Yiiin+o r '.. ' se Mirigan 4ailg Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students ofthe University of Michigan On cleaning up the semantic smog 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 14 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ (EDITOR'S NOTE: Anatol Rapo- port is Professor of Mathematical Biology and Social Research.) By ANATOL RAPOPORT EVERY LIVING system absorbs matter, extracts from it energy and tissue-building substances, and excretes the residue. Excretion is as vital to the survival of a living system as nutrition. Some substances, if not excreted, would poison the system. Others, though not poisonous, would clutter it 'up, choking off access to nutrients. An ecological system is a com- munity of organisms and can itself be viewed as a super-organism. An ecological system is so con- stituted that many waste products of some organisms are utilized by others. Animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide; plants do the reverse. Excreta and corpses of animals provide nutrients for the soil and so for plants. An eco- logical system, like an organism, depends for "survival" on a bal- ance of metabolism. *..r A 'eI. a t ,.'" ........... !....... ..................,J-. r r _ *. r ^*t ) }M "i te, ,f'' ' d1 Y{ 4Y w " ;r3'l , tax' jr?; ^%7 y!P', +t's a i ] w: I C &.' ~ :..: .1 *,R' x R d . j , , t w:t ' ;^ fs++ 1, " f "4 ,{ ,. i, t !/ S h .4 yr _ ' : 1 . . : 'n I I T HY C U R F O P O L L U T I O N 1 T O M K E T H E D A T O P RS LIVE pOwftwll WHAT WE CALL POLLUTION is the excess of waste products spewed out by man's technology, products that cannot be utilized by other organisms to restore a balance. They remain suspended in the air or dissolved in water, orj strewn along the surface of the earth. A disturbance in an eco- logical system presents a danger to all its denizens, and we are no ry9 exception. So much is generally recognized. and discussions of the evils of pollution, of environment manage- ment, of ecological balance, and so forth have become common- place. Discussions of these topics are notable morale boosters, be- cause the evils of pollution is something every one can agree on. Smog is bad for every one's lungs. No one is happy when a lake be- comes a sewer. Getting together and talking about these matters gives us a feeling of belonging once again to the human race together with the Russians and the Chinese, with ooth Dave Dellinger and with Mayor Daley of Chicago. I sus- pect this is one reason why pol- lution has become such a popular topic of discussion in the mass media. People are starved for something substantial to talk about that does not send them at each others' throats. Perhaps there is still another reason why the environment has become a dominant theme of pub- lic discussion in the last couple of years, especially in the United States. It helps keep people's at- ho served tention rivited on our govern- howitrin- ment's sins of omission instead of with its sins of commission. Sins of ator of a omission are more redeemable larked to than sins of commission. Negli- thics is a gence is less a crime than murder. end busi- THE DAMAGE resulting from a the cor- sin of ommission is more fre- t single- quently reparable than that re- placed by sulting from a sin of commission. .re in ac- Moreover it is- easier to acknowl- ntrolling edge a sin of omission than a sin restric- of commission. The compulsion to justify one's inaction is usually not as strong as the compulsion to justify's one's actions. Our government, in particular, lends a more sympathetic ear to an appeal to do something than to an appeal to stop doing something, especially since talking a b o u t doing something already gives the impression that something is being done-though I admit that Nixon's administration has developed a technique of talking about stop- ping doing something to give the impression that it is getting ready to get ready to stop. I am referring to all the talk about "Vietnam- izing" the Vietnam War. At any rate, the ENACT Teach- in is not likely to draw flak from the powers that be, as did similar convocations that originated at this University and were original- ly called teach-ins-the protests against United States aggression in Southeast Asia. NEVERTHELESS it would be a mistake, I think, to welcome dis- cussions like this one for pro- viding a common ground between those who categorically reject the present United States war policy, in particular aggressions against poor people, and those who justify it in varying degrees. It is not simply a matter of opportunism, seizing the occasion for addressing a large audience in order to beat one's own drums. Were this the motive for dragging in the war in Vietnam, I would be opposed to doing it. No, I think the war in Vietnam is entirely relevant to the subject of our discussions, and not only because the environment in Viet- nam is being ruined, perhaps ir- reparably, by our bombs and chemicals. The war in Vietnam, and more generally the United States war policy of the past quar- ter century, is a relevant topic in a teach-in on environment, be- cause environment, as it pertains specifically to human beings, in- cludes more than the physical and the biological environment. There is also a semantic en- vironment, an ocean of words in which we are submerged from in- fancy to.death. The human nerv- ous system is continually subject- ed to a barrage of words. They come to us from other people, from boxes installed in our living rooms, and from sheets of paper that many of us hold before our eyes for several hours a day. This barrage is as much a part of oui environment as the air we breathe. THE SEMANTIC environment shapes our thoughts and directs our actions. Almost everything we do, we do because we have been told at one time or another that we 'must or should do it, or that we will derive profit or pleasure from doing it. We do what we do because we are bound by con- tracts, promises, and obligations, all enforced predominantly by the power of the word. We behave to- ward others because of the way our and their social roles have been defined by words. Ordinarily this is as it should be, for social life would be im- possible if our actions were not channeled, coordinated, and re- stricted by words. However, as is 4i the case with every human inven- tion, symbolic language is a mixed blessing. We commit crimes and atrocities because criminal and atrocious acts are called duties and manifestations of virtue. As technology progressively separates the killers from the victims, the killers' expertise can be described as scientific research, or states- manship, or mastery over a mir- acle or cybernetics, instead of as virtuosity in planning, facilitating, committing, and getting away with mass murder. SEMANTIC pollution convinces people that participating in de- vastating other peoples' lands is discharging a duty to one's own country; that killing hundreds of thousands of human beings of both sexes and all ages, and mak- ing paupers of millions of others, constitutes a defense of freedom.. Over twenty years ago George Orwell prophesied that ! by 1984 people of the Atlantic Community (what we now regard as the hub of the Free World) would solemn- ly believe that war is peace, that freedom is slavery, that truth is falsehood, and that love is hate. There are still 14 years to go, but it is several years since the United States Air Force has adopted its slogan "Peace is our profession." Or, if you will, take the definition of military target in an Air Force manual: "Any person, thing, idea (sic),. entity or location selected for destruction; inactivation, or rendering non-usable with wea- pons which will reduce or de- stroy the will or ability of the enemy to resist." (from the USAF ROTC manual entitled Fundamentals of Aerospace Weapons Systems) IT IS INSTRUCTIVE to exam- ine samples of Spiro Agnew's "swinging style," as a well known West Coast semanticist admiring- ly describes the Vice President's eloquence: ".. . Disruptive demonstrations aimed at bludgeoning the uncon- vinced into action . . "; "The Vietnam Moratorium . . . is not only negative but brutally coun- ter-productive . . . ."; "It appears that by slaughtering a sacred cow, I triggered a holy war . ." In commenting on these pic- turesque metaphors, M u r r a y Kempton writes: "A 'slaughter' is what one does to a sacred cow; a 'trigger' is what sets off a public discussion. The only bludgeon is in the larynx. To be brutal is to be Dr. Benjamin Spock speaking to a lunchtime crowd in the Federal Triangle. The epithets we wope out in real horrors are confined now to mere annoyances." (New York Review of Books, March 12, 1970.) While we are mobilizing against the pollution of our air, our water, and our soul, we ought to take a long hard look at our semantic en- vironment, at the poisons secreted into our language, at the way the arteries and veins of human com- munication become clogged with the excretions of conventional wis- dom. We ought to look around for suitable means of getting rid of an awful.lot of verbal garbage. Cleaning up. the semantic en- vironment is not the sort of task that we Americans undertake with gusto and confidence. We prefer technological tasks where the goals are clearly specified and for which implementing institutions already exist. MUCH OF THE enthusiasm for proposed measures of environ- mental control reflects the rela- tive ease with which the problems can be stated in technological terms. To be sure, we do not have adequate implementing institu- tions; but these could conceivably be established within the existing institutional framework. The task of cleaning up the semantic environment is of a dif- ferent order, especially as it per- tains, to the semantic pollution that legitimizes war as an instru- ment of foreign policy and makes war machines appear as bulwarks of national security. Neither tech- niques nor implementing institu- tions are available for removing wastes and poisons from our se- mantic environment. On the contrary, some of our most revered and cherished in- stitutions could not exist without this waste; and these poisons. In particular, the war-making insti- tutions and their vast industrial' - and academic auxiliaries wax fat and powerful on their own seman- tic excreta. To save the environmen Soak the rich!. EVERYONE WHO IS anyone is in town this week to celebrate the ENACT Teach-In., Corporate officials - decked out in the garb of "socially conscious businessmen" -bemoan the worsening condition of our air, land and water, and in the s a m e breath nominate themselves as repair- men-in-chief. Politicians proudly intone that to save our 'environment, they are prepared to spend more than ever before. And both businessmen and politicos bring us a single message: Trust us to do the job. BUT DEPENDING on the m o r a 1 con- science of private business is sport for lotus-eaters. The corporations' main con- cerns are profit, accumulation, and pow- er. They will entertain other fancies only so long as they don't detract from those main concerns. Automobile manufacturers r e c e n t 1 y swore up and down that they'd gladly hire black "hard core" unemployed and give them decent jobs. Came the business squeeze and the scramble f o r markets, and all "unnecessary" costs were cut - including t h e promised jobs. Business- men's promises about working conditions, price stability, and general ethics have met similar fates - not just because in- dividual corporate heads a r e "evil" or 'dishonest, but because they have no choice. Their world determines their de- cisions. The late Walton Hamilton (wr long years as government liaison dustrialists) related: "An opera bituminous coal mine once rem a government official, 'Them et luxury we just can't afford.' A ness executives who fail to serve porate interest w i t h a devou mindedness are prone to be rep others whose consciences are mo cord with the interests of the c group." Self-enforcing business tions are daydreams. AND WHAT of the governmen ised spend-spree? Question: foot the bill? The general p ul course. But the destruction of vironment engineered by private is w h o 11 y the result of mana self-interested priorities. Why o general public to foot the bill to after the corporations? Understanding the futility o ing" corporate goodwill and de to place the burden of envir clean-up where it belongs, theI people have a way out: tax the tions the cost of restoring the ment. AND THEN, once we've learned efits of soaking the rich, we to the list of tasks for them to fi -BRUCE LEVI Editorial Pag NEVERTHELESS, ,the task of cleaning up the semantic environ- ment is as vital for the preserva- tion of human life as that of puri- fying the Air, Water, and Earth. We must keep in mind that in ad- dition to these three "elements" of the Ancients, there is also a fourth-Fire. Fire cannot be purified, as some imagine who talk about '"clean" hyldrogen bombs. Fire must be controlled. And it is the only one of the Four Elements that was not given to us by God. We make it ourselves. Our semantic environ- ment directs the use to which we shall put this "element" whose modern name is Energy. If we do not clean up our semantic environ- ment, we shall certainly destroy ourselves with Fire. Then clean air, clean water, and clean earth will be of no use to us. 41 t's prom- who will blic, of the en- industry agement's )ught the clean up f "trust termined onmental American corpora- environ- the ben- can add inance. NE e Editor Environment and power Letters to the Editor For a volunteer army SINCE 1948 THIS COUNTRY has labored under the burden of a conscript army. Despised by the young, the left, and the right, the draft is now under close official scrutiny which may well produce a volun- teer army by 1971.t And yet, faced with this happy pros- pect, some are having second 'thoughts. These critics fear that a volunteer army would become a mercenary army, com- posed of poor whites a n d blacks, and which would pose a standing threat to American democratic government. This "threat" critics document w i t h specious analogies to the Greek, Spanish and South American experiences w i t h power-hungry heads of professional ar- mies. Such analogies ignore the funda- mental differences ' between the condi- tions in those societies and conditions in the United:'States. Much m o r e fruitful lessons can be, veloped the kind of dangerous, personal- istic loyalties to individual commanders which American critics foresee. AS FOR FEARS that American blacks and poor whites would constitute a high proportion of a volunteer force, there is only one answer:, if this is true, it reflects upon the inequities of the so- ciety itself rather than the volunteer ar- my concept per se. The solution lies not in scrapping the concept but in reform- ing the society. When confronted with arguments such as these, defenders of the conscript army usually play their last ace. They claim that the cost of recruiting and maintain- ing volunteers would prove too great a financial burden for the taxpayer. In fact, a recent study of the volun- teer army proposal indicated that such a program would likely s a v e the public By LARRY KAHN (EDITOR'S NOTE: Larry Kahn is a member of ENACT and the Ann Arbor International Socialists.) HE MAMMOTH dimensions of the attack on our environ- ment are just now beginning to be understood. The role of the oil-transportation complex in this attack is one of the most glaring. The oil spills in Santa Barbara and from the Torrey Canyon are le- gendary for their damage to the surrounding waters. And of course, automobiles make an equally no- torious contribution. The only solution to these prob- lems which government officials have proposed is the institution of minimal statutory "pollution lev- els" on industry. Even if passed, the significance of such measures would be limited at best. In the past, government bodies created ostensibly to curb industry's abuses have evolved in fact into handmaidens for those same in- dustries. In the meantime, the govern- ment plans to continue purchasing millions of dollars' worth of in- secticide-poisons, helping to sub- sidize that industry's booming 10- 20 per cent annual growth rate. It will continue to shield the oil in- dustry's destruction of the Alaskan environment with the Oil Import Quota, the Oil Depletion Allow- ance, and the "relocation" of na- tive Alaskan populations from po-. tential oil-yielding lands. Busi- ness, though hampered by some restrictions, will continue largely as usual. THE ROOT problem involved in pollution - as in most o t h e r critical issues today - is the con- trol of industry by a relative hand- ful of men who are responsible only to themselves. These men have been able to control the na- tural resources of this nation and much of the rest of the world, and to employ them in ways yielding not the greatest good for the greatest number but for the great- est profit in the shortest time. Our environmental crisis is the social consequence of their private pow- er. It is painfully (literally) clear that the nature and effects of pro- duction and its ownership must be viewed today as a social (not a private) concern. Production must be madectonserve social not nar- row class needs. How can this change be ac- complished? While some short- term improvements are possible, the only guarantee of industrial responsibility is the democratic control of industry by the people. Such control will be wrested from the present class of owners only through massive political and eco- nomic struggle. Serious devolution of power from the few to the many never takes place in the absence of such compulsion. TO ACHIEVE the democratic ownership of industry by t h e people will require a long, hard, and determined struggle =-and one based on the majority of the population and those with the social force necessary to win the battle: i.e., the American work- ing class. Nor is this pie-in-the-sky. Con- cern with environment is a n y- thing but unimportant for work- ers. And in their case, concern is matched with social power. Last month in Chicago, for example, workers went on strike against an employer, demanding an end to the plant's pollution of a nearby river. The strike was a success. Such actions are worth bushels full of Arthur Godfrey speeches, SO WHEN Nixon grandly 'an- nounces 'that it is the American people who are to blame for the pollution problem, he is correct in one sense: by allowing an ir- responsible minority to control na- tional production, we are to blame. When we relieve these gentlemen of this control and democratize American industry, we will h a v e solved our problem. 'To the Editor: SACUA has expressed fears that the recent political actions of SDS have endangered the University as a "free market place of ideas.". About the only correct analysis SACUA made was that Michigan is a market. The University charged the Tenants Union thou- sands of dollars for the Events Bldg. last summer. The Teach-In On Repression was charged for workshop classrooms. Yet Dean Hayes has offered free use of all LSA facilities to ENACT. THE CONSEQUENCE o this particular University action are small, but the policy behind it is not. The University is far from a haven of free thought. The Uni- versity will support groups (un- fortunately like ENACT) that do not endanger the status quo. It will directly repress groups like SDS to the limits its "free thought" advertising image will let it; the rest is done through the "law and the courts." ENACT's fear that the teach-in "is one of the best kept secrets on campus" is well founded. ENACT has, surprisingly enough, further entrenched the "Myth of Super- technology." People really believe that all one has to do is toss some money into the technology box and everything will be cleaned up. ENACT, as well as anyone, should know that radical social changes are necessary. As long as the US gobbles up world resources and exploits its racial and eco- nomic colonies, both home and abroad, there is no hope. ENACT has allowed itself to be seriously' coopted. ENACT has become the van- guard of the Nixon policy. Pol- lution is now a safe and clean issue. The subversive science has been subverted. Wake up. drains away money otherwise available for fighting bollution, about saving our environment, and ,then to hear students booed off the stage whenever they dared to be specific and relevant, to call for actidn against the University which both contributes to the operation of the Vietnam war and allows recruiting by the very cor- porations most responsible for ecological destruction. And then how hypocritical to hear the ma- jority of the people attending the rally cheer when speakers con- gratulated them on their dieep commitment to saving the Earth's environment. Commitment means much more than attending a mass, "groovy" rally .... -etty Gittelman '69 March 12 Question To the Editor: This week's teach-in on the en- vironment has ignored one im- portant question: what is the ecology of mankind? The old idea of a man-dominated environment has been discredited. Where, then, does man fit in? -John J. Sterbenz, "70 Mar. 13 Right point wrong reason To the Editor: BILL LAVELY has a point in opposing an all-volunteer army- but for the wrong reasons. The danger is not that a volunteer army may revolt against a "genuinely liberal" government in 1984-for this society with its present political system cannot produce a government that would be hostile to the army, and cut it back. The danger is that a volun- teer army will not revolt against 4 low Zf I I I -VAII .l