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March 12, 1970 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-03-12

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Page Twelve


Thursday, March 12, 1970


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In eonto ftem dr rsso ucnrle ouaingo tadi
view of the fact that every individual bears responsibility toward its solution I (we)
Spledge: (a) to limit the number of my (our) offspring to two children. D-
r, I
(b) not to have any more children. [
(we) call upon all people wishing to have more than two children to consider
1 r,
Sadoption as an alternative to adding to an already overcrowded nation.
I, ,
I # ,
,r I
' I (we) agree to my (our) signature appearing in local or national news media
jalong with many others, calling upon other people to make the same commitment. ~
I, r
'II fI
r ,I
Marital Status______________Number of Children_______
*I ,r
El mE
i i Environ mental Action for Survivalr
2534 Student Activities Building and/or
146F School of Natural Resources
i a ~The. University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104;
I r (313) 764-4410r
Mwwwwwwwmwmmmm mmmwrwwwrwrrwwmrrwwwwwwwwm ww wrmwmmmrrmrwwmm wmwmwmmmmmwwwwmrmmwwwwwww mmrwwwmmwwww mr mwwwwmmm mmmmma minmmq
..wmmm mmwmumwwmmmwmwmmmmmmwmmrwwrwmmmmmmwwswmmmmmmmmmmwmmwmmmmmmwmmmmmwmmmmmmmwwwmmmwmwwwrmwwmwmmmmwmmmmwmmrmm!

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The following individuals -- students, faculty members, and local residents have signed the above Pledge of Social Respon-
sibility agreeing to limit the number of their offspring to two children.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. David Hessler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Siano
Mr. and Mrs. John Gissberg
Mr. Theodore Gribas
Mr. Jonathan Le~e Machth
Miss Andrea Dlesk
Miss Barbara Olds
Mr. Howard Brown
Mr. Tom Hartman
Mr. Lewis E. Waxman
Miss Judy Coakley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierotti
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heffer-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monteith
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chua
Rogaci Wabby Lasheen
Miss Alice Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howes
Miss Donna Hoff
Miss Connie Freier
Mr. Steven Roger Cole
Mr. Frank W. Kelly, Jr.
Dr. Snehendu B. Kar

Mrs. Rhoda Johnson
Miss Linda Oldham
Mr. /Charles Stanley Schmidt
Mr. Frank R. Cajka, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wade
Mr. Neal Kamin
Mr. H. Allan Crowther, Ill
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers
Mr. Alan C. Wilde
Mr. Lawrence A. Kuhnke
Miss Elana Cutler
Mr. Douglas M. Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hoeft
Miss Diane Kay Newman
Mr. Russell Prince
Mr. William F. Seck
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Main
Miss Jennie Mo
Miss Janet Chute
Miss Carolyn Bloom
Miss Jessie Ann Kaufman
Miss Kristin Lems
Miss Carolyn Cohen
Miss Sylvia Johnson
Mr. Kerry Walter

Mr. Thomas George Warsinske
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clark
Miss Leelyn M. Johnson
Miss Thea Teich
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Pattee
Miss Barbara Cressman
Mr. Donald R. Clark
Miss Holly Eckenswiller
Miss Linda K. McGarroh
Miss Cheryl Lee Bristah
Mr. Pierre Prodervand
Mr. Robyn Shotwell
Mr. Peter Eliot
Mr. Stephen J. Newhouse
Mr. and Mrs. David Allan
Miss Marcia Scully
Mr. J. William Levinson
Mr. Douglas W. Scott
Mr. Toby Cooper
Miss Susan Harding
Mr. Philip Canti no
Mr. Ethan Van Eck
Mr. C. Augustus -Dundas
Miss Kathy Horsley
Mr. Thomas K. Doezema

Mrs. Jo Ann Davidson
Mr. Alfred Maley
'Mr. Charles C. Everhardus
Mr. Thomas Prior
Mr. Bruce G. Mocking
Mr. Richard N. Rosen
Miss Patricia Marian
Miss Mary Susan Radtke
Miss Rebecca Kreag
Miss Lucia Gates
Miss Kathie Cook
Mr. John S. Wendt
Miss Sue Steigerwalt
Mr. George Coling
Mr. Lawrence Steffruow
Mr. George Beram
Mr. and Mrs. William Drucker
Miss Judy E. Silver
Mrs. Jamila -Naeem
Mrs. Diana Sammataro
Dr. James Swan
Diane C. Drigot
Mr. Sander Orent
Mr. Charles Johnson
Miss Nancy K. Hertberg

Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Colwell
Trina Kivisto
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huffing
Mr. Wilton E. Dillon
Mrs. Barbara Hanley Sullivan
Mr. Robert J. Grosso
Mr. Hal Frederic Schulte 1ll
Miss Kathy Detwiler
Miss Lynne Sot
Mr. Paul Platt
Mr. Bill Huss
Mr. Thomas G. Kuzma
Mr. Kenneth Hosto
Miss Lisa Glauser
Mr. and Mrs. John Trautmann
Mr. and Mrs. John Tanton
Mr. Elliott M. Simon
Mr. Charles Stephen Chapman
Miss Karen Cayo
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lockwood
Miss, Marilyn Schorin
Miss Shari Danch
Mr. Andrew Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Barnes
Mr. Marc Rosenberg

Mr. Alan Mintz
Mr. Gary Gross
Mr. Jonathan D. Rand
Miss Meredith A. Riekse
Mr. David Polant
Miss Lori Lebow
Mr., Howard L. Kahn
Miss Martha Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Kon ieczka
Mr. and Mrs.: Martin C.
Miss Christine Ward Gailey
Mr. John M. Donaldson
Miss Jan M. Darrah
Miss Renee Siegan
Mr. Robert Kerr
Miss Nancy E. Harris
Miss Jacqueline Ann Janes
Miss Elizabeth Louise Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Davis
Miss Linda Susan Snoddon
Mr. J. Timothy Johnson
Miss Luann Frey
Miss Jo Ann Eschelmon

Mrs. Thelma P. -Walker
Mr. and Mrs.. Arnold Kluge
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sharik,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Vanft Hui
Mr. and Mrs. David Patch
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Borysiatk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zahner
Mr. Thomas ,Friel
Mr. C. Warren Cressman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hodges
Mr. David S. Kleinman
Mr. and Mrs. Elkan Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Forsythe
The following, who already
have more than two, pledge
themselves not to have any
Dr. and Mrs. David P. Bingham
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Win. P. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Brown





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