THE HUBER REPORT See Editorial Page Y SAit 43tau Pad1 SEASONAL High-40 Low--22 Cloudy, cold, small chance of rain Vol. LXXX, No. 136 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 18, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages Selective Service examined . Workshops study options to draft, volunteer army (The following report was prepar- ed by Larry Lenpert, J. B. Davis, Stephanie Raporte, Eric Schenk, and Bob Schreiner.) 'A three-day protest on the issues of the daft, racism and American involvement in Viet- nam began yesterday as sev- eral workshops dealt with .4 topics relating to the Selective Service System. A coalition of several student or- ganizations at the University plan- ned the workshops as part of Na- tional Anti-draft week, called for by the New Mobilization Commit- tee to End the aWr in Vietnam (New Mobe). In addition to the workshops, held all aftefrnoon and !evening in the Student Activities Bldg., Armed Forces. recruiting films and movies by Newsreel, a radical movie-making group, were shown throughout the day in the Fish- bowl. Also in the Fishbowl, men could obtain' placards with their, draft lottery numbers, to be worn on their backs. Most of the workshops dealt with the various options to the draft. In a workshop last night on 4"the Draft vs. a Voluteer Army," economics Prof. Daniel Fusfeld spoke in favor of maintaining the draft system, while members of the Anarchist Coalition argued that the draft should be abolished in favor of a volunteer army. About 45 people attended the * meeting. Some 20 others had left earlier when a representative of New Mobe announced that one of the scheduled speakers, author Murray Bookchin, would not be present. Bookchin is an advocate Of a volunteer army. "I have recently become very cocerned with the direction the U.S. is taking in its poliry-mak- ing," said Fusfeld. "We don't have the influence over the military aspects of this society that we should have," he continued. "I'm willing to put up with the problems and cost of a W military draft, because that's one See WORKSHOPS, Page 2 SDS member identified in NYC deaths NEW YORK () - The second of three bodies found in the Greenwich Village townhouse that exploded March 6 was identified last night as Diana Oughton, 28. Miss Oughton was a member of the Ann Arbor Jesse James Gang faction of Students for a Demo- cratic Society which contributed leadership to the national Weath- ermen faction. Authorities said the brownstone on W. 11th St. was wrecked when homemade bombs being manu- factured inside accidentally blew The first body recovered on the day of the blast was that of Theo- dore Gold, 23, a SDS leader during the 1968 student uprising at Co- lumbia University. Miss Oughton's decapitated body was recovered from the wreckage four days later. A third body, of an unidentified man, was found last weekend. Disorder bill faces action Mandatory fine to be considered by state Senate LANSING (M - A bill which would place a mandatory min- imum sentence upon convic- tion of refusing to leave a state university building after the president has so requested faces final action in the state Senate this week. The Senate took no vote on the bill yesterday before recessing for committee work. The bill, which passed the House of Representatives earlier this year, would make it a misdemean- or for a person to refuse to leave a publicly-owned campus building or grounds after have been order- ed away by the chief administra- tive officer or his designee. The mandatory minimum for violating the law would be a $250 fine and or 30 days in jail. If the bill becomes law, it will be one of the few state laws re- quiring a mandatory minimum penalty - some of the others be- ing first degree murder, the sale' of marijuana, and driving with a revoked license. Left unmentioned in prelimin- ary Senate debate Monday n i g h t was the recent report to the Spec- ial Committee on Campus disord-" ers. According to Sen. Robert Huber (R-Troy), chairman of the com- mittee, the report counseled against stemming disturbances through passage of new laws. Huber, who also has carefully specified the report is that of a consulting firm and has not yet been accepted by his committee, was not present at the Monday evening Senate session, when the bill was debated. Sen. Basil Brown, (D-Highland Park), an attorney, questioned some wording in the bill and tried to send it to the judiciary commit- tee for further study. Brown said it was "totally ridi- culous" for the Senate education committee, which had dealt with the bill, to report out a penal measure "without regard to the penal provisions." His motion lost on a voice vote. Sen. Anthony Stamm (R-Kala-. mazoo), chairman of the educa- tion committee, suggested the measure was "possibly a very help- ful bill in order to restore peace and quiet to college campuses." Regents to meet with today RAM- By ROB BIER On the eve of regental discussion of the black student demands for minority admissions, six out of the eight Regents expressed general sympathy with the proposals, but indicated concern that their meeting would be disrupted by violence, and what some referred to as "coercion." The Regents will be meeting today and tomorrow in regu- lar monthly session, and the black student demands are expected to take up a "major part of the time" according to Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge). University Secretary Herbert Hildebrandt said yesterday he expects today's open hearing this afternoon to be almost -Daily-Jim Judkis Security Chief Gainsley observes Davis' protest Grad fasts for bylaw 'changes By CARLA RAPOPORT At about 6:30 p.m. yesterday, Michael Davis, Grad, took a swig of orange juice and settled down to spend his first night in the lobby of the Administration Bldg. Davis, a member of Central Student. Judiciary, yesterday morning began his four-day, one-man, fruit juice fast and sit-in to bring attention to regental inaction on the proposed revisions of the Regents bylaws. Davis is expected to remain in the lobby while the Regents meet today and tomorrow. The Regents will have to pass Davis to get to their first floor meeting room. At 6:15 last night, Rolland Gainsley, chief of University. security, announced to a small crowd outside the building that Davis could spend the night in the building, and no legal ac- I tian would be taken against*" "Pt Davis had said he was willing to be arrested over the issue, and had wa r asked his friends not to postbail ar re ere for him. He indicated that posting bail was the moral responsibility of By SHARON WEINER those who arrested him. the whorrsed hims wThe state Court of Appeals has The proposed bylaws would in- declined to hear an appeal filed crease the student's rolekin Uni- by the city of a Circuit Court versity decision and rule-making. order which enjoins Ann Arbor The Regents have already giv- from placing the Vietnam War en final approval to two of the referendum on the April 6 elec- bylaws, which create two Univer- tion ballot, City Attorney Jerold sity-wide bodies to deal with rule- Lax said yesterday. making and conflicts on campus. "It is my understanding that ether proposed bylaws call for thedCourt of Appeals has decided delegation of non-academic rule- to deny our application for leave deleain of sdno demirle- to appeal the ruling," Lax said. He making to student governments,adeththeecsohsnt and delegation of the power t added that the decision has not hear violations of these rules to yet been formally issued. all-student judiciaries. According to Lax, the Court of Appeals granted the city's motion The Regents are not expected to for immediate consideration of the approve the final versions of these application for appeal, but then bylaws at their meeting today and denied the application. tomorrow. The temporary restraining order -Daily-Jim Judkis MEMBERS of the Child Care Action Group yesterday try to reach President Robben Fleming through one of his secretaries after being told he was in conference with the executive officers. Newvell rqet child-care splan By HESTER PULLING Acting Vice President for Student Affairs Barbara Newell disclosed yesterday she has requested space for a child-care center at the University School, which will cease to operate in d June. The disclosure came in response to questioning by a group of 30 women who gathered in the second floor lobby of the Administration Bldg., and attempted, unsuccessfully to meet with President Robben Fleming on their demands for child- care facilities at the University. Mrs. Newell later said in a telephone interview that she had discussed the idea with Evelyn Moore, special assistant to Education School Dean Wil- entirely concerned with the demands. That meeting, at 4 p.m. In the Michigan Union's Anderson Room, will be similar to last month's open meeting when the Black Ac- tion Movement (BAM) presented their list of ten demands to the Regents. The demands call for 900 new black students to be admitted to the University in fall, 1971, and an eventual black enrollment to equal the percentage of blacks in the entire state. Other demands call for: -More supportive services; -Intensified recruiting of qual- ified blacks; -Increased financial aid for disadvantaged students; -A black community center; -A community - oriented black studies program. "It was a very constructive meeting last month," said Regent Robert Nederlander (D-Birming- ham). Regent Otis Smith (D-De- troit) agreed, but added, "Ob- viously the tactics of a few who would try and pin each Regent down on each item don't help even those who feel a kinship for the problem." At the public meeting the next day black students packed the Regents meeting room to support their demands. "I think the black students have done very well in presenting their program," said Regent Gertrude Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills) but she said she hoped there would not be another attempt to pack the Regents meeting. "Force of numbers isn't going to answer it," Mrs. Huebner said. "I'm anticipating that there will1 See REGENTS, Page 2x To discuss recruiting The Radical College will sponsor a discussion of the issue of on-9 campus job-recruiting today and tomorrow in a room next door to the Engineering Building office where a recruiter from. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. will be conducting interviews with students.1 Jerry Hinkle, a former systems; engineer for Lockheed and a mem- ber of Radical College said yes- terday that the discussions will "offer disincentives to an engin- eer's sanctioning of the purpose; for which his expertise is used." The discussions will also deal with redistribution of manpower so that these weapons industries cannot survive," Hinkle added. "Lockheed has been awarded over $15 billion in defense con- tracts during the past decade, in- cluding. Polaris and Poseidon mis- siles, which is why we decided to begin these activities," he said. Radical College is calling the discussions "counter-recruiting." Regent warns of coercion By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Editor Regent Robert Brown (R-Kala- mazoo) has warned the University administration not to give, in to what he called "coercion" by black students demanding increased mi- nority admissions, it was learned yesterday. In a letter to President Robben Fleming last week, Brown speci- fically blasted William Haber, special adviser to the executive officers, for statements attributed to him in news reports earlier in the month. Brown, one of the most conserva- tive members of the eight-man board, charged that Haber "prac- tically admits that the recommend- ations (of the administration for somewhat increased black admis- sions) were arrived at following re- ceipt of demands from black stu- dents." "I will not accede to demands from any group and I wil refuse to do so in this instance if a re- traction of the statement by Bill Haber is not forthcoming," Brown wrote. Brown said he would raise the question of Haber's statements at this week's meeting before a vote is taken on Fleming's seven-point plan for increased minority ad- missions. Brown. also said he had "mixed reactions" to Fleming's March 5 letter to the Black Action Move- ment (BAM). In that letter, Flem- ing said the BAM demands for 10 per cent black enrollment by fall 1973 might not be attainable, but implied that University action on the admissions question was being taken in response to the demands. In his letter to Fleming, Brown also suggested that "If our meet- ing is disrupted by any group of students or faculty I propose we adjourn immediately to a more se- cure location where we can be guaranteed police protection." The following is a complete text of Brown's March 9 letter to Flem- ing: "In reference to your letter of March 5 to members of the Black Action Movement I have mixed re- actions. I suppose it is necessary to respond to the suggestions that the enrollment of blacks be increased to ten per cent df the total enrollment in Ann Arbor by 1973-74, but it gives recognition to something which I feel has no basis for consideration. See REGENT, Page 2 es city appeal to place ndum on local ballot ruling that Ann Arbor's city char- ter does not authorize the city to place the Vietnam issue before the voter in a regular election was issued by Visiting Circuit Court Judge Paul Mahinske of Living- ston County earlier this month. The case was heard by Mahin- ske because the three Washtenaw County Circuit judges disqualified themselves from hearing it since they are all registered Ann Arbor voters. The order specifically prohibits City Clerk Harold Sanders fron having the proposals printed and placed on the ballot. The city will not take the ap- peals court ruling to a higher court, Lax said, because the elec- tion is too close. He noted that ENACT AFTERMATH the Court of Appeals did not rule on the merits of the case, but just decided not to hear it. Council had approved placing the referendum on the ballot on Feb. 17. The referendum gives the voter four options concerning U.S. Vietnam policy, ranging from im- mediate withdrawal to continued military efforts until a military victory is gained. Following Council's action, Ann Arbor resident Jack Foley filed a suit in Circuit Court claiming the city does not have the power to place the proposal on the ballot. Foley also claimed the referen- dum would distract the voters from municipal issues. Dr. Edward C. Pierce, one of the members of the ad hoc coalition of local peace groups that peti- tioned to have the referendum placed on the ballot, said at the close of Monday night's City Council meeting that "frustrations for some are very high" concern- ing the referendum. He noted that over 3,00 signed the petitions to have the question on the ballot, and said, "To our surprise, a single citizen took it to court." Pierce added that the referen- dum has been on a number of city ballots including Dearborn's, and maintained that those backing the referendum "wanted something we felt was in the best traditions of this country." Several years ago, a suit in Dearborn asking that that city be enjoined from placing a, Vietnam referendum on the ballot failed. and the voters by a 4-3 margin proceed tino l n r rnmPia bur Cohen. "I've been interested in a n d working on child-care since my daughter was born," Mrs. Newell said. "Right now we're just con- sidering the physical need and have not explored the plan in depth." "Our prime concern is lack of facilities," she added. Information on the status of Mrs. Newell's request and the like- lihood of its being accepted was unavailable yesterday. The demands of the women, who call themselves The Child Care Action Group, included: -The establishment of f r e e child-care facilities for both the University and the community, which would be financed by the University and local and federal agencies, and which would have 24-hour service to benefit t h o s e having to work at night; and -The hiring of a paid staff which would include both men and women, married and unmar- ried. Fleming was at a scheduled ex- ecutive officers meeting concern- ing the agenda for the Thursday See NEWELL, Page 2 Teach-in yields mixed reaction Chicago House wins request for inju i against IHA, no us By ROBERT JERRO The environmental teach-in appears to have succeeded in its goal of raising the level of concern at the University that environmental decay poses a danger t6 man's existence. However, many students and faculty members maintain that the teach-in. which, was sponsored by Environmental Action for Survival (ENACT), failed be- cause it did not provide solutions to the problem. "I don't really believe the teach-in was successful in accomplishing its goal of de- nArlnt w,'bn urp nan tn to efnn +*hie am saying that the environmental laws might not be enforced. One student acknowledged that she would not report a violator unless she knew that someone was already doing it. "This apathy and lethargy characterizes most of this country's contented, consum- ers," says John Witanowski, '73, "and in no event would they dream of challenging the power of their provider, the large cor- poration." They advocate honest discussion on the roots of the environmental problem. These students question the degree to which en- vironmental mismanagement is traceable An engineering student contrasted one of Nader's recommendations with the rally in which a car was demolished in a protest of auto pollution. Nader maintained that the students could urge the University, as a stockholder for General Motors Co. to pressure the company to institute anti-pollution devices in cars. Some students and faculty interviewed say Nader's approach should be expanded and brought before people outside of uni- versity communities which, they say, may already be aware of his ideas. Astronomv Pron Pf. P Wte nneer nro- By HARVARD VALLANCE cluding use of facilities in the Stu- Central Student Judiciary 1 a s t dent Activities Bldg. night issued a temporary inunc- John Koza, Grad, who repre- gsented Chicago House in the pro- tion against the expenditure of ! ceedings, charged that represent- funds by Inter-House Assembly, pending a full hearing on the legality of the organization's prac- tices. CSJ also enjoined IHA f r o m electing officers and selecting t h e student representative on t h e ation of residence halls on IHA is "flagrantly malproportioned," and that the organization violates its own constitution on matters of proxy voting and on allowing meet- ings to proceed without a quorum. CSJ decided at the outset of the A request by Chicago house to subpoena certain IHA documents was delayed until the preliminary. hearing. Koza had requested the court to issue subpoenas for "all minutes for IHA metings in the past year, all attendance records taken at the metings as well as "all constitutions that the I H A has chosen to use in the past year". Members of the Chicago House