Tuesday, January 1 , 197U
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Soviets reject
peace plan
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
j sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f r m to
Room 3528 L. S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Stuc gn organization notices a r e
not accepted for publication. F o r
more information, phone 764-9270.
.Day Calendar
Continuing Education for' W o m en
Discussion: "Educational Therapists -
Speech Therapy and Remedial Read-
ing: 330 Thompson St., 9:30 a.m.
Departments of Physics, and Astron-
omy joint theoretical & nuclear collo-
quium: H. Yj Chiu, Goddard Center,
"Neutrino Astrophysics": P & A Col-
loquium Room, 4:00 p.m.
. Cello Sonatas(Beethoven) - Jerome
Jelinek, cello and Rhea Kish, piano;j
Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:00 p.m. I
School of Nursing Discussion: Joh-
ann Parker, M.S., R.N. and Carolyn
Stoll, M.N.Ed., R.N., "The Role of the
Clinical Specialist in Improving Patient Market Opinion Research, Detroit,
Care": W5603 University Hospital, 8:00 Programmer. Fortran IV exper, statis-
p.m. !tics orientation. Manager of EDP de-
--- partinent, masters math, stat, comp.
sci, communic. sci. or MBA with stat
General N1 otices and programming interest, exper ne-
Political Science 783 make-up exam State of Michigan, travel about state,
will be on Monday, January 19 at Conservation Resource Planner, BA plus
3 p.m. in room 5605 Haven Hall. 1 yr. or MA. Inventory Manager, BA
School of Social Wrk and theHis- econn bus. ad. 8 yrs. exper bus.
try Department Lecture Series- The mgmt, exper.
Black Family. Herbert Sutman, P r o- Girl Scouts of America, Lansing and
fessor, University of Rochester, "A re- Alpena openings, Admin positions.
examination of persistant myths about Lapeer State Home and Training
the Negro family in American history". Laheer, Sae oec a lniainingc,
East Lecture Room, Rackham, W e d- School, Lapeer, Mich. Clinical 5 a c.
nesday, January 14, 2:00 p.m. Worker, MSW plus 0-2 years.
Botany Seminar: Dr. Ronald Fore-
man, University of California "The SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE
Origin and Significance of Carbon Mon- 212 SAB, Lower Level
oxide i the Floatn fthe Bull Kelp: Nlnterviews held at SPS, 212 SAB:
Nereocystic leutkeana (Mertens). P. & Davey Tree Company, Kent, 0Ohio, '
R.", Wed., 4:15 p.m. 1139 Nat. Sci. interviewing Jan. 15, 9-5, offering exper
in landscaping and tree work, good pay,
room avail, outdoor work.'
Camp Tamarack, Fresh Air Society,
GENERAL DIVISION Detroit, January 16 from 10-5. Openings
3200 S.AB. for cabin counselors; spec. in waterfront
arts and crafts, nature, campcraft, trip-
Current Openings, inquire about these ping, dramatics, dance, music; unit and
at 3200 S.A.B. or call 764-7460. Browse asst. unit supervisors; caseworker;
through directories, and other listings. truck-bus driver; nurses; counselors
Oakland Community College, west of with emotionally disturbed children;
Pontiac, Biolffmicroblol lab tech part counselors for marionette theater.
time. Applications for Argonne National I
Bond Warehouse Service, Detroit, IE Laboratory Student Aide Program are
methods and time study. due Jan. 15, must be past Jr. year by
State of Michigan, openings in Ing- June '70.
ham county, Education Information Trainees Exchange Office, Helsinki,
Executive, EdifJour ,bckrnd, BA min, Finland, has openings for two students
and exper. Drug inspector, BA and reg. in traffic planning, open to srs, or grad
pharm. students, apply before Jan, 31.
LONDON UP1)-Russia's latest
note on the Mideast, disclosed
yesterday, shows Moscow reject-
ing eight of 10 major American
proposals for Egyptian-Israeli
- The Soviet document, handed
to Secretary of State William
P. Rogers, Dec. 23, contains a
point-by-point c r i t i c i s m of
O.merica.'s most recent version
of a Middle East settlement.
This version, submitted to
Moscow Oct. 29, deeply upset
the Israelis, who protested it
seemed suspiciously like ap-
peasement of the Russians and
Moscow seems to dislike it for
the opposite reason.
"We believe that in its pres-
ent form the document is of a
one-sided pro-Israeli nature,"
the Russian note states.
In particular, the Russians
withdrew their former accept-
ance of a U.S. move to start the
peace talks using the so-called
"Rhodes formula." This plan
brought the antagonists to-
gether on the Greek Island,
though not face to face, in 1949
when armistic pacts were signed.
"It would not be expedient to
move this question of the
"Rhodes formula" to the fore-
front in view of the sharp dif-
fe "ences which have recently
emerged in interpretation.."
the note states.
The hitherto-secret Soviet
communication was made avgil-,
able by diplomats in London on.
the eve of another meeting of
Big Four envoys in New York
seeking to settle the Mideast
The Big Four currently are
trying to revive the mission of
United Nations mediator Gun-
nar V. Jarring of Sweden. With
British backing, the Americans
had suggested "marrying" key
elements of the rival American
and Soviet peace plans. The aim
would be to produce a fresh but
"neutral" directive for Jarring..
But in their note the Russians
object claiming, "We do not
see sufficient ground for a joint
Soviet-American document."
They argue that in the pres-
ent state of tension it would be
unjustified "to shift the main
emphasis" in peacemaking from
big power exchanges to Arab-'
Israeli exchanges through Jar-
The Russians list point by
point their objections to the key
American proposals for a settle-
ment. Some of these are:
-The Americans had suggested
a maximum three-month. time
scale, but the: Russians want a
predetermined t i m e t ab le of
withdrawal inside two months;
-The Americans had pro-
posed peace begin as soa1 as
the two sides deposited their
final accord with the United
Nations, but the Russians say a
'"de facto effective cessation of
the state of war" should take
place when Israeli troops start
pulling back-and that a "da
jure legal" cessation of war
should begin when the with-
drawyal has been completed,
-The Americans had sug-
gested the two sides themselves
should agree and then define
their frontiers, but Russia in-
sists any joint declaration must
record that "sovereignty of the,
U.A.R. over Sharm el Sheikh
guarding Tiran Strait is not put
in doubt";
-The Americans had pro-
posed that the Gaza strip ter-
ritory should be the subject of
talks among Egypt, Israel and
Jordan under Jarring's auspices.
Gaza, formerly part of British
Palestine, has never been legal-
ly wrapped into Egypt, but Rus-
sia believes Gaza is "an Arab
territory" which must be re-
stored to its pre-1967 status,
meaning Egyptian-run, a n d
that Israel has no right to a
voice in its future;
-The Americans had sug-
gested all territory evacuated
by Israel should be demilitar-
ized, meaning in particular all
of Sinai, but Russia insisted on
"the principle that it should be
possible to establish such zones
on both sides of the border."
-The Americans had proposed
the 1.5 million Arab refugees
should have the right to choose
between repatriation on the
basis of an agreed annual quota
and resettlement outside Israel
with compensation, but the
Russians call unlcompromising-
ly for Israel's fulfilment of all
past U.N. resolutions, which
have said nothing about quotas.
-The Americans had pro-
posed guaranteed rights of qual-
posed guaranteed rights of
passsage to ships of all nations.
including Israel, but Russia
qualifies this by saying rights
of passage should conform with
the Constantinople Conven-
tion of 1888. This means Egypt
could shut the canal to any na-
tion with which it was at war.
-The Americans had propos-
ed international waterways with
freedom of navigation pledged
to the ships of all states for all
time, but the Russians said
"q u e s t i on s of navigation
through these waters must be
considered and solved in con-
formity with generally rec-
ognized principles of interna-
tional law which will guarantee
to a sufficient degree free pass-
age" for all ships. For Western
powers and Israel this suggests
their use of these waters could
be challenged at any time and
that they would have to estab-
lish their rights of passage pe-
riodically in the World Court of
Support the Campaign for
The National Welfare Rights Organization, the
Washtenaw County Council of Churches, and the
Huron Valley Chapter of the National Associa-
tion of Social Workers - in cooperation with
Community Advocates for Welfare-are spon-
soring a Welfare Dinner to be held January 15
at Zion Lutheran Church,1501 West liberty.
Proceeds from this dinner will go towards a leader-
ship development program which the members of the
Michigan Welfare Rights Organization have re-
quested, aimed at teaching welfare recipientsthe
fundamentals of welfare law so that .they may begin
their struggle by knowing what their rights are. This
is a "seed" program in that the women trained here
will in turn train other groups of mothers.
Dinner will be served from 5:30-7:30. Speakers from
Washtenaw County Welfare Rights Organization and
Michigan Welfare Rights Organization will speak to
these issues at 7:30. Tickets are $3.00 per person,
$2.00 per student, and $1.00 for children under 12.
FOR TICKETS CALL Mrs. John Cooper, 971-7049, or
Council of Churches, 663-9511, 761-0930
office of Religious Affairs 2282 S.A.B. 164-7442
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dian employers.
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