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March 14, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-14

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Mostly cloudy and cold,
possible snow flurries



4 Vol. LXXX, No. 133

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 14. 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Paaes



I .Z7, , 1 _.w7,


New ruling may
affect draft status
of some 'U' grads
The granting of draft deferments to many graduate
students who are fathers may result from a ruling by a
Federal Court in Detroit.
A ruling by District Judge Talbot Smith earlier this week
held that if a graduate student has not previously held an
undergraduate II-S draft deferment since 1967, and is a
father, he is eligible for a III-A fatherhood deferment.
Harold Hood, chief of the civil division of the U.S. attor-
ney's office in Detroit, said no decision has yet been made
by the government on whether to appeal the ruling to the
U.S. Court of Appeals.
Judge Smith's opinion states that the Selective Service
System had exceeded the terms of a provision in the draft
- law which bars the granting
of fatherhood deferments to
(1 etS egitrants who were granted
T . picIkietsII-S deferments since 1967.
A regulation adopted by Gen.
Lewis Hershey, former director of
off ice of the Selective Service System, had
extended this prohibition against
fatherhood deferments to include
DA II n fathers who had been granted
graduate draft deferments since
By RICK PERLOFF SIt was this regulationuwhich
By RIK PELOFFSmith ruled "illegal because it is
Sylvia Joseph spoke into the founded on an erroneous inter-
telephone. "Mr. Dahlmann," she pretation of the (Selective Serv-
began, "This is Sylvia Joseph, one ice) act, and unauthorized there-
of your tenants. There are a large .by."
number of people out here who Col. W. J. Meyers, deputy direc-
-want to see you." tor of the state Selective Service
Miss Joseph, a member of the System said yesterday he did not
w Ann Arbor Tenants Union's repre- believe the ruling would affect
sentative assembly was standing the draft status of many gradu-
in the Church St. office of Dahl- ate students in Michigan.
mann Apartments yesterday after- "If more than a hundred stu-
noon, and around her were 30 dents in the state are affected, I'd
other union members who earlier be surprised," Meyers said.
had picketed the office. "Most of those students quali-
They were now sitting-in to fied for III-A deferments under
protest Dahlmann's denial of rec- the ruling have -either already
ognition to the union as the bar- been inducted or are deferred for
gaining agent for his tenants, other reasons," he said.
She was speaking on a long dis- However, another official said
tance line to Dennis Dahlmann, nationally there were "thousands"
the owner of the buildings, who of students potentially affected
was in Florida. Py the ruling.
Sixty-eight per cent of the ten- Several University officials yes-
* ants in his six buildings have terday said they were unable to
signed petitions indicating their estimate the number of University
/willingness to be represented by students affected.
the Tenants Union in .collective The ruling resulted from a suit
bargainingts .oi filed last July on behalf of Uni-
Two weeks ago, several union versity graduate students Stephen
representatives from, Dalmanns aGregory, James Hovirs, John
buildings met with him, but he Sharpless, Richard Silverman, and
#refused to recognize the union. Thomas Clements.
Dahlmann has been unavailable In his opinion Judge Smith
for comment on his reasons for wrote, "The crunch here is that
not agreeing to recognize the these plaintiffs before us have
union. neverghad a pre-baccalaureate, un-
During the telephone conver- dergraduate II-S deferment under
sation yesterday, Dahlmann agreed the act. Hence they are not pre-
to hold a second meeting on the eluded from the fatherhood It-A
_ subject with his Itenants at 1 p.m. by the express terms of the act,
next Friday. and any construction of interpre-
He said he would be returning tation contrary thereto is obvious-
to town earlier in the week, but ly unlawful, as is any regulation
wanted some time to study a ten- grounded upon such misconstruc-.
ant-landlord contract drawn up tion."
by Dave Yoder, one of Dahlmann's Smith's order instructs the Se-
bynnt Daendermeonerof tere-lective Service System to reclassify
tenants and a member of the rep- the plaintiffs and all other regis-
resentative assembly.trtsn haplcbeaegy,
The contract includes provisions trants in the applicable category.
for an eight month lease and the Smithaordered that theruling
establishment of more clearly de- all graduate students in this draft
fined grievance procedures for category.
tenants. The class is specifically defined
Before the phone conversation, as all Selective Service registrants
office manager Joseph Hargett of- who "have a child or children
fered to set up a tenative appoint- with whom they maintain a bona
ment next week between union fide family relationship in their
members and Dahlmann, explain- homes," are not physicians, den-
ing, "I can do everything possible tists, or veterinarians or in an
to arrange a meeting. Mr. Dahl- allied specialist category, and who
mann will' definitely be back in have not received an undergradu-
town next week." ate II-S deferment under the 1967
However, Hargett agreed to call draft act but who may have re-
Dahlmann when pressed by union ceived a graduate II-S deferment
coordinator Steve Burghardt to under the act.

arrange a definite meeting time. The decision by the federal gov-
It was' then that Dahlman was ernment to appeal must be made
reached in Florida' and Miss within 60 days of the ruling. Mey-
Joseph discussed the issue with ers said it will be made by the na-
him. tional Selective Service office along
The group plans to picket again with the justice department.
next Friday prior to the meeting "The decision will take at least
with Dahlmann. See DRAFT, Page 8





See related stories on Pages 3 and 8
Sen. Edmund Muskie last night asked Americans to
remove the poisons of hate and fear from their minds, along
with the pollution from their environment.
The Maine Democrat, following a panel on the causes of
pollution, emphasized his basic belief in the potential of
American society and urged students to work within the
political system, however slow it may be, to achieve their
Departing from his prepared text, Muskie presented his
vision of "a whole society, rich in the diversity of its people,
rich in their potential," an outpost of life on a fragile planet.
Much of the diversity mentioned by Muskie was evident
in the noisy audience of 2,500 that overflowed Pioneer High
School's auditorium and gym-


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
SEN. EDMUND MUSKIE (D-Maine), left, and Ted Doan, right, president of Dow Chemical Corp., last night spoke to a crowd of
2500 on the causes of environmental decay. The presentations took place at Pioneer High School.

Ecologist addresses

By DAVE CHUDWIN at the rally but Senate action on
Wielding yellow and orange , the voting rights bill kept him;
flowers, ecologist Hugh Iltis told a in Washington. Hart is scheduled
noon Diag rally yesterday that en- to lead a walk along the banks of
vironmental reform was important the Huron fiver this morning at
because man has a basic need for 9:00 a.m. beginning at H u r o n
wilderness and nature. 'High School.
Iltis, a University of Wisconsin
"Wilderness preservation is for professor, told the rally that ge-
man's sake," he said to a crowd netically, the man of today is+
of about 1,000 people. "We have to almost the same as the Neander-
save the flowers because man thal man of 50,000 years ago, and
needs them for his physiological even similar to the pre-human
and emotional health." apes from which modern man de-
The rally, sponsored by E n - veloped two million years ago. I
vironmental Action for Survival "You are genetically condition-
(ENACT), came on the third day ed not to Ann Arbor or to Chi-;
of the University's environmental cago, but to the African veldt from
teach-in. where you developed," Iltis ex-
Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich) was plained. "We need our evolution-
scheduled to be the main speaker I ary companions in nature." I

He added that while cultural
adaptations can be changed, gene-
tic conditioning is relatively per-
manent. He called "flower child-
ren" people who are trying to get
back to nature.
Iltis also discussed the harm
to the environment which he said
was caused by pollution and man's
exploitation of natural resourc-
es. He said that pollutants have ef-
fects on children that do not show
up for many years.
"Look at yourselves," he t o 1 d
tie crowd. "You look like a bunch
of asparagus shoots - white, pale
and sickly."
Citing the London smog of 1954
which, he said, killed 4,000 people.
Iltis maintained that something
must be done within the next 20

ra lly
years to stop air, water and noise
pollution, and the "rape of the
wilderness" or it will be too late.
He noted that ending environ-
mental decay will cost an immense
amount of money and urged that
the money being spent on the Viet-
nam war be allocated to preserving
the wilderness and stopping pol-
"There are too many 'eco-idiots'
in Washington," he said. "We've
got some late-century fossils -run-
ning the show."
Iltis called for a political and
economic revolution, but made
clear he thought it could also be
accomplished through the normal
political procedures.
Agreeing on the need for politi-
cal action, U.S. Rep. Paul Mc-
Closky (R-Calif) urged the crowd
to help select environmentally-
minded legislators in next No-
vember's congressional elections.
However, Murray Bookchin, an
author, maintained that more fun-
damental changes are needed in
society to fighting environmental
"It is inconceivable that with
our present social structure we
can live with the natural world,"
he said. He claimed that a hier-
archial, competitve society is in-
consistent with the integrated
way in which nature operates.
He urged, the audience to op-
pose efforts to develop oil re-
sources in Alaska's North Slope,
claiming such development would
upset the delicate balance of na-
ture there.

nasium, where a closed-circuit
television carried the speeches
of Muskie and the other
None of the speakers escaped
some heckling, with United Auto
Workers President Walter Reuther
and Dow Chemical Corp. President
Ted Doan bearing the brunt of it.
The verbal riot continued inter-
mittently throughout the four-
hour marathon program.
Guerrilla theatre presentations
attacking Dow were given outside
the auditorium before the program
Muskie described the American
people as the most powerful estab-
lishment environmentalists have
to face and asked students to un-
dertake the challenge of "enlight-
ening them, motivating them and
getting them to act."/
Admitting that change within
the system is often slow, he said
that within his lifetime he has
seen attitudes change on issues
such as abortion.
"You have to have a little pati-
ence to sell your ideas," he con-
tinued. "I'll listen to you and ac-
cept some of your ideas and I
hope you'll listen and accept some.
of mine.
Muskie said he is concerned the
environmental issue does not be-
come "a smoke-screen that will
obscure the overall crisis of life
in America."
Recommending a "total strategy
to protect the total environment,"
the lanky senator ridiculed Presi-
dent Nixon's balanced budget as
"balancing" more funds for the
space program, arms research and
the supersonic transport than for
air pollution, housing and higher
education. '
Muskie adroitly handled ques-
tions, some of them unrelated to
the environmental issue, with
puckish humor and occasional
evasion for almost an hour.
A panel as diverse as the audi-
ence disagreed about the root
causes of pollution earlier during
the confused event.
Reuther, Doan, author Murray
Bookchin, population expert Ans-
ley Coale, moderator Morton Dow
of Prudential Insurance Co., eco-
logist Lamont Cole / and natural
resources Prof. John Bardach each
gave individual presentations and
fielded questions from the audi-
Doan, who was interrupted sev-
aral times by members of the
audience, said that technology is
necessary to our 'standard of liv-
ing. "We have opened Pandora's
box and cannot close it," he said.
During the question session,
Doan avoided comment on charges
that Dow herbicides are being used
to defoliate Vietnam by asking
Reuther if auto-workers would
stop making cars which produce
See 2500, Page 8<

Protest of
A demonstration called by Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
to protest on-campus job recruit-
ing by 'Atlantic Richfield Co. fail-
ed to materialize yesterday, as the
recruiter did not hold interviews
with students.
According to engineering Prof.
John Young, director of the En-
gineerng Placement Service, the
recruiter was able to complete his
scheduled appointments with stu-
dents during his first visit gon
That visit had been marked by
the dumping of oil and feathers
on the floor and steps of the
West Engineering Bldg., where
the interviews were being held.
One student was arrested in that
Speaking during a noon rally
sponsored by Environmental Ac-
tion for Survival (ENACT), SDS
member Fred Miller called the
non-presence of the Atlantic-
Richfield recruiter "one long vic-
tory in a long struggle" which
SDS has proclaimed against cor'-
porations maintaining ties with
the University.
As part of this campaign SDS
has recently sponsored several
demonstrations against on-cam-
pus job recruiters. The radical or-
ganization maintains that the
corporations are imperialistic, ra-
cist, and are making a profit out
of U.S. military activities abroad,
particularly in Vietnam.
SDS members said their rea-
sons for opposing Atlantic Rich-
field were partially ecological.
SDS leaflets accused the com-
pany of promoting conditions
that could possibly "scar Alaska's
tundra and permanently destroy
the ecological balance of a mas-
sive region of Alaska."*
Theleaflets explained that the
dumping of oil and feathers sym-
bolized "what Atlantic-Richfield
stands for-oil and a destroyed
The student arrested in Thurs-
day's incident was Tova Klein, '71.
She pleaded not guilty to a charge
of malicious destruction, a misde-
meanor, and was released on per-
sonal recognizance to face trial on
April 20 in District Court.
About 20 other persons have
been arrested during the recruiter
protests since they began in

Nationwide bomb threats force

thousands to evacuate

By The Associated Press
Bomb hoaxes by the hundreds,
punctuated by a few actual blasts,
plagued cities in many parts of
the nation yesterday, apparently
the chain-reaction result of ex-
plosions earlier in the week on the
East Coast.
. Although there were no injuries
in any of these incidents, thou-
sands - among them, Secretary
of State William Rogers - were
forced to evacuate schools, fac-
tories, public buildings and sky-
scrapers while the premises were
searched for explosives.
Many of the anonymous bomb
threats appeared to be work of
psychopaths. But a New York City'
official also attributed the wave
of real and threatened violence to

militant youths and leftists "play-
ing with revolution."
About 300 persons were evacu-
ated from a building on the De-
troit campus of Wayne State Uni-
versity. A General Electric plant
in Newark and a New Jersey state
office building there were targets
of anonymous threats, as was
nearby Essex 'County College.
Police said an explosive device
destroyed a jewelry store, one of
22 shops in a suburban Pittsburgh
shopping mall. A blast ripped
through a night club in Washing-
ton, D.C., and authorities said it
could have been caused by a bomb,
although they did not rule out a
gas leak.
Three gasoline bombs went off
in a New York City high school,

and a fire at West High School in
Appleton, Wis. was attributed by
fire officials to incendiary devices
thrown through windows.
A bomb threat kept a Boeing 747
jet owned by Trans World Air-
lines on the ground in Los Angeles
while a search was undertaken.
The jet took off 90 minutes late
on a flight to New York. a
Secretary Rogers was forced to
vacate his Washington office
briefly when two teen-age boys
shouted at a guard that his state
department quarters harbored a
bomb. Rogers moved across the
hall to continue a conference he
was holding with several uniden-
tified persons.
In New York, phony bomb
threats came at the rate of almost
one every six minutes, and bomb
squad experts raced across thedcity
on an around-the-clock schedule.
For the fourth time in three
months, 1,000 persons were evacu-
ated from the 50-story General
Electric Co. headquarters on Lex-
ington Ave., and the street was
closed to traffic. It turned out
that a nervous tenant had mis-
taken a cleaning device for a
bomb. "We're pretty well drilled
here now. We evacuate a lot faster
than we used to," said one GE
New York's City Council Presi-
dent, Sanford Garelik, formerly
the top uniformed officer in the
police department, called the city
a battleground of "armed urban
The latest wave of explosions
h~man Mnnd Av n ip ht when a h1n z

Hays favo
In the aftermath of the confusion and,
confrontation created by the suspension of
Robert Parsons, literary college Dean Wil-
liam Hays has acknowledged he is unhappy
with the present rule-making and disci-
plinary procedures in the college and has
presented his views on how they may be
Reiterating his adherence to a principle
of "common interests" between students
and faculty, the dean says he favors joint


rs discipline changes

the upper hand in purely "academic mat-
ters-such as curriculum."
"There's going to have to be defined.
various communities of interest between
students and faculty," Hays says.
In his view, these communities of in-
terest might be divided into three areas,
which can be summarized as follows:
" Rules which would govern what Hays
terms "behavior outside the academic set-
ting"-he said he was uncer ain what this
would cover-should be arrived at and en-

hearing board's rulings could be handled
by an all-student court, such as Central
Student Judiciary (CSJ).
9 Rules which would govern what Hays
calls "behavior in the academic setting"--
such as in the classroom-would be arrived
at and enforced by bodies with equal stu-
dent-faculty representation.
Currently, such rules are also contained
in the Faculty Code, which Hays says has
been in existence for a considerable period
of time.

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