture. Sometimes this cooperation is compared unfavorably with an alleged "individual- ism" of the familiar system. When we re- call again the character and the purpose of the traditional education, we realize that the manufacture of efficient func- tionaries has little in common with genuine individualism. The individual assignments, consistent with authentic voluntary coope- ration than is cultural humanism with social relevance. WITH A RICH EXPERIENCE in re- sponsible participation, and years of free inquiry, personally meaningful study, and voluntary cooperation, graduates of the new education may be able to revive our democracy. Democracy imposes a political avocation on all. This avocation has been declined, its responsibilities rejected. The ease with which our educated public has been manipulated into accepting decisions contrary to its interests, the seemingly un- shakeable apathy of the "silent" (a ter- rible confession) majority, and the com- mon conviction among them that policy and politics belong to leaders, experts, and authorities, to anyone but the people them- selves are all predictable effects of func- tionary education. When the new students Sleave the reformed universities they will be anything but silent. Vita activa will have again become, as it was in classic times, the highest goal of citizen education. There should be nothing surprising in the fact that the universities are a main battle ground for this social transforma- tion. It is here that those who will shape and guide our society must gain their ca- pacities and credentials. What is at issue in our secondary schools are offspring of significantly different conditions. They represent together a radically new phe- nomenon in world history: a "democratic aristocracy." However paradoxical, the phrase fits the subject well. For while this new class is democratic both in number and in constituency, it displays attitudes, actions and circumstances once character- istic only of leisured elites-the benefits of material security, a lengthy period of early adulthood free of obligations, and, in a manner of noblesse oblige, a sense of obligation to those left below. ON THE CAMPUSES of our.country, the concern of this new class is to remodel education to fit these new sentiments and aims-and the social changes t;at underlie them-and thereby to enable our univer- sities to educate truly free men and women, committed to humane values, determined to make their voices heard, and self-con- q fident euough to resist manipulation and false-consciousness. From a rather different perspective, one can see in this social transformation and emerging democratic aristocracy a class succession as vivid and dramatic as that through which the commercial middle class replaced the rural aristocracy. The astoun- ding success of the middle class in science, corruption of culture, and the promotion of barbaric, insane and seemingly endless warfare. Blind progress and compulsive technocracy are now being opposed as ve- hemently as renaissance men once opposed medieval stagnation and obscurantism. The "new class," thus, is exactly the op- posite of the managers, experts. techne- trons, cyberneticists and other impresarios of the "knowledge industry": All these belong body, mind and soul to the old world of bigger, faster, richer, stronger more and more. The authentically "new class" is concerned not with the technical "how" or the commercial "how much," but with the moral "what" and "why." Its proper sphere is the "ought" rather than the "is," and if it is sometimes outrageous- ly utopian and unrealistic, it is so only because what is now real is so often out- rageously brutal and absurd. IN OTHER WORDS the new class is an intelligentsia, but one that is significantly different from its historical predecessors. For, historically, the intelligentsia could only serve as ideologues for other classes, and its characteristic claims of conscience were always swamped either by the nar- row economic interests of these classes (the workers included) or by the pressures of national economic scarcity. sive engagement in citizen politics, both locally and nationally. The programs of student and faculty activists play, therefore, a crucial role in the vast social transformation that defines our era. The traditional goals for which the familiar educational system was so well suited have been rendered obsolete not through their failure, but through their success. Economic, over-production, scientific marvels, and national omnipot- ence have been won through centuries of single-minded commitment to material and technical progress. IT IS NOW overwhelmingly clear that the very survival of mankind requires that we stand back and re-evaluate the motiva- tions and goals associated with this com- pulsive maximization. Fortunately, to con- tinue this summary of my argument, the same processes that have forced this chal- lenge upon us are bringing forth a genera- tion of young men and women-the demo- cratic aristocracy-with precisely the at- titudes and motivations necessary for meeting the challenge. Our colleges and universities, finally, are inevitably a prime focus, if not the prime focus, of this reorientation of social pur- pose and action. It is here that our youth find themselves at the time they first be- gin seriously to nonder these questions: it I 4 0