Down-filled ski jackets, hunting jackets, and vests Snow at Downtown Honda 310 E. Washington J - .CHUANG CHE contemporary Chinese painting oil, collage and semi ink January 11--January 29 BEATLES DOUBLE FEATURE ,January draft call imit set at No. From Wire Service Reports The national Selective Service System has instructed local boards not to induct anyone into the military in January with a draft lottery number above 30. The establishment of a uniform top draft number is intended to alleviate the problems in local boards who might find themselves drafting exceptionally high numbers to fill quotas because their pool of lower numbers is not available until June due to educational deferments. The plan of Selective Service officials is to set quotas for the entire year for each state and local board. But through- out the year, each state director would also be able to adjust monthly quotas to keep each board at roughly the same lottery number. Still, many boards found themselves reaching all the way to 30 to provide the men to fill the January draft call. Most state directors questioned s a i d they believed that the issuance of induc- tion notices to men with a number as high as 30 in the first month of the lottery was an indication that men with numbers into the 300's would be draft- ed this year. However, Selective Service officials are sticking to their predictions that men in the top third of the lottery sequence have little chance of being drafted. Several explanations have been offer- ed for the fact that some boards were forced to induct men with lottery num- bers as high as 30. First of all, the January pool is t h e smallest pool of the year due to the large number of college deferments. The pool swells slightly in February as some students drop out and increases by as much as one third in June when many students graduate. Under the lottery system a man who loses his deferment and becomes eli- gible for the draft is inducted rapidly if his draft number has already b e e reached. Second, many men with 1-A dra classifications and low lottery numbe: were not given physical examination this month. The switch from calling old est eligible men first to calling men b littery number has created difficultie in examining those called before indu tion notices are mailed this month. Third, many eligible men with la lottery numbers are enlisting in t h branches of the service they want, for ing the Selective Service to take highe draft numbers to fill their quotas other branches of the service. BTOP WORRYING! f ft IS ON THE WAI ThCooloifuAdvet m of THE BEAThES sremOcreColOdU thWnOmf...mCoW RI EATMANCOLO AUITED ARTI8TIREM.% adults-$1.50 children-75c OMAI inturh SynQIcsrp Owisto)W S$.hf?.. Lmm,,d Al A. t RftN. COLOR by Dele United Artists page NEWS PHONE: three 7640552 Thursday, January 8, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three #. the news togday by The Associated Press and College Press Service 2ft Cay-Fx presns a Pandia & genanGeage Cuka Production of Lawrnce Durrls -WI~lN-sarNi ANOIJI AIMEE, DIRK iOARDE. ROERT FORSER. ANNA KARiINA. PHIIPPE NOIRET. MICHAEL YORK. *sstarring Johrn Vernon. Jack Abertson. George aks., Memhel D= PrFoduced by Pandro S ubera. Directed by Geoge Cukor. Screenplay by Lawrence B. Marcus. gaged on'Th Ae vdnh Quartet by Lawrence MDArnR Music by k Goldsamith. Panaviion" Coloa by De Lxe Yellow Sub-12:30 and 3:30 - Help-2:00 and 5:00 not continuous with° T p "MEDIUM COOL",....d I g SHOE SALE of Women's. Fine Footwear " 8 GiS WINTER CLEARANCE I of Pena Ijo-Sandler-Bass and British Brevitt Styles 25% to 50% off Also included in this sale are scattered pairs of Sandler and Goodrich Sno- Boots (women's only) VAN BOVYEN SHOES 17 Nickels Arcade No returns-No exchanges STATE DEPARTMENT AUTHORITIES said yesterday that North Vietnamese infiltration of the South has dropped so sharply they now doubt that an enemy Tet offensive will be mounted this year. State Department Press Officer Robert J. McCloskeq said U.S. intelligence estimates North Vietnamese infiltration at about 110,000 in 1969, down from 250,000 in 1968. There is official speculation that North Vietnam-Viet Cong forces will wait until the end of 1970 when American troop withdrawals may allow them to mount larger military operations than they can now without sacrificing manpower. Meanwhile, new fighting erupted yesterday in South Vietnam's coastal lowlands south of Da Nang and to the southwest along the Cambodian border. The fighting began when allied troops attempted to prevent North Vietnamese forces from taking up positions presumably for attacks on allied bases in the new phase of a winter spring offensive. * * * * ISRAELI JETS attacked Egyptian military targets within earshot of Cairo yesterday in one of the deepest penetrations into the Arab nations since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, said Israeli military command. A spokesman said the planes pounded military and industrial complexes both north and south of the capital, the closest objective being six miles from Cairo. Israel also staged a simultaneous attack on the targets along the Suez canal. * * * * THE LEBANESE CABINET ousted Gen. Emile Bustani as commander in chief of the armed forces at a meeting yesterday. The cabinet meeting was called to discuss the significance of a weekend Israeli commando raid on a border village. Bustani was replaced by Brig. Jean Njeim. Prime Minister Rashid Karami said Bustani "would soon be nominated ambassador" to a foreign country. * * * * WHITE PARENTS and their children staged a sit-in at Petal Junior High in Petal, Miss, yesterday to protest U.S. supreme court orders that moved some 250 white students to a previously all-black school. The demonstration was the only incident reported as 30 school districts started opening under the "total and immediate" desegre- gation order of the Supreme Court this week. However, the formation of many new private schools may leave many public schools more segregated than before. A TEAMSTER UNION DEMAND for wage hikes of three dollars an hour over three years for the nation's truck drivers was rejected by the industry yesterday. Chief Industry Negotiator Ray F. Beagle estimated that the wage and other demands totaled nearly $9 billion and would double labor costs. He called the demands inflationary and impossible to pay. WILBUR D. MILLS (D-Ark.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said yesterday that President Nixon can have prompt consideration of any excise tax increases he pro- poses. But Mills added that his own preference still is for control of government spending as the best way to balance the budget. The White House has not formally proposed any tax increases although Nixon has served notice whenhe signed the bill combining income tax reductions with reforms, that he will present a balanced budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The Treasury is currently working on a program of higher excise taxes. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Melvin R. Laird said yesterday the Russians could have a knockout missile force in place earlier than the 1974 forecast he made to Congress last year. Laird said that administration might have to consider strengthen- ing the country's offensive strategic forces if the upcoming nuclear arms limitation talks with Russia are not fruitful or if the Soviet offense continues to develop at its present pace. * * * * THE WHITE HOUSE has mounted a watch for the economic signals that it is time to ease up on monetary restrictions. High- officials disclosed yesterday that the question of tight money "is being thought about very seriously." Though Secretary of Labor George P. Shultz has called for an immediate loosening of the monetary strings, a White House source indicated that Shultz is well outnmbered by those who favor waiting for a clearer sign to emerge before lifting restrictions. Dr. Martin Sussman of Tufts University displays a turbine generator which he claims is pollution-free. HEATING PLANT: 'U' offer may avert engineers walkcout By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Prospects for averting a threatened resignation of most employes at the central campus heating plant brightened yesterday as union negotiators indicated that the University's latest contract offer "appeared to. be acceptable." The employes-members of local 547 of the International Union of Operating Engineers-will meet tonight to vote on the package. If the package is rejected and no agreement is reached by 7 a.m. tomorrow, most of the 31 heating plant operators plan to submit their resigna- UHRC ,hold first meetig By RICK PERLOFF University officials and mem- bers of the city Human Relations Commission held their first for- mal meeting-in closed session- Dec. 18 and exchanged informa- tion about the University's method for eliminating racial discrimina- tion. There have b e e n repeated charges by commisison members that "the University is the biggest discriminator in town" and some HRC personnel have doubted the scope of the University's efforts to end discrimination. There was no discussion of the controversial question of HRC jurisdiction over the University or of a black secretary's allegations that the sociology department fired her on racial grounds. No decisions were made at the ses, sion and another meeting between the two groups is expected shiortly. Vice President for State Rela- tions and Planning Arthur Ross chaired the meeting. University Personnel Director Russell Reister, Clyde Briggs, manager of training and counseling in the personnel office, William Cash, coordinator of the University Human Relations programs, and assistant director of University relations Jack Ham- ilton also attended. Less than half the commission- ers were at the meeting. HRC Di- rector David Cowley, assistant di- rector Robert Hunter and com- plaints investigator Ray Chauncey were among the staff members present. Some HRC members criticized the University's grievance proced- ures by which employes can regis- ter complaints of alleged discrimi- nation for investigation. They said the process was both cumber- some and poorly publicized as many employes are not aware of the steps they can take to have the alleged discrimination inves- tigated . Hamilton agreed that the griev- ance procedures could be made more accessible to employes. See U', Page 8 -Associated Press Pollution-free motor? Folk Legacy Recording Artists ED TRICKETT and the GOLDEN 11 I RING with Ruth Meyer George & Gerry Armstrong Harry Tuft Sara Grey THE BLACK STUDENT UNION presents LAW AND COMMUNITY SERVICE " law as a tool for social change " opportunities for the study of law at the University of Michigan * the law school application process tions or retire, according to Bernard Mayotte, chief stew- ard of the University's unit of local 547. The remaining operators would not report to work, he said. Mayotte added that the union's' actions would not constitute a strike. Strikes by public employes are prohibited by state law. The heating plant-located on Huron Street - provides steam heat to all central campus build- ings. University Plant Manager Al- fred Ueker said yesterday that supervisors would keep the plant operating in the event of a walk- out, and anticipated no heating problems. "We can handle it," he said. However, Mayotte said the sup- ervisors would probably have great difficulty in running some of the more complicated machines at the plant. "If they had any great problem, it could result in loss of heat to See HEAT, Page 8 City* Council delays vote on new housi City Council has postponed until Monday a final vote on a pro- posed new housing code because of newly-discovered problems in sev- eral sections of the code. The code was scheduled for a second reading Dec. 22. It passed council unanimously on first read- ing Nov. 17 and is expected to be approved again Monday. One problem which caused the postponement concern whether single-family home dwellers should be burdened by penalties for not correcting certain code violations. There was also some question con- cerning extending the time owners have to fix violations during in- clement seasons. I ng ordinance The problems involving sections of the code became increasingly apparent at council's meeting De 22. At the Dec. 22 meeting the coun cil passed on first reading a serie of amendments - many propose by members of the Washtena Legal Aid Society and the An Arbor Tenants Union. A key amendment would, in case of alleged hazards to health an1 safety, allow tenants to place the rent in escrow if the city did nc inspect the dwelling within 10 day after a complaint was filed-prc viding the owner did not sho evidence that repair work ha begun. Councilmen James Stephenso (R-Fourth Ward) and Roy Webe (R-Fourth War) and Ann Arbc Board of Realtors Executive Vic See CITY, Page 8 IF you have ANY GUESTIONS COMPLAINTS SUGGESTIONS regarding Ed. School or TEACHING . ~&TL I II I i 1111 I